UN oversight of the internet is near

UN oversight of the internet is near.
~Id like to know how are you guys preparing for this obvious shake down?

-user browsers?
-Tor? i2p?

Storing every meme on a HDD which i intend to preserve for future generation so they may see the cancer the internet was before big brother fixed it.

good show old boy, on a SSD i hope

Everyone will have to homepage WorldStar HipHop as not to be a KraKKa "ray-ciss"

Too expensive.

White supremacist memes are not worthy of silky smooth SSD storage.


The UN is a joke. If the fucking UN had any temporal power then do you think the world would be as fucked as it is right now with all of the major powers running around doing whatever the fuck they want?

UN, come and monitor my internets. Just like in Liberia, all your cuck ass can do is observe. You can't do shit. You'll never stop me. I'm gonna fap to Bailey Jay until I tear holes in my dick skin. Fuck you niggers.

but it is yet another organisation to add to the list of bodies that record your activity.

What are you talking about? Surely not that ICANN nonsense...?

I'd be far more worried about the fact that the U.S. government has decided that use of anonymity software is grounds for a search warrant, and a search warrant isn't even necessary if the government wants to use malware to plunder your private data in a way that would result in decades of jail time for a citizen.

ICANN is completely inconsequential. It has no power to do anything interesting.

except isnt it the oversight of domain registration? no?
which if the UN wants to mass censor the surface web that would be a huge foothold to do so.

Conform, get into politics, fix it.

Lol, fuck they gonna do? I look up my hentai on Bing, ffs.

Microsoft literally paying me gift cards to fap to anime characters.

so because it doesnt effect you directly you arnt concerned with the larger agenda?

>anime pic
>i am preserving memes


its not about you, you have the mentality like you are the center of your universe.

go self gratify yourself some more and dont bother posting

what are you 12yo?

>so because it doesnt effect you directly
It does. Now, the whole world can see I'm a faggot deviant

>you arnt concerned with the larger agenda?
What agenda is that? "I see you fapping! I... can't do anything about it... but... I... see it."

Besides, as I'm in IT, and will be opening some things soon, I'll enjoy undermining their bullshit anyway, just as a big, happy "FUCK YOU BITCH!". It'll be funny. XDdddddd

i actually mentioned SSD because data lasts longer on those... so if user wanted to show the future generation, a standard HDD would probably be corrupt in 20 years


>What agenda is that?
its about a global database of categorizing and profiling the population. you sound like those people who say "you have nothing to fear if you arnt doing anything illegal"

>isnt it the oversight of domain registration? no?

ICANN does two things, primarily: It assigns blacks of IP addresses to regional registries who in turn assign smaller blocks to ISPs and such, and it handles administration of root DNS servers. All the root name servers do is refer people to the authoritative name servers for various TLDs. So, administration of root name servers means that ICANN can add and remove TLDs, and that's it. The TLDs themselves are managed by private organizations like Verisign. Those organizations accredit registrars, who are responsible for domain name registration.

If ICANN does something totally stupid with the root DNS servers, people can simply configure their operating systems to use a different one. All that matters is that most people use the same one. That means that the only real power ICANN has is the assignment of IP address blocks. All IPv4 addresses are already assigned to regional registries, which means that they only have IPv6 addresses.

>What agenda is that? "I see you fapping! I... can't do anything about it... but... I... see it."

so you dont even mind being spyd on and your activity logged is what you are saying?

thanks thats a bit more specific, appreciate it

>its about a global database of categorizing and profiling the population
Ok, to be serious, though, what even is this all of a sudden? I actually haven't heard anything like this.

Who are they supposedly operating with?

>you sound like those people who say "you have nothing to fear if you arnt doing anything illegal"
Well, I actually DON'T disagree with this one. I don't particularly believe the term "illegal" is applied correctly, that is to say, laws need to change, but who the fuck cares if someone's monitoring you, as long as they don't BOTHER you?

(Not that I trust the UN, or any existing government today, and would only EVER consider cooperating with them if I PERSONALLY thought someone was dangerous (or they flagged up my system))

If they want profiled stuff, just make sure the new sites we'll use generate bullshit data to turn their profiler into Metric Fuckery. It's not THAT difficult. Limit metadata that might be of use to them, generate bullshit and/or make your sites overly dynamic, so nothing is directly related, and if you have the tech to spot bots, block the shit out of them (this is the most complex part).

