Trump is an idiocy test, if you think Trump presented cohesive responses you are a moron

Trump is an idiocy test, if you think Trump presented cohesive responses you are a moron

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 damage controll

>cohesive responses

If you think cohesive responses is what the presidency of this country is about, you are the one who is a moron.

If you spend your time posting political threads on Cred Forums you are a moron

trump am very smart
> how can global warming be real if it's cold where i am
> checkmate, scientists

Hes falling apart and is such a thin skinned child, and this was just the first debate...

Y u mad?

I actually saw that opportunity to bait the Trump faggots on here and I took it
I am not not wrong, people don't think people know their stupid and think the proof is that people don't know their stupid because they can't get them to admit it.

Cohesive responses are what win elections, don't believe me just ask Kennedy vs. Nixon

He got fucking destroyed, I am quite pleased

I was all for Trump before the debate but after watching it I think you're right. I don't think he can handle the pressures of presidency after seeing him crack like this.


He said he has better temperament than Hillary

I am not wrong. People don't think people they're stupid and think teh proof is that peeple dont know there stoopid bcuz they cant get dem to amit it*


definition of bias

Aw yes another one of these "paid for by the Clinton foundation" threads

LoL fuck the system and fuck U!

Who cares? Hillary cheated her way to the nomination and is just another shitty Neo-Con like we've had for the last 24 years.

Voting for Hillary is literally a vote against democracy

good thing this country is full of idiots.

You can't even sound halfway intelligent on a board where you can edit what you say before saying it. yeah, somehow I don't believe that you are the intelligent one. Honestly, i'm not even sure what you were TRYING to say, i say trying because you did such a miserable job saying it i'm not even sure what the fuck you were trying to say other than "hurr durr hillary gud guys"

Can you imagine how he'll act by the third debate when he STILL hasn't released his tax returns?

I know the word means colleague right??

What a fucking retard! Why didnt they call him out on his inability to speak English?

Trump had good points but failed to articulate them well.

Clinton had poor points but articulated herself well enough.

Trump had stupid birther and Twitter questions thrown at him, admittedly they shook him up a bit, but overall they were stupid and irrelevant questions.

Clintin had a single lob ball thrown to her about her emails and she just brushed it off, Trump should've raked her over the coals for it.

Moderator was either biased or incompetent, spent way more time on Trump, again, over stupid shit.

Stupid debate all in all.


"America invented the internet"

Yea OK, whatever you say Donald.

He had a few good moments.

Sources are given too, so before you call bullshit just watch the damn video.

Literally the worst debate performance I've ever seen. I was onboard but king cuck just got cucked


hill shills out in force tonight

Literally the worst debate performance I've ever seen. I was onboard but king cuck just got cucked and I think the best option is to sit this election out

I wonder if they work 4 or 8 hour shifts?

its not a test. its not anything. its nothing. noise coming out of the tv box

>his thumb on the Launch All Nukes button
Tonight's debate showed just how easily Trump is triggered.

>that is a good question.
>here's reasons why it's important.
>here's how I would react to this issue
>Donald Trump is a towel.

>REEEEEE IM not a towel. You're a towel. If I WAS a towel I'd be the best towel.

Dare I say he got schlonged?

How much do they pay u for a nine letter word?

lets see how everyone feels for real then

If Reagan stuttered a bit and told a few lies, do you think he still wouldn't be made president. Well, Trump will do that too

Regan however did not shit the bed 15 minutes in, then spend the next five minutes rolling around in it, and then spend then next hour and ten trying to lick the sheets clean.

Fuck you. Do you not want America great again? If you don't, you're s piece of shit

True, but Nacey was a sloot though

Sorry my vision of a great america has a little less shit licking in it.

You do you though buddy. Thats what makes america great, you can lick all the shit out of donnies flappy orange asshole you want!

Guess we're a ship of fools then, because most disagree with you

I wouldn't just say no to her back in 1945 though

>implying Cred Forums was ever anything but

I smell a faggot being paid to spread bullshit. OP is a shill faggot.

Your just mad that dad is going to win.

Lol stay buttmad trumpfag. He got BTFO and now you are in full damage control mode.

Neither did the entire rat pack.

Whats with trump supporters and all the weird ass daddy talk? you can tell trump supporters are all fucked up weirdos who never had a real man in their life. It explains their obsession with cuckoldry as their father probably left early in their life and their mother had a string of boyfriends who scared them when they were young.

Ya it's not because were on Cred Forums. Go take your shills somewhere else fag.

Dont worry I'm sure your moms boyfriend will take you to a strip club someday and you can take out all those awkward insecure feelings on some poor stripper

Fact checker own house own girlfriend own car. Don't trip i'm sure your shift is almost over then you don't have to talk to me anymore.

Trump supporters are faggot cucks. get rekt

Ok lil buddy.

