So iv started dating Cred Forums and i come here for help, ironically

So iv started dating Cred Forums and i come here for help, ironically....

We have dated for a week now, and im already seeing red flags pop up all the place, ill list a few:

>"Im really distrusting so i usually cheat on people before they cheat on me"

>Wants surrogate children

>Keeps showing me pictures of ex'es

>Another person forced a kiss while drunk, admitted they liked it

This is my first romantic endavour, they have had multiple experiences, should i end it Cred Forums?

>Pic unrelated


if you dont wanna kill yourself in 6 months, go ahead & dodge this bullet. GL

Sounds like you have a one way ticket to cuckville with that one OP, would reccomend leaving before you get too attached, as first heartbreaks are always bad

Why on Earth wouldn't you run after being presented with that level of bullshit?

Why should i an hero after 6 months?

First heartbreaks are bad, but they have to happen eventually... right?.....

Because i really like that person, no other reason

Drop that bitch

That's what you get for dating Cred Forums retard

>Dating Cred Forums

If you're a bad enough dude not to act irrationally after getting fucked over by sum'bitch then you aint got nothin to lose.
My advice is to pretend you don't notice these red flags so that you won't seem insecure to her & just fuck her until one of you doesn't want to anymore. Try not to get too attached to someone who shows these warning signs cuz 98% says theyre gonna fuck you in a little bit & if you're a pussy, you're gonna feel hurt & that shit is whack. But, fuggit.

That's what OP said

You actually seem like a sensible man OP just fuck her and leave her ass

Honestly, its the first person iv ever liked romantically, i think its gonna be impossible for me to not get hurt when this eventually ends, i just dont know if i should keep going and cling on to what little emotion i have left or if i should just end it....

Wish i could, but i would never do that to someone, unfortunately

Holy shit dude bail

>Its your first time being someone's significant other
>They're completely thrown off
>You think they'll end up hurting you

Good instincts, but you're not going to leave them. Its just going to get worse and worse until it explodes. Be a man and do what you feel is right

Thanks for the advice user, its appriciated... How to deal with the eventual heartbreak without killing myself?

Theres a huge difference between love and lust OP.

Sure you might like her and think shes attractive, entertaining and whatnot
But you also made this thread, and are obviously having doubts.

As soon as you have doubts like that, end the relationship. Because the fact is, they will never truly disappear. She will have always said those things, and it will have always bothered you.

i mean lets take a closer look at what she said

>i dont trust people on the slight chance they could be a cunt, so i am a cunt to them before they can be a cunt to me

>wants the easy way out making a kid

>keeps showing you competition, obviously because shes still attached and wants to fuck with you

>admitted she liked being forcefully kissed while drunk by "a stranger whom she didnt want to kiss originally"

Look you're clearly young and a kind person, but put your own emotions and happiness before any woman until you marry her. I mean you didnt really need to make this thread, you know inside your mind what the right decision is. Dump her before it gets serious and you get seriously hurt.

This. Well phrased.

sounds like my first girl, i broke up with her 3 years ago and she has had, and im not kidding, 6 failed relationships after that. everyone told the same story. trust your instincts i just wish i had ended it earlier.
would have spared me alot of anger and time.

Bail. Leave it there. Don't go for it.

You will regret it OP.

Don't say you weren't told

Fuck that, bail out as soon as you can. And don't just keep going with the relationship and ignore all these anons giving you sensible advice. Leave her ass now. From what you've said she's clearly trying to fuck with your head and use you as someone just to mess around with.

Why don't you be a fucking adult and talk to her about your concerns, that's how long lasting functional relationships work.
To succeed long term you must have the following :
1. A solid friendship to fall back on during the dull moments of being together, it after sex has been had 1000 times and you're sitting on the couch I'm your underwear at 3.47pm on a tuesday.
2. Communication, could easily be number 1 but if you're not solid besties you might have trouble talking about why she obviously has daddy issues and why you're so inept you ask b for advice instead of looking looking within yourself for it.
3. Understanding, because it's literally impossible to 100% agree with each other 100% of the times, you're gunna eventually butt heads while cleaning, paying bills, where you're going for the holidays
4. Trust. For without trust, how can you even be friends let alone feel confident when they're around people they'd likely bang if single, but respecting the relationship enough to not do it.

