Go on 4degreez and take personality disorder test and post results

Go on 4degreez and take personality disorder test and post results


everything low and moderate anti social which i would consider wrong.

wtf is everybody else here autistic?

This test is bullshit, that's all. Still kinda fun to see how they're easy to make you look like an autistic fuck


Disorder | Rating

Paranoid | Low
Schizoid | Low
Schizotypal | Low
Antisocial | Moderate
Borderline | Moderate
Histrionic | Low
Narcissistic | Moderate
Avoidant | Moderate
Dependent | Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive | Low

Sounds right

Autist detected lol

Avoidant is high, paranaoid/schizoid/antisocial/dependent/OC moderate.

I can see the avoidant/antisocial thing since I hate being with people I'm not really close with, nice little product of being bullied and beat up regularly in school.

OCD is definitely wrong, as is paranoid. I'm a messy fuck, no one could accuse me of OCD. I'm not paranoid of people, more like I just think I come off badly, not that they think of me badly for no reason.


neat and tidy is the normie definition of ocd

I also got bullied and beat up when i was a kid, and that fucked with me later because even some of the people i tought were my friends bullied me, and i now have realy bad trust issues

>only select male and leave rest blank
>moderate at Antisocial
>only select female and leave rest blank
>all low
So males are antisocial by nature?

Tried to be honest but i was too tired to keep track of all those tick boxes.

Erm wheres the "other" button on this website? I do not identify with male or female

If the norm is an average of test takers, they could. If the test tested for sociability too then they would both be 0.

this test is bullshit

Paranoid | High
Schizoid | High
Schizotypal | Moderate
Antisocial | Moderate
Borderline | High
Histrionic | Moderate
Narcissistic | Very High
Avoidant | Moderate
Dependent | Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive | High

Only not compulsive only obsessive. Antisocial should be a bit higher probably too.


what the hell do you expect

>this test is bullshit
This is a given in any test thread.

H-how fucked am I?

>this test is bullshit

sounds like something a narcissist would say

I just don't accept I'm a narcissist

i just like being alone, im not afraid of others, its kinda right

kek i expected more

Miserable but functional.

Jesus christ y'all are sad.

My results

You wouldn't, would you..?

Thanks mate


That's what a narcisist would say

Beta faggot here

But what does it mean?

Apparently I'm a paranoid. But why anyone should be trusted?


Well. I'll pack my memes and leave \b\ then. Its been a good run but looks like I'm too functional.

Ugh, i hate ppl like you.


Don't really feel antisocial tho


All the other Was moderate and low, Narcissim was suprisingly high though.

lol what a freak

everyone on this thread
>look at me, look how messed up i am


I thought I would be highly narcissistic... oh well

Well then..

I'm gonna survive the zombie apocalypse


Mobilefag here, I took the test while in secret mode, so it didn't let me screenshot. Lowest I got was a moderate, I'll take the test again and see what I get this time

Disorder | Rating

Paranoid | High
Schizoid | Moderate
Schizotypal | Moderate
Antisocial | Moderate
Borderline | High
Histrionic | High
Narcissistic | High
Avoidant | High
Dependent | Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive | Moderate

Dude, you're fucked. No kidding you should kill yourself right now. You probably have something horribly wrong with you.

>inb4 leave normies reeeeeeeeeeee

Nothing new here


Have you seen Danganronpa? I think you'd like it.

Does this test even remotely say anything?

I score high, but idk. I think I'm pretty normal.

Also did the Depression test. Neato

I don't feel like its right

Seems legit

anybody like me in here



I haven't been as badly betrayed by friends but my last ex cheated on me for a year of the 4 years I was with her so I haven't wanted another relationship since. Especially since we had a bunch of people die in the afamily at the same time.

Feels bad man.





23 yo male

did i get the highscore?

Am i insane?

Is that on purpose?


>What sex are you? Male FemaleDo you believe you have more difficulty with relationships than the average person your age? Yes NoDo you have difficulty trusting people? Yes NoDo you tend to avoid social relationships? Yes NoDo you prefer to be alone rather than in the company of others? Yes NoIf you answered yes to the previous question, is it because you feel very anxious in social situations, or.. Yes No..because you are suspicious of their motives? Yes NoDo you find yourself unaffected by praise or criticism? Yes NoDo you see people who get taken advantage of as being weak and deserving of being used? Yes NoDo you feel a yearning for acceptance among your peers? Yes NoDo you have a difficult time relating to others? Yes NoDo you believe you have special extrasensory abilities (ability to "sense" a person's presence, for example)? Yes NoDo you often find that your emotions are inappropriate for a given situation? Yes NoAre you plagued by suspicions that other people, including loved ones, may be doing things behind your back that will end up hurting you? Yes NoDo others see you as being cold and distant? Yes NoDo you tend to choose jobs that are below your skill level? Yes NoDo you find it hard to concentrate on one thing for a long time? Yes NoIs your appearance or behavior considered "eccentric" by other people? Yes NoHave other people accused you of being cruel to animals or people? Yes NoDo you

