Hello b

Hello b.

I hate my life rn.

I joined the navy reserves when I was 17, that was fuck up #1. I should have gone Marine Corps.

I just got back from my initial training last year. I was gone for a year. The reserves is terrible. The navy doesn't take care of us, we get shit training and attention, this is bad for those of us who actually give a shit and want to be productive or go active at some point.

I'm in college rn. I just can't do it anymore, b. It's terrible, it's not hard, it's just not for me. I'm going for an engineering degree. I just hate being home, I want to deploy, do my time, get mine. But it's impossible to have a military career in the reserves. I've hit some kind of ceiling.

Idk what to do with my life. Everything just feels so wrong, and I have no one to talk to.

I'm on the verge of dropping my precal class, not because it's hard, I just don't have any motivation anymore, I have no drive, no will to continue.

I just want to give up, but I can't.

The canton (star field) is always displayed at the upper left.

Who is this b you speak of?

just go full on navy service and continue ur life from there on after you get a skill so u can easily get a job afterwards. donald trump will give the military a pay raise breh ;) and the VA will definitely take care of you hence, "make the VA great again"

I suppose you're right, it's just a random picture that I posted.

Too lazy to do the //

I guess, but that's IF he wins. I'm still voting either way.

I don't even know if I want to continue with the navy. They have destroyed an amount of motivation that I've had. I feel as if they've failed me, by not using me to my full potential. No, I couldn't care less about the navy. Getting anything done within the reserves is a fucking joke.

Feel you dude, I'm the exact same except I went Army Reserve
Honestly if you hate it that much you should consider switching to active. Don't know how it works for you guys, but here some guys switched in two months

I'm actually considering army active. I spoke to a recruiter, he said he could get me into 18x and if I fail I'll get 11b. Which I would most likely fail. Idk if I want to fail though.

Going active in the navy is impossible, my job is overmanned.

If I go to the corps I'll get dropped down to e2, and I busted my ass in my 'A' school to get my e4. Idk if I even care about rank anymore though. I might as well be a DEPer. I ain't done shit.

Look into the Merchant Marines. If I were young and single, I'd do it.

>I should have gone Marine Corps.

What makes you think the Corps would even want your whiney faggot ass?

I might just do that. Would you mind elaborating?

That is a very good point my man

....and half the world doesn't know where its next meal is coming from.

whine whine whine. leave and try and make it in the real world you pussy


If you're bitching about how the fucking Navy of all branches doesn't take care of you well enough or pay you enough attention, the Marines sure as shit isn't for you.
Neither is Army 18 series.
Just some straight talk from a salty 0311.

Why don't you just finish your degree and commission?

Its the fucking navy. Quit being a pussy. Whyd you go reserves anyways?? You wouldnt even make it through boot camp in the Marines with that mentality

Or army infantry

Get out of the armed forces and do literally anything else

Girlfriend. I'm still with her though.

Well, what I mean is that we are left with nothing, like we're not even in the military, everyone's uniform looks like shit, they're fat as hell, leadership is extremely incompetent. I feel no pride only shame.

Oh fuck that. Dont hold back YOUR career for a girl. Plenty more women down the road. Its your life not hers.

She's great though, I couldn't ask for someone better.

But you are right. I was 17. Trust me, if I could turn back time, I'd be in the Marines rn.

If you were really willing to do this shit just for a girl, might as well live for her