Alright boys we're playing kahoot in my Spanish class full of freshman. No dirty names please

Alright boys we're playing kahoot in my Spanish class full of freshman. No dirty names please


how the fuck do you play???


yooo what are the questions??

Bro my teacher is freaking out fucking holding my sides

Jew did 9/11


Take a pic of your classroom

King wetback here

GasTheColoreds reporting for duty

Mao did nothing wrong



Bush did 9/11 here ready to troll.

aleady got that name bitch

John cena on the spot bitches

OP post more pics lmao

I got ISIS and BIshDid9/11

She's upset


bro I know spanish give us the question and Ill answer them

Good. What names did she see?

Dicksoutforharambe ready to go!

(i dont like niggers)

thanks for the translation fuckface

whats her first name?

buttholepolice reporting in

CuntCrusader ready to roll.

OP is there a list of questions? if so, i'll be glad to answer them so we can get to t he top of the scoeboard and get our names noticed

red leader reporting in

DirtyDan here

ill try to show you the answers by color

so far i've seen hentailover, blame obama,


I'm Dirty Dan


I'm 146th place holy shit alot of people are here.

MeatCurtains checking in

150th ;-;

164th place

Im 18th lel

No I am

How do i see the god damn questions? Hebephile reporting in.

Hey Op what is your teacher doing right now?

This bitch is so mad lol

What is she saying?

She goes these guys are jerks I'm in the back laughing my ass off

Who is this "hebephile" I'm tying with every time at 160th place ~ gayretard


Last question boys!

Are you able to record some shit for us and upload it somewhere?

Post results


is there another round?

I'm in, Dirty Sanchez.

Holy shit that was funny bros you guys made my day everyone's pissed




BushDid9/11 reporting in

OP what did she say at the end???