You sad sad Trump supporters.. how can you even support after this shit ass performance...

You sad sad Trump supporters.. how can you even support after this shit ass performance? all you trump supporters are literally the dumbest human beings in america

Other urls found in this thread:

Rate my gf plz

Rate my hoe plz

didnt even watch the debates

i already know who trump is, so do the rest of his supporters

hillary clinton is a political robot. of course she will beat him in debates. shes programmed to give the "correct" reply to every question.

see you in november.

>shes programmed to give the "correct" reply to every question
that's easy, when questions are specifically asked in a way it's comfy for her but not trump

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

You can't be this stupid... You just can't

Even Fox news said Hillary won ROFL.. When fox news says he won that tells you quite a bit

and trump didn't even launch the big missiles
if that's all Hillary has I pity her in the next two debates where all she has is repeated shots from the first

oh wait yes, he can. he´s an american. The only country an inbred asshole like Trump would even be considered as a presidential candidate. I just hope this asshole doesn´t blow up our entire planet one´s he´s elected by millions of stupid people like this user.

I really want to meet on of these die hard Trump fans and just have a small talk.. These people have to be mentally challenged to some degree


Me too. In Europe there are barely any people understanding why Trump is so successful. I just don´t get it. Why would you vote for Trump? WHY?

Fuck off troll. I saw this lying post in several threads tonight.

That level of denial of reality is borderline insanity.

So are you supporting Hillary or are you just against Trump?

Because hillary is your other option

Completely Against this retard. How can you even argue that this man is a legitimate presidential candidate ?

because hillary actually deserves to be tarred and feathered in the streets

compared to trump? are u also this retarded

Are you American? Hillary was secretary of state, she already did damage, her and obama funded and created isis

Why would Trump be tarred and feathered?

I supported Trump for months but after the last few gaffs and this shitty embarrassing debate performance I'm starting to doubt him strongly.

Im kind of impressed by trump supporters tbh.

Every day I'm finding new levels of autism. This denial is on the level of people who spend thousands on overpriced anime merch to support their waifus. The waifu isn't real, but you can always pretend.

Ahhhh I found one of these Die hard trump supporter.. And I can clearly see the retardation levels are off the charts. Get off fox news and join us in reality

im not even a trump supporter both parties suck equally, they are a facade for facism. hillary is fucking terrible though, but if getting her elected means she has a higher chance of dying by natural causes or otherwise hey by all means

>bomb ISIS for months
>back Iraq military action against ISIS
>b-but they created ISIS!
ISIS is a response to Russian influence backing Syrian dictators. Russia created ISIS. America and their ally Turkey are fighting ISIS while Russia continues to support the Syrian dictator who created ISIS. Trumps supports Russia. Trump is owned by Russian. Trump is a Russian puppet. The former CIA director said Putin and his Russian puppet companies are backing Trump.

.20 has been deposited in your account

i hate fox news, dont watch them, actively tell family members who do watch it to turn off the bs

im an independent

Your welfare check is on the way

make it .5

No we armed and funded syrian rebels in libya who became ISIS, war is a racket either way as you state. the US makes sure the war on terror keeps chugging

lmfao what? you are so fucking misinformed that it hurts, the americans armed the '' syrian rebels '' fighting against Assad. those poor '' syrian rebels '' later turned into ISIS.

oh nice, well then explain me how they founded isis.

you seem like a smart guy... why not join us on team trump. the establishment needs to burn.

The questions asked were essential issues for America. If Trump isn't able to satisfyingly answer them, why should he be president?

>> Can't believe I'm replying

fuck both of those cunts.

By directly arming and aiding $$$ syrian rebels to go against Assad who OH SNAP became ISIS

Because ill take an incompetent buffoon over the most corrupt politician that ever lived. She should be in fucking prison, not running for president.

I would love to join trump side just to raise the intelligence level just a little bit.. I will clearly be the most intelligent among a sea of retards

The Syrian rebels are not ISIS. Those are two separate groups.

Please elaborate on how she is so corrupt please.

Right now they are but years ago the certain syrian rebels we armed banded together and the CIA lost assest containment. There was more than one type of syrian rebel. And we did fund them and arm them to oppose Al Assad gov in a coup attempt, but then since we has destabilized the borders with Iraq we fucked everything up

Spend 5 minutes on google

actually this is a commun misconception. Opposing factions in Syria are very diverses (can't name them because i only know names in my langage) and the syrian rebels occidental contries armed didn't became ISIS, they are still a fighting, alive different faction. Maybe you guys should look it up.


>muh CTR

Hillary is not allowed to be President. It's right there in the Holy Bible.

1 Timothy 2:12

Read it and weep, heathens.

CIA supports certain rebel groups, not ISIS. ISIS are supported by Trump, Russia and Saudi money.

I'm sorry, but did Donald Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The debates aren't even over yet. In fact, only a number of Clinton lock states have reported. Does not having the lead at this point count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the debates are still on? Donald Trump is still winning states right now and has lead in the national polls for how many weeks now? He's up against the worst first female President in the history of America, who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the momentum of winning the first debate to start off. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Donald Trump is one of the best fucking politicians in the US, he tells the truth. and crushed Cruz because of his popular support. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Donald Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Hillary just lost a future debate to Trump. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You all are a fucking idiots and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like Trump because he's successful. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.


