Does anyone on this board unironically support this shit?

Does anyone on this board unironically support this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

I do

Yep. I do. Hispanic here but blacks are treated like shat disproportionately

Yes. Someone has to serve me Mcdonalds until they automate that job.

Yes, I unironically believe that black lives matter.

another Hispanic here

fuck you traitor. notice how we don't have our own fucking gay ass bs.
we aren't lazy like the nigger. at least we work hard

nah, fuck em buncha whiney welfare takers

Even if you're joking, this hurts my heart so much.

> mah terrorist group hurts people
ALL Black people have been shit on literally for their whole lives by cops and the government, I'm glad they're taking a stand

Nope. They can all suck my dick.


Wait, are you asking if i think black lives matter, or if I agree with the anti-capitalist movement that pretends it's about helping black people?

I mean, whatever. Why are people against natural selection. Just let shit happen.

Taking a stand by beating homeless white folks and shooting police and causing shit

With sound:

Everybody mid to low class are shit on you fucking crouton

maybe if they weren't doing stupid shit all the time they'd be ok. name the last time a nigger followed a damn order without acting like an asshole.

You just described rednecks, not blacks.

I support it to a degree. I certainly don't fucking agree with them supporting the deaths of cops, but I also feel like there's not that much equality.

Let's be honest here, most of 'em gotta change their act.

I support it on a classist basis. Which in turn supports the Institutionalized racism

Rising tide lifts all boats. I know we've been shat on too but blacks been shat on for 200+ years and still get shafted now

Don't side the the nignog. Even stormfags consider you superior to the great ape, marching with them won't do you any favors, the blacks are the least inclusive race and have no love for hispanics.


why deny someone you love of pleasure?

black peopel are more important than asians and white people, we should just kill the rest to fix the problem.

generalize a bit more faggot

that chick looks like a dude, he can have her

that's a man...

2nd this

what the fuck

It's like any movement, the wackos start campaigning violent agendas under the banner of said movement, and bam, suddenly the whole movement is labeled as full of the wackos.

This tbh.

Slavery happened and is over. Since the civil rights movement has made such great strides black communities have gotten worse. Less graduates, more violence, more arrests. It's not society's fault, it's yours.


If you don't support BLM, you are holding our nation back.

This thread is a masterpiece.

applies to both


>pic unrelated, just some black slves

Inb4 some edgy faggot calls this bait.

back from the brink of disaster.

This, to be perfectly frank.

No, by supporting these self entitlement children who are destroying everything the last civil rights movement worked for, through violence and lack of how they come across to society as a whole, they are reversing whatever gains they've managed in the last 30 years.

Because men are naturally inclined to fight off invading males who are trying to jeopardize their ability pass on their genetic material with the best viable female option available to them.

Because I don't give a shit about my girlfriend's pleasure beyond eating her pussy and fucking her. If that's not enough for her, that's her problem and I can find someone else who appreciates the effort I put in.

MLK and MALCOME X both followed orders without acting like assholes, and guess what, white people killed them. Any other questions?


Just like these quads.

No, they are horrible for race relations. They teach all black folk that cops are evil and are going to kill them. It is racist against whites, as evidenced by the fact that everysingle protest turns into a riot with people screaming "kill white people". They teach young black kids that cops are evil and will kill them, so the kids learn to distrust cops, so they dont listen to cops, so they attack cops, so they act suspicious around cops (cause they are trying to not look suspicious) so they get pulled over more often. It is basically indonctrinating black people to get killed. The idea itself is good, but the actual result hurts race relations.

whoa, listen to with sound. he hit the spot big time. love when she's screams i can take it all now!


The only ones shitting niggers are niggers


Mad, frogfag?

i think the matter, im honest

Yes but they actually accomplished something, but sure go ahead and flip another cop car or block traffic and piss people off, it'll fix everything.

The only ones who are self-entitled are the white people who push away from reform.

inb4 calling me a nigger. I'm white.

white people killed JFK too, what's your point?
btw. black cop killed the last nigger, how's that feel?


The whole movement never made sense to begin with.
>implying there was a time where it wasn't violent.
It started in Ferguson and they burned the fucking town down.

This. You're not an activist just because you broke into a store and stole some shit. It sets the entire movement back hundreds of years, acting the way BLM does.
>just like murdering white cops does
How ironic, we're supposed to feel bad about OUR skin color yet accept YOURS.

Do I support equality?
Do I support a collapsing failure of a movement?

that cock is covered in her pussy juice.



plus it's funded by George Soros, total sham

let them take a stand. ive got plenty of ammo for them to try to fuck with my family, my business, or my house. i would have absolutely no problem explaining it to the authorities here in Arkansas, theyd understand.

Consider me an anchor bb

No mames! Porque te comparas con los pinches mayates. Puto idiota! Te gusta la verga negra verdad?

Except the stupid fucking mexicans making hispanics look like hillbillies. I am a latino whose family passed through mexico to get to the united states, legally, and Trump isnt lying when he says mexicans are rapists and murderers. I am not racist againat any race, i honestly think all humans are equals, except thise dirty fucking mexicans who glorify mass murders. I am ashamed to be under the same label as them.

i didn't real this thread but I just wanna say all niggers are subhuman and you should all kill yourselves

i just don't think it's fair that a white european person has to wait 8 years to get into the country, and mexicans fucking waltz right in


You're fucking retarded. Less graduates?? You're a trumptard aren't you? Pic related faggot.

