Any of you guys live with ephebophilia? how do you deal with it? should we embrace it? Let's discuss (not requesting CP)

any of you guys live with ephebophilia? how do you deal with it? should we embrace it? Let's discuss (not requesting CP)

lets see some nudes to help us decide


Umm 16+ is legal in most places. just wait a year.

need more pics to decide

i'm an ephebophile and i'm almost 30 years old. to be honest it sucks cause i can't have a real relationship. it sucks mostly because i can't feel real affection for a female who doesn't look young and sweet

oh man me too bro, you put it into words i didnt know i felt

how old are you bro?


around 30 as well

ephebophilia? You like Boys? Gaaayyy!

Is being an ephibophile that wrong? Seems normal to me. Then again I'm a healthy 20 y.o male. So idk.

Yeah people consider it pedophilic even at 16, I mean the age of consent in Germany is 14, but even that's iffy as fuck. I'm only 21, so it ain't TOO bad age distance wise, but legally it's still fucked kek. Oh well, I feel your pain tho yo

>am i the only one here attracted to teens?

no user, you're not. get a good paying job and fuck college girls until you find one who'll last or your old enough where you'll die before she's 22

Even then man, I'm 21, it's still considered to my comment below yours, it's bullshit tbh, but I mean other wise there'd be 40 or 50 (and older) going for them all the time, so it's probably to prevent that.

i feel creepy af when i'm hitting on 16 year olds online but i just can't stop doing it, it's something i can't fight, it's almost my sexual orientation. i banged a 17 year old this summer a couple times and i loved it but at the same time i felt this emotional void and it sucks.

Not with that that nose.

find the right girl. my girlfriend is 29 but looks 17


nope, i'm straight.

you're too young i was ok with it when i was 20 but on your late twenties you start to question it a lot

for me its only been an online thing that im actually pretty scared i'll one day act on for real

Ephebophilia? I don't know what that is.

how do i deal with it??? fuckng go after young girls. wtf. if someone ever told me "bro look at that girl...shes 17 thats fucking gross" id fuck them in the ass instead to prove how much of a faggot they are

It's a city in Syria

I must be having a ephebophilia moment

the thing is not the law (the age of consent where i live is 14) but it feels wrong. i'm almost 30, when i talk to teenagers i realize we live in different worlds it feels almost like i'm taking advantage of those girls just to satisfy my urges even if they tell me they only want to fuck.

Wait, I thought that was Necrophilia.

I'm 20 but can't get young girls bc I'm not handsome. I can attract girls my age with personality but young girls only like handsome guys. Any advice?

oh yeah, i didnt necessarily mean the law either, id just feel like a monster, like i was tricking them or something. And yeah the whole different worlds thing, I work with a beautiful 16 year old and while we're friendly its hard to connect.

Chase young girls with shit self esteem.

I find teenage girls equally or sometimes slightly more attractive than girls my age (early-mid 20s).

It's not a problem at all. I'm just not ashamed to admit to myself that some 15 year olds are hot too.

How do you know if they have shit self-esteem (legitimately asking)? Plus keep in mind idk how to hit on HS girls college girls will talk to you about fucking nothing then you end up dating easy af but idk wtf to do with HS girls so I don't try

me neither, they are hot, period, that's not arguable. but ir feels wrong after you act on it. i'm talking about the post orgasm void when you question your morality. lol

girls with an absent father hahaha

thats actually the best advice.

at that age, there are lots of hot ones With shit self esteem.

Dude, 14 y/o that only want to fuck? I've got to know where you live man.

I'm 21, I go to a college with a high school right across from my campus, and every day I see the hs girls. I'm a pretty attractive guy, I look younger than I am, but I feel like I can't do anything because of how age gaps are perceived, and I'm somewhat intimidated because the girls are almost always in groups.

how is that weird? i wouldn't say 14 year olds but there's a lot of 17 year olds who only want to fuck for sure. that's a big part of being a teen girl. I live in Portugal btw

dude, use facebook or instagram if you're too shy. Where do you live? how is not acceptable for a 21 year old to date teenagers? where i live most hs girls date older guys like from 18 to 22

How does one get local teens on social media?