I see you lose all ability to string a thought together when triggered, just like "daddy".

his responses on stab and frisk were cogent

i would say same about hilary

>Liberal media says the liberal candidate won

>Conservative media says the conservative candidate won

You have autism

Sorry but uncle kiddie fuckers survival blog and journal isn't a reliable source. You'd know that if you went to college instead of jerking off to Malaysian lady boys for the last few years


those are online polls cuck. doesn't mean shit. Trump has 80% in the drudge poll. that is actually awful considering Drudge's readership. can't wait for your tears when swing state polls come out. fapping to thought of the hillary bounce now.

>I was all for Trump before the debate but after watching it I think you're right. I don't think he can handle the pressures of presidency after seeing him crack like this.

I'm glad you're coming around, but seriously -
how could you think anything else after the last 18 months of primaries and campaigning?

We didn't see some new Trump.
We saw the same old Trump,
but against someone actually competent.

Breaking News: CNN rules poll in favor of the Democratic candidate
Meanwhile: Polls on Drudge Report and Cred Forums determine CNN'd data to be, as in the case of most central media sources, extremely biased.


And google loving cnn is?

I don't give a straight fuck about the debate, OP, but I've got to tell you that I've been laughing for five fucking minutes because of that pic. Thanks, I needed that!


Do trump supporters not have the ability to remember more than the last four words they hear? Maybe thats the appeal. They're too stupid to listen to anyone who knows anything at all. It takes a raging idiot like them to speak to their level, its so sad that three syllable words and complete sentences totally lose their interest.

He only needs one swing state bro.

nah you're a cuck

>Trump had stupid birther and Twitter questions thrown at him

That is the CORE of his political existence - birtherism and ridiculous simple-minded stances. Totally fair.

Butt hurt rich fag detected.

>"America invented the internet"
>Yea OK, whatever you say Donald.

America DID invent the Internet.
Don't be a dope by equating the Internet with the Web.


All polls, minus CNN's non-existent poll, has Trump winning, many by a large margin.



Its as simple than that. You're wrong and stupid and you've locked yourself into a series of increasingly smaller and smaller echo chambers. The smaller the chamber the more lonely, hostile, and allergenic to reality they become. In a few years you'll find your entirely alone in your hate.

Lets hope when you do you end up looking in the of your gun barrel of a gun instead of down the sites.

I actually love that Trumpers are using online polls to convince themselves he won. It will make the Hillary bounce that much sweeter. I actually think CNN's scientific poll is underplaying how bad it would be for Trump. The media narrative tomorrow will be all about how Trump choked and was unprepared. It will snowball from there. He'll blame it on Lester Holt (a republican) and claim his mic was bad but it will just make him look weak. Campaign (rudy) is already floating idea of him dropping from future debates. I can't wait for the swing state polls. Can't fucking wait.

I'm 400# sitting on my bed, and I agree with OP

Why is everything so fucking radical. The video is bullshit and goes on a 1000 mile tangent.

To deny that we as a species in our recent history have altered our ecosystem is absurd.

It takes a certain kind of fucking idiot to say it is false because some proponents are taking it too far. Do i believe deniers need to be jailed OF COURSE NOT WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT GUY......i also don't believe in lynching anti vaccine parents...... but the actual bottom line has nothing to do with radical ideas but the simple fact that we HAVE ALERTED OUR ECOSYSTEM.

I'm like the happiest dude on here right now. Clinton's tight little pussy got fucked your butt hurt. Things couldn't be better.

>I'm 400# sitting on my bed, and I agree with OP

plz dont hackerz me

It was pretty much what we expected. Hillary was calm, cool and collected. Trump ranted, raged and raved.

She is going to kick his ass in the election.

Im far from rich. I was just blessed with two brain cells to rub together. This election has taught me that many people in our country are forced to go without something as simple as that.

You know its so ironic that middle america has been told for decades to watch out for smooth talkin' conmen from he big city and yet here they are falling hook, line, and sinker for the most obvious bullshit.

I guess if I told you retards I had a bridge to sell you I could be a butthurt richfag

Happy people don't want to burn the system down. You may feel happy now but its going to be a rough January for you.


huuge kek. . .

Look, a sophomoric child with no life experience making empty assertions that he can't back up by providing a single fact.

still better than Hillary


Ah my shills. I really don't give a fuck I have a really secure job non adjustable 30 fix too. I'm guessing u two are high school girls? Hows your papers going?

It wasn't to prove Trump won, it simply was intended to prove a point that all mainstream media is woefully biased in terms of its surveys. But I will say in terms of preparation it would be understandable if Trump lacked some when it came to going face to face against Hillary; the Democratic candidacy has a pretty well organized formula when it comes to pandering to their constituency. I mean, tell me, user; can you name one thing Hillary said tonight that hasn't been said by a previous Liberal Candidate? Minus her personal attacks on Trump, obviously.


>trumpfags can't tell im one person.

No wonder you guys are so gullible. Im really going to enjoy the salt in nov when the deplorable realize white hegemony is over and never coming back.

Hey look someone that's been alive longer than two decades.

this. all of her responses were heavily scripted and it felt like she was just going down a list of "bad trump things" and reading the description for each.

