Why is it that there are so many more gay people nowadays that there were 100 years ago? You are not naturally gay...

Why is it that there are so many more gay people nowadays that there were 100 years ago? You are not naturally gay, you socially provoked to be gay.

Now I'm not saying it's wrong to be gay but think about it. Because our government allows the lgbt community to express themselves, more people are likely to become involved. Social constructs have drastically changed as well and it seems almost normal for many people to accept gay people into their group.

Finally I would just like to say that there are only 2 genders and transgender people are fucking retarded.

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people is relatively free to be gay in public now you fag

Yah no shit, that's what I just said. Learn to read.

are you stupid?

I was starting to kind of agree until I saw your post.



fluoride in the water

well, women are just terrible and unpleasant to be around.
men make good friends.
making a good friend a good lover is a good deal for those who don't mind poopdick and dickbutt.

>be in the early 1900s
>be openly gay
>be executed or imprisoned for liking anal

Gee I can't imagine why more people are openly gay now compared to the past.

Tranny here can agree were retarded

In most mammals homosexuality occurs as a result of overpopulation, so it could be that as we've become a more "global community" we as a species have become more aware of our enormous abundance and triggered whatever magic little spark it is that causes one's offspring to want to mate without breeding

We need to go back then just think about it no gays no blm Frank Sinatra it be amazing

There probably isn't a higher percentage of gay people; it's just that they aren't as afraid of being murdered for it nowadays.

gay here, in happy relationship ~5 years, have had profoundly spiritual out-of-body near-death experience and one of the things I drew from it, was that due to the present state of mankind, continuing the species is a joke

Im not gay I just like sucking strange mens cocks.

There's homosexuality all throughout the animal kingdom, it's purely biological. There appears to be more homosexuality in the last 100 years because they'd probably fucking die or get beat the fuck up if they were out of the closet back then. If people are ok with it then they're obviously going to be more okay with coming out

On the topic of gender, transsexuality is stupid, but because gender is more of a spectrum and they're just feeding into more gender norms.

Nah fuck that make kids then watch as they try to fix the world as it burns its great fun

The Beautiful Ones experiment: smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-mouse-utopias-1960s-led-grim-predictions-humans-180954423/?no-ist

>no gays
>Frank Sinatra
pick one

"You are not naturally gay"

Given that that's not true, your thesis is invalid. Sorry.

Queer killing was outlawed. Now they are everywhere.

gender isnt your sex, there is a difference, that said, this "im genderfluid tri-gay, smoothie-pants." bullshit needs to stop.

because if you said you were gay 100 years ago you will end in the jail or dead.

And there was too the religious factor, you could be gay but you were so much into your faith that you would be absolutely frightened thinking about your punishment from God/Allah and you just will repress the fags thoughts.

I meant no really open gays

I agree 100% with you OP, ever since society started accepting more the LGBT community has been growing at incredible rates and personally i must say that gays or lesbians are fine and i dont think there's anything wrong with them, fuck it if you want to fuck dudes in the ass go the fuck ahead but then you have the fucking trans and non binary bullshit and that honestly is fucking retarded

You should have no problem with the promotion of it. In a population that is overcrowding with every generation, you're going to have more and more beta faggots who don't find pussy attractive or that get sucked into the bullshit lgbt puts out.

Let them. Encourage it even. Honestly what does it do? It eliminates potential competition for you to find a gf. Yes you have to put up with the bullshit they spew from their tolerant faggoty mouths, but you and I know what's real and what's not. So let them believe what they want. Think of it like religion. You don't have to participate if you don't want.

We all know OP loves to suck dick though, so suck your dicks and enjoy it. We know you will, faggot.

Go back to tumbler all of u

You want us the people saying gays are bad to go back to tumblr are you autistic good sir

wait, you mean the homophobes....or just the gays?
what if ive never been to tumbler?

My question for those who say it's biological, etc. More bullshit..

Why is it biological to hate the behavior? Faggoty disgusts me. Is my biological impulse ignored in this because another's biological impulse is more important?