Trabajamos duro! Aquí diario veo a la raza trabajando en la Mora y fresa. Eso es trabajo pesado

Too late nigga, quads called it

i agree, eventhough im half nigger half latino, after visiting the US i feel the urgency to commit suicide and keel as many nigger with me

relationship goals.

Nice shop

Yeah BLM did accomplish something.

Hillary Clinton being elected President.

i think they do simply because i love the picture of a white girl sucking nigger cock.

hey asshole, its nearly impossible to drop out these days

PEACEFUL protester, pastor at his church, leader in the community; resorted to violence once or twice, got arrested without incident, released shortly after for good behavior while incarcerated.
>Malcolm X
Leader in his community, organized social programs for assisting low income neighborhoods, college educated, advocated violence ONLY WHEN NECESSARY to defend yourself.

Neither one of these people advocated breaking into stores or murdering white people just because they're white. Both of them would be rolling in their graves right now if they could see how far the Civil Rights movement has fallen in their absence. Black kids today will never compare to these men. You're not some God just because you looted a store or told a cop to go fuck himself. Not even close, so don't compare yourself to them.

Post the sauce retard. I want links!

no one should.

they are just victimizing themselves so they can mob up. BLM is pure hate on white, not just cops.

they walk the streets looking for drugs, selling drugs, acting like gang bangers, drunk, and they carry stolen guns.

they steal cars and take oppurtunity to steal if given it.

then wonder why cops target them!? they are constantly commiting crimes. they only use BLM to mob up to commit more crimes.

They are scum.

>inb4 bait




Oh yeah... Waltz right in...

This. I accept all races, except the fucking Mexicans. Godless savages who drink shit water, kidnap, and rape one another while they transport drugs into our country.

So here's the thing, if blacks are in better shape than they have been, why do we have to pay reparations?

>implying kids that aren't learning aren't pushed through the school system so their numbers look good
You should meet a teacher one of these days.

im black but I cant support these ignant ass niggas.stop portraying this hip hop rap shit as straight retarded savage criminal nigga and change your minds and your image. be the cool blacks, not the coon bats.


>i guess not

no. I hope they keep getting shot and I hope it happens an a very large scale. 1,000 times the current numbers. just my opinion.

Agree with it, yes.
Support the people who parade the slogan, well...
pic related.


why is this even a thing


Black lives matter is a journey with no end. There will never be a point when they say "okay NOW black lives matter."


yup, thats rite

THIS EXACTLY. Once equality is achieved, it becomes supremacy.

I don't have a beef with Mexicans. Some moved in next door and mow my lawn now. Unpaid and unsolicited.

Support what they stand for but not how they do it. Acting like fucking degenerates isn't the answer.

look at the state of ecstasy on that woman's face. it's a beautiful thing to assist your wife in getting fucked like she's never been fucked before.


So that makes it okay for yall to kill us? Y'all been killing, selling, buying, incarcerating, and poisoning us since the beginning of "the United States of America" and y'all so damn chicken-shit that y'all won't even own up to it. Scared to even put the REALITY of da shit in gradeschool level history books. I had to go to college to learn my true history. I bet most of the commenters on this thread don't even have a bachelor's degree, but y'all got the most to say in the name of HATE. #BLM is about unity and love. We wanna forgive y'all and move on, but y'all keep pulling that fuck'd shit and telling yourselves and the rest of the world that it's our own fault. LIke my mans above stated, we been getting fucked over for 200+ years to da present. Fuckin right we messed up in the head cuz every time we try, YALL STOP US! EVER FUCKIN TIME!!! YALL made it where a nigga can't better himself w/o being an uncle tom

And too add to that, near the end of his life Malcolm X no longer supported violence or Islam.

People who support this shit are literally retarded.
Black people are shot in disproportionate amounts because they resist arrest/attempt to kill police officers in disproportionate amounts. Every time a black guy gets killed and it can be spun, they try to spin it. But every time there's an underlying reason why the police had to shoot.
For these two simple reasons you can not be intelligent and honest AND support blm.

mexicans are gay. they liteeally think its ok for another man to suck their dick and they are not gay for liking it.



Get the fuck out no one gives enough of a shit to learn your mud speak

We are already fucking there


MLK would hate a lot of the shit they pull.



Wow. That looks just like a girl who friendzoned me.

Be concise

They should be classed as a Gang or terrorist group.

NM fag?


and they smell terrible. they smell like a pile of old hamburger meat put on way too much cologne.

If black people could be concise, hip hop wouldn't exist.

>Forgetting traps arguments.
Other than that nice bait.

Only for the fact that the SJWs have taken over turned it from a semi respectable movement against police brutality to a hate-mongering war clan.
They're essentially the Nation of Islam without the cheap polyester suits and nasty bean pies.

-a black person

imagine these two, getting fucked, on their backs, feet in the air, hair a mess, body soaking wet, breathing hard, with a nigger cock deep inside.


i support the killing of criminals. stfu.

they are never innocent. you idiots blame whites for everything.

