Would you rather be addicted to drugs* and make 250,000/yr

Would you rather be addicted to drugs* and make 250,000/yr


Not be addicted to drugs and make 50,000/yr (non office job - something using your hands or working with idiots every day i.e. Social worker)

*addiction to drugs meaning have to administer at least twice daily of your choice.
Cannot be a weed addiction.
The drug must be a drug that will give you terrible withdrawals for at least 7 days if you don't use for more than 24hrs.

This is for science people


I would, if the drugs are shrooms, LSD or any related hallucinogen (no bath salts through)

Is this a serious question?

Having a drug addiction is the greatest feeling in the world as long as you can pay for it, 250k a year would pay for a fuckton of heroine so hell yes sign me up for that

Alcohol and hydromorphone and heroin and cannabis. Couldnt give a fuck about the money.

Already addicted.
Already make 300k a yr.
IT has treated me good.

Drug of choice is cocaine. Love to snort and spend all night coding.

Have fun doing shrooms, lsd or any other psychedelic twice a day.

No withdrawals from those mayne

Like a modern Wolf of Wall Street.

You are upper middleclass in a thirdworld country earning 50,000

Dmt would be doable, easily

Being rich and addicted to drugs is underrated.

Tis why I made the choice enough to support habit and still be richer than most at the cost of your health. I'm very curious as to people's choices in this.

Why not choose the job where I'm happy and can afford to sustain my lifestyle? If it's drug addiction so be it

OP here. Also have a comp sci. Currently a dev at a college with a choice to make soon... That I don't want to make.

Lower middle in USA IF you have a spouse or gf bringing something in too. The planes have shifted over the past 10 years.

I like the way you think, user

50k. The funny thing about drug addictions is that they grow over time. What starts as a $20/day habit will grow to a $400/day habit in no time. That's what being addicted is.

Not to mention all the shady characters you have to deal with when buying hard drugs. Eventually you'll get pulled over and get busted for possession, then suddenly you have legal troubles and probably probation.

The only real loophole here is alcohol. You can function as an alcoholic for a long time just because it's so cheap and easy to acquire. Plus it's socially acceptable.

The question is more would you rather be healthy and make less money or probably die at the age of 45 sustaining an every day drug habit. I should have added more.

Addiction and money all the way, if you're in a position like that you can just find a pill mill doc and have your health insurance cover most of your fun

Alcoholics in their 30s start to slur every word though. At least the ones I've seen around here. It's definitely noticeable. Although my great gram, bless her heart, who recently passed drank every fucking day and I never knew she was an alchie until I tried drinking with her one night.

Ehh good point I guess, user. I digress.

How to find pill mill doc? I've been truly lost Since DB.com got shut down.

So live fast and die young or struggle for years until you've reached a point in your life where you can finally consider yourself happy, only to die a short few years later?
Even if you worked until you're 50, is 30 years of moderate happiness worth missing out on 20 or so years of immediate satisfaction for all the work you have to put in?

Idk if there's a right answer. I'd go with the drug habit/making good money, like I'm currently doing, but someone made me question it all today with one sentence.

Well I'll put it this way for you then. You can struggle whilst being unhappy now, working towards a future that it unknown and could provide happiness as much as It could despair, or you can live as you are now, happy and carefree, knowing that your time may be limited, but not spent wasted upon uncertainty. That's a very cut and dry way to put it, but if you're comfortable where you're at, and you have no immense desire that you wish to accomplish, do as you please. Society may look down at you, but you can look right back with a smug grin on your face knowing that everyone else is missing out

Smart and kind words user. Ty