As long as they don't contact me, I couldn't give a shit, tbh.
I have no interest in drugs, alcohol, tobacco, overly creepy porn (especially considering that I have little interest in even REAL people. 2D > 3D), so as long as they don't try to talk to me or limit my own research goals, who the fuck cares?


found the newfag

> I actually haven't heard anything like this.
dude you have most definitely heard of the NSA and GCHQ creating databases for profiling people. what do you think Snowden was even doing? what i am asking is if people consider the UN to be power grabbing just like NSA ect.

>who the fuck cares if someone's monitoring you

quite a lot of people actually do give a fuck that this is happening. its the principle of infringing your rights regardless of suspicion.

>just make sure the new sites we'll use
yeh its all fine and dandy for some of us that are half tech savvy and can mostly obscure ourselves ( though never 100%), but im talking about the general population that are oblivious that this is going on.

so regardless of your innocence... you have no concern with being profiled and monitored? would that not bother you if you were being monitored in person? because its the same principle

Well, yeah I've heard of Snowden and the NSA.

I don't know if the UN is trying to "power grab", because THAT is what I've heard nothing about.
Furthermore, the UN is bullshit. It'd take them AT LEAST a decade to even attempt to implement something on that grand of scale, and by that point, there will be numerous ways around it.

>quite a lot of people actually do give a fuck that this is happening. its the principle of infringing your rights regardless of suspicion.
I don't really agree with these people. I support security over privacy in most cases, but I am aware that ANY existing government would fuck up the implementation, because they are stupidly interested in controlling PEOPLE, which is retarded.
So, that's also why I also have no problem with the many people out there who will fuck up their plans on small and/or large scale. Because the government is broken and run by greedy fucks.

>yeh its all fine and dandy for some of us that are half tech savvy and can mostly obscure ourselves ( though never 100%), but im talking about the general population that are oblivious that this is going on.
What do you think I'm working on, lmfao? You get people in with Social Media, since that what they want, then use that money to create paradigm shifts at such a rapid pace no one can keep up.
It's planned obsolescence for the opposite reason it's used today. Rather than, new tech replaces old tech for more money, it's more money to constantly replace older technologies (and ideas)

Essentially, lure people in with the idea of business, but the only goal is actually research and changing shit.
>"Hey, you got a nice service here!"
>"Wow, I can't believe Microsoft went under after so many years! Who would've guessed they were building an operating system and emulators behind my back!"
>"I wonder when they came up with an idea of an independent island in Space! I never saw that coming!"

Damn straight you didn't see it coming; you're a sheep.

>so regardless of your innocence
Not sure why this even has anything to do with it.

>you have no concern with being profiled and monitored?
It happens constantly, anyway. Ads I see on sites are fucking annoying, because they act like they know me (which they don't. They're usually irrelevant and useless).

I mean, let's be fair here: What can knowing what I like and don't like, where I go and what I do affect me?
Go ahead. CCTV every street corner. Monitor what I buy. Maybe after about the next 2 fucking centuries, it'll actually be USEFUL to me.
>would that not bother you if you were being monitored in person?
Depends how in my face they are and what they do with it. You wanna know what I ate at 6:15 PM on last Thursday? Cool, you're a fucking idiot, but neat; it was a damn Wendy's burger and a Starbuck's Chai Latte. IDK how that helps you, but you're wasting hard drive space holding it.
You wanna keep track of when I'm gonna go in my tub and fap?
Neat, maybe you'll remind me to pick up some more shampoo early this time.

So, you checking me from the street corners (not that I go outside much)? You watching me in cameras?
As long as you don't got tagging me automatically on my posts, and you don't use me for advertising, it doesn't really matter.

>I'm not even challenging you. I'd legitimately like to see why people care so much. Because I'm not capable of understanding it with my current knowledge of myself.