Black Cocks Matter to white women


that's kinda hot.

Those boys would be pretty hot getting railed.

And yet you give a faggot like Trump a pass

Reform for what exactly, we basically support a nation of africans through hand outs. What else do you want, open our houses and let them move in, let them drive around in our car, if they are so fucking miserable in this country and convinced things will never change, then go, leave. They aren't chained to their ghetto. It's just easier, to march and whine about how shitty your life is than take responsibility for it. No one is holding them back from living their lives, they self segregate themselves from every other race and then get pissed off when they aren't included in every single cultural event. Well news flash, the rest of the world doesnt revolve around their ego, time to grow up Tyrone.

Where did that even come from? Trump is a fucking lunatic.

ultra kek!




Fuck Christian Laettner

>"we wanna forgive yall and move on"

>tfw cocksucking nigger slaves, feel proud of having my strong, tasty and high protein milk all over their foreheads

Fixed op.


You act like we need the help OF #BLM to believe the cops are out to kill us. Explain Trayvone, Explaing what just happened in Tulsa when homie had his hands up and was tazed for no reason, shot, and killed for NO REASON??? When we see shit like this, the movement is the only place we feel sane cuz yall muthafuckas killing us left and right like it's Call of Duty or some shit for da fun of it, and we're stuck asking "why???" Cops kill black people now and get away with it. Every week yo. Like they got a quota to fill or some shit. Bad enough 80% of us are already behind bars, on da same kind of charges that the police overlook when the catch white offenders perpetrating these same crimes, NOW THEY'RE KILLING THE LITTLE BIT OF US LEFT ON DA STREET. . . FOR FUN. I know some of y'all on Cred Forums be racist for the fun of it, and i get it, it's funny sometimes, but when it gets to this point, you can't say, "oh the #BLM movement is stirring up trouble." Make no mistake, #BLM is a reaction to an action. The initial action, is whites killing blacks for centuries, (not weeks, not months, not years, but CENTURIES) and getting away with it because of the structure of this country.

>not puting the graphic details of slavery in a book for children to learn
>being retarded enough to consider this an issue.

hell yess

So what? I'm racist. I don't give a shit. Their sewage and drinking water run through the same pipes. Might as well shit directly into their water glasses, like fucking animals.

Whites were enslaved in the Barbary Slave Trade. More whites were killed by police the past few years. The "struggle" isn't real. All lives matter.. all races are equal. The "niggers" of each race are the ones who give blacks a bad name, and they're the ones shouting about Black Lives Matter. The nigger whites piss me off just as much.


Because it's the size of the huge nigger cock
this is Cred Forums's way of saying you have a problem with bbc

Bitch about whitey all you like, the only limiting factor is your own actions. Embrace gang culture, why be surprised no one wants you around. Black cop shoots black guy, it's whitey's fault... riiight. Hell is a place you can create for yourself too.

daddy's little princess

>Explain Trayvone
Trayboon was beating the shit out of a guy who wouldn't mind his own business and got shot in self defense.
Nigger on PCP refuses to cooperate with police and keeps reaching into his pockets gets shot trying to reach into his car.
You really need to learn to read dumb faggot.

this is why you niggers are still alive to please a superior race, just as human keep cows alive, just to serve their purpose you niggers have yours

>fucks over the people who actually try to help them.

dumb googles

Can you speak like a normal human being without inserting your ghetto gibberish. It is incredibly difficult to take you seriously when I am wading through garbage. Obviously you have to 'keep it real' in front of your black boys so you don't seem a sell out, whatever the fuck that means, but to the rest of the world you sound like an uneducated ape who can barely form coherent sentences.

>Charts I d/l'ed from Cred Forums
Group 1. Justifying racism.

Why can't everyone be like you mate

mommy says nigger hate time is over on the computer now

>They aren't chained to their ghetto
How can you say we aren't chained to our ghetto when it takes a surplus of money to leave the country?? I say surplus because you need enough money support yourself as a grown man/woman first, then you need to PAY for a passport, then PAY for an expensive ass plane ticket, then PAY for a new place to stay in your new country, NOT TO MENTION currency exchange is gonna take a cut too. You think we haven't thought this shit out?? You think we LIKE living under the constant threat of death by those appointed to protect us?? You're a fucking idiot. This is why black people think y'all stupid as shit and poisonous. Y'all stick together no matter what EVEN WHEN Y'ALL WRONG. We live in the truth, we aren't afforded the luxury of living in our own lala land.

I know but everyone else does. You're probably a frogfag too.


The difference is, we don't complain about how the "man" keeps us down. We accept it, get a job and support our 5 children with different baby mommas.

>"we wanna forgive yall and move on"
>"solution #1"
>"solution #2"
>Well fuck I dont know what to say then..

There is no winning.


Trayvone was a strong arm robbing thug and rushed a police officer. Deserved it.

yeah. If it werent' a problem then they wouldn't get gunned for bullshit reasons like "disrespecting police" or "walking away slowly with hands up"

>niggers are what they are, just niggers, let em live in peace

the solution for that is to drop em all niggers in Africa, to see how they evolve themselves, without any intervention of any other country

Why do you assume I give Trump a free pass?

