Another mass shooter in Texas, the most heavily armed state and once again it takes a policeman to come in and end it

Another mass shooter in Texas, the most heavily armed state and once again it takes a policeman to come in and end it.

Further proof that the only way to stop someone with a gun is if you're armed is just a total lie.

The NRA been playing you, fool, to sell more guns. That's it.

cool story yo

Further proof that Umad.

yeah, i am kind of angry, trip tell the truth

So that policeman that stopped it wasn't armed? Please tell us how he stopped an armed gunman when he wasn't armed?

you have to be troll. you can't be this retarded.

Well I guess it proves the folks at the scene weren't armed, and should have been.

I'm just hoping we can get a gun ban once Hillary becomes president. There's absolutely no need for you to own or carry guns unless you're LEO.

that won't happen.

guns, just like mass shooters, mexicans and terrorist, are nothing to be feared in the USA.

Nope, not a troll
>takes a policeman to come in and end it
>Further proof that the only way to stop someone with a gun is if you're armed is just a total lie.
Therefore, policeman must not have been armed.

Key word isn't armed, the key word is YOU'RE armed. Fucking reading comprehension of a fetus right here

Oh, so its only if I'm armed. Good to know. I don't even live in TX, but somehow I'm expected to stop a shooting there.

don't bother, the guy's an idiot.


Most people don't hang around in the street armed retard, they have a gun to protect their home.

ever been there? in texas they do, faggot.

>armed retard
>armed retard
>armed retard

>this shooter shot a bunch of people who didn't have guns
>obviously we should take away all the guns from the people who weren't there

>5 dead, washington
>2 wounded, Texas

And in TX, I guess if you carry in public, you are DUTY bound to pull your gun at the first sign of trouble, put your life on the line to protect any stranger, even if the you trying to shoot the suspect could put others in jeopardy.

I do live in Texas faggot, maybe in some raggity ass town they do, but not in the big cities like Houston.

who cares? the only good murrican is a dead one.

Do... do you think the NRA sells guns?