Trump got cucked. He came across as unpolished and dumb.

>the Democratic candidacy has a pretty well organized formula when it comes to pandering to their constituency.

Yeah, shame on Hillary and the Democrats for staying on message. And even having a message... And that constituent outreach, what the fuck is that all about? What's she trying to do, get people to vote for her? What a cunt.

What did trump say that wasn't the same shit he always spews? Dumb fuck

If you went to college you'd know what a selection bias error is.

If you weren't so severely emotionally stilted you could realize at very best, your views only represent about 30-40% of the countries. not the overwhelming majority.

Jesus Christ and those are real too. SAD! PATHETIC!

But isn't he a very smart, rich man?????


Yep defiantly a high school girl. Tell me did you get your period yet?

Faggot, dumb faggot.

CTR in full swing tonight everywhere on the internet

Listen, asshole: you're the dipshit. You support a candidate that has been in federal politics for years while the country collapsed in on itself, rule of law was ignored, our troops were sent out to fight and die in nonsense wars that enriched the elite and further bankrupted the people, and the super wealthy were able to buy political actions from our politicians (especially Hillary!) through organized "pay-to-play" schemes. You support this establishment candidate and career politician because Hollywood celebrities support her, because your subversive communist college professor supports her, and because the corrupt, controlled media propaganda machine gives you the impression that the "intellectual elite" supports her. You are the gullible, controlled, egotistical moron who has been convinced to support the same old corrupt political establishment by confidence tricks and appeals to the authority of those who deserve none. You are the one being kept in line and intellectually hamstrung. Not us.

He pointed out how the Democratic Party has poured billions of dollars into clean energy programs with no return, and also that half of what the military purchases is severely overpriced due to manufacturing decline in the U.S.

What about all the dudes that have to lie to their wives about who there really voting for?


But you want a tantrum throwing retard without any logical plans to run this country instead?

Brilliant faggot you are.

If you think incoherence is a sign of stupidity, you're correct

"Cohesive responses" are the bare minimum of what we expect from a President in the face of a crisis or adversity.

Because the oil companies try to get rid of the clean energy movements you dumb ass. And military shit? This bitch wants a war. The fuck

I'll try my best. :)

Actually I went into this debate with negative expectations for both candidates. I expected trump to just whip out his dick, say make america great again, and leave, but he actually made some valid points about business decline in America. Hillary unfortunately, appeared severely less humanitarian than shes been trying to make herself seem by refusing to touch the current issue of BLM vs The Police with a ten foot poll.

Better then some post menopause bitch.


And he chose to dwell on those questions by offering rambling defenses that went on for way too long and made him look desperate and foolish. Can't blame Lester for that.

Yeah because you would rather him because he says "edgy" shit that makes you giggle like the autistic child you are.

>great logic

Could you point to the tantrum in question? I'll wait. In the meantime, I'll direct you and similarly uninformed morons here so you can read up on Donald Trump's plans:

The media has been calling Trump Hitler for the past 6 months. They set the bar sooooo low that all he had to do tonight was demonstrate that he can be reasonable and even tempered, and he did it. ergo he won.

Why does every Hillary supporter have top be paid?when ever someone says they support Hillary they're immediately accused of being paid. Same as every trump supporter is a racist bigot. Idiots.

If thats true they sound pretty cucked.

The whole debate. I guess you're mentally retarded to not see that. Are you a retard who throws fits too? AHHHH, makes sense.

Dude that is litteraly all this idiot had going for him. I saw the debate and was expecting the moron to at least make some valid points this late in the game but fuxk was I wrong, he couldnt even neat shillary what chance does he have against the rest of the world. He never had any valid points to begin with. Saying that the debate was rigged is something a 12 year old would say after he loses which is probably what this faggot will post on his twitter later, its not like hes done something like this before.

But if the Democrats were endorsing clean energy programs (which they were,) wouldn't they brag about any and all return from said investment if there was any actual pay off as a way of shutting oil companies up? Why haven't they if that's the actual case?

Chelsea Clinton looks like mistress T google if you're not familiar.

Hillary is shaped like Grimmace. I'm not sure if Trump actually said she didn't look presidential, but he wouldn't be wrong. Having a fatassed shit like Hillary or Christie in office would be a national embarrassment.

Shit I wish I was being paid to type. But you know that's not a fucking thing. These dumbasses are so fucking retarded they'll vote for this guy no matter what he says.

He just needs one state just one. Prove me wrong.

Thats literally called bias my friend. You expected Hilary to behave like an actual candidate for president of the united states while at the same time being glad trump didn't literally shit in the middle of the stage. If you stop treating trump like a autistic child and realize these people should be held to the same level of scrutiny this election is a no-brainier

No, Hillary is a bigger racist then Trump. Trump just says real shit from time to time.

>The whole debate

Oh, so you're talking out of your ass like a moron and your line of bullshit wasn't crafted well enough to last more than two posts. Thanks for wasting my time.

Because they are getting paid.

Mommy issues

Look up DARPA-Net you moron.