I just don't like the victim complex the BLM followers have

>implying blacks are the only ones resisting cops
funny how it's all unarmed blacks getting shot though

why don't you whitesplain it some more?

he's well on his way. half of you Cred Forumstards are 25 year old kissless virgins.
he's 16 and getting the ass you dream about. >how's that feel?

The explanation is that the phrase "NO REASON" now seems to include "pointing gun shaped objects at police officers", "non-compliance", and "AM I BEING DETAINED REEEEEE".

You're an idiot. I live in Charlotte NC. When Scott was shot by a black officer, not white, they started rioting, looting businesses, and causing trouble and hurting others. A black man literally shot another black man on the first night it started, gut shot the fucker, and yet none of your BLM motherfuckers gave him a fucking mention. Black Lives Matter when it suits them. That's about it.

Read the police reports bruh.
You say "walking away slowly with hands up" when the fact is he was refusing to get down when the officer believed he had a gun. He continued doing this for minutes at gun point because he was on PCP. Then he makes a sudden lurching move, of course he got shot. Fuck, I would have shot him and probably sooner than the actual police did.

Trump isn't concise, faggot. He's all over the place. But somehow that's OK because he's going to take guns away from niggers.

Most hip-hop tells a story. Trump can't even.

We march and whine because this shit is just gonna keep on happening until YALL acknowledge there's a problem . . . real shit. Y'all forever tryna ignore something for the sake of y'all comfort. IDK why white people have such an issue admitting there's a problem when there is. If we were making this shit up, Eric Gardner would still be alive, George Zimmerman would have been behind bars the same night as the shooting. That muthafucka went home and enjoyed his life. HE wasn't handcuffed until about a month after he killed an UNARMED child (nevermind da fact that he's black for a second. That demon shot and killed an UNARMED FUCKING CHILD, and it took them a month to slap the cuffs on him) Huh, and y'all say black ppl are stupid. You're a fuckin lie

Do a bit of research before you make the assumptions. Hell, I would pay to send your black as back to Africa. Or since the vast majority of your people live on hand outs, I'll be paying for it either way. You act like this is an epic struggle, when in reality you're just a complacent little coward too embedded in his own little life and addicted to his need to blame others for his peoples suffering. No one is keeping you here, no one wants you here, start marching for a return to Africa and you might actually accomplish something. Im done with your whiny fucking bitching.

No lives matter. You are just a heap of carbon-based shit in any variety of color and size. If you think otherwise, protip: you can't.

I actually didn't say that Lemont, I said in disproportionate amounts. If you actually bothered to look the shit up you'd find that despite what the media tells you the police generally do their job well. More people are killed by the wind every year than by the police when they're unarmed.

i like how BLM protestors show their true colors by rioting and looting and generally breaking shit.
>niggas gonna nigg

Nope, just a Texan. Dealt with this scum of the Earth my entire life.

See I can't even work up the interest to decipher your monkey speak. If you want to have an actual discussion don't expect the rest of the world to dumb itself down to your level and self entitled logic you weak little man-child.


keep blocking the freeway and it's gonna be BLACK LIVES SPLATTER

UNARMED child who broke his nose and was pounding his head into the sidewalk. Geroge Zimmerman is a jewish mexican btw.

nice pun and trips, too.

The police aren't your long lost dads you have to listen to them.

look at that. legs wrapped about his waist. her pussy lips are warm and swollen. his penis is rigid. after the pic, she hopped of the counter and dropped to her knees. she unzipped his pants, and gripped his cock and squeezed it hard through his boxers. spit on the tip and sucked him off. then she went home, your home, and into her room. that's your sister. and she's been getting blacked, just like they all do.

>>implying blacks are the only ones resisting cops
>implying white people don't get shot by police

>You're a fucking idiot.
>This is why white people think y'all stupid as shit and poisonous.
>Y'all stick together no matter what EVEN WHEN Y'ALL WRONG.
>We live in the truth, we aren't afforded the luxury of living in our own lala land.

See how fucking racist you are? Did that sound acceptable to you? Yeah, "y'all". We're ALL KKK members. You fucking hypocrite.

The only thing BLM is accomplishing is to piss everyone off. Get the fuck out of the street, you think throwing shit at my car makes me more inclined to feel sympathy towards you. Personally I don't give a shit if you wreck your own neighborhoods, you are entitled to destroy yourselves and your people if you are not strong enough to stop it, but just don't block my driveway while you do it.
>Unarmed WHITE teen shot by police

I don't blame you for missing the fucking headline, since we don't have the NAACP to publicize it every time a WHITE TEEN gets shot by the police.

If you think blacks are oppressed when there is a fucking black president youre fucking retarded.

There is no inequality of opportunity. Only inequality of outcomes.


I didn't say he was, and i didn't say it's OK.

Learn to fucking read... unless you're just looking for someone to blame for your problems

>wanting approval from a degenerate stormfaggs
nigger what


Having no counter argument and reverting to meme faggotry.
Nigger what, is right, nigger.

that mustache on the background tho

>siding with the niggers

>No Affirmative Action
>No racial pride month
>White guilt
>Reparations for distant ancestors actions

Look at all this delicious privilege we get to share in that black people don't.