I have a story for you OP
i'll keep it brief but youll get the message

>be 15, 3 years ago now
>all my friends are starting to have sex
>I still hadent although i saw lots of girls for short periods of time
>start working at supermarket
>dont know anyone there really
>kinda know one girl, lets call her C
>she was in the year above me at school
>become friends pretty quick, she starts flirting with me hard straight away
>tells me about her boyfriend and shit
>everyone at work thinks shes annoying and crazy, but i like her
>fast faward a year
>decide fuck it, im the last one in my group
>lonely and depressed
>begin seeing her
>pretty quickly i see red flags, but i ignore them and think "Oh thats just C, its cool"
>fuck alot. She said " I was her best" and that bullshit
>tells me im the first guy to fuck her ass
>later found that was bullshit
>had fucked 4 dudes before me
>Smoke so much weed, like so much. Every time im with her we're smoking weed.
>6 months of haze
>makes me ignore lots red flags, cheating clues, general lying bullshit
>get more depressed, stop eating
>dont eat for two days and throw up water at work
>eventually its too much and i break up
>have sex
>break up again
>have sex again
>break up again
>fuck one more time, cum in her ass
>tell her i dont love her at all
>break up for real

>4 months of weird shit at work
>a year of "random encounters"
>shes now dating her drug dealer, who i met, who has a kid

morale of the story, trust your gut. Get out.
You might just find a cute, kinky, shy virgin like i did after that ordeal.

Op just go as long as you want it to go for the sex and dump her when you get bored. It's an easy lay for you and you know it's not going to last forever. Life is short but not that short so have some fun

But srsly use a fuckin condom you virgin

Its not lust as much as its me wanting someone to emotionally depend on and know that there is someone for me there, hence why i am so unsure if i should rip the band aid off quick or wait until it falls of naturally

I dont want to just bail, im not that kind of a person, and i really like the person, despite the red flags

Good tips, i guess im just too much of a pussy to talk with her about it and afraid of rejection..

My SO also has a bad habit of not answering me on FB or Snapchat, asking me to suddenly come over when they feel like it, kinda makes me feel used and not paid attention too, but im too afraid to fuck all up to talk with them about it...

Amen to that. That's where I fucked up and now my son's 4 years old

Checked, and respect what you just said.

This. She's a slut that hasn't figured out that she loves every dick yet. Don't fall for her, she's already cheated on you.

haha dude you are in for a ride if you stay with that slut

i say save yourself the trouble and leave this bitch once you get whatever it is you want

Rip it of now, it will probably hurt more initially but you´ll have a significant shorter rehabilitating time than getting your ass cheated on, which is probably the reason why most Cred Forumstards are mostly dead inside.

Look, make your own mistake then kid. At least youll learn from it like I did. We wont say we told you so.

Life is full of crossroads, might seem good at first but remember the butterfly effect.

Thanks for the advices and perspective guys, i have alot of thinking to do before i talk to my SO later today..

Im super nervous but im gonna see this trough, hopefully ill sort shit out
OP out, thanks again Cred Forumsros!

Man you sound like my friend who only ever had one girlfriend who cheated with him for some ugly loser on some weeaboo mmo.

All I can say is if and when it ends badly, dont blame the rest of the world or all of women or some other bullshit. This was your fault. Learn from it and learn to be a little more cautious in the future but don't just fucking give up entirely and turn in to a born again wizard cause you'll be miserable.

>first heartbreak has to happen
Tell that to my fiance

Just fuck the bitch for as long as you feel you want to. Do not get emotionally attached and dump her whenever the fuck you like. Even if she does cheat on you and you remembered to not get attached who gives a fuck.

Probably took you years to get your end away user dont ruin it cuz faggotry

Tldr: use that hoe and throw it away when you are done or have somewhere better to stick it

You can use this as a training relationship. But don't fall in love: prepare for her to cheat and you should probably end it soon.

I was in your exact pos. last year, OP.

Red signs left and right.

>had a guy over that she had fucked earlier. didn't tell me, and when I found out she said "we just talked and danced"

>went on tinder-date behind my back. I checked her phone and found out. confronted her with it asking where she'd been. she lied. I told her the truth. she said "I just wanted a new friend".

>kissed a guy while she was out. "but, user, kissing is not cheating. It wasn't her fault.

I saw all the flags, but It was my first love, and I didn't want it to end. I endured to keep it going. she lost all respect for me and walked all over me after a while.

she needed a break. I knew it was over. she broke up with me 1 week later, and fucked the guy from earlier 1 week later (what she said). I bet she fucked him earlier.

Do what you like, but just know that if you EVER want her to respect you and come back - you have to break it off before it goes too far.

>I know these things
>don't take any bullshit from her OP.