Tfw too intelligent to be in a relationship with anybody

>tfw too intelligent to be in a relationship with anybody

This is bs get higher standards

Top kek. You're probably a fucking retard, but to dumb to realize it.

>This is what Cred Forumstards actually believe

It happens.

Most smartypants' don't want to date people dumber than themselves. Unfortunately that narrows your possible pool of candidates quickly. Especially if you have any other criteria, such as independent, accomplished, healthy, & financially solvent. Gods forbid you add "reasonably good looking" to that list, or your genetic line is done for.

Christ, I know that feel. I've never met anybody who could match my level. It always feels like i'm talking to 5 year old children.

Be stupid as hell user. That's who is doing all the breeding. The dumber the person, the more relationships they have, the more offspring they're having.

It's quantity over quality, vs quality over quantity.

On one end, you have white trash, developing countries, niggers & beaners: Max Qty, Min Quality.

On the other, you have scifags, innovator-tycoons, mathheads, and assorted polymaths, who are assessing the world, humanity, and deciding to not reproduce. Max Quality, Min Quantity.

>Tips fedora

Girls and women just annoy me in general.
I am not interested in their hobbies, friends, the TV shows they like, etc, and I can't have proper discussions with most of them.

So yeah, this is ironically a lame post.

It's more like too ugly to be in a relationship, not intelligent. If you think intelligence is a hindrance, it means you are not intelligent at all.

also sage because obvious bait.

This formula leads to doom.

Probably a very entertaining doom, though.



If you were anywhere near intelligent you would have gravitated to other intelligent people. Real intellectuals don't associate with the fedora-tipping, holier-than-though loses like yourself.

>Pseudo-intellectuals are worse than dumbasses.

Post pic. Let's see if your "intelligence" is the problem.

Usually you discover this in your late 20s, early 30s, when it's too late and you've knocked one up, married, and are stuck feeding from the same trough for life, and it's too fucking late to fix your mistake without ruining at least your life if not some kids life.

Keep your wits about you, and always pull out & cum outside, when you do screw.

You can almost smell the rancid mountain dew and stale cheeto dust.


Somebody can't fucking read.

Oh look, it's you.

You mean no one with any shred of attractiveness wants you.

Looks like someone isn't too intelligent to be butthurt.

Post a pic. Prove him wrong you ugly NEET.

I'm one of those weird guys who in most cases can't desire a woman if she's dumb and annoying, regardless of how hot she might be.

From the trailer trash, yeah.
Every time I see someone with kids, it's some sweaty cow wearing shitty sweatpants and stinking of fast food.


There's your (You). Now go fuck yourself.

Not OP, and I AM married.

It's a fucking racket.


Literally the plot of Idiocracy

Bullshit OP no one who comes to a anime inspired imageboard everyday and then wonders why they cant get a girlfriend is intelligent. Your so intelligent then find a effective way to work on your social skills and find a woman. Im an autist and have probably had more sex than you quit whining, i think you and i both know your stupid.

It's always the people claiming to be "too smart" or "above average" intelligence who tend to be the dumbest motherfuckers

Pro tip: intelligence and knowledge makes you aware of how ignorant you are about everything else.

Your life sounds sad.

You took the Red Pill.

And yes before you ask i wrote like that to mock you

can i pay u for sucking ur cook

I think you mocked yourself.

Nice try.

You must have felt very intelligent writing that

who would want that shit
it's easy as fuck to get pussy if you aren't too ugly

is that a fucking comic sans right there?

To stupid to get laid

>implying op meant he wants to have some dumb cunt nagging him to death and consuming all his time and money and never shutting up about stupid bullshit, but is oh so sad because he can't get one on account of girls not liking intelligence.
>and not, being intelligent enough to be aware of base animalistic primal motives and how willing the obedient plebs in this idiotic culture are to go along with the utterly unethical, wildly unsuccessful, completely outdated concept of church&state sanctioned relationships according to garbage tradition, for the sake of upholding that garbage tradition.

Even though he came right the fuck out and explained he finds girls company unenjoyable and tiresome.

Yeaaah, you're the intelligent one.

You'll never get the breeders to understand that not everyone is so in love with this awful species that being chained to another one forever and the reproduction of more of them are the end-all be-all winderfulness of the universe.

Relationships and breeding are for people with no other purpose or idea of what the fuck to do with their pointless shit-hoarder lives.

There is a way, Cred Forumsrothers...

Why do I have this feeling that you actually believe you just posted the smartest relationship theory in the history of human kind, which totally isn't just some frustrated, half-baked, rant from a sad unfuckable loser, who couldn't get laid even if it his life depended on it?

You really got yourself believing that you are a smart person, for being self-aware enough to know the reasons why no one wants to fuck you, don't you?

I'm not even sure if this is bait anymore.

ITT: neckbeards who are insecure about their intelligence

Yeah. I have reverse-autism I can't turn off, other people's emotions are impossible to block out, other people's plans are painfully obvious, sociopaths stick out like an apple in a bucket of oranges and watching them prey on people who can't "see" them is sickening, other people regard me as their savior because I can deconstruct the people they want to figure out for them. I got a 28 year old virgin laid, he's 5'4 and has pizza face acne. Yeah. Sure would be a useful superpower if I could fucking go outside. Oh, and before you ask about me getting myself laid, yeah, I did it so much I got hepatitis C from ramming sluts in the ass. Now I can't fuck anybody. Fun.

Scariest people I ever "read", given that I don't go looking for them, are homicide detectives, this department's "A" team at that. Do not kill someone, good homicide are emotional and intellectual predators who will fucking destroy you. Where a normal person's heart would be is an emotional nuclear reactor that runs on pure fucking radioactive anger under the tightest control you can imagine.