No matter what a white person does, says, or is, Black people will continue to want more, and more and more and more. They basically want everything and feel that they shouldn't have to do anything for it. There is not one black person that LIVES today that was a slave in America. Was it a dark time for our country? Yes. Did we as a country stop? Yes. Is it good enough for them? hell no!! I am a firm believer that the only race on this planet that has any room to ask or want more from this country and that is the Native American people, they were almost wiped out as a race, now they have a reason to bitch. Blacks have equal rights, no matte how you want to spin it to say otherwise, they do. As for them getting harassed by cops and getting shot....quit braking the laws, start taking part in your own communities, quit thinking you are owed everything and get out there and work for it just like everyone else in this country and world has to that wasn't born into a wealthy family and quit your bitching!

Fuckem, start sniping them, throw pipe bomms in their little nigger communes. They are a fucking irrational uncivilized species.

>"we gots it so bad in murrica nigga"

>Free trips back to Africa

>"nah we good fam"


I would go paint myself black so I could get all kinds of free shit and never work and complain and make children with no consequence - except I don't want to be a nigger.

Not even a "pretend" nigger

fuck you cuck faggot. who gives a fuck if they're shit on. Honestly they arent they just literally commit fucking crimes all the fucking time. it's in their blood. BTW there is a difference between a black person and a nigger. A black person is a successful intelligent person who serves a purpose in society.. those people I respect and have no ill will toward. then you have the fucking nigger aka BLM. Buncha fucking dindu's who make cops nervous don't listen to any commands and constantly commit crimes and wonder why they have more stand offs with cops and fucking get shot.

LoL >This

>Black Panther won equality protests back in late 70's
>Group slits half go home other half becomes black prison gang.
>BLM eating their own four fathers alive putting black equality 50 years back.

Good job #BLM

im not but heres your sauce.

You're right. We can never compare to these guys. Mainly because they didn't have to witness the two greatest heroes of their race make it as far as they did, only to still get murdered by white US authority. You don't know what that type of shit does to a niggas mind. So many of us grow up smart and powerful just like them, but since we know what's down that road (death by cops in this case) most of us figure it's better to live a quiet life in da suburbs, raise a family, and stay out the way.


Agreed- well said

Ironically I can buy that they're oppressed now that SJWs are teaching them that they don't have a fair shake as young as 6 years old.
If someone told me I was being screwed over my whole life I wouldn't try very hard.
The funny thing is, before all this shit took over the colleges then the public schools the only ones oppressing blacks were blacks. Now it's the regressive left doing the most harm.

Trayvon martin attacked an over ambitious zimmerman doing what he believed to be his job. Zimmerman was a horrible man, but trayvon was partly responsible for his death. Yes black people die to police, but so do white people. You want to answee some real questions? Then why is it that black people kills just as many people as white people despite only being 13 percent of the population and white people being 70 percent? Tell me why more black people kill more white people than white people kill black people? (Based on official stats by the Gov't) It isnt a fucking race thing thats why. Black people commit more crime so its a no brainer that they are more likely to get hurt in a confrontation with police, just like an american football player is more likely to die of brain injury. Im not a racist, i honestly hate racism, but this isnt it, its just modern SJWs getting triggered for nothing. Is there a problem with the way police handle situations? Yes, but it isnt exclusively a race... thing the media just reports it that way because it beings in views and money. This is nothing more than just confirmation bias.


Black boys, you will never be satisfied. Because ALWAYS in the back of your mind you'll KNOW you were brought here by force and only in RETURNING to your homeland will you EVER be free. But keep marching pointlessly, maybe one of your generations will pick itself up from the trash and go home and actually build a society to be proud of - because holy shit it obviously will never happen here, all you do here is sit on our porch and cry for handouts.

These three men were killed by the KKK who had connections to the local and state police in Mississippi in 1964. They were murdered because they were helping black people to register to vote. Notice that two of these men are caucasian. It's about time that people involved in the so called "Black lives matter" movement pull their head out of their ass and realize that white lives matter too.

I absolutely support BLM. Any movement that further drives the wedge between blacks and whites is of use to me. Even if it dies out without white America waking up, it still ends up getting police more hesitant to patrol black neighborhoods. More nigger crime = more niggers stay poor and stupid. Win win if you ask me.

Jesus man

No, we're not fucking racist, retard!


I look at it like that as well, to be honest. I enjoy watching them destroy 40 years of 'progress'.

Feel the truth on that edge bro, feel it break the skin.

why are you a victim? you perceive that if you are to become great then white people will kill you, how can you actually believe this? you've been mindfucked

malcolm x was killed by people who identified as black muslims

you can be great and serve your own people without becoming a political leader and even so with great power comes great responsibility and burden, white people didn't invent that

>Who wants to devote their entire life to saving their people when it has a 99.999% failure rate and a 99.999% change of dying violently?

Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. You fucking autist. The reason they are icons is because they devoted themselves to their cause to the point of getting incarcerated and ultimately died for it. That is the key difference between those two men, and you thugs trying to make it seem like you don't have access to the same opportunities as everyone else in this country. You do have access, and we pass laws and create programs to ensure you have access to it. You just choose not to do it, and then try to compare yourselves to two of the greatest men in the Civil Rights movement when all you do is post on FB about police brutality, form mobs to steal shit, and shoot white people for "NO REASON" other than the color of their skin and the job on their resume.