He did this well on a stage 100% biased against him. Any intelligent person could tell he'd demolish her on an unbiased playing field.

I guarantee anybody against Trump here can't list any valid reasons for their view other than
>literally Hitler guiz
>he said mean things

This election has been the greatest opportunity for even lesser minded individuals to see through the veil of lies in the media. If you still remain ignorant with all of the evidence so clearly laid before you, I'm afraid you aren't worth saving.

This election isn't about Republican vs Democrat. This is the final stand of nationalism vs globalism. What may be our last opportunity to have a leader that isn't owned by the corrupted individuals who own the world's wealth and media. A leader who stands for what is right for us, before fucking ourselves over to fix the mistakes other nations made themselves.

>T..tru trump utterly d..destroyed her! OKAY! r..rea..real plans! OKAY! OKAY?

Johnson Weld 2016

Hey bruh.. you mad?

So you just asked me like 30 questions. I see retardation levels are out of control with trump supporters.


Do you fucks against Trump even realize everything at stake in this election?

Are you even aware of the open seat in the Supreme Court? Do you understand the kind of person Clinton will put in? It will tilt the bias towards Democrats. The constitution with no counter ballance WILL be perverted and reinterpreted to fit their agenda.

Free speech will be a thing of the past, and it will become a criminal activity to so much as offend certain groups or political organizations. The 2nd will be utterly abolished and reduced to protecting nothing more than muskets. Right to free trial will no longer be for the everyman and you will be guilty until proven innocent. Ect ect ect. This will be irreversible damage to our nation.

Those are the rules put in place by the constitution. its unfortunate that republican died.. and it just so happens a democrat will win the seat.. why is that her fault?





If you want improperly vetted refugees and illegal immigrants to flood into the US and drive up the amount of terror attacks, rapes and murders without a gun to defend yourself, then vote Hillary.



>muh trump the record bait

As someone who lived through the red-scare it's sad to see history repeat itself like this, soon you'll be calling for people to spy on their neighbors to make sure they aren't terrorists.

Fear is one of the best tools to control people. Don't let yourself be brainwashed.

Also, "if you don't support Trump you must support Hillary" is bullshit, some of us are actually adults and realize that either option is going to bring ruin.

You kids enjoy your military draft.

>You sad sad Trump supporters.

Polls show Hillary losing by nearly 35%

Exploded the trump shills heads

and different polls show trump losing by that amount.

You know the media is biased right? Some of them are pro-trump and some of them are pro-hillary, both are liars.

A Democrat must not win that seat.
It will be their fault because they are attempting to destroy the foundation of this nation intentionally. They aren't doing it because they think it's the right thing. They do it because it gives more power to them and less to you. It keeps the everyman in the dark so they aren't even aware how robbed they are.

After they seize control of free speech, how will you see conflicting ideas outside what MSM broadcasts to you? You won't. MSM will be viewed as the only absolute truth to the uneducated masses because it will be the only voice left. Who do you think owns that voice user?

Did I miss something? America is being sold??? the fuck?

I live in america. Since 9/11 and the iraq war there is major mistrust of "establishment politics" . Trump represents to some degree the 'anti-establishment' candidate. He also appeals to the ill-informed and disillusioned racist white americans who are witnessing their once majority demographic diminish


I really wish we could discuss politics without bringing up disasters that have happened over 15 years ago, the only reason that 9/11 still influences politics is because people keep bringing it up for emotional responses. It was awful of course but it's become a meme, (in the cultural sense, as in an actual cultural meme), it's lost all meaning because of it's utter repetition.

I also don't get why Trump is seen as anti-establishment, he's a fucking businessmen and corporations are about as pro-establishment as you can fucking get.

serious question. what if after all the shit you typed. all the "fights" you participated in. what if it was all for nothing and your own side loses?

i legit want to know what it would feel like to you to just lose, and have all your effort be for naught. btw im not a voter. don't even want to choose between two of the worst runners in history so far.

either side could answer this question as it is just hypothetical at this point.
i really want to know.
so please notice this post and leave a reply or your mother dies in her sleep right now.okay?

this is a 10/10 , great new material man well done

Keep believing it's only the "ill-informed " and spooky "racists".

He's the only proper economic choice for the US, and the only defense liberals can come up with is plugging their ears, closing their eyes, and crying "racists!" And "dumb rednecks!"

You have no arguments, because there are none. Trump is the greatest candidate our nation has had in over half a century, and you remain blinded by the lies MSM shoves in your face. You stand there and unironically believe media being funded by the same people funding Clinton is unbiased? You're just a fucking sheep. Wake the fuck up and go outside.

seriously, people need to learn history because of these patterns that play out like dominoes throughout even our most recent world history

Wow that was some FAST copypasta.

Impressive, Trump shill. Most impressive.

>Fear is one of the best tools to control people. Don't let yourself be brainwashed.
Seriously! But some of us are adults and realize 4 more years of establishment will not bring world war 3 and is a hell of a lot better than 4 years of the red scare being repeated


LOL so neet it hurts, trickle down has and will never work. Go troll funnyjunk virgin

LOL the Alt-Right Trump trolls are in the most complete state of full-throttle damage control on this site I have EVER seen!

I wish I had some popcorn.

Clinton utterly destroyed him.

She talked about real plans and policy and Trump just talked about himself.

