Just finished mr robot what do I watch next/mr. robot thread

just finished mr robot what do I watch next/mr. robot thread

Mike and Molly

what did you think? shitskined right

how can anyone watch this shit? season 1 was decent. season 2? went downhill rapidly

The night of

I agree, i couldn even watch 2nd ep without falling asleep.

Narcos, great story and very entertaining performances.


2nd season was rough , should have just made the 2st season into a movie.

A show called quarry just started 4th episode is tonight. Very good and has potential for goat

Westworld start in 2 days!

season 3 gonna be more gay i think ...

Wait for westworld.

Go for narcos,godtier performance.

Between this guy and Portia Doublly why does everyone on this show look so fucking odd.

I tried watching this show. People at my office that were not into tech, or "normies", found it cool. But everyone else thought it was bullshit because they had an education.

What kind of series are you looking for?

tell me 1 series (except GOT) where that doesn't happen
the deffinition of series is that, a bunch of seasons that start godlike and are released until it stops being profitable
witch means every single serie will be like that, even probably game of thrones.
i dont want to offend noone, but it's just the american way of doing things, they just want to sell and as long it is profitable they will do it until they milk the cow dry


This X's 2


i laughed, but my point still stands


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