You do not compare to those men and you never will. No matter how loudly you yell the phrase "SYSTEMIC RACISM" over and over again, expecting US to fill in the blanks of that that phrase actually means to you.

Good news mr. racist, thanks to sjws and blm segregation is back! That's right, now your kids don't have to sit with the blacks in public school. Thank god we don't live in a racist society anymore.

this is the most cancerous, most stupid, dumbest thing i've ever read on here.

YALL need to fucking stop committing crimes. Its a culture problem not a "whitey is putting me down problem" cops kll these fucking people bc they're not listening and making them fucking nervous. You wanna die by a cop? don't listen make sudden moves carry a fucking bb gun or weapon around and don't tell the cop about it. Nah but really they dindu nuffin right? they was just good boys

took it hook line and sinker

Fecal matter

not the movement because it's based on media reports not actual statistics. But I've been to the US and get what niggers are. I just don't think all blacks are necessarily niggers or should be prejudged because of them. Asians gonna be degenerate gamblers, whites gonna drunk drive, natives gonna be alcoholics... but take each case on an individual basis. But gas all Filipinos because the world doesn't need more gold digging nannies

>impossible to drop out

mi negro!

Hitler will rise!

See you out on the highway guy. I hope i'm first one stopped so i can run u over and end your bitching.

BLM is based.

Consider this. A group of well dress, respectable looking black men standing on the corner with signs asking for equality. Versus. A group of degenerate looking drunk, stoned, gang colored wearing psychos flipping cop cars and screaming for attention. Which would you be more inclined to consider offering your support to? The current BLM is living up to every stereotype against blacks, they are their own worse enemy.

yall stopped??? when??? check da news, check da incarceration rates, check your attitude too because it was taught, not learned. #Brainwashed.

I'ma put it as simply as I can. You're proud to be white because y'all founded this country and have always bred leaders of this country, (no matter the cost). In other words, you're only allowed to feel good about it because you acknowledge your ppls history, and even if you don't, the system is set up so that those whites who DO will benefit the most. The only problem is, y'all have selective memory, evidenced by your ignorant comment. When we acknowledge our history, from the beginning of this country, we find that AMERICA was made one of the most wealthiest countries due to the head start they had with all the free labor and such. You're right, y'all have made tremendous progress in not being as racist as your ancestors were. But just because you stop the free labor doesn't mean everything's equal now. What happened to all that free money y'all got, huh??? Did y'all ever redistribute it??? No. Affirmative action opened the door for us to start making a bit more money, but only at the bottom end. The free labor my ancestors put in and were never paid for is why we're like this now. Through trickle-down economics, you guys have benefited greatly over the years, financially and socially. While through that same type of economics, because we had a much worse starting point, and because things were never made equal, we have suffered economically and socially (especially in the media). Google the origins of minstrel shows when you get a chance. #TheMoreYouKnow

Chevez never shot a bunch a cops.

Honestly between BLM, the immigrant crisis in europe, and all the tumblrina cultists I'd say we're in real danger of having a new Hitler show up.
15% of Greece supports fascism now, public schools are racially segregating students, and riots and protests are a daily occurence.
Shit's going to hit the fan in a nasty way soon.


Guys, I'm fairly confident he's fucking with us.


now THAT is sexy.

yo im just here for the hot blowjob pics, keep em coming.

You do realize that what you are doing isn't working. I have Chinese neighbors who came over post BLM and they absolutely despise black people simply based upon their own observations and experiences of them. Personally I couldn't script this shit better.

I live in an area considered the "hood", and am white, I see some areas where there are those that are black actually trying to keep their streets and homes and yards clean up and kept up, but that is maybe 1% of the area, the rest are content to live in their own filth, and destroy everything around them, and are expecting someone else to come along and clean up the area, instead of actually going out and getting their shit together themselves. This is why they are kept down, because they keep themselves down and these are words from an older black man in the community that has tried to help get this area together. They enjoy to place the blame elsewhere instead of looking at themselves. again words spoken by the older black man, and I concur. Stop blaming cops cause mommy and daddy didn't teach you anything about respecting authority, stop blaming white people for being lazy and not wanting to pick up your own filth you made and clean it up yourselves, and again stop feeling like you are owed something because you are not owed a damn thing, earn it, work for it, learn respect for others, and each other, and you will see a change with how you are treated and how you are perceived.

We don't want free trips to Africa because y'all destroyed that continent too, dickhead. We want our rightful place at the top of the American economy because this country wouldn't have survived it's inception without all the free labor by my ancestors. Why do white people continue to ignore this?? We inherited the entitlement because our parents' parents' were cheated, dehumanized, lynched, poisoned, beatened, branded, and told to forget about it, because you guys "promised" (with paperwork) that you won't do it anymore. I'm starting to think a race war may actually be necessary. Even if we lose, at least it'll put an end to it.