She had him on the ropes the whole time. All he could do was arrogantly ramble while he was losing. It was embarrassing for him and for the Republican party.

Almost all the polls (that haven't been rigged by the alt-right) agree.

Clinton dominated

>either option is going to bring ruin
Want to know how I know you've never actually watched Trump speak and form your opinions on him solely through social media? That statement right there.

This thread reeks of samefagging.


>in a way it's comfy for her but not trump
Like... like a person?

If you want to see liberal paradise look no further than Detroit faggot. Liberal ideals have never, and will never work without the unwilling support from those who don't agree with it.

not at all a Trump fan, but he absolutely won this debate. His eccentricities did not look well on him, but he was able to hammer down the fact that she has been in power and did nothing.

Any voter that was undecided before this debate has seen Trump before. He did nothing more extreme than he has already done. And tonight he proved that he could not only hand in there in a debate with Hillary, but damn near win.

If her numbers go up after tonight, I will truly be shocked.

i feel like im pissing in an ocean of shite whenever i say similar words..don't even get a response most of the time, like as if people don't wanna hear that you can simply NOT pick between the two. and im not saying vote for third party w/e cause those guys are underfunded and almost nonexistant.

im just saying if our gov were to present us two turds for voting time. then we should all collectivly say NO NO NO WE DONT WANT EITHER ONE!!!

but no...we have to divide ourselves just because we want to be right and think other people are wrong. no one wants truth. they just want what they think is right.

civil war america part 2 is when btw?

so explain to me how the biggest tax cut since reagan will help fund infrastructure jobs that need federal and state money?

Because a magic cartoon frog god coincided with reapeating digits on a fourchin post that said so.

Nah, I don't trust the media and evaluated both candidates myself, Trump is going to worsen relations with south America gravely, Cuba JUST got back on good terms with us in trade and the financial side of trump's "build a wall" meme is just going to make things extremely tense there.

Have you READ his policies? They're fucking jokes that amount to "if it doesn't work we will bully people into making it work"

Clinton isn't any better.

You do remember that I lived through the red-scare right? I'm at least twice your fucking age you little shit, but nah, you probably know more than I do.

You fucking SHOWED ME.

Rate my loli plz
... Oh wait thats not a loli

I'm not pro Trump so much as I'm anti Hilary and yes trump got wrecked this debate but that was more his poor performance than any brilliance of the part of Hilary. ultimately the fact that Trump preformed badly in one debate doesn't change the fact that Hilary is a corrupt liar who has threatened war against Russia.

Them being our choices means we've already lost, basically.

I honestly think that most of what's going on is just crazy fear mongering, which the internet has made insanely easy to do.

As someone who lived through the invention of the internet it's kinda scary to see it being used this way, it's kinda replaced TV as a propaganda delivery system, and the worst part is you can now outsource that propaganda and make it appear as if genuine people are thinking it.

i don't think trump voters read..saw a video where they asked people if they're supporting trump. they read out a bunch of policies to the people. ask if they agree with it. they ALWAYS say YES with total confidence.

then the moment comes when they reveal it was actually hillary's policies they agree with. and viceaverca with the other side.


>I lived through the red scare
>I'm super smart guiz, cuz I pushed a fucking broom in that era
I've worked with plenty of fucks in their 40s, 50s,60s, 70s, and even 80s in my field, and I can assure you if you bank on your fucking age as a reference for your intellect, you're retarded.

Russia INVADED Ukraine! That is reason to take action and threaten

this is all very very true. and it's going to get almost infinitely worse from here on out.

> a corrupt liar

And trump isn't? The lesser of two evils here is Hillary not Trump.

Twice my age, and making less than half my hourly wage. Must be very intelligent.

Trump is the most ant-free speech of the two of them by a wide margin. this is a man that sues people that make JOKES about him. A man that has boasted about censoring the press core and how he will restrict the free press when he is President. This is a guy that wants to ban porn on the internet and regulate net traffic and speeds. Why do people think that he is some sort of bastion of free speech? Because he says crazy shit and insults people and that's cool, right?

Fucking unbelievable this election. They're both horrible but Trump is still worse.

>trump supporters
That's just a Cred Forums meme.

What you have is a fuckton of establishment haters, that prefer to see an orange with a glued wig in power for 4 years to obey the media again just to get fucked agian.

And hillary did NOTHING to prove she's not a cyborg made by microsoft and monsanto created with the sole purpose of selling the rest of america.

Sure kid.

>Trump is still worse
Nah. Not by a mile.

THATS WHY EDUCATION IS SO IMPORTANT. people need the ability to think critically. Its not that a bunch of people are stupid, its that most people were poorly educated. America has one of the worst education systems in a 1st world country

listen pal buddy guy friend...maybe if all that bad shite happens THEN THE STUPID ASS HALF OF AMERICA WILL FUCKING LEARN A LESSON AND NEVER ACT LIKE RETARDS AGAIN!'s like it takes a fucking national disaster to unite people or something. got damn stubborn assholes ALL OF YOU!

G8 B8 M8

Nice bait, but care! Trumpfags are easy to indoctrinate with stupidity, so WW3 could be your fault.

poorly educated is a very generous word. here in florida EVERYONE GRADUATES. from the F-'s to the AA+'s. fcat and standardized tests are a FUCKING JOKE.

i had to educate myself at home because i wasn't learning shite at school! all i do there is sleep, fuck, eat. and pass the shitty retarded "exams" they hand out.

the fact that you need to try and defend your intelligence on an anonymous internet forum is very telling.