>Hilary fatass
trump is literally .5 points away on the BMI from being clinically obese

Nah we just need sex.

9 dollars of course. This reply is making me even more money! Sounds like you're the one getting cucked!

You're acting as if they weren't getting shut down at any and everything they tried to put in place due to big oil companies. How fucking stupid can you be? Are you so asinine that you think global warming does not exist and CHINA made it up? Is this world full of fucking incest, butt fucking, anonymous racists, cuck lord faggots like you? Please all of you, simultaneously hang yourself and dangle for hours. We, the world population, do not need you.

>Ad hom ad hom ad hom
You know like you faggots like to scream like retards about trump shit

If my mom acted like that bitch I would straight rape her.


thats pretty cucked,


Huh? and no i'm not into that.

You mean ARPA you fucking almond?

I've never heard that one before. If I remember correctly, Trump released his medical examination publicly and it was exceptional for a man of his age. Where does that leave room for your statement? It seems like you're throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks, but maybe you can point me towards a source that explains your statement?

You're on Cred Forums, chanting for trump. You have no life to claim time is wasted. Fuck out of here.

He lost and will continue to lose when he's a child bitch like you who just says the same shit each time and then screams when they don't get their way.

Hey don't get me wrong I love my girlfriend. You just can't talk politics with them. Or with you apparently.

Your messy word formation followed by illiteracy with grammar makes you a hypocrite.

I'm Not getting paid and I'm voting for Hillary but not because I like her cuz I hate her but I hate trump a little bit more.

Calm down there little billy.

wait do you want a source or me to explain how the BMI works?

You seem a little too confused for this but theres a little thing called googled. if you type in "Bmi" "Obesity" or "trumps BMI" you can work it out from there depending on which part is giving you trouble.

But that's my initial point, everything Hillary said tonight has been said by every democratic candidate that's come before her, and it's always been implemented either poorly or not at all. And if she's always had an important role to play in every Democratic president's office for the past two decades, why would it be better if she was in charge now, when she's still promoting the same message with no changes to it?

Literslly just read the latest medical examination, it gives the damn numbers. Then go plug those numbers into the BMI chart and presto bingo almost clinically obese.

Welfare queen and Mexican. Usually you people are hard workers.

I know you're under 18 if you think you can have a relationship with someone without a compatible worldview.

Or youre one of the potato assed motherfuckers that goes brain dead for four years and then tunes back in around july and pretends like they know it all.

>I read Scott Adams' blog

and what are we supposed to think about your responses?

He presented cohesive responses. He also bullshitted and repeated shit. He also supported stop and frisk which is unconstitutional. Still voting for him though fuck Hitlary.

Shes actually accomplished a great deal. Shes had a good number of screw ups too but pretending Democratic policy hasn't evolved over the years or that clintons just been sitting a room for 30 years, occasionally coming out to fuck something up is just retarded.

just go cuck yourself in a lonley manner

True retard right here

If this were a YLYL thread, I'd have just lost! Funniest picture I've seen in months.

Real cohesive dude

degenerate, redneck heroin addict

>Fuck out of here.

Is English not your first language?

>He lost and will continue to lose
>child bitch
>screams when they don't get their way

I see you're sticking to your old standby and continuing to make idiotic, unfounded assertions in spite of all scrutiny and evidence of the contrary. Now I'm asking you to post a video of Trump "screaming when he doesn't get his way." You won't give me that, but you will respond with more claims of victory and assertions of some nebulous childlike tantrum of your own invention.

Hot opinions like yours are what happens when people with room-temperature IQs are allowed to participate in the electoral process.

I really disliked how sidetracked the debate got. They just point out flaws in each other and ended up spending more of their time on rebuddles rather than responses.

Which one? Link?

Never in my life have I been on welfare.

You forgot incest loving, racist, paranoid, bible humping, angry closeted fags

i have seen you post this in 5 threads already. get a new game user

Umad white boi?

I was in high school during 911. I read the papers I check out both sides. Usually I vote democratic. First time I voted was for Stein.

But how would the big oil companies be able to justify shutting down a government funded program (or even have the ability to shut down said program) when the program is being funded by a party they don't even see eye to eye with? Also, it's funny how you have to result to mud flinging while simultaneously accusing me of mud-flinging. If you think I'm the one who's heated about this argument, take a deep breath and see what you just wrote as an argument, madam tumblr whore.

Politics aside, that was just....when I say that I mean JUST. Imagine you refused to study at all for a final exam and then expected to get an A....or if you just decided you would try to become a lawyer without going to law school? Purely in a debate format, Trump got fucking mopped in nearly every way imaginable.

Arms flailing, snorting, interrupting like an angry grade schooler, taking sips of water and shit...I thought this nigga was gonna unwrap a hoagie and get a couple bites in...SNL won't be able to parody his performance because it WAS's almost Kaufman-esque...

