I have had this for some time, can someone identify it? It is somewhat itchy if that helps...

I have had this for some time, can someone identify it? It is somewhat itchy if that helps. I think it is fungal infection but fungal med I bought didnt help yet (at least I cant tell the difference). Can you Cred Forumsros identify it? Should I be worried? Also a virgin so that should limit the options. Also post your diseases here to be identyfied.

Almost looks like just a bunch of ingrown hairs. If not, try keeping the area moisturized. Dry skin will do that. Not a medfag, just giving my 2cents based on experience

Your going to slowly turn into a lizard man

Probably Ringworm

You have a yeast infection. You need vagasil or another medicine with the same active ingredient.

Got the same shit dude. It sucks, and eventually you start to cut upended the skin. Makes it a lot worse.

Eternal bleeding


Thats just your fucking underwear scratching, put some babypowder on it and it will be fine

The red looks like the start of heat rash. Use zinc oxide cream, aka baby rash cream. Works great. If it keeps going like that it can be hard to clean and you can develop skin tags.

From a fat fuck who didnt know what heat rash was and now has some skin tags there. Ugly little fuckers.

have you ever done analsex without condom?

No I havent even had sex ever (I could say it is my own choice but what does that even matters on best Korean supreme leader foreing appreciation forum). Although I often go sauna, and as I am not that afraid of germs I just sit naked without any blanket between me and the bench so thats place where in theory could get some interesting diseases.

had somethink similar, cant find the photos anymore. never went to the doctor, but was sure because of sex. now i have hpv-warts, the doctor of my girlfriend told me its because of analsex...

Not a ringworm, it wide and on both side of groin. Also doesnt look like a Ring worm and it does itch.

I have. I also have what op has. Sort of. What do?

Can you remember what it was or/and find those pictures?

Can you post a picture?

i dont know sorry, but i think since then this part is itchy. go to the doctor, its sure the best you can do.

yes, brb

might be most unflattering picture ive ever taken

itches like fuck sometimes.

I study weeks away from place where I have my books so getting public healthcare is but more complicated. Also the small place where I study has really bad public healthcare (quality might be good but they dont have any times in few weeks) and I cant get to my own doctor until weekend. Also I am just lazy so it is easier to just ask here and have nice chat with Cred Forumsros

Looks pretty much exactly like mine. Do you also have it on other side? If yes i am almost most certain that we both have just yest infection and I just need stronger meds than I used.

Other side is the same. More or less.

Never really thought about what is was. I shower a lot so I assumed that it's just dry skin. If it's actually an infection I feel like I need to do something about it.
Girlfriend doesn't have it tho, so that's a plus.

use diaper rash cream, twice a day - should start going down. Otherwise ask your doctor for a topical steroid cream. Done

I had exactly the same thing bro. It's a fungal infection sometimes called jock itch. Keep it clean and dry it well after taking showers. If things don't start clearing up after a couple of weeks you can either go to the drs and get some anti-fungal ointment or you can use athletes foot cream as that has the same shit in it.

God speed user.

Thanks :).

Jesus it's actually gotten quite bad now. Glad I came across this thread.

I have something similar on the inside of my right elbow. It itches sometimes but usually I don't even notice it. Been there for maybe a year now. Also thought it was fungal for a while, but over-the-counter anti-fungal meds didn't help. I've been applying lotion to it twice a day for the past couple of weeks. This seems to have almost completely cleared it up. Gonna keep going til the itch disappears for at least a week.

So yeah this.

Make a baking soda paste with a little water. Put it on it. The infection will rise to the surface. You'll see it turn bright red. Then just give it a little cut and empty it out.

I had it a few months ago and this worked like a charm.