Dubs decide what i do in class, i finished my work and have a half hour left, nothing terrible

Dubs decide what i do in class, i finished my work and have a half hour left, nothing terrible

Burp as loud as you can

good answer good answer

Shoe on head

I cant burp on command

Doesn't fucking matter you better hope someone doesn't reroll that and win or your ass better learn

Chill out dude

Oh sorry my cat walked on my keyboard. My bad brotha

suck teacher's dick

I dont think my teacher is a trap

Missed your chances faggots class is over

fake a seizure in front of everyone

Shit in pants

Shit your pants


Shit in someone else's pants.

Slap a girl and facefuck her

Fart really loud then ask to go to the bathroom.


Scream allahu akbar and claim allah is the one true god and islam is the religion of peace while dancing in circles. Get.

Get roll

Walk out of class and go home.



I said class ended already fags

>I said class ended already fags
next time burn flag screaming "allauh akbar!"
post reactions :)

Be realistic dude

Just go sit next to the teacher and watch everyone like they do