Fuck assessment all you want, don't expose my fucking children to it. That's irresponsible, and whether the behavior is SOMETIMES biological (when there aren't enough males or females to be found in the animal geographical location, albatross for example) or not, it's not biological for these communities to be spreading the word like religions do. There are going to be people swept up with the nonsense these communities spout because they feel welcomed. That's unacceptable.

good for u getting ur emotions out there you fucking fat fag

>Why is it that there are so many more gay people nowadays that there were 100 years ago?
There probably aren't. It's just that they're more visible than before.

Gays are basically narcissists. They thrive on attention. Now that we have social media and a squillion TV channels, they all have the opportunity to strike a pose and scream "Look at me!" And boy, do they take it ...

why dont we all make fake tumblr accounts and troll the piss out of it instead of making these threads?

"I find men attractive"
"Prison for you!"

"I find men attractive"

Spot the difference and there's your answer

one was texas, one was tumblr?

It's because the quality of women has dropped, no other reason

this is actually pretty simple and basically what you were saying is the reason.

Being gay is not biological, it was an argument invented in order to oppose all the things the religious nuts where trying to say in order to keep them from having any kind of rights etc. A way of making it the same as say race, sex, etc. It's false though, it is a mix of nature and nurture. Your sexual identity is determined over years of your development by certain and random outside stimuli during key moments.

So during these recent years/decade where it has become more socially acceptable and not only that but is also very prominent in media and the internet lately. It causes those topics, ideas, and opinions to be implanted way more easily on developing children influencing their sexual identity. Basically due to media, controversy, liberals shoving it down everyones throats, they have increased the probabilities of developing children to be exposed to those things during the key moments of the creation of their sexual interests, identity etc etc etc.

that's my opinion on it
also hold nothing against gays, not like i blame them for it happening, live your life however the fuck you want, just let me live mine the way i want.

Even in places where there are supposedly 'no gays' like the entire nation of islam, homosexuality (often of a pedo nature) is widely practised but behind closed doors. All the gender neutral pan-LGBT bullshit might be a construct but actually men will fuck anything eventually

>Finally I would just like to say that there are only 2 genders and transgender people are fucking retarded.
So that means that you're done talking forever, right? But in all seriousness, you are actively recognizing that sexual orientation is the result of social interaction but then go on to posit that there are objectively only two gender norms? Gender is the social construct formed around ideas of sex. Saying that there are only two when there are examples of nonconformity doesn't even make sense. What you seem to be thinking is that there are only two sexes, which is (mostly) accurate but gender isn't just another word for sex. Again, it is the socially constructed norms about sex. Gender nonconformity is obviously real because there are real examples of it. There will always be a tendency for people in the majority (conforming to the norms) to believe that their "is" constitutes a "should." For example, I and everyone I know "is" a certain way. Therefore everybody "should" be that way. Literally nobody is saying that transgendered people are transsexed. Nobody is saying that a transwoman is now biologically female. What they want is self-determination. The right to be abnormal without being persecuted and treated as morally wrong merely for difference. Authoritarian traditionalists like you have no objective truth to stand on because gender is not an intrinsic quality. It's been the basic definition of the word for awhile now. Your argument makes no sense and is obviously just inflammatory and intended to ostracize a minority just to make you feel more powerful. You're a bully and you're being cruel to people who are doing nothing to hurt anybody. They are doing nothing other than failing to conform to your notions of what a biological male or female should look and act like. And no, the existence of differences between male and female bodies and brains does not mean that gender is intrinsic. Should doesn't rise from is.

I'm gay but I don't cram it down peoples throats. Also there is only 2 genders.

i asked my gay friend "when did you decide to be gay" and he told me it wasnt a choice and i loled.

That is a misrepresentation of animal "homosexuality" and a red herring to this issue. Human sexuality isn't animal sexuality and pointing out that lionesses use sexual displays to express pride hierarchy is an absolutely useless factoid and a distraction. Something doesn't have to be biologically normal in order to be morally just. No, gay people weren't "born this way." That has always been a politically expedient argument to deal with unjust persecution. Likewise, because a person isn't born a certain way doesn't mean that it's a choice either. People don't choose the stimuli they receive, yet they are shaped by them. The only time it's wrong to be abnormal is in instances where it harms others. Transgender people don't harm anyone. Instead they are wholly disadvantaged just for not looking like other people. Just because they are visible and few and make easy targets for people desperately grasping for power over others.