Because these ppl are killing serving cops retard and stirring the race pot trying regress our planet to pre-marting-luther-king time!
Literally everything they do makes things worse FOR EVERYONE. Not just black Americans, not just white Americans - everyone. THis shit is in UK now! If it's not stopped, it could cause big problems. Combining that with threats by Russia and Muslims as well as SJWs making everyone a bunch of pussies who couldn't defend for shit - and we're looking at potentially A CIVILIZATION ENDING CATASTROPHE!

Boobs for attention. But that's a problem - I shouldn't need cheap tactics to attract attention to a potentially catastrophic event happening right now!

>What happened to all that free money y'all got, huh??? Did y'all ever redistribute it???

I can't decide if you're trolling.

cucking is quite natural when you think about it. even porn is shot from the cuckold's point of view. prior to the rule of organized religion, men would often be cucked. it's only relatively recently that cucking has been frowned upon.

>Chinese people hate black people
>this is news to you

Kill yourself beta faggot

apparently not.

it amazes me how many people don't realize they're cucking when they're sitting there stroking off, watching some chick getting railed by some dude with a 10 inch black dick.

I guess what you're trying to say is - "tldr: you use too many big words, and I'm threatened. While you make valid points, I'm an idiot unwilling to progress, but I call myself a liberal cuz I'm a fag and I'm for LGBT rights." Yea watever muthafucka

>you're only allowed to feel good about it
>What happened to all that free money y'all got, huh??
620,000 people died freeing your ancestors from bondage. U come here expecting not to be called a nigger. Well I wont, I will call u a google though.

Dayum nigga I was just b8n but you sure know how to put it

You have to admit BLM in the UK is hilarious enough to merit it existing though.
For the uninitiated blacks in the UK aren't niggers so they don't get shot more often than whites, go figure. So what does BLack Lives Matter protest in the UK? Air polution. Couldn't write better comedy.

Not news faggots just stating an observation, relax your butt hole.



No baby I did read all your post it is just so illogical and full of buzz words that I lost interest pretty quickly. But keep on keepin' on there kid, you're really progressing your peoples agenda!


He's either a real crazy google or a NSA agent.


>real shit
>y'all forever tryna ignore something for the sake of y'all comfort
>da fact that hes black
>y'all say black ppl are stupid

Truly, the biggest words I've ever seen. What an educated argument.




Yea, but there ain't been an #ALM movement or a #WLM movement cuz yall know yall did it. Y'all not out here gettin killed for no reason. We are. When whites kill whites it ain't racially motivated most of da time. While the flipside is true for when whites kill blacks. That's why there's a movement. Most of the anti-blm answers are ignoring the history of oppression we have to grow up hearing about and the racism we grow up feeling. It's just finally hit a point where y'all think the shit is cute and y'all getting away with it. So yea, fkit, let's go hold up traffic, lude stores, and fuck shit up, because that seems to be the only way to get y'all attention. I'm starting to think Tall Whites only understand violence.


Was he in a gang?

What the ook did you just oouoouahh about me, you beta male? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my tree in the Cincinnati zoo, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the banana locker, and I have over 300 confirmed chest pounds. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top alpha male in the entire Cincinnati zoo. You are nothing to me but just another little black kid in my exhibit. I will throw you like the pound of shit you are with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this zoo, Uuooooahhhhh. You think you can get away with throwing your kid in my exhibit? Uuoouooahhhhh again, fucker. As we Uuouuooahhh I am contacting my secret network of silverback gorillas across every zoo in america, and your poor parenting habits are being traced right now so you better prepare for the alpha male, beta. The alpha male that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your child. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be in any zoo, any tree, anywhere, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in tire swing combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the of rope swings and over sized basketballs and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “child” was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking childs hand. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, beta.

Why do you keep saying 'Y'all'? It makes you sound like a gay black cowboy.

I believe in Black Lives Matter
1. Niggers murder more people than anyone
2. They wreck cities when a policeman kills one
3. It's good to point the finger at the wrong thing.

This is awesome! what a country!

Kill police, because niggers are murderers! I love it!

Except you forgot the part where it's not funny!

So the solution for less killing is doing more stuff that will get you killed? This is why you keep getting killed, just saying.

You realize that BLM and intersectional oppression as an idealogy is the new KKK right? We were almost past race. Skin color would have eventually been looked at like hair color or eye color. Now that black people are embracing their oppression and rioting and white people are guilting themselves and telling themselves you're not smart enough to get by without their help racism has been given the fuel it needs to spread all over again.
Just thought you might be interested since you're part of the problem.

Ya'll be ya'lling so ya'll can ya'll while you ya'll. Bro be ya'lling nom mean ya'll?


>Racist Transformer.

It's hilarious. They're so desperate to be upset they had to settle for air pollution because the UK is a great place to be black lol.


>Any movement that further drives the wedge between blacks and whites is of use to me.

this is not bad. I hate niggers. They're violent, quick to fight or attack at the drop of a word.

How come niggers are not known for being peaceful?

>white girls being white girls

>When whites kill whites it aint racially motivated
>But I know for a FACT that when whites kill blacks it ALWAYS is
The ego alone it takes to think that every single thing revolves around your skin color is just mind boggling, to say the least. Clips like this, for example. She jumps because some random stranger stands behind her and THEN looks at him and sees hes black. And y'all start yelling "RACIST RACIST OMG SHE JUMPED JUST BECAUSE HES BLACK". Yeah, OR MAYBE...just maybe...a small woman doesn't like it when a random stranger (white/black/whatever) stands behind her.