>take actions without thinking about the consequences? Yes NoDo you sometimes profit at the expense of others, without being bothered by the pain or damage you may cause them? Yes NoDo you consider your needs to be more important to you than the needs of others? Yes NoDo your moods fluctuate a lot? Yes NoAre you prone to bouts of anger? Yes NoDo you often feel like people are saying negative things about you behind your back? Yes NoDo you often see things in black and white terms? In other words, something either is or it isn't, with no gray area inbetween. Yes NoAre you often uninterested in the feelings of others? Yes NoWhen you are talking to someone, do they sometimes have difficulty following your train of thought? Yes NoAre you quick to anger when your expectations are not met? Yes NoDo you intentionally injure yourself, for instance by cutting yourself or taking too many pills? Yes NoDo consider yourself having a strong love for approval and praise? Yes NoDo other people accuse you of being manipulative? Yes NoHave you had recurrent thoughts of suicide? Yes NoIf you answered yes to the previous question, do you tend to have these suicidal thoughts during and after a break-up with someone? Yes NoDo you tend to be critical of loved ones, sometimes holding them to higher standards than you hold yourself to? Yes NoAre you very afraid of being alone? Yes NoAre you focused on order and perfection? Yes NoDo you feel that you are depressed a lot? Yes NoDo

>you always feel the need to have a story to tell? Yes NoHave you ever been in jail or done something that you could be put in jail for? Yes NoDo other people accuse you of being self-centered? Yes NoDo you occasionally or often dress or act provocatively to gain attention? Yes NoDo you have a big fear of rejection (of any kind, not just romantic)? Yes NoDo you often second-guess yourself? Yes NoDo you find yourself exaggerating your achievements to win the respect of others? Yes NoDo you frequently alternate between feelings of high self-worth and self-disappointment? Yes NoDo you tend to lie a lot? Yes NoDo you frequently reassure yourself that you are deserving of praise? Yes NoDo you frequently reassure yourself that you are self-sufficient? Yes NoDo you often feel uncomfortable in social situations? Yes NoDoes your concern for doing everything "right" interfere with your productivity? Yes NoDo you have trouble not taking criticism personally? Yes NoDo you feel the need to always be in a relationship? Yes NoAre you quiet in social situations, often out of fear of saying something stupid? Yes NoAre you often critical of weakness in others, particularly classmates or coworkers? Yes NoDo you exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations in order to convince yourself not to try out new activities? Yes NoDo you yearn for intimate relationships yet feel that you are too socially inept to obtain them? Yes NoDo you ever steal things from stores or people's houses? Yes NoDo you suffer from low confidence? Yes NoHave you ever exaggerated illness or other weakness in order to get attention? Yes NoDo you have an intense fear of separation from those you love? Yes NoHave others accused you of being arrogant? Yes NoDo you avoid working in teams because you are convinced that others are too careless and will not work to

>your standards? Yes NoDo you often let others make important decisions for you? Yes NoDo you have intense feelings of inadequacy and helplessness? Yes NoDo you often get stuck on the details while missing the larger picture? Yes NoAre you very concerned with your appearance and how others perceive you? Yes NoDo others accuse you of being rigid or stubborn? Yes NoDo you have a hard time throwing things away, even if they are old and worn out? Yes NoDo you engage in any obsessive or compulsive behavior? Yes NoWere your parents cold and distant or treated you negatively when you were growing up? Yes No


So im just a little shy




I think I did pretty well.

Well. There we go then.

should i get help ?

Ok I guess

the guys a Robin Quivers 2.0

1. Invest points in antisocial
2. Acquire weaponry
3. ???

This test is fucking retarded because a lot of these disorders effectively cancel each other out. They contradict each other. Some people return results saying they are highly likely to have both avoidant and narcissistic personalities yet these two are directly contradictory.

Total bullshit.


I'm fine




Started reading about it afterwards and I guess I am a Schizoid. The shoe fits.


Disorder | Rating

Paranoid | Very High
Schizoid | Very High
Schizotypal | Very High
Antisocial | Moderate
Borderline | Very High
Histrionic | High
Narcissistic | Very High
Avoidant | High
Dependent | High
Obsessive-Compulsive | High




Well, my god

How do you get paranoid, dependant, narcissistic and avoidant at the same time?


I really wish I could tell you.

By being an edgelord.

How original...

Is this what Tumblr uses for their self diagnoses? Cause this shit doesn't make any sense, it's not at all accurate

This is fucking retarded and only for people who seek understanding and relation to things such like myself please make me feel special more


have you been diagnosed?

wasn't expecting that result

Nope, never got around to it. I feel like if i get diagnosed I'll seem like a little bitch, and therapists will try to maniplulate me into thinking illogically. I'm not as retarded, just not that much

holy shit man
>doesnt want to seem like lil bitch
>seeking aproval of others
>doesnt trust therapist
>believes others have manipulative intentions
> I'm not as retarded, just not that much

I don't think Obsessive-Compulsive is true to form, considering my mom has severe untreated OCD and raised me to believe that if I didn't do X exactly right, then I basically just murdered my entire family.

Like it or not, therapists try to make you think in a different way, so you're distracted from your own mind, and feelings. As I said, I am a retard, but not completely retarded. Of course, just not giving a fuck is an option, but I simply rely on validation and attention of strangers so it's very difficult for me to ignore my thoughts/feelings/needs.


you should seek help buddy

all "tests" in internet are bullshit, and people still self-diagnosize themself or others and believe it without any education. Dumbasses.