Did he know he was going to be on a tight shot THE WHOLE TIME? And his unprepared, sputtering remarks...Reminds me of the time Peter McNeely fought was ready and the other one motherfucking clearly was not. Lastly, a debate has a format. Like a chess game or any game. Trump showed up to a boxing match without any training or planning and got knocked the fuck out man....

The fact you support him is enough to know you withhold a "room temp IQ".
Nice piecing together of that paragraph. Put a lot of thought into nothing, huh?

Tell me Steve, is it hard being a faggot--even harder being retarded and a faggot?


And Hillary is a corruption test. If you think Hillary shouldn't be in prison, then you should be in prison with her.

O shit you are Mexican. Tell me if Trump fart didn't say shit about Mexico would u be voting for him?


kek, not that guy. but you really must be deep in your mom's basement not to know that phrase cuck

>madam tumblr whore
Hahahahah. Ad hom wahhhh

>That bait trump took about having "temperament"
as a trump supporter that made me cringe a bit.

Here we go with the Hillary rant.

here you go.

INB4 >t-t-that source is cucked! I only trust above top secret and trumps twitter feed

and you're probably in all those same threads crying like you are right now. dumbass

And you must align with those descriptors

Is that you Cornhole?

You're one of those potato ass mother fuckers if you take the green party seriously on anything.

Hillary lost to Obama who was one of the shittiest presidents in history. Why does she deserve any kind of chance?

Yeah and every poll of who won is wrong and rigged, um randy fur Killery
Kill yourself lib cuck all hail Trump!

But I'm still having trouble finding anything she mentioned tonight that no other Democrat has used as a point in their debate. I'm sure the Democrat party has made changes over the years, but the problem was her argument tonight made it seem like that wasn't the case.

>doesn't name bush


Tolerant left.

this post is a good post


LoL that is funny. (not being sarcastic) Nah I live right smack in the middle of liberal town. I really use to have those views still kinda do. But still voting for trump

Hillary is a cunt. She is being supported by BLM to support a race war. Trump is the only choice.

not crying. i know climate change is real. it's just annoying that you think posting that image over and over is hilarious and destroys trump.

I'm sure that gif turned u on faggot

Dude Stein got out on parole last time I herd and I dont.

Still wouldn't. I was a big Bernie supporter and trumps views are far too right wing for me.

doesn't mention obama is black...

The 2016 election is just a referendum on the white race.

Cause trump being in office won't start a civil war


mexican-american. I'd need to be hit over the head repeatedly with baseball bat and be self-hating to vote for him.

I know, I couldn't resist. But did you see what he wrote before that?
It felt like arguing with a bear I couldn't help but poke. In my defense, I did what I could to counter argue him in my first sentence, but it's woefully difficult to argue when I'm a fucking incest, butt fucking, anonymous racists, cuck lord faggots like myself.

cool story. I was paid to support Clinton to, but took their money and downloaded there files of all the other shills. Which one are you?

No? Almost all fuckable women here act like fat liberal though.

hillary is a cunt, but supporting a race war? really?

If there was a race war, which side do u wanna be on?

>The fact you support him is enough to know you withhold a "room temp IQ".

Hahaha, what? Who am I witholding it from? Who the fuck is Steve? Also, are you jelly that I wrote five sentences in one sitting? Would that challenge you?

I think your problem is that you grew up being told you were special, but you have always been dumb as a bag of hammers.

Trump is a god

Whats wrong with that when compared to pants on head retardation?

Look at it this way, Clinton promises more of the same slow and steady improvements we've been seeing.

Trump at best spends the next four years bumbling from failure to failure, waste a ton of money, and doesn't accomplish anything. Most likely he'd realize being president is actually a lot of work and would grab everything that isn't nailed down before booking it to some third world shithole where he can live like a king. At worst he starts a major war and destabilizes the world economy. Nightmaremode, he could be a legitimate psychopath who kicks off a nuclear war just for the hell of it.

Theres no way of knowing and his debate performance didn't give us any indication he was serious about being one of the most powerful people in the world


Can't forget when he called us 400 pound hackers kek

The fact that even SOME people on Cred Forums are supporting Hilary is pretty much solid evidence that she's going to win.

the asians mofo... white and blacks are obsolete... just a matter of one more generation to realize that

Want to try that again as an actual sentence?

Thats how you know the country is tanking. Everyone was down for socialism. Fuck property rights inheritance and almost all private insurance. I really think it's because everyone lost upward mobility.

notice how no one is acknowledging your stupid?

BMI is an unreliable standard. Trump's got thrown off by the weight of his massive balls.

I especially like that part where she called everyone in america racist in fancy speach

If Hillary wins we're doomed. The only reason she is being considered is BC she's a woman and Bill's wife. It's ridiculous. Vote Trump Cred Forums

Jews, asians, and Mexicans team up. Take out the whites and blacks. Turn america into giant strip mall and all is well.

Errrrr... I mean... We are.

I feel it he did pretty much say fuck mexicans.