People who didn't live through things like the red-scare have to try much harder to understand that history is repeating itself, that's my point, you haven't lived this. I have. This has all happened before, exactly like this.

Believe whatever you want, though it's pretty funny that you are resorting to insulting my income (which I never even stated...) grow up.

It's like that on purpose. It's not in the elite's best interests to have a nation of 320 million well-rounded, educated people who would be smart enough to see what the fuck is going on and potentially revolt. None of it is unintentional; we're supposed to be too stupefied by poverty and stress and distractions to see what's really happening.

It'll be far too late by that point. If those against Trump actually win, I sincerely hope they fucking choke on everything they hoped for. I want them to realize how badly they've damned their children, and their children's children. I hope the crushing guilt will drive them to suicide, knowing their entire life, they were wrong. I hope only that them coming to this realization will be the most soul crushing experience a human being can experience, because they fucking deserve it.

They aren't even people. Just brain dead fucking animals that somehow undeservingly obtained the right to vote on matters that effect actual people.

wait why am i in your post? im not defending my intelligence. just speaking my own opinion on the state of a few things.

Sorry, it was a mistake.

>guiz I swear, as an uninformed piece of garbage that lived in the red scare, I somehow am an advanced intellectual and a master of politics!
If you're as old as you say, act your fucking age faggot. By your logic, nobody your age would support Trump.

it's cool. thanks for the (you)


I went to public highschool too. One reason its so fucked up is because they cut funding for education first when the budget is low after cutting taxes to get elected

It's almost as if trump supporters are as uneducated as trump is. Wonder if there is a way to quantify that?

who the fuck cares, america's gonna burn one way or the other.
At least if trump wins America will burn with a beautiful patriotic flame.
If hillary wins it will be a weak flame with the smell of islam, sjws and corruption.
I would rather america die the way it lived, proud, strong and free.

If america is all right, why there are so many trump supporters?

She dodged most questions given to her, and only half answered the others.

>no actual crimes with evidence
>comparing this to the actual crimes and treason committed by Clinton.

>the red-scare
>greyfag here
I came into the end of this ['60ish], these kids didn't live through this.
They've got no idea what could happen.

Im sorry thats just bullshit, it is absolutely in the "elites" best interest because we all are the people that actually create and build in this country and generate more wealth for these "elites"
the fuck is going on is that people are retarded and elect people like ted cruz and scott walker to governor and shit

Protectionist policies which would actually tax imports and encourage jobs to return to the U.S.

Lol you're about to be real butthurt here shortly. People are saying things about Trump's penis and Alvin and the chipmunks collection.

>by your logic, no one your age would support trump

Hahaha, what? Most people that lived through the red scare still think commies are plotting to destroy America.

Man, why am I even responding to you? Do you even see how childish and petulant you're acting?

I'm giving you the viewpoint of someone who has information that is relevant to current times, and you're getting pissy and going "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING"

You know, just because someone's view is different than yours, doesn't mean they're wrong... but that idea is impossible for you to grasp.

i'd like to believe they never had funding for public schools in the first place. seeing as how all public schools i've seen around here still use old crt monitors. and textbooks the teachers used when THEY were kids. it all goes to those shitey magnet/catholic schools. LITERALLY ALL OF IT.


>I also don't get why Trump is seen as anti-establishment, he's a fucking businessmen and corporations are about as pro-establishment as you can fucking get.

He's not, he's as anti-establishment as the Koch Brothers. I can't understand why people/the media let him get away with painting himself as the underdog outsider. He's been a large donor to most presidential campaigns for the past few decades - democrat or republican. He donates to whoever benefits his business the most. He's almost as much of a political insider as Clinton.

I would have thought his disrespect of the first amendment ('we're going to tighten up libel laws') would be reason enough for conservatives to drop him hard. Apparently the only amendment that matters is the second though.

Plenty of crimes and evidence.

No actual crime in Hillary's "scandals"

yea but no, we aren't the main consumer of goods anymore. Foreign business's would simply not import goods to america and common place items you are used to getting at walmart that were made in taiwan and malayasia would be 5 times the price.

>You know, just because someone's view is different than yours, doesn't mean they're wrong...

sadly this is the problem with half the country and why we are so divided between two candidates.

Can't understand how anyone is against the wall. Simply can't understand how law enforcement is even considered racist or offending anyone but criminals. It's not like he's making lamps out of their skin.

>Apparently the only amendment that matters is the second though.

for now... give it 20 years and the argument will be "why would anyone besides cops and bad guys have guns? we need to tighten gun laws"

and on and on it goes.

well look to your elected representatives. That's where the solution is. Make sure your well represented at a local level.

I'm mostly poking at you because I find it humorous you consider yourself so much more informed on this subject solely due to being alive in the red-scare. As though that was your master argument. As if nothing can prove you wrong.

I'm not against a wall on principal, I'm against it because if you read his policy on how he's going to get it built, it's a fucking joke and amounts to "bully mexico into paying for it. they still won't? bully harder"

read about it yourself, hell read all of them, none of them make sense and are just a bunch of buzzwords.