How do you know this? Is it from all the public surveys that they did back then questioning people's sexuality?... No that's right, your just making shit up.

The ancient Greeks were all supposed to be bum boys so you can't say being gay is increasing.

People can just be more open now that they used to be.

i realised it at the same time i noticed girls in 2016 are walking cum socks and are not worth being around

This question is ridiculous because gay/trans/whatever makes literally no difference to your life unless you're one of them. Who gives a fuck?

So, just get on with your life and enjoy not having a stroke from the reduced stress levels.

Now you didn't you fucking idiot. You are saying there are more gays now. He was saying that's it's not that there was more, just that people are now open about it.


Damn it. So irritating when you are calling someone out for being an idiot and then make a load of typos.

If there are more gay people, it's because there are more people. It's the same per capita. Get on with your life and stop getting worked up over shit that doesn't matter.

Nah it's just that more of them admit it and politicize it, blame the left for trying to weaponize gays against the right. Fags have always been around and it's just not very important. People like to say it's unnatural but a behavior will not be regulated by evolution if there's no evolutionary pressure to remove it, the "identify what I should fuck" system is only as advanced as it needs to be to get the job done. People musing that homosexuality is some kind of naturally evolved response to overpopulation are wrong as well because there is no evolutionary pressure that would have created that change. Meanwhile homosexual behavior is present at high rates in species closely related to us and present in virtually any animal that can mate many times without a large survival cost. I've seen a video of a male horse ass-fuck another male horse and the "bottom" horse not only behaves submissively but ejaculates from being assfucked. You only have to get one female pregnant to continue to be relevant in terms of evolution. Gays exist for the same reason you don't have the eyes of an eagle because you don't need to see a mile or two away and have not un-evolved having nipples because we don't go around having nipple-tearing-off fights like the species in which males don't have nipples.

So the biological reality of homosexuality and it's cultural reality are different. Most people are bisexual as Dr.Kinsey said and probably 90% of claims to be exclusively gay or straight are trumped up cultural identification shit. Meanwhile the left loves to use gays as a political cudgel to make the right look like monsters.

So because of a more open society people are now allowed to do what makes them happy while effecting no one else.... FUCK! how are we going to survive living in such an awlful time.

Seriously, who gives a fuck. If gay people were trying to force me to suck dick then I might have a problem. They're not though, it doesn't effect me one bit.

The really sad part about all this, other than the victimization of innocent people, is that all of this authoritarianism is driving groups that are historically marginalized by feminism, and should be allies of the men's rights movement, RIGHT BACK INTO FEMINISM. Because of the nasty Christian turn that the MRA community seems to be taken I feel like I'm forced into a larger scale Trump Vs. Hillary choice. On the left we have feminists trying to remove due process for males and engaging in rampant cyber bullying. And on the right, we have whatever you call assholes like this who are trying to remove the rights of homosexuals and transgeders and engaging in rampant cyberbullying. Decent people with common sense literally have no movement to join (I guess humanism, which is mostly neutered and powerless in terms of influence because it isn't angry enough.) You would think that as men our experiences with marginalization and institutional violence and the myriad feminist silencing and bullying tactics, we'd have some fucking compassion for innocent people who society shits on. But then fuckers like OP show up, so desperate to control other people that justice goes right out the window. Stop being insecure and start acting like a human being before you turn everybody against us.

Theres always been hella faggs throughout time faggot. Think bout it. Theres been tons of living in closets and undercover dick loving. When u get caught up. U surfer the consequences. Now a days you can just call LGBTYN or whateva the fucks called and find a home. But can u imagine all ghe faggs throughout our civilizations that met there doom for loving to gargle nut or have there booty poked? Fuxkin brazy.


Chloe confirmed

Fuck you there was nothing gay about the Chairman. He was a legendary pussy slayer.

This conversation would be a lot more enjoyable if everybody used this tone.

it feels better when you look at it as, the more typos there are, the higher the rage levels.
as if you can almost feel how angrily and harshly they were tapping away at their keyboard.
always makes me feel better about seeing typos.

It's because of people like you OP pic related