>because its the same principle
I think I covered that

very true... very true words.
>ANY existing government would fuck up the implementation
i can image that a natural cycle would repeat. smaller systems of decentralized gnet gaining popularity as Tor and i2p did, then the larger scale having to adapt to such... making it obsolete and forcing new versions to be developed. maybe im getting too ahead of myself though.

i can agree with that, would be interesting to see what your working on.

>an independent island in Space! I never saw that coming!
heh reminds me of Elysium

It is a noble undertaking. thank you.

>regardless of your innocence
this was included because you are only supposed to be monitored if there is reasonable suspicion on you. yet it is happening anyway

>It happens constantly, anyway
thats exactly the point, your data is sold

>What can knowing what I like and don't like, where I go and what I do affect me
Again... you are only seeing yourself in this situation. its not personal, its an automated system, its all correlated and indexed. it makes it easier to build a psychological profile of you. and no they dont need a person to do that its all automated.

>As long as you don't got tagging me automatically on my posts, and you don't use me for advertising, it doesn't really matter.

well thats where your opinion is very different than mine... you are basically saying that you are ok with forfeiting. As if being ignorant of something makes it ok

>i can agree with that, would be interesting to see what your working on.
Start with social networks and advertising, then use the funding to expand into an OS and all necessary software as well as the necessary emulation to allow current systems to interface with it, so ofc still take Microsoft's and Apple's customers even though it's not their system.
Think WINE on steroids. (while simultaneously offering our own alternative)
Then, once it's become large enough to self-fund and self-grow, start dumping like 70-90% of the profits into research on various Quantum applications, cold fusion, and Space Mining and stuff.

My interests are very different than these stupid governments. For some reason, they want to control people's minds. I'm interested in controlling only nature itself.
The reason this would at least work for me, is because I am incapable of seeing money as anything more than a medium of exchange, so it means nothing on its own.
It's ONLY a way to create an eventual mass human exodus and the most powerful technological jumps in history.

>For simple explanation: I don't want money, I want a space caravan. I don't want to become popular with the masses, I just want to have several neighbors in space with me. I don't want to show off my wealth with a garage of Lamborghinis, I want to show off my skill after researching how to use Applied Quantum Observation (this is my theory on Telekinesis) to manipulate reality itself, and then maybe have some friendly contests with others doing it. Reality is my toy, not people's minds. Governments are dumb for thinking otherwise.

>it makes it easier to build a psychological profile of you. and no they dont need a person to do that its all automated.
I disagree with this. I have never once been successfully profiled by anything other than a Myer's-Briggs Test as INTP. THAT fits me almost to a 'T'.

>and no they dont need a person to do that its all automated.
I imagine they wouldn't, but so far, that has never once helped me pick the best items to buy, and it hasn't helped me do anything else. It's all useless data. It benefits no one, except on the RARE occasion a targeted ad ACTUALLY helps me make a decision.

>you are basically saying that you are ok with forfeiting. As if being ignorant of something makes it ok
I don't understand what I'm forfeiting; this makes it sound like a battle. It's all generally-useless data that can't be used for much.

>As if being ignorant of something makes it ok
No, not really that it's being ignorant. I compare it more to "Do you really care if some Savant happened to memorize what classes you went to today?"
It's useless garbage-data.
Are you gonna punch them in the face until they forget? That doesn't solve anything. Whether they forget or not, it doesn't matter that they know.

I'm not being 'ignorant' of it; I just don't care, because it doesn't DO anything

>It's ONLY a way to create an eventual mass human exodus and the most powerful technological jumps in history.
completely agree, money is of course only a tool for exchange.

>Think WINE on steroids
i can see your approach here, you clearly know a fair amount of OS dev.

>So.... maybe what we agree is that new OS development or just software .. would be an important step to giving the general populous more control of their own data, while also putting the tools to protect their own identity in their hands? ....... such as household encryption software

>Quantum Observation (this is my theory on Telekinesis)
this is where you lost me though... Quantum computing is ridiculous, its thought theory is prone to false positives because it deliberates all possible outcomes. ( this section has become very off topic )

>I don't understand what I'm forfeiting
my bad... i left out the word privacy.
you are forfeiting your privacy rights because it doesnt seem to effect you overtly

so if someone walked into your house and stood there all day while you were out at work... you wouldnt care? because they didnt "DO" anything? they still invaded your privacy