It's not what he proposes that's wrong, it's how he's going to go about it, and in many cases, he uses big words to try and make it seem like he has a plan, but he simply does not.

>just watch this youtube video its totally legit

The vast majority of illegal immigrants overstay visas but arrive legally. Nobody is actually literally hopping the border. Further, mexicans are leaving in much larger numbers than arriving - the problem is correcting itself. The wall is a massive waste of money to appease people who don't understand how illegal immigration happens.

I'm going to come to your trailer park and mock you from my Lexus.

Maybe you should listen to me, someone who wasn't alive during the red scare but has learned about it? Have you heard of a guy named Joseph McCarthy?

If you want to see an economy based on manufacturing (i.e. Trump) look at Detroit.

btw on a slightly different note, did you see adam ruins everything when he talks about border walls?

i felt like it explained why walls are pointless along the border and such but it couldall be bs for all i know. made some sense to me though.

Trump isn't also lying? Do you think he even wants to be President?

you know what man, I'm going to help design a better trailer park for his city and then maybe a school for his children so they can one day dream of things their father couldnt

the pain emanating from your butt...

Please refrain from passing your stupidity on to another generation.

That's a economy based on manufacturing sans manufacturing.

I'd rather pave it. Fuck low-skill low-income Trump shills. Some people deserve to be poor.

You live in a fantasy land.


Some of his points are valid, the bottom line is that building a wall isn't going to help as much as tightening up policies and reforming immigration.

it's the wrong solution, but it's much easier to get behind "BUILD THAT WALL, BUILD THAT WALL" then "PUT FORTH POLICIES THAT WILL HELP TO REFORM IMMIGRATION, PUT FORTH--"

ya dig?

>went on rant after rant
>took more sips than Rubio in a desert and more sniffs than Hillary at a hay fever convention
>lied about supporting Iraq
>defended the birther memery
>all but admitted to tax evasion
>didn't even press Hillary on emails or Memeghazi

Like you said, anybody undecided already knows Trump but his performance sure isn't going to convince anybody

Exactly, our competitive advantages lay elsewhere. Anyone who promises to "bring back the manufacturing jobs" is lying to you.

Thank you for being a reasonable human.

i do digg.

Mexico should build the wall.
Would curb the human trafficking, drug dealers, immigrants that come with the only purpose of crossing over to the US, and specially, SPECIALLY would block americans from illegally getting into mexico after either trump or hillary wins.

Reminder that immigration has been on decline for years and is literally a non-issue

mfw none of this shit matters because tyranny.

>it is absolutely in the "elites" best interest because we all are the people that actually create and build in this country and generate more wealth for these "elites"

Half truth. The elites want the people just smart enough to do all the labor, but just dumb enough to not revolt, which is where poor education and massive amounts of distractions and everything else bad about the USA come into play.

We are nothing but completely expendable serfs to those at the top. Don't get me wrong, we live a million times better than our ancestors could've dreamed, but the game always has and always will be the same.

America today is a lot like 1984, except in that book they used force to keep their people in line. Our elites use seduction. It works way better in the long run.

Why would they, though?

>real plans
just repetition and CHINA CHINA CHINA

Dont worry guise, his 10 year old nephew is literally the hacker known as Cred Forums.

What a fucking tool.

I'm sorry, but did Senator Palpatine already lose? Oh, that's right. The debates aren't even over yet. In fact, only a number of Galactic lock states have reported. Does not having the lead at this point count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the debates are still on? Senator Palpatine is still winning states right now and has lead in the national polls for how many weeks now? He's up against the worst first female President in the history of Coruscant, who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the momentum of winning the first debate to start off. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Senator Palpatine is one of the best fucking politicians in the Galaxy, he tells the truth. and crushed Padme because of his popular support. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Senator Palpatine wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Senator Jar Jar just lost a future debate to Palpatine. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You all are a fucking idiots and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Palpatine topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like Palpatine because he's successful. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

There is no more pain. There will only be joy. If Trump wins, I swim in liberal tears for 4-8 years. Should he lose, I leave this nation and laugh at the fucks who dug their own grave. It'd a win all around really.

I'm sure it would be really effective at stopping drug dealers

Well, could be a figurative wall, like drone vigilance etc..

>le 4chin is an alt right safe space
That only happened when the newfags emerged

I love how americans are 10 times more worried than any european... when they are 10 times safer than us. It's just talks about how politicians use terrorism to their own benefit.

This got better, user.

Again, there is no reason for Mexico to build the wall, especially after Trump did everything in his power to piss them off.

He has no way to actually force them to either besides "bullying"

imagine finding a reasonable, rational Trump supporter. You don't have to vote Hillary at the end of the day. You can still vote Trump. Just keep being objective.

drugs go through tunnels and most immigrants come here on planes.

The wall is a stupid idea no matter what angle you're peddling. Period.

the only remaining, valid candidate is the 99%. 4 more years of this shit and you can kiss most of the freedoms you know today goodbye.

the last resort so many have talked about has finally arrived; to overthrow the government, our right, due to the fact that it is corrupt. but most are to lazy and apathetic, watching their mainstream media while eating cancer.

im sure if we got about 15 celebrities who believed overthrowing was the last resort, talked about it, each spread out through the usa, we could possibly take back our country. but that seems impossible.

Wow. Seek mental help bruh. Trump is that who is nothing, much like his supporters. Fucking deplorable.