But keep going, everything in this world that ever happens to you is ALWAYS "because you're black". Whatever you have to tell yourself to justify the narrative.


Keep him going, eventually he'll resort to 'muh dick is big cracka', once he runs out of counter arguments.

What race created the atom bomb?
What race actually USED the nuclear bomb?
What race is said to be behind the events of 9/11, the Native-American genocide, the Jewish Holocaust, and the Trans-Atlantic African genocide????

Huh, and you think niggers kill the most people. I guess whiteys only have short-term memory. Fuckin retards

I can't tell if you're serious or not...

Do people actually think like this?


You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.


Calm down Jamal and stop being an asshole. See how much better life can be for you.

The Jews. Yeah good point. You nignogs should really be blaming them.

Latino here and I'm with you. We also have discrimination with afro-latinos.


>check da incarceration rates

this just confirms that niggers commit more crime in an increasing world of black police and judicial systems... what is your point?

>falling for the bbc meme
kys. niggers in U.S are like 1/3 white anyway, so no measurable difference between white/black here. Even 100% niggers are the same as northern europeans


>created the atom bomb
Albert Einstein, a jew.
>used the atom bomb
US Government circa WW2, controlled by jews
>911, native american genocice, the "hollowcost", slavery
We need Hitler 2.0 I agree my nigger.


This thread is populated by 95 percent cucks of course they support BLM

Well I guess we could of just let the Japs wipe out the Chinese and the Germans wipe out the Jews and then head south to pacify Africa. I mean if that's the logic train you want to ride I'm down, let's reverse the outcome of WW2 #BLMStopWW2

>yall stopped??? when??? check da news, check da incarceration rates

Check da english....

kek, thank you for that gif

>Slavery happened and is over meme
doesn't mean everything was happy and dandy after that.

why cant you get over the civil war? jesus that shit happened long ago.

I support the idea, not the movement.

Because brainwashed college cucks.
I'd stand up, I'd love to have free shit thrown my way because I'm not expected to have basic human decency or will to work.

i think we need to change the flag. america needs a huge facelift before we progress.

Every race on the planet has enslaved every other race on the planet at some point in history. Why not point the finger at Africans who sold YA'LL defeated bitch ass tribes in the first place? Seems fishy to me Tyrone, maybe YA'LL just confused?

>Boko Haram
>Barbary Slave Trade

Huh, and you think whiteys are the ONLY ones who've fucked other races over. I guess niggers only have short term memory, fuckin retards.

Cuz we don't have the mentality of a women.

Think these two give a fuck about "da struggle", and the BLM "movement"? "Hillary cares about us more." No, she doesn't. Correction; she "cares" about things that make her and her party/agenda look good. The ONLY thing that will change the way society treats blacks is if african americans take some fucking responsibility, and stop blaming everyone else for their problems. Stop niggin'.
You really think the police start their shift thinking, "Man, I really want to kill some blacks today." You think cops want all the stress and aggravation that comes with that. I actually think that they are letting many black criminals run away just for that reason, when they SHOULD shoot. You gave YOURSELVES a bad rep. Change yourselves, and earn respect. Or don't and see what happens.


White males are accustomed to TELLING things they aren't accustomed to LISTENING. I think I'm wasting my breath here.

Forgot the pic. It's late.

Hillary will say anything to get elected. ANYTHING.
You think she's on your side and the second she's elected she'll give you crumbs just to pacify your black asses.

America needs a minority group of its population to just accept its nations history and move the fuck forward. The Civil War happened, the Confederacy happened, and no amount of killing white people right now is going to change the fact that slavery happened in this country.

We're here, in the year of our Lord 2016, killing each other over something as fucking retarded as skin color. Live in the fucking now and let it go.


bitch is high maintenance

You forgot to say YA'LL but that's cool resort to a racist generalization that'll really help your agenda. But oh right blacks can't be racist, they have no social responsibility and are just an empty box to be pandered to.

I can't believe what I'm reading... Do you actually believe what you're typing in?

>or don't and keep fighting against what happens* ftfy


Bitch all we do is listen to you cry, decade after decade. Think we're talking? No, you'll KNOW when we actually start to say something.

The problem is, we'll always "nig" for some money. White ppl will always tempt us to coon out for money (entertainment industry, politics, u name it) by saying if we don't take the money some other coon will. When you and your people are disproportionately impoverished, why wouldn't you take the money? Cmon now use your heads. Yall got us in a checkmate scenario, which is why BLM does so much for attention. We can't fight this on our own. We need our white brothers and sisters to speak on our behalf for us, to tell THEIR brothers and sisters about the true structure of our country. It's a caste system, and we are the "epsilons" so to speak. Everything will ALWAYS be our fault, until y'all own up as well. It takes two to beat the devil.

wrist thick

OP here. I guess you guys are right. I didn't realize how silly I've been. Instead of posting dumb faggot threads on Cred Forums I'll concentrate on my career, working hard, and advancing myself in society. You know, actually contributing something of value to the world.

>saving dick pics off tumblr
whew lad