I have studied the Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity...

I have studied the Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) for 15 years and now am studying Mesopotamian mythology. AMA.

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What have you learned?

That all religions are invented by men to create social cohesion, and what one believes today is nothing like what others of the same religion believed in the past

How much do you expect to earning after you graduate?

I do not expect to eran much at all, theology is not a very lucrative profession

Yeah, can I have a footlong Meatball Marinara please?

that will be 7.50 please

What do think about this premise? religionnews.com/2016/09/21/new-book-claims-the-old-testament-drew-extensively-on-platos-writings/

So you spent the better part of your life studying different mythologies.

Why did you do it then? What kind of job will you be looking for when you graduate?

Abrahamic writings suck ass.....the devil likes it

15 years?

i did it for teh lulz, ok?

It is possible that Plato had some influence on early Judaism. But Judaism is roughly4000 years old and is a very vast subject so no real answer can be given other than logical consistency.

Came her to post this/similar

what's the best part in the bible?

Yes 15 years, started when I was 14 with Christianity then Judaism, then Islam, Mesopotamian mythology had a huge impact on all 3 like Zoroastrianism for example.

in the beginning

The best parts of the Bible are the synoptic gosples Mark Matthew and luke as the demonstrate the inconsistency of the Jesus narrative. Makes sense as they were written at different periods in time

>That all religions are invented by men to create social cohesion, and what one believes today is nothing like what others of the same religion believed in the past

K. Thats baby's first comparative theology.
Did you really need 15 years of study to reach that understanding?

Time well spent i guess.

I study them for personal enjoyment and to engage in debate with believers and non-believer alike...maybe write a book IDK

Yes and No, I could have stopped after reading the Bible and the Qur'an and the Torah but I enjoy it so I kept going.

>that moment when op realizes he wasted his life.

Gotta call bullshit on that.

You did not learn that "all religions are invented by men etc" by reading the Bible, Qur'an and Torah.

You didnt really study religion, did you? Thats just wishful thinking on your part.Come now, admit it.

Did jesus even exist ?

Considering that I am only 28 and have a great job taking care of wpeople who are at the end of their life, I would say my life is nowhere near wasted

The consensus on the existence of Jesus by historians and theologians is that he most likely existed, but my opinion is that he is a myth. It is hard to prove one way or the other.

>taking care of wpeople who are at the end of their life
>great job

So what you change some living corpse's shit rag and wash their own filth off of them. Yeah great job faggot. I bet you like to abuse them as well right?

was ther ever a eureka moment when yyou realized religion was all made up bs

But I did learn that, there are many examples to demonstrate that all religions are invented by men for social cohesion, the code of Hammurabi is what people today call Judaio-Christian values. Religion is different from philosophy because religion requires creeds and doctrines based on some divine authority.

My eureka moment was after reading the Bible cover to cover the first time, as I was born into a Christian family and after reading the bible I realized that it simply cannot be true

>the code of Hammurabi?


Any questions on Islam? My experience us that this is a subject that is misunderstood by many.

Nah, i'm good.

Why are you getting yourself in so much debt to read story books?
Have you contributed anything of worth to society, not including your academic field?
Who got it right?

>All that studying
>Still doesn't know how to reply to a post properly

No debt to be had, as most colleges allow people to attended any class for free, I may not get an official degree or anything but it is of no importance. As with a degree I would not make much money anyway. I contribute to society by paying taxes. On who got it right I would say no one as all divine claims are supernatural by definition and cannot be verified by any natural method. Religion is by it's very nature personal to specific cultures and periods of time. Christianity alone proves this by examining the different interpretations from the gonestics in the 1st and 2nd century to Catholics in the 4th century to Christians as a whole today.

No I do not know how to properly reply to post if you could teach me I would appreaciate it.

Easiest way is to just click the post number (to the right of the time stamp)of who you want to reply to.

As someone who hasn't read the bible in it's entirety I'm curious to know about the Old testament vs. the new testament.

Is there really a good enough reason to simply dismiss the contradictions in the two?

Thank you!
The Old testament is actually the covenant of Moses, this is the revelation on Sinai where God revealed himself to Moses through the burning bush and laid down the 613 laws they must abide by, the ten commandments or a summerisation of these laws, and circumscion was how the Israelites solidified this covenant. The New testament is written entirely in greek, it's main message is that Jesus was the messiah of Jewish prophecy would would bring the kingdom of heaven down to earth and the dead would live again in paradise along side God. The best reason to dismiss the truth of the NT is that it is largely the product of Paul's teachings as most of it is simply letters that Paul wrote to other people after his conversion on the road to Damascus. Pual was a figure who showed up somewhere between 30 to 70 years after Jesus was crucified.

Also note that what we view as the Bible today was actually a product of the Ecumenical councils where the Romans took the 66 independent books of the Bible and complied them into one big book, various books where rejected such as the Gospel of Judas, The gospel of Thomas and The Gospel of Mary. The books of the Bible where all written at different periods in history and the contradictions are because they were never meant to be one big book at all, if you examine the Synoptic gospels of Matthew Mark and Luke you will see different interpretations on what Jesus did prior to his crucifixion, this is because Mark was the first written and Mathew and Luke are copies of Mark. Note that the actual authors of these books are not really known, the names given happened after the fact.

What is the most interesting thing you have read and can you point me to it plz

That posted at you btw

There are a couple of things that I find interesting, first is the book God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens, the man knows A LOT about religion, 2nd is the Lectures from the Great Courses by Professor Bart Herman titled From Jesus to Constantine, Bart is a professor of New Testament Studies at Liberty University, 3rd would be Bertrand Russel's book why I am not a Christian, and 4th would be anything written by David Hume.