After last night Gary is looking better and better... Trump lost due to his 3rd grade attitude and vocabulary. Clinton forfeited with her non-answers and obvious media shill moderator. Help me Gary Johnson, you're my only hope!

Those Dwarves, always ruining perfectly sane plans!

what's funny is that trump supporters care more about feels than reals. It's funny because that's normally a hyper-liberal thing

Being informed is not how Trump supporters work, appreciate the help though


Yeah, and people break in to houses through windows, so why lock your doors?
Deterrence faggot

HICKORY CLITTON is a liar, nuff said.

not true
There are different fractions in the rebellion, one of them being the Free Syrian Army. They fight against ISIS. ISIS emerged out of the vaccuum Saddam left in Iraq (after the US invasion) and as a branch of Al-Qaeda. So ISIS didn't suddenly emerge out of thin air when Obama decided to sanction Assad, retard.

Or in reality land none of that will happen and a dem judge will help build the future we want and need to see.


I personally think that the "seduction" you claim to be perpetrated by "elites" is self-created and self-sustaining until the general level of education is raised and the culture would then follow.
I could also be completely full of false hope and naiveness

The questions asked were essential issues, true.

The answers are irrelevant. Why?

Because we know enough about how both of these people operate to know that the answers are totally inconsequential to whether or not actual policies will be implemented.

Trump proposes things that will either never get passed by Congress or are so obviously empty rhetoric for his fanboys that nobody with any sense would believe he is serious.

Clinton talks well and appeals to people who think her "serious" answers will translate into "serious" actions - the only things that will happen under a Clinton administration will be things that benefit her, her family, her connections and the people who already own her.

tl;dr debates are meaningless outside of providing nice sound bites and snippets for political ads.

The man that doesn't know basic Middle Eastern geography, and doesn't think climate change is really that important because we're all going to die in a few billion years when the sun expands and consumes the earth. Pretty depressing when that's your only hope.

Top kek

>dem judge
>future we need to see
Pick one, and only one

There are several reasons, all that benefit mexico mostly.
Being "the country that makes border to the country everyone wants to go (tm)" is a very, very shitty position.

Voting for Clinton means voting for a corrupt, dishonest, career establishment politician.
Is it really so dumb not to want that?

This person gets it

Voting for Trump means voting for a corrupt, dishonest, shamelessly populist celebrity businessman.

le funney nerd movie! haha I got the reference I'm such a geek ! :P

Right? Unless we want Jill... But I'll take a nut job over a commie any day

was waiting for that

that... doesn't even make sense. Do I not have a roof and have tunnels under my house in this metaphor of yours?

If I had no roof and tunnels into my basement I probably wouldn't be worrying about locking my doors. Now do you get it?

See, since America has tunnels in it's basement, and no roof, it's probably more important to address THOSE issues before locking the doors. Since locking the doors costs and est. $25Billion dollars, and working on the tunnels and airspace would cost much less and be more effective.

You get it now? Do you understand or do you need me to state it in another way because I will. Because if you understood what I'm saying, you could not have the stance you have, because it is illogical. If you honestly understand what I'm saying and you choose to have the viewpoint you do, you are putting your feelings before reality. You are feels before reals. Please. Understand. Really try.

Hickory clitton the liar

im not worried im ashamed that my government perpetuates warfare and that our country is kind of shitty

It just felt... right. You know?

It's sad to see that the only acceptable candidate is a political robot without ambition to lift the middle class. Who's left? A con-man, and if you're a pseudo-intellectual contrarian, a lolbertarian?

Where would we be without Bernie this cycle? Hillary would be unopposed, taking her coronation without compromise. She would not have changed her positions on the TPP. She would not have changed her position on affordable college. She would not have changed her position on minimum wage. She would not be supporting single payer healthcare. The DNC would not have been exposed as the establishment "good ol boy" club that they are. Unfortunately, Sanders realized that he cannot be the the president America deserved. Too much was stacked against him. So he is going to be the hero it needs right now. He is going to turn his own supporters against himself, because he can take it, and hope that they vote for Hillary. The person he has pushed and pushed to be the hero America needs right now. She could be. She has all the opportunity ahead of her. And if she turns out to be Two Faced, he will be right there to call her out. He sowed the seeds of political assassination during his endorsement. So he will wait, and he will watch.

You're in a two party system, I'm not sure why you'd vote third party at all, and risk a candidate like Trump getting up. Third party votes handed Bush the election in 2000 and led to two unnecessary wars. Lobby your representatives between elections for an alternative voting system, everyone knows the voting system is broken as fuck, but I wouldn't use something as important as a presidential election to make a statement.

It's my belief too that the distractions are self-created, BUT what gets perpetuated is mostly at the hands of the elite, i.e. a movie or TV show or whatever that fits with the narrative the elites want the public to hear (propaganda if you will) will get popular quickly. Why the fuck else did Zero Dark Thirty and Argo win all the academy awards a couple years back?

Lesser of two evils.
To insult Trump supporters by holding out Clinton as your example of a superior candidate makes you look like an idiot, not me.
They both suck. I'll be voting for the guy who'll actually gets off on winning, not the woman who has been bought and sold her entire life.

so all of a sudden fox news is correct

>Trump is that who is nothing

What are you, Yoda? Stfu

They're both evil and the fact that we have to choose between two such obvious evils is disgusting.

