How much Effexor would it take for me to go into a coma but not die? If not then how much to just die

How much Effexor would it take for me to go into a coma but not die? If not then how much to just die.

A fuckload better off drinking urself into a coma

What is your:
physical build?
medical history?
family medical history?
list of drugs you are taking?
amount of physical activity?

why would you prefer a coma?
it's far easier to jump off a cliff figure out the exact drug dosages to put you in a coma

Shove about three all the way into your bladder through your dickhole.
You wont die but you will be out for hours i guarantee you that

so are you trying to put someone ELSE in a coma?

OP is a fag he wants attention and isn't man enough to bleed to death with a razor blade thats why

Lol you're funny

It takes a lot to OD on Venlafaxine. But it's not like you just go to sleep like Disney cartoon. I'm talking organ failure, seizures, and respiratory failure.

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 180lbs
Physical build: I'm heavy, 35ish% body fat
Medical History: None
Family medical history: I'm not certain
Allergies: None towards medicine.
Drugs: Just Effexor
Physical activity: 45 minutes of various excersises 5 days a week, usually running.
That's what my small amount of research is telling me

I'm afraid of death.
Partially, I want somebody specific to watch me in pain before /if I die.
That's the idea.

That sounds quite painful.

They'd just pump your stomach or give you charcoal. You'd be in the looney bin for awhile.
If you actually end up doing damage you're just going to end up being on dialysis for the rest of your life.

Life isn't some anime with some cliche suffering scene

Not OP but I take effexor 150mg once a day. 5' 10", 195. 150 won't kill you. It's an SNRI, not an SSRI like Paxil. You're better off palpating the beat from your femoral artery, beneath the inguinal ligament, and stabbing downward at an angle. Or google exit bag.

I know, it's much more painful for everybody involved, and if I survive they'll still have suffered through that with me. I'm willing to live with the consequences of it knowing that they will always question what they had done wrong.

I know 150 wont kill me, that's my daily dose aswell. Clearly it doesn't work though. you're just selfish

I guess that's part of it, yes.

Op how old are you? You're sounding like an ungrateful 16 year old high school fag who's too young to make those kinds of decisions.

Overdosing on meds is not something you want to do. Generally it will not kill you, as they include safty mechanisms. Instead you will awake 1-3 days later, be very confused, scared and grateful to be alive. Your life instinct will kick in, and you won't want to die anymore. one week later your liver will start to fail, and you will die a lengthy agonizing death in the hospital

I made a thread about overcoming depression. Check it out!

Whatever you say.
That sounds perfectly fine to me

100% this. You are so selfish, that you are wanting to make other miserable because you yourself are miserable.

You want to do some good in this world? If you really want to kill yourself, do it, but don't put any blame on the people around you. Nobody's stopping you from taking your own life, but don't be a fuckhead and mess up other people's lives while doing it.

I want them to see what they have done to me, though I'm sure just suicide would get that across them seeing me suffer would prolong it, I am a selfish person. I do want them to suffer. Nothing would make me happier.

just take as much as you have.

Go back to high school edgeboy. It's cute how you are "willing to live with the consequences" before you realize how utterly shit your life will be. I worked in a long term care with a few patients that put themselves in there either through stupid choices or mistakes. One has spent two of my entire lifetimes stuck in a place like that.

I have 30ish 150mg capsules.

God, this is like reading a teenagers inner thoughts

So fuckin' cringey

>dying of liver failure
>perfectly fine
You are fucking retarded.

Well then it'll already be too late, and I'd deserve it anyway.

I'm fine with the outcome, though I know, it would be extremely painful and take place over a long period of time.

Retarded plan. You won't even be around to enjoy their pain.

the ld50 is 700 mg/kg
that means that in 50% of patients (they use rats for this), 700 mg per kg resulted in death

so, saying you weighed around 175 (pounds) it would require 56000 mg for a 50% chance of death

If OP's pic is correct, and he has 150 mg pills, it would take like 380 of them

>I'm afraid of death.
so you'd rather be in a fucking coma?

just hang yourself pussy

Well shit.
I don't have near enough
I don't know honestly, I've never been in a coma and I've never been dead, but I don't believe in anything after death a,d the thought of it just being the end of my everything, thought and all, scares the shit out of me.

That's my next choice.

That's too risky. Just use gas, literally impossible to fuck it up.


>a,d the thought of it just being the end of my everything, thought and all, scares the shit out of me.
that's because you're not supposed to want to die
unless you have some horrible degenerative disease, your life situation is not that bad, and it's something you can leave and get past

for thousands of years people have been living through brutally hard times, where people from other countries would march through, rape half, kill or enslave another half, disease and discomfort were where we have freely available clean water and internet access

whatever you're going through, you were made by all those generations before you to survive it