I believe you were raised being sheltered and black kids bullied your faggot ass rightfully so and now you say "fuck niggers" online to feel better and jerk it to trap porn. We can all assume shit. Yay

I haven't posted shit. I'm just responding to your little bitch whining

she spoke truth though - everyone is racist. if you don't think so, it a sad delusional world you live in

Then whats with the tiny hands? sure proof of low test. Thats why he always looks so effeminate.

>Threatening war if Trump is elected.

Typical establishment cuck tbh.

MMMYESSS!!!! Bulkogi fusion burritos for everyone!!!!... funded by the Jews...

Okay, cause him pandering to white supremacists and fear mongering won't lead to even higher tensions. Ok

You're smart

O shit. She was arrested on vandalism charges.

you rednecks think it's all about you

I love the Trump people. CNN poll comes out and says Trump is down in the polls they lose their shit and say it's rigged. A couple weeks later the same poll comes out and says Trump is up and those very same people point to and use those polls as proof that Trump is winning.

Pick one, morons.

>Bulkogi fusion
Don't worry, whites are just mad because jews learned how to be better at things that white people were supposed to be good at. Were not that bad in real life.

Trump's refusal to run at exit poll gate and #ElectionFraud suggest to me that they may indeed be working together.

how can you hold down a job when spelling is one of your major deficiencies?

Headline: Average Male Height Drops to 5' 7" - Women Forlorn, but Get over It Once They Realize that Men Can Reliably Support a Family

On one had mad street cred

On the other hand she things wifi causes autism.


Never said you were. I love Jews (I'm asian), but you have to admit, your food really sucks

It's not like Hillery ever actually did cheat in elections. Ask Bernie.

Yeah, she trespassed on that pipeline land and spray painted a tractor ... dumb cunt.

Everyone on Cred Forums

with the exception of potato pancakes

fast typing.

and bad habits. They want you to sometimes type poorly, in order to make you seem authentic. As if, you were a common person, an everyday average Joe.

Mmm I wish I had some of that kool-aid. Democrats actually believe in the false flag of globalism, which is a flaw. But Trump outright repudiates diversity (triggered by that word, eh cuck?) by drawing racial lines. It's ignorance vs. racism, and only fucktards try to pretend it is anything else.

Like I said, fucking pick one. Either the polls are rigged and not accurate or they aren't and Trump is winning in them. You can't have both, you fucking idiots.

Oh god no. ashkenazi food sucks because they're fucking awful. Latkas and challah with brisket all day man.

of course he's not gonna say she did now cause he lost... and he's now supporting the cunt... cause he was pinned against the wall and his carrier was on the line.

Cred Forums changes. it used to be CP and hardcore conservicucks. they'll all go extinct once the trap threads dry up

LOL o shit. All the trolling was worth it just to find you.

ironic cause this the ONLY reason that trump is an actual candidate - opinions of genuine retards

Is "Globalism" the new word for you crazies who believe in the NWO? LOL

But we haven't been seeing improvements is the thing. Merely minute periods of growth followed by hard economic decline that puts us two steps back. You keep speaking of bias, but why are you still solely referring to him as a full on retard and nothing more? It almost sounds as if you didn't even attempt to hear his portion of the argument.

You can make assumptions all day, but I haven't had to make any. You have aptly demonstrated your mental impairment here. Seems like you also have a cuckold fetish and are into ladyboys now. Lol, you didn't do yourself any favors bringing that up, retard.

If she makes bail maybe i'll vote for her. Or not.

Solid bro, much solid...

>Trump is an idiocy test, if you think Trump presented cohesive responses you are a moron

Yeah, pretty much...

Corrected - add challah to the list. Hands down agree on that

I pick neither and say they're both biased.

yeah, because the traps were here 24/7 before you estrogen pumped boypussy lovers got here.

But that drank tho

What does NWO mean? Nigs with Ovarian Cancer? Can't be, that would be NWOC

look, this retard confirms it. thanks friend. happy fapping!

Not at all m8? I guess not everybody has heard basic terms. Globalism (rough description, because I don't have the time nor sobriety to describe the real idea,) is basically how democrats believe cohesion of different countries and societies is a near possibility that will bring us closer together, and strengthen us in the process.

It literally has nothing to do with NWO. And I personally think anybody who believes that is a tin foil hatter. Try again/10


I honestly hope Trump makes it in purely because of what a right laugh it'll be

I don't support her but I will vote for her because Trump is clearly, CLEARLY, a worse choice.


So let me get this straight: since Trump panders to white people, it will create tension among nonwhites, and you consider those people to be so primitive and violent that they won't be able to contain their anger and keep from starting a civil war that engulfs the entire country? What the fuck? I didn't know I was dealing with a real life racist here.

Google is your friend m8. It's the new world order. Unless you're trying to be funny, then you failed. Try again/10

New World Order. It's the conspiracy tards who think there's a giant plan to get every country under one government.


mmm... purple stuff, you're blacker than you want to admit

I go to Cred Forums to get my daily fill of you Correct The Record retards, not Cred Forums. Go elsewhere.