>implying I'm voting
speaking as somebody who voted Obama in 2012

and they say trump supporters are stupid.

"the lesser of the two evils" do have a limit that is crossed when both options will do something so evil, that gets irrelevant which one is the best.
It's like having to pick between being shot in the head several times with an AK47 or an AR-15.

when did Cred Forums become a daycare center for millennilas?

Then your principals blow ass.
I would rather choose a candidate that was better for the collective good than who wins the fucking popularity contest in your eyes. This is why American politics is a joke. You vote for a person, not a policy.

When the mods started allowing cancer.

Soros says, thanks Sheeple.


Ever since it was established. Millenials also include those born in the 80s

Its funny you mention it. But the Clinton foundations records state she has received donations from Russia and Saudi Arabia.

It's great when Rose O' Donald get mentioned in the debate.


I'm Hispanic Puerto rican and I support trump!

And Trump tower housed the brother of Osama bin Laden. None of these candidates are clean. But at least Hilary has released her records. Trump has been sued 3900 times. He seem legit to you?

sheeple still think they decide who wins. BAHAHAHA

Here's what's really sad, Hilliary practiced her lines for the debate.

This guy gets it. I was in here last night right after the debates. Pretty much all shitposting like OP. Thread after thread, and I thought to myself, did they watch the same thing I just did?

>Can't understand how anyone is against the wall
then you should probably kill yourself

how long have you been lurking old wise one?

Thats the first time ive ever seen a human being imply that big business/politicians running America WANT an educated populace. Youre blind to the fact that educated citizens arent what make rich people their money. The poor running the machines, making the products keep rich people rich, newfag.

Corporations dont need to create new thinkers en masse through the education system because theres more than enough future shitlord leaders to take their place through the never ending passing down of wealth and opportunity (trump prime example, started rich from birth, so practically destined to sit a position of power) whether its generational like Trump, or through rich-kid fraternities basically designed to keep money/power in the same hands over generations of youth.

It amazes me daily how people could ever think there arent two distinctly different classes of human beings, wage slaves who make the products/services and the 1% who actually profit off of them.

Can you explain to me why anyone who already has it made would want competition? Because it sounds like you believe that the elites are welcoming and amassing talent from just anywhere or anyone when that couldnt be further from the truth. They have a more than sufficient resevoir of future overlords being groomed for their thrones to the point where everyone being a doctor or lawyer isnt necessary, and for that matter a deteiment to them holding all the chips

this mindset here is why murricans have such a low voter turnout though. all you retards are so apathetic. I get it. A two party system sucks. But not everything is about you and how politics directly benefits you. It's about what benefits the whole and does the least amount of damage

So Hillary is more diciplined and prepared to be the next POTUS? You're probably right.

>I'll be voting for the guy who'll actually gets off on winning
so, you will vote "not Trump"?

trump offers change for the better

clinton is relic of the past

Poor dont run machines anymore
Rich people get rich off ideas not products. Also corporations are not objective beings that dictate where wealth is being distributed. Have you had any experience with corporations that have under 100 employees? Many business's are started by genuinely good people that want to help and provide for their community. Also the goal of this country should be to produce the most people in the STEM field as it possibly could. Thats the future, not lawyers and doctors.

>Because it sounds like you believe that the elites are welcoming and amassing talent from just anywhere or anyone when that couldnt be further from the truth
Also we have a policy that does this directly. We bring in scientists to our universities from all over the world

Then the next question is why are the American electorate so fucking retarded that they can only understand basic policy concepts if they are presented in metaphorical crayon.

The truth is that facts don't mean shit to Trump supporters. All of Trumps transgressions, lies and general behaviour that would have sank any other candidate have no effect on Teflon Trump.

Trump is all about censorship of the internet and free speech. He sues people for making jokes ffs. He has spoken about banning pornography and boosting libel laws. He has the thinnest skin ever yet is perceived by his fans as none of these negative traits.

He doesn't pay his workers. His kids run around Africa killing elephants and lions whilst Trump himself buys six foot tall portraits of himself (TWICE!) with charity money whilst simultaneously accusing China of inventing global warming on Twitter and still nobody that supporters him goes "wait a fucking minute".

It's nothing if not completely wild and entertaining but then you remember what job he's running for.

Just imagine the apoplectic shitstorm that would occur if Hillary tried the type of stunts he does. She would be crucified. Trump supporters would be rabidly frothing at the mouth. You know, more so...

He's a protest vote and is just a catalyst for low information emotional voters that feel totally left out to dry.

Then there are of course those that just want to watch the world burn and as a result a Trump presidency would be... I guess more "entertaining?" That feeds in to the younger voters that haven't grown out of that anarchic phase in exchange for stability yet.

For a lot of people on Cred Forums and over at The_Donald subreddit it's their first election where they can vote. The memes that have sprung up around Trump have reinforced his brand to all his followers. He's almost a cartoon character at this point.

they figure any bald guy with the balls to pull off that horrible double combover deserves to be pres

If the american electorate was any smart, neither clinton nor trump would be candidates.

That's usually what populists do. Offer change. Obama did it as well. But Hillary is of the Realpolitik school. She's been in politics so long she knows how to grind the Congress' gears. Trump has no clue. And he's literally no new phenomenon.


