I'm so sick of being tired all day then being unable to sleep at night

I'm so sick of being tired all day then being unable to sleep at night

Any tips on how to change this?

Wear an eyepatch.

Bro. Monitoring this thread. Cuz. Same shit..


Same here

Woah, that shit is just so edgy and off beat! Truly, subtle and offensive humor is the most intellectual.

find a night job become nocturnal problem solved

3rd user with the same shit too. Inb4 we all three have brain tumors or some shit.

2 mile run a day 10 minutes of yoga

start a club where people can fight.
seriously tho. just do sport till you're exhausted.

Stop eating junk food and eat shit that your body can actually turn into energy.

Stop playing video games late into the night, go and lay in bed when you know you should, don't wait til you get tired. Read a book in bed.

Anyone seriously interested, take multivitamins when waking up. Drnk caffeine in the morning, eat foods heavy in carbs and/or fat, then coast off of that all day.

I know guys really exhausted from high-end amphetamines that actually got over it from just taking multivitamins. It sounds fucking stupid, but it actually works.

Its like an "all-in-one" that maxes out every possible requirement your body has thats slowing you down, like a universal oil change of your soul.



I already do, when I can. Im so tired during daytime I can barely resist sleeping.

I don't eat junk food much and I don't use electronics two hours before bed

Find a reason to be awake. A reason to live.

Ive given up, personally.

stay up all night all day until you fall asleep at night

Work during the day so you're tired at night.
Don't sit on your ass all day wanking off and eating cheetos, you fat fuck.

Pretty much this.

Also, stay active during the day. Even if you're tired, drink a cup of joe and go outside to do work on your lawn, or work on your car, or go ride a bike. I feel as you described when I stay up late and wake up late. I've struggled with insomnia off and on for years. Stay wake up early and do active shit all day. Having a loud alatm accross the room from you will help you get your ass up each day.

Why does everyone think I'm just lazy? See , that's not it.

I think that's you you fatty

because that's typical for people with this issue.

everyone assumes until you tell us.

there's nothing really wrong with being a night owl. just find a job that is good for your schedule. but it does sort of wear on you after a while.
try is my suggestion

Are you a shallow breather?

Try cutting out all caffeine, i had the same problem for years and that's the only thing that helped me. When you have caffeine you're not letting your body be tired when it needs to be

Order modafinil. Take it every morning. Excercise some. Eat less.

Eat healthier and make sure it's at the same times everyday, 3 meals a day.
Start waking up and going to bed at the same time everyday.
Avoid drugs and alchohol.
Don't masturbate.
Exercise lightly in the morning and more vigorously in the late afternoon. Be consistent.

Your body's circadian rhythms are a huge part of your health. If you want to feel awake during the day your body has to know it's supposed to feel that way. 1 month of the above mentioned and you'll start feeling tired during the day less. 3 months and you'll be golden.

Put things up your ass OP. Sounds crazy but shoving a G.I. Joe up your shitter has a way of keeping you up.

Stop drinking coffee/soda/energy drinks. Seriously, that shit fucks you up when it comes to getting real sleep.

>pimpmygun irl

excersize, don't eat too much junk

weed helps too

Okay, okay, I'm sorry for calling you fat and lazy.

Stick to a regular schedule, go to bed at a set time, even if you're not tired, and get up at a set time. And don't use the snooze button, it'll only disrupt your sleep and make you more tired throughout the day.

>sleep naked
>small exercise like pushups before bed
>taking a bath or at least washing your face with some warm water
>take a cold shower or finish hot showers with a few minutes of cold water

install f.lux on your pc, you can use it to limit the amount of blue light it emits, there are studies that show that blue light makes people tired and depressed and fat so can't be that bad of an idea

>there are studies that show that blue light makes people tired and depressed and fat so can't be that bad of an idea
>live in a world where sky is made of blue

I would take those studies with a grain of salt. I think sitting in front of and staring into an unnatural light (i.e. the screen) all day causes these things. it could be blasting red all the time and we'd still feel like shit. probably a little angry or anxious too.