Tell me about a product you bought that you thought would be good but it turned out to be shit

Tell me about a product you bought that you thought would be good but it turned out to be shit

pic unrelated

Bones spead cream. €12 for a few drops of LIES.... get tefflon spray, it's more effective, cheaper and lasts alot longer

now tell me of something you stand by, that no-one else around you agrees with.

I did, everybody thinks bones speed cream is the shit. But i think it's actual shit

Super Smash Bros

Utter shit

I meant something new, sorry.

Now tell me the last person you spoke to on the phone. And what the call was about.

My boss, about where i left a certain screwdriver

Horse semen

Thanks. Now tell me what you think society will look like in 100 years.

fucking egg wave

Everybody lives on starbucks and psuedo diets. Electric longboards, hooverboards and self driving cars will be riding around underground. People will live above the earth surface without cars and everybody is fixated on profit

Dragon Dildo

>oh my poor ass

what the fuck is going on in this thread, some sort of weird ass survey

Thank you. Now tell me about a habit you really want to get rid of.

browsing Cred Forums

Running my hands through my hair. I'm growing it out to donate it to people who have cancer and need a wig. But it's constantly in my face and i fling it back every 15 seconds or so with my hands


Thank you. Now tell me the best thing another person has done for you.

sucked on my weiner

I'm afraid the first *reasonable* answer will get the next question.

Your answer does not qualify.


Married me. Sounds corny but my wife would walk through walls for me.

Help me ask a girl out without telling her, he was really helpful and didn't want anything in return

Thank you. Now tell me the earliest song that you can recall hearing as a tiny kid.

surpringly interesting thread.
lurking for survey

Interesting, now tell us your happiest day in your life, and why thay day was the happiest

don´t have many memories as a child. I remember my mother or my grandfather (died some time ago) teaching my like... nursery rymes in japanese. My family is japanese, but i was born in brazil. i speak no japanese. only that nursery rhyme, which wnet on like... hello hello little turtle or something like that
moshi moshi kamio kamisanio it sounded like that

No mate, I'm asking the questions here

Quiet, i'm the OP here

Thank you. Now I want you to rate your body. Not aesthetically, but what it’s like to live in.

Now tell me why you are trying to take my thread ?

A fucking peanutbutter, i thoith it will be like a nuttella but it was sticky nut peals taste mass, not even know why peaple in usa like it

peanut butter > nutella

I'm the fucking OP FAGGOT

xfx rx 480 GTR
shit gpu is shit

It's great, skinny, 6'4", good posture but only midly muscular. And easy sunburn

Thank you. Now tell me of someone you admire. And why.

HA, you just called me a faggot. And you know the rules... rule 33: op is always faggot, next to rule 34

My crush, cause she puts up with me being a creep for 3 years (i've made a habit of peeking at her through the hair in front of my eyes). But she still doesn't hate me, wich amazes me

i´m 1,75m, (5'9" i think), which is not tall nor short. i´m very fit, but i´m full of small problems. autoimmune disease in the intestines, have to take constant medicine to keep my ass from bleeding. have chronic back pain, and a few problens in my joints when exercising, which usually can be corrected with a few months of physiotherapy.
All in all , annoying problems with it, but i could be a lot worse, and nothing too serious so far

all ops are faggots, but not all faggots are ops

basic logic, faggot

Thank you. Now tell me of an object in your possession that has personal significance. And the significance.

Nah, all faggot's are OP's. That's rule 35

My bike, it has taken me everywhere and has been always reliable. It has lived through alot, but never let me down

interesting... i... I can´t think of anything.
I have a lot of stuff. i really like to buy stuff. but i don´t think i have anything that special to me. makes you think.

Explain your salt

Thank you. Now tell me about an opportunity that slipped through your fingers, and you hate yourself for losing it.

Getting populair in highschool. I messed up the first day and my highschool life wasn't great for the last 4 years. Last year and this year are better but still not as great as i would've liked it

i was starting my career as a lawyer, had a partner, small practice. one of my best friends invited me to go to his law firm, to lead a team there. i refused because i had my own law firm, wanted to see if i could make it. I´m not that bad, and i´m going places. but that friend of mine drives a mercedes and makes rtiple what i make

Thank you. Now tell me about an irrational fear, if you have one.

There's still time, user. Keep going.