George Carlin laid it all out on his American Dream rant on utub, watch it 5 times minimum

You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?

Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.

This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.

This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.

Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.

Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.

NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

Take off the fedora and trenchcoat then place your katana on your desk and go have a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror.

I like you user.

that's some very high quality bait

Actually all Americans are the dumbest human beings idiot. FUCK AMERICA

How fucked hillary and trump would be if they had to run against Milo?

Just because she lies doesn't mean she did good.... itt people loveing lies over people hateing mean words.

FactChecker disagrees with who lies the most though. You should care more about policies than who comes best off at face value in your world.

Trump is our only hope.

Trump is successful because he is not presidential, he does not act like a politician. It's not so much people like Trump, people don't like cookie cutter politicians. People are also tired of either a bush or a Clinton being in every presidential race since the 1980s.

He's not Luke fucking skywalker you God forsaken faggot

ISIS is a result of the US funding rebels to fight Russia's dictator in Syria. The way things worked for most of the cold war was one superpower backed the rebels that were attacking the dictator propped up by the other superpower. If they one there was a regime change and the roles switched. In the middle east it doesn't work that way, but both sides still play the same game.


Did 'Europe' understand Berlusconi?

What did everyone expect to happen? Russia needs parts of the Ukraine for strategic purposes. What do you think would happen if Mexico or Canada decided joining an alliance with Russia was a good idea? The US would send in the troops to redemocracize them in a heartbeat.

Agree, Trump fucked her a new asshole. Democrats be like "But.. but.. he said mean things" While voting for a psychopathic liar that is 100% proven to be corrupt.

Meanwhile EU collapsing, refugee crisis, Deutsche Bank collapsing. lmao, go back to ur hole cuck


The dumb hillary fucks , dont want independant EU ARMY. HOW THE FUCK EU IS supposed to function without fucking army ? Central Bank is corrupt ,just like fucking BOJ, preserving stabillity of the dollar. Fuck Hillary. Fuck these EU cooks.

they are a facade for facism.

Qft +1 Internet for you. This is so true. Sadly there isn't anyone in politics that supports the ideals America was founded on. So quickly people give up freedom in the face of fear.

Thanks for correcting the record we've added half a shekel to your account.

>le shekels
>when Trump is a much larger ally of Israel than Hillary ever was

Yes, it's a sad situation, the internet seemed to hold so much promise for humanity in the early days.

Turns out access to information was never really the problem.

You literally just described trump.

Check out the live fact checks for this debate, check our the fact checks throughout the entire race. Trump is a bigger liar than hillary ever could be.

But I guess

>muh feelings say otherwise, so km right

*so I'm right

The jews never lose.
They adapt to survive anything, and their actions are controlled by the situation.

Kek pretty much

typical trump supporter

It was an amazing drinking game, I can tell ya that much.

I'm still wasted nearly half a day later.

You know both trump and Hillary will lead to ruin of this country. ..frankly it already is ruined. We have fusion centers fema camps vast underground rail and highway systems the council of governors the amount of ammo fema bought the rfid chip machines the speech Obama gave last Tues admitting to a world government plan discounting our national sovernty the bilderburg group to which trump and Hillary belong to all in preparation of the end of this country. The writing is all over the wall. It doesn't matter who gets elected. ..we've already lost.

you can't be older than 15



Worst debate I have seen in my life

BULLSHIT! Hillary give great answers. Trump just prattled on and on jd talked in circles.

This thread brought to you by the Clinton Foundation.

>muh fact checks

>he's the only proper economic choice for the U.S.

Ahahahaha holy shit

>muh cherry pick

Also I said look at the live fact check as well

lets meet bud

Clinton and Trump are both dumbfucks. Trump is a clown and nominated himself just for fun. Clinton does not care about america and it's people besides she is a woman. I understand a nigger president, but stupid woman president is too much for america.



Nobody likes Hillary any more after this debate, but Trump was a fucking joke. Making shit up left and right, denying he said shit people have him on camera saying, arguing with the moderator for a full minute, and just generally blowing a lot of hot air.

I don't even agree with Libertarian policies but I'm inclined to vote Gary Johnson after this shit. He won't get the more extreme shit he wants through even if he did make office, and he'd be less of a complete fucking embarrassment to the nation.

Berlusconi gets his power via the mafia, he owns all the media channels in Italy. So that is a bad comparison.

Trump was there to distract Hillary Clinton from her biggest enemy: Hillary Clinton.
Clinton is completely demolishing Clinton, making the american people wanting to vote for an orange with wig instead, and this orange attracted all the fire from Clinton to protect Clinton.

So Trump didn't support the Iraq War?


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Democrats hired Trump at this point.

Possibly, but it still look like one of those awful backfires if this is the case.
The dems are too disconnected from the reality.


watching the internet break after these debates is possibly the most entertaining thing all year. That being said, anyone who thinks trump won can't think for themselves.


"I did not say that"

Trump lied every time Hillary made a truthful attack on him

>real plans

Forgot pic

>says shit
>doesnt source it
Huh. That's weird. My URL bar says Cred Forums but everyone's talking like this is fucking Facebook.



go to Cred Forums holy fuck

Did you even look at the replies before you posted that

Better check it before he deletes it

Trump was getting tired at the end like he wanted it to be over and Hillary just kept on pumping.
