What are your thoughts on veganism?

What are your thoughts on veganism?

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Pretty cool. Not for me.

Fuck off racist.

fucking gay and weak people

Makes for delicious veggie food but meat is still top tier

Thought so myself after reading about it some more i switched to a vegan diet, but yeah it inconvineces you
How is it for weak people exactly?

Using that racist frog to start a thread. You should be ashamed.

Whats racist about the frog lul?

>veganism is cancer, just like SJWs, muzzies, kikes, spics, niggers, AmeriKKKans

For some strange reason, I REALLY want some frog legs now...

I think it's a noble lifestyle choice. Unfortunately, many vegans are smug and pretentious people, and they end up stigmatizing it to the point where the rest of society is often inclined to dismiss it as superficial.

Regardless of the persons motivations for being vegan, I've seen the footage of the utterly horrific conditions of most slaughterhouses and so I'm not too judgemental.

Google "racist pepe" racist.


pepe did nothing wrong

My eyes



Ye they are but they arent coming from a bad place they toke the time to research how it affects our bodies and enviorment they are truly compasionent people
Dont think soo buddy, try too look it up a bit more
Didnt know

snobby fucks who think they are above the rest of the world and likely to be fat as fuck since they over eat nothing but carbs all day.


Been vegetarian for a few months now. Feels great, helped the weight come down (and stay down), but veganism seems a bit too extreme. I still like egg, and will eventually eat meat occasionally once I reach my goal-weight.

Quints prove Pepe's innocence
Gas the Jews before they ruin another dank meme

Not quite buddy look up something before you make an opinion on it
Cool man, i am thin and i didnt notice much weight change

I'm thin (158 lbs at 6'0"), but I want to be thinner. I need to get to 150 at least.

Idk any thoughts on fucking jews trying to ban rarest pepe?

Been vegan for going on 6 years now. I'm not a fag about it. It's just something I do for health, and because I don't like the way animals are treated in factory farms. I'm not against the act of eating meat, or hunting.

I'm full on vegan but I'd totally catch and eat my own fish every once in a while if I lived near a good body of water. I also plan on raising my own chickens and eating their eggs sometimes.

AMA le reddit lel

and up and down tells you it's true somewhere... since it's a natural talk here : this way.

I'll say it clear

It's normal for people to have consideration to other animals, however... veganism is that taken to an extreme that is unrealizable

Even jelly is taken from pigs, we can be more considerate with the conditions of the animals we eat, but we can't take meat off the menu, that simple. Vegans are ideologists.

Amount of victory here is the turning point of the entire war! Stay mad jews, fuck you jews!



and as for veganism; definitely noble, i'm sure it has its benefits even though coming across protein and iron probably require a bit more work. I'd do it if 1. I wasn't so dependent on meat, eating it my whole life would make it difficult to kick the habit and 2. If I was living on my own, my family always eats something with meat in it so I'm sorta stuck on whatever they make when I'm back from work or school, or whatever we have easily available to us

but you can still eat meat and not be a lardass so....

>I'm full on vegan, but...
No, that would make you sorta vegan

Good point

You do realize the things where your meats come from needs to eat veggies and you end up killing them and end up having less food

>eat my own fish
>eating their eggs
Haha. You are just a fucking racist oppressor like the rest of them.

I've been living with a vegan room mate for a few months. I know people are going to accuse me of making shit up because of how retarded it sounds.

This guy
>used to only shower once per week to save water
>doesn't flush for the same reason
>calls honey "bee vomit" and literally says beehives are like little concentration camps
>calls flypaper the "insect holocaust"
>"You wouldn't steal toys from a baby, so why would you steal eggs from a chicken?"
>told everyone in our apartment to check our species privilege
>unironically says Hitler did nothing wrong because we kill far more Earthlings per year than Hitler did during the holocaust
>got into an hour long argument with another room mate who used a post-it note needlessly
>runs two mini fridges to keep his vegetables because our communal fridge has been contaminated by meat products.
>asked us to lie about being vegan to the new guy moving in to peer pressure the new person into going vegan

Well yeah but its not the point to be more fit, more of dont do to others what you dont want done to yourself i could care less if i was fat or not

>Try to have an open discussion on Cred Forums
What was I thinking.

Ye ok there are vegan extremist we get it aready explained why that is

I'm in between vegan and vegetarian i guess , i don't drink milk and don't buy leather or things like that ( i have a leather jacket but that was a gift) , but i still eat eggs. Also i'm not really political about it , i think it is the right thing to do for a number of reasons but i won't try to convince anybody really.

Well fuck you murderer. Your hunger for meat is out of control. You are a disgrace to our cause please die.

Woah settle down guys

very true

i try to make it a point to not wear things made with animals, why eat things made of animals?

but like i said, i'm stuck

also perfect song for this thread


Veganism = Special Snowflakeism

If we're not meant to eat animals, then why are animals made out of food?

Animals aren't made of food , we make food of animals , you might be trolling but if you aren't , holy fucking shit you are the antithesis of intelligence and we are doomed as a species if your kind reproduce.

Cant tell if sarcastic

Way to go fucking homo. We could also paint your pathetic argument as troll and hoo boy here we go. Do you even try faggot, no you don't.

Right , right was just checking keep on doing your thing.

Anyone can do whatever they want with their body. Not my fuking problem but I think that the human race still needs meat and animal products to have a good diet.

Hold up you were not trollin lol
Sure anyone can, anyone can come murder you too. Well actually it doesnt, read up. Question shit thats in your norm dont take shit your pop and mom say for granted