That i'm secretly hated by everyone but they are acting nice to me because they need something from me. If they hated me i would have noticed. So it's an irrational fear

displeasing people and confrontation.
hate it, hate to deal with it. when waiters bring me the wrong plate, i eat it. if it´s overcooked, i eat it. I buy whatever people try to sell me. i amn not gullible, i just can´t deal very well with it all

Thank you. Now tell me what you did today (or yesterday, depending on timezone).

Go to school, after that go to work, then on my longboard go to my grandparents. Now sitting down with my smartphone and browsing Cred Forums

I do this.
> I buy whatever people try to sell me
apart from that bit

Thank you. Now tell me: A probe is being launched into the cosmos. Tell us what stuff you would like on board.

well, if i can´t afford it, or really hate it, i don´t. but it´s like.... if I´m buying pants and the salesman is really pushy with a belt, it´s really hard and uncomfortable for me to say no. I can do it, but it does require effort.

Exactly. I'm with you, bro.

Fuck dealing with people, I just choose the quickest route out

Hobbit 1

that´s serious shit user. basic mathematical concepts and maybe compositions of some molecules. i don´t know, I always thought that sendind too much information into space was kinda dangerous. but how else can we reach to the unknown right? But i really think we shouldn´t send coordinates or the human dna or too much information about ourselves

A warning in every language on the earth to stay the fuck away from our fucked up planet because we'll shoot missiles at you to steal your technology so we can make more effective cheese wiz and fake dog shit.

This is it. we need superior technology for your fake dog shit

Thank you. Now tell me the ideal circumstances leading up to your death.

Trump, kim young un and alot of polution

I bought no mans sky

nothing new or surprising here. I expect to live a long, happy usual life. want to dia kinf of old, like 75, quick and painless, with family and old friends still around.
retired, maybe a heart attack or an aneurism .

A heart attack or aneurysm is anything but painless, dumbass.

Thank you. Now tell me something that -in your opinion- is unjust.

The wealth distribution

nothing. sending probes is fucking stupid and puts our entire species at risk

Thank you. Now tell me something that happened in school that has stayed with you.

1/100 people in the US are in jail/prison. Something is seriously wrong there.

Internet Explorer

sucked off a teacher

The school caferteria guy said "hey, you again?" To me. I felt so dirty

wtf is bone speed cream?

Outcast from society and remain so, 18 years later.

I'm afraid the first *reasonable* answer will get the next question.

Your answer does not qualify.

It's lubricant for skateboarding bearings

Thank you. Now tell me something in popular culture you feel is overrated.

Those "awesome" diets

Thank you. Now tell me something you are good at.

like zero carbs, or like paleodiet, or intermitent fasting?


I'm sorry user

Drumming, making people feel good about themselves and awmsering questions ;)

Got a order on my head squashed. I'm still here because of it.

Thank you. Now tell me the angriest you have ever been. And why.

World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King
World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria
World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor
World of Warcraft - Legion

When someone yelled my name after he herassed me earlier. I had my bike in my hand and i rammed it into his back. That must have hurt

Thank you. Now tell me the meanest thing you've ever done to another person.

Thank you. Now tell me: You are in a coma. What do you think would be the best thing that someone could do to wake you?

Fake questioner.

My questions will aways be better than yours

Touch my longboard. Aint nobody touching my longboard "instant wake"

Your dad's asshole. It wasn't tight at all, it was all torn up and lose.


Thank you. Now tell me, does evil exist?

Yes, but it's just good people who didn't get apreciation. And are treated like shit. That will backfire

Thank you. Now tell me a time when you had to fit in to the situation, but really wanted to get the fuck out.

At a party where everybody was high or drunk

Thank you. Now tell me of public transport in your area, assuming you use it. Ideally, sum it up in one word.

Organised chaos, sorry two words


two words is fine.

Tell me something you have done (that you should not have done) thats remained undetected to this day.

Oeh hard one, take a total of mayby €40 from my parents for food

Thank you. Now tell me the circumstances surrounding your first orgasm.

Circumstances? Can you be a little bit more specific?

how did it happen? where were you? how old were you?

By touching my penis. In my bed. 12 years old

Thank you. Now tell me something in popular culture you feel is underrated.

Pay it forward

Thank you. Now tell me of something you did in the past that you feel had/has long-term affects on your future.

That i never had any motivation for studying/learning so i never trained myself

Thank you. Now Tell me: A large asteroid is gonna hit us with global catastrophic consequensences. What is your first move?

To go to the other side of the planet the meteorite will hit. Anyway i gtg, was fun, but gotta sleep, have a nice weekend :D

Thank you. Tell me, what happens when you die?

sleep well, last remaining user