With the demographics of 50 years ago, no democrat would win with the current issues.
Democrats want to import Mexicans because they vote for them.
(And Republicans want to import Mexicans to undermine the labor market, suppressing wages.)

If you want white people to become a minority, vote Clinton. Otherwise, vote Trump.

Trumps balls have obscured your vision, try removing his dick from your mouth


I was a paid Clinton shill, but I downloaded thousands of files from the Clinton Campaign. I have all the dox on every single internet shill for Hillary Clinton. The dump will be released tomorrow on DCleaks. AMA

I love Trumpkins tears. So salty.

I'm fine with diversity I live in California for fucks sake. But when liberals democrats or whatever start talking about how reverse racism doesn't exist then Trump.jpeg

What is Hillary paying per post these days? 10 cents per shill?


This tbqhtbph lad

Trump panders to the LCD of the states, which is (non-surprisingly) a huge percentage. He honestly calls back to Mussolini more than Hitler, if you've studied history. Whatever his game is, it is very clearly racist though, no matter how much the racist alt-right tries to declare it otherwise.

mom what is sarcasm? i don't go out, my computer games too much fun.

Trump won the debate.

Hillary sounded like a scripted robot for the entire debate. And every time she was talking to Trump, she wouldn't look at him, she would look at the audience. This shows what a weak leader she is.

How many shekels does donald charge for you to suck him?

> mistaking one bodily fluid for another

DCleaks is a front for the Russian government, try again.

um yeah, i know what NWO is, but you clearly didn't get the NWA reference newfag


Effeminate? Sure thing, cuck.


Saying "mainstream media" in any serious context is a fucking joke.

Eric Clapton would like a word with you.


So the alt-right is a good idea? Or are you just all for declaring false facts?

Also, weird observation, most people I've replied to have posts ending in 27.

I don't listen to hip hop.





>$0.10 has been added to your account
Thank you for shilling with us!

that explains a lot. broaden your horizons

I'm convinced it's a hoax and he is acting the fool. He plays both sides but he plays the American people like a fiddle.


Hows that downs treating you?

mexicans are inherently conservative. they're more batshit religious than the evangelicals in the US. but you retards can't because you're too far up your own ass to see that dirty whites are a minority in terms of a global scope


google is your friend isn't it?



you said this earlier in the thread and no one paid attention. shut up

You didn't even reply to the right guy dickhead.


better than you clearly. i know you had to google NWA

She mentioned this at length. You just didn't agree with her answer.
Know the fucking difference jesus christ



>mom what is sarcasm? i don't go out, my computer games too much fun.


Seriously believing this should be grounds for reinstatement of your parents' right to abort you.

No I got your shitty joke, it was just shitty.

huh... samefagging


Sure kid.

does his semen taste as bitter as I imagine it does?


When Trump wins is Hillary gonna demand refunds from all the shills?

I'm educated in politics and I know better and you deserve better so he's the real reason that trump is wrong for you and wrong for america.
Things suck a little right now because we're in a massive transitional period, on par with the industrial revolution. Just like the industrial revolution there's going to be winners and losers and believe it or not we're set up to be one of the winners. That said, any period of massive change causes a lot of problems and disruptions as the old way cracks and falls apart and the new world order is established.
Now the government can't go around saying "hey this internet and computer thing has really fucking shook stuff up and we're not 100% sure how to deal with it as a global society." The internets let us learn so much about the world, but also about ourselves and those around us and we've found some real ugly like that racism and hate is much more prevalent than we thought it was. Many people could go their whole lives only meeting 60 or 70 people and thats just not the case anymore. You have to be ready to interact with many different kinds of people and some people, rather they be white supremacist in our country or radical jihadist outside it are just not ready to deal with thiat.
Its entirely going to change the way we work and we're kidding ourselves if we think we can ever go back to every small town in america having a factory that gave everyone a good job. Even if we could bring back american manufacturing its most likely going to be automated. Coal and oil are on their way out as well and hell, even trucking, shipping, and farming look like they'll be automated in the near future.
People are scared because war has changed too, we went from a eurocentric balance of power, to a bi polar, and now to a uni-polar with america at the top and were quickly trying to help develop a multipolar, network based world order because a unipoleis inherently unsustainable and dangerous.

I didn't even pretend to be different guy, fuckhead, they referred to a different post than my own.

I live 10 miles from Berkeley and the alt right isn't a good idea. But liberals have been high on their own supply for a while.


> having no dog in this fight
got you to reply though didn't it?

you got me. enjoy your closet, homeboy.

Mexicans vote Democrat. Whether they are religious is irrelevant.
Why do you think I'm a retard?


so angry man, you sound sexual frustrated

Regina Spektor is an amazing artist who deserves some of your attention.


>$0.10 has been added to your account, your daily limit of 10 monetized posts has been exceeded.
Thank you for shilling with us!

haha fuckhead haha.. i'm so hurt


I'm not angry, it's just easier to swear online when you're a professional.

