Anyone else playing?

Anyone else playing?

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im already fucking hammer minutes in

democracy fails us

china and forces laughter

did i miss any?

This election is a fucking meme

China is gonna get me fucked up

My father gave me a very small loan ...

Lies, lies, lies

I'm already 7 shots in

Clinton coughed loudly twice

Trump said china 4 times

Clinton mentioned her granddaughter

Drink up boys

Clinton also force laughed

A vote for Hilary is a vote for Tim Kaine.

This is a comedy. Our country is a joke

Trump needs to shut the fuck up and let this cunt bitch talk

She might be full of shit but let her talk

This isn't making him look good at all

This whole thing is a fucking joke

My thoughts exactly. This is my first time watching them at all and I was open minded to both but Trump seems like a huge douche

>every time Hillary lies
>instant ethylic coma

Why do both of our candidates look like they're always holding in a poop


he's rambling too much

another believe me

He really needs to shut the fuck up

Trump has said china 6 times. I'm keeping track. Take those shots boys.

If you've been playing this game since the start of the debate it's time to contact emergency medical services and induce vomiting.

this bitch has a earpiece in

#7 so many times I cant even see

Fuck now its time to pander to the nignogs

Its imposible because of #7

"It's all obamas fault guys. I'm better. Believe be, believe me, just believe me"