Join the of a World Geo class with an SJW lesbian teacher with edgy names

Join the of a World Geo class with an SJW lesbian teacher with edgy names

Class code- 839572

Will update new codes in thread (and reactions if possible)

Thanks personal army. Many keks were had last time.

on it, Harambe's Ghost reporting in


Pizza here

IRapeFeminists on duty

busta nut reporting

Hugh Mungus here

onlytwogenders here

HangAllNigs here

Fuçk N¡ggers here


FaggotFace reporting for duty

Hitlerdidnothin here

Patriarchy4Ever here

are they going to release hitler did nothing wrong yet? I really want some

HomosShouldDie be ready


y'all are doing great making questions take long enough for the whole class and no homework



TheWageGap reporting in

ONLY 2 GENDERS reporting for duty.

Answer quickly. She is cutting it off early so yyou beautiful bastards don't show


200%NIGGER here

Send pics

FaggotFace here! Going into MAXIMUM SPEED as we speak.

benis tied with pizza

The faggots changed my name from NIGGERS to subway:(

Game over. rip

post points faggots

I got 4013



how bad was her reaction

Figganaggot reporting in

Bitch I got 2016

4376 biatch

4,544. Beat that, faggots.

Nice game guys. if we play again I'll update

5.9k something


Fuck. Only got 1.5k.


Did you get any pics? If so, post em.

HitlerWasRight here

She said she would download the list of people to see "who was playing around" lmao

vaginaballs reporting for next game.


Tfw 39th place

Upstage anal from Keks 11th reporting in

Can someone explain this?

How use kahoot?

NiggersMustFie reporting in


"You're in! See your nickname on the screen?"
And no, no I fucking don't...

Alt-Reich reporting

its in th classroom

killthekikes reporting in

Whats her name? Or a students name. Lets get him blamed for this

NiggerDykeKikes reporting for duty

GasZeJews reporting in. Is it still going?

Google 'kahoot'
Click "Kahoot!"
Copy paste OP's code
Enter edgy nickname

Can you explain this? It appears I'm a retard... Never used the site.

I just keep seeing the "You're in!" screen...


Lovely, I guess Hitler did have the right idea..



Nope, game ended. Also checked.