But I am sexually frustrated, good guess.


i do appreciate the appropriate punctuation though so maybe you're not a newfag

you need to stop talking. you know when that stupid bitch in class starts saying stupid shit that is no longer relevant and the whole class groans? you're the shit she dragged in on her shoes.

do you have any original thoughts at all? shit is getting stale

Well, some Trumpkins have been threatening civil war if he's NOT elected, so...

i think most people are to some extend sexually frustrated, and i think the availability of porn plays a part in it.

I don't want to hurt you friend :). You hurt your parents enough by not being a miscarriage.

aren't we all? guess what? we're both professionals... congrats! it means nothing as you already know

>you got me. enjoy your closet, homeboy.



move out already


*I. *newfag.

I've been lurking far longer than a newfag of my age should have been lurking, and I'm not proud.

>if you think Trump presented cohesive responses you are a moron

And if you think America has a chance if Hillary is elected, YOU are the moron. Hillary is a globalist, she doesn't give a FUCK about America, she is selling to the highest bidder. And she is allowing 100,000's of Islam refugees to flood into America. In many cases these refugees are treated better than our own natural born citizens!

Trump's message is simple. American FIRST. Fuck the rest of the world. We need to spend our time and money on our own economy and infrastructure. Not blowing our entire budget in the middle east. We want to make America great again. And to do that we need BORDERS. We need JOBS. And we need good TRADE DEALS.

If Hillary is elected you can pretty much kiss America as we used to know it goodbye. If you actually believe anything she says she'll do, you're an idiot. It's ALL TALK on her part. Like during the debate, she had CANNED responses and looked like a robot.

Trump is a man of the people. He isn't afraid to say whats on his mind and throws political correctness out the window. He did very well during the debate, considering the moderator was VERY UNFAIR toward him. The moderator never once pressed Hillary with a follow up question, yet he pressed Trump nearly every time.

You know, Trump COULD of mopped the floor with Hillary, but is saving his best for the debates in October. He could of easily wrecked her during tonights debate. Hillary has so much material to work with, so much baggage and skeletons in her closet it is laughable. Not to mention her health, Trump didn't make a peep about that. He was actually very tame, meanwhile Hillary was hitting below the belt left and right.

>Sorry, your daily limit of 10 paid posts has been exceeded. Earn another dollar tomorrow with another 10 posts.
Thank you for shilling with us!






Porn is a poison honestly. But God speed to you both, Trump or Hillary I wish the best for everybody no matter what. Also, I watch way to much porn.

check'd. But I've already moved three times? Drink my cum.


my apologies for calling you a newfag. like i said your punctuation gave you away oldfag

Proves your still in high school go to bed.

>Complains about someone being an idiot
>Uses an ad hominem on those who disagrees with him
Self reflection would be good for you.

So white, middle america, Christians are waking up in the 21st century in a world the don't recognize or understand but they must interact in. If that wasn't bad enough their way of life and vocations are dying out or being upgraded with automation and they feel like their nation is taking less of a role in the world at large. They see that out in the world the way they used to do things are still done and they don't understand why their jobs had to leave. They're terrified of a world thats chaining too fast for them too keep up with and shrinking too fast for them to adjust.
These are all real, legitimate fears and I feel as bad for them as I do for any other disadvantaged group. I think they also know in the heart of hearts that the way things were are never ever coming back, no one can help them or stop globalization. So in their justified anger and fear they've turned to the one person whos telling them every little thing they want to hear. Someone whos finally on their side. Someone whos going to bring back their jobs, get the town off heroin, and turn back the clock and make the culture familiar and simple to them again.
but the sad truth is trump is a conman praying on the disadvantaged, downtrodden, and scared. He can't bring their jobs back, he can't build a wall, he cant re build the bridge thats falling apart in their town. He's spent his 50 years as an adult swindling, lying, and taking everyone he can for a ride but these people are so scared and so badly want to go back to the way things are they'll believe anything. Trump won't save them because sadly, nothing can.
Lilly white, rural, christian america is on its way out. People are moving back to the cities and we're becoming a very global country.



I liek 9gag. Better?

"drink my cum" is your reponse? makes sense you had to move three times already. i hope you are prepared to keep moving for the rest of your life



fuck you newfag


>Lilly white, rural, christian america is on its way out
music to my ears


I know somebody who wins an argument doesn't have to explain anything.

But I moved first when my parents were evicted, second when my room-mates father passed, who we rented from, and a third time when the property was bought out. I've been living in my current place for five years. I'll eat some pineapple for ya.

> welfare to my hand


Part of me wants you American anons to vote him in just to see the fucking hand wringing and panic. I thought us voting to leave Europe would change things but fuck all has happened. I think the orange fella getting in would be similar eventually. There'd be some proper laughs to be had at first though. Go on, vote for the least suitable candidate I've ever seen. The man's a fucking moron, it'll be hysterical seeing him as the most powerful man on the planet.


>I only know one joke

I guess all that bitter jism has addled your brain, how you think a response to you is worth 10 cents is beyond pretentious.

(you can tell your caretaker to put you to bed, now)

tanks for contributing to the thread!
fuck someone had to say it
