Is anyone else an alcoholic here? I want to drink now but I know shouldn't please help me!

is anyone else an alcoholic here? I want to drink now but I know shouldn't please help me!

go for walk do something that makes you forget you want to drink so tl;dr distract yourself
that has helped me

Just fucking have a drink you pussy

Take up smoking crack instead

OP here.
I can't because a drink is a full black out bottle

A walk when it's fucking raining and no one helps me find a fucking work while I'm super healthy 30 yo 1m85 awesome and skilled in about every domain?

So where is the bad thing?

meh just have a couple and quit you weak willed faggot

Just drink yourself to death. Life is pointless anyways. Might as well be a drunk Fuck.

Anyone have an X-ray of this?

if youre truly skilled someone would hire you

Hey me to. Im supposed to be on antabuse as a stipulation to keep my marriage going but I secretly stopped taking it and Im drinking right now while shes asleep.
I also shot up some crack and heroin over the weekend and plan to again this weekend. Life could be worse but at least Im not black.

yes 5 years sober.

you just end up drinking anyway

>shot up some crack

anyway OP it will be ok. you don't need to drink, and the craving will pass soon.

are you in any kind of 12 step shit or anythin?

op here
i so happen to have one

Instead on wasting your time getting wasted, do something more productive with your energies and become addicted to that. Go to the gym, learn an instrument, study something, build something that makes your life better.
When you finally crawl out of this negative cycle you will look back and realise that you've wasted a lot of time.

Just drink you piece of shit.

I got a job, I'm in California no rain hot as fuck, I'm still an alcoholic.

just drink
it helps

it helps to think about how stupid drinking is. Do good things actually ever happen for you when you drink or is it just a lot of embarrassment and wasted time and money in the end? Learn to associate drinking with those things and not the fun or good times you imagine it should be, but never is.

I used to be an alcohol, but forced myself to get into working out. Got full on addicted to that, and seeing what non drinkers can achieve with way less effort made me jealous enough to quit. I just smoke fuckloads of weed now.

until i was 21 i was hardcore against alcoholism. Now im 23, and drinking makes me happy as fuck. The only thing that annoys me with it is:
>cant play ranked competitively in video games unless i want to lose rank
>friends will think im an alcoholic

But having a two shots before work makes me feel a lot less worse when going to work.

im the same im off to work in an hour and having a drink right now, nothing heavy just enough to keep the demons away, well bordom really

i drink cos im bored, never been in to drugs at all

can you explain what it's like to be an alcoholic?
Why do you drink? Isn't it extremely uncomfortable to practically be constantly hungover?
How did you get here? How did it start and why? - if you rememeber

>realize you've wasted a lot of time.

Become depressed, and then start drinking again.


Personally I don't get a hangover, but I drink because I can't smoke weed, and like to practice and escapism.

Also, I'm physically disabled, so the workout situation, it would simply exacerbate my painful condition.

i used to be a young alcoholic, but got into weed, and never really felt like drinking for a few years.. but then my tolerance to weed started making me want to drink.. and now i'm back to wanting to drink more than i want to smoke.. alcohol tolerance ain't as easy to build as a weed tolerance

Too some bad experiences and some re assessment of my goals to get there: want to get more jacked, alcohol inhibits testosterone; want to be the sober guy at the party when the girls get trashed and try and talk my wife into a threesome. Had some shit go down too: pissed the bed with wife in it, cut my hand in an airport bar on a layover, drove drunk way too much and don't want to push my luck, got drunk at way too many family and work events, people know me as an alkie.

Working out, sex and caffeine all help, but I needed the above reasons to drive me to start. Pic related.

>not being able to play video games that have a challenge
yeah, thats the worst part.. i always want to play online games.. cause i'm drunk and want to be around people i guess? but then end up fucking up all the time and its not as fun, and then i regret even getting drunk.. cause i can't do anything other than fucking watch something or go to sleep.

Two pots of coffee a day, can give you a sufficient enough buzz, to make you more amenable to the thought of stopping alcohol.

i've been drinking from 19, to 25 now.. i've almost never had a hangover, other than when i've heavily drank hard alc at parties. but hangovers are pretty easy to avoid; drink some fucking water nigga.

i drink cause i'm depressed, just like anyone else lol.
got here from having low self esteem all my life, hated myself as a teenager, but never wanted to drink really, because both parents alcoholics.
i drank the first time at 19 after finding an almost full bottle of alcohol in a movie theatre (at my work, on the job)... so i took it home and cleaned the top off.. like it mattered, and drank it.. it was pretty fun.. then i had a friend at said work, who would buy me alcohol. what a nice guy... unfortunately i was so antisocial, i never hung out with him more than a few times and basically used him.. i still feel bad about it haha.

Good, then you wont have the memory to be guilty over.

You sound depressing as fuck. I think you're confusing having a shit life and blaming it alcohol with what alcoholism can be defined as objectively....meaning, a ton of alcoholics actually don't depress themselves to death drinking every day. Your misery is your problem, not alcohol's.


Drink something with lower abv, and go slower. Ease yourself out of this. Lots of water, start exercising more often.

Op dont be a faggot I go by the 2 beer 4 shot rule whenever I drink so I dont go overboard. Beats two pints of yeager till you go down.
Only buy the small shots and two beers, if not fuck off.

stupid comment. ymmv, but when i drink i usually wind up blacking out and acting like a moron, then next day either nursing strange minor injuries and wondering whether i can ever go back to whatever place i was at the night before. That's not a productive way to spend time. Point is, i don't associate alcohol with 'fun' anymore. It rarely is for me. It's a lot of embarrassment, problems and wasted time and money. If you think that's depressing that's your problem, not mine. I have less of a shit life that way.