Cred Forums, what the actual fuck is up with these clowns? They're popping up where I live now, in the trailer park...

Cred Forums, what the actual fuck is up with these clowns? They're popping up where I live now, in the trailer park. Several of them. What the fuck do I do about this?
>mfw clowns used to be my #1 childhood fear
Seriously I don't have a gun yet, how can I kill them if they fuck with me?

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Make em laugh to death or cut off their dick will usually work

I hate Wednesday
I can't wait to get rescued somewhere

Did you ever see IT with pennywise eh hehehe
I hate everyone

You live in SC too op?

I hate everyone on WEDNESDAY

Get a combat knife or a good(read: full tang, carbon steel) sword. Cheap, can be found online or in pawn shops, not as much red tape as guns.

I have this plus an axe.

Wow I've only heard about clowns here in SC wtf is up with people dressing up as clowns nowadays?

My axe. Which I should also point out, was left on my porch one night. Literally found it there one morning. I took that fucker, rather than wait for somebody to come back and use it

I don't know. My neighbor saw them outside my house just last night, and a few nights ago one was in her yard staring at her. She got her gun and he left.

I live in Greenville but I'm in Michigan at college right now. You seen these clowns yourself?

its disinfo
viral marketing

No, I haven't seen one. If I did I'd be full blown panicking and likely black out. Which means more than likely I'd try to kill the clown in a hysterical fit of fear/rage
Probably get severely injured or killed in the process

Clowns ain't no joke. Gotta do what you gotta do to survive.

Viral marketing fuckko

I live in Southern Illinois and they've been seen in at least 5 different towns in my area. It's a nation-wide thing I'm pretty sure that all stemmed from a Facebook post about them being spotted in one area. I'm sure it was only happening in that one area, then some bored dirtbag college dropouts wanted to fuck with people, and so they all copycatted and are just doing it to troll. I wouldn't even classify them as a real threat.

Okay, I'm glad some people have been giving me level headed advice.
I'm a bit calmer now and realize there's no real threat from it unless they have a weapon or act threatening.
Still sleeping with that axe nearby

That guy's one of the clowns don't listen to him.

They've already figured out who some of them were and they were just trolls, so unless they approach you with a weapon in-hand there's a 90% chance they're just a bored neckbeard or some shit like that. Doesn't hurt to stay safe though.

This can work both ways. Dirtbags copycat the people clowning around, right? now if OP axes a clown, other clownhaters will copycat him and start axing their local clowns. Then the clown problem goes away because the dirtbags don't want to get axed, see? take one for the team OP. Axe a clown.

forums like this in the deep web are organizing for people to dress up and walk around neighborhoods, it's totally legal unless they threaten anyone, fucking genius.

Boy you guys in the US have a real problem with clowns... I am glad that clowns never were that popular in Germany, except for Merkel of course


Who ever said Germans have no sense of humor

it all started here.

If they approach me with a weapon in hand they are 90% likely to become expired trolls. The other 10% will survive their wounds.


They've popped up across wisconsin too. Started as a joke, and I think it's spiraling out of control