Cred Forums vs Russia, who will win?

Cred Forums vs Russia, who will win?

also vote for Cred Forums's new logo
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Принимайте эмигрантов, у нас двач закрыли

We're not Europe, no immigrants are welcome

Rolled In thread


Nice trips

Lions when attack at night.

Я буду кидать картикни с русскими словами и вы не будете знать значение перевода

Cred Forums. russia will get mired down in the furry and trap threads and when they troll the rekt threads, we will suck them dead. woops.

A gde vse?

Russian can lose morale. Cred Forums can't.

Попизди тут

I hope that russia wins and liberates us from American opression of free speech.

Cyka blyat idi nahui my commrades.

Сам ищу

Russia will expend every bit of it's resources against Cred Forums and maybe send their best boxer to get rekt before half their people are eating dogs and children to survive and Cred Forums still thrives.

See Cold War***

Кидай уже здесь все свои.

We love Cred Forums too.

We play Dota as well

Как же здесь(на форче) уныло!

Я устал, я ухожу.

Amerifag here. Russia really isnt the enemy, the enemy is the media saying that all of us hate eachother when we really dont. One step closer to 4chans world domination is adding the
com/b/ros to the army. Just my insight

Надеюсь на Cred Forums мемы с котами так же ценятся как и у нас
I hope Cred Forums memes with cats as well appreciated as we do

Пока штормит двач из за отсутствия денег, потусуемся здесь комрады

they're not trips

Сюда бы этого старика...



Ребят, тут еще русские остались?