Phrases you hate

Phrases you hate.

Mine: "The Cloud"
Cloud computing
Cloud storage
Cloud server
Cloud hosting

No, you dumbfucks, it's just a server hosted in a datacenter somewhere. That's all. No magic "cloud", just a fucking server.

What are your peeves?

>PIN number
>ATM machine

Go to bed Chris.

>console gaming
>mobile gaming


I remember when "cloud computing" first became a thing, and I bought no less than two separate magazines almost entirely devoted to it, enthusiastically proclaiming it the technology of the future.

I couldn't figure out for the life of me what "cloud computing" was, other than "putting stuff on a internets server".

And it turns out all these years later that's all it was after all.

Well, it's likely to be several computers doing some kind of high redundancy load balancing junk at several different datacenters, but yeah basically.

Satan is displeased with your heresy. Your GF will now start seeing ads for herpes medicines.

Noooooo! I must appease satan somehow!

I know! I'll smash every iPhone i see. That'll make things right.

The Internet of Things

The fuck...

Buy yourself a Blentec blender. Pay for it by blending evidence. Satan loves crime.

>No magic "cloud", just a fucking server.
Correction : servers. many of them. in a redundant config. so it "never" gets turned off.

most of the time that is not the case though

Hey, The Cloud is a great way to understand you so we can improve our services. And profits.

If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide and not-sharing with us is tantamount to stealing.

Shut up pleb.

Don't you realize how transformational it will be to have your milk supply status beamed to your fondleslab? Just think of the possibilities.

You can see my dick's status in your mom beamed directly to your big screen tv.

but its a "cloud" server. thats why its called that.

>Agree to disagree
Can't fucking stand that phrase

Internet of Things

>everything is connected
>its convienent they say
>ye lemme get an email whenever my coffee in my smart mug is about to get cold

Its literally just psudo automation using notifications.

yea I don't understand op's logic. the term "cloud" is referencing that the server contents are available to any accessible computer

LCD Display
PDF Format
LED Light
GNU Unix
DC Comics
CD Disk
DVD Disk
RAM Memory
HIV Virus
SAT Test

Hate that shit

>DC Comics
They changed their name to DC Comics. They are not Detective Comics anymore.

>DC Comics
What does the DC stand for then?

I'm pretty site you're just making most of that up

Like what? look it up yourself.

It stands for their logo basically.

What does their logo stand for?

protip: it stands for Detective Comics

Saying it just doesn't mean anything anymore doesn't make any sense. "It used to mean one thing but now the same thing just means itself but not what it used to mean." The fuck man?

>it's just a server
No it's a whole shitload of servers and the data is spread among them

Next you'll tell me there's no Easter Bunny.

It's just a guy in a suit.

>That post gave me cancer/aids
>Saying something is dank that isn't weed
I don't have a problem with trolling or being a dick, but at least throw in some originality. Most common memes even allow for some level or originality while retaining a common theme.

RAS Syndrome is my favourite


Basically any "cool-sounding" buzzword that oversimplifies the concept and mystifies it for the general public. "Cloud" was one but currently the prize goes to "Big data" or "Neural networking". Not because they're bad words but because of the hype and people not caring to understand.

Now that would be useful.

I hope she is treating you right. She kinda neglected me.

The cloud phrase comes from a data flow diagram. Some people had to add in this remote storage and to differentiate the separate system they did a wavy circle around it. So body who didn't understand just called it the cloud and name stuck.

> libarry
> nukiller

So where is it kept user? A hard drive owned by the company, Google or mega, whoever.

>Somebody who didn't understand just called it the cloud and name stuck

It's not that it was not understood necessarily, it was that that the network paths and terminals were not predetermined.

That said, the cloud is mostly a way to spy on you and separate you from your money on a more regular basis.

RAS Syndrome
TLA Acronym


what if the building where the server is at is name the cloud?

who is the dumb ass now OP