Is that cum on her mouth and cheek ? Help /b

Is that cum on her mouth and cheek ? Help /b


Why do you want to know?
I think it is btw. Not entirely sure, full picture might help.
Or at least some context

Well, its my gf, and she was at the party and said that she gave a blowjob to a guy, and sent me this pic, and im not sure is it 100% true.

Why did she do it?

and she's still your gf?


Because i dared her to do it, wasnt expecting her actually do it

She is fat so what does it matter?

I dont care tbh, i just want to know is that cum or not xd

Whole pic ass fag

Oh shit, if that's true, it's time to dump her and get rid of all her shit (or not if you are into that kind of stuff)

If it's not true, she is just fucking with you for making bets only a fucking cuck would do.

Ffs user why would you even say that?

Lick it off her face

Well for your sake, I hope she didn't do it, and she's full of shit, not cum

Can't tell with that tiny ass picture you THUMBNAIL downloading newfag!!

I wanted to see her reaction :D and she was like "ok ill do it" but i was 100% sure she wont.

Your excess emotes make me think you're trying to cope. Don't waste your time man.

Well then, I'm gonna go ahead and say that she is full of shit, but then again, full picture would be helpful.
You're still a cuck for making that bet tho

Man, I could go for some honeyed sweet potato fries right now.



shit stereogram

Please explain why you dared her to suck a dudes dick?