What age should a girl start sucking cock

what age should a girl start sucking cock

Old enough to count old enough to mount


The legal age of 18.

Old enough to cross the street, old enough to get the meat

My wife is 27 now and still hasn't successfully sucked my cock.

As soon as she's old enough to fit the head in her mouth and understand not to bite down. Vaginal should probably wait until about when she has her first period, anal at 15 or so.

mmm so youre saying young

how young?

Yeah, probably 7-9 depending on the size of your cock. You won't be able to get it all the way down her throat until later though, it's mostly just training to get her used to it at that age.

did you ever try

Not when they're teething, that's for sure.

No, because I'm not a fucking moron who wants to get v&

i figures you tried or did it because you said 7 or 9 and whats v& mean?

>Age is a number on the clock she's ready for the cock.


you like her

idk about that

no older than 12

>whats v& mean?

And the correct answer the fbi is looking for is 18. Not a day younger.

There is a high correlation between the age someone first engages in sex acts and how shitty their life is later. I'm only in my mid twenties and I can see many of these girl's have had their life go to shit, the exceptions of course are the one's who are actually good looking or have wealthy families. I would say ideally no earlier than 17 or 18.