"My microphone was defective. I have proof, believe me. It was bad. I know why it was defective, too. Think about it...

"My microphone was defective. I have proof, believe me. It was bad. I know why it was defective, too. Think about it. They gave me the defective microphone so sabotage me. I was sabotaged and it was, it was just bad, really bad. If I had a working microphone, a Trump brand microphone, I would have had a huge debate, just the best debate. If my mocrophone was working I would have magically understood forign polocy, provoded a well thought out plan for the economy, and not have sounded like a coked up hobo."
-Future POTUS Donald J. Trump
September 30 2016

Other urls found in this thread:


"Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump's audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall."

-Commission on Presidential Debates
Sep 30, 2016



thank you OP for confirming your belief that trump will win.

remember OP woke up this morning thinking he was intelligent.

yawn. children aren't allowed on this site.
oh wait you think you're intelligent too.

Daily reminder that if you are supporting Trump you are on a Watchlist.

I honestly hope he wins...in all honesty they both fucking suck...they both are going to royally fuck up this country....but i just want to see how butt blasted hillary shills are going to get. Even if the cunt was better, i can't find one person who likes her i can tolerate. They are a bunch of autistic faggots that just won't shut the fuck up. That's why I'm voting trump.

>That's why I'm voting trump.

OP still a faggot.

He was right. It was defective.

wait you're serious? let me laugh even harder.

Trump will make anime real.

Hillary won't fuck up the country considering she has the counsel of several former presidents who are all essentially friends of hers. Trump on the other hand will piss off our allies and provoke the DPRK to make a first strike because he can't keep his mouth shut. If you don't think that he's an actual security threat to our country then you are blind.


OPG you have your head up your ass. The Debate Commission has just admitted that Trump's microphone was defective.

Mic Dropped: Debate commission admits 'issues' with Trump’s audio

The reality is it's illegal to threaten "civil war" against the US government as many of the hardcore Trump supporters have. And the various agencies responsible for averting domestic terror are clearly issuing a response.

Hillary shills are working extra hard tonight.

Must be scared of something.


sure kid

Yea scared of Trump provoking a rogue nation to launch nukes at us. He says dumb shit like he would fire upon Iran and may consider not defending our allies.

aww that's cute. but you're not the government pumpkin. you're just little jimmy shitbag posting on the internet.

That is pathetic. Your inability to comment shows how desperate you are.

she honestly looked like a corpse with all the makeup they put on her.




Sounds like you just filter out and or ignore all of the dangerous bullshit he says on a nearly daily basis. Russia come and hack us. Putin is such a nice great leader. Fire at Iran. Let other countries have nukes. Won't defend Japan. We have security interests all around the world not to mention troops on the ground and you are OK with him spouting bullshit that could get them killed?

they admitted about the sound level in the debate hall, not the sound level broadcasted out to TV where everyone watched it, or about all his sniffles

that meme is older than you kid. they started that in 1980 when Reagan was elected.
so kid tell me how that turned out.
that's right, never happened.
just like welfare was going to help the blacks.

sounds like you have a vagina.

try pics from your gay fap folder. that might work.


>how desperate you are.
says the faggot pretending Fox News is a valid source


low energy post.

Just like Regan selling weapons to Iran. How did that work out?

Forgot to add obligatory kid to my post. Don't make assumptions faggot.

Johnson/weld 2016!

>My sword is my voice - political correctness shall not silence
>My steed is the people - the media shall not castrate
>My armor is Cred Forums - shills shall not penetrate

Mainstream media hates him big business hates him politicians hate him......he's my guy!

whatever you say, kid.

>low energy

relevant how? let me guess, you're the downy who shouts out random things during class.

Basically you are voting Trump/Pence.

Did you know that Pence signed into a law that allows local businesses to deny equal access to accommodations for the LGBTQ community? He also voted for the Iraq war in 2002.

What's your say then, kid?

>Trump provoking a rogue nation to launch nukes at us
Like who exactly? Iran? North Korea? Fat chance. Those countries would get wiped off the face of the Earth if they decided to nuke a NATO country. Dictators might be crazy, but most of them aren't suicidal. Even the most vehement muslim extremists would be wary about an action that could cause their entire culture to be exterminated

Reagan also started the rolling back a lot of regulation that was keeping big business from getting bigger, now we have monolithic corporations headed by a powerful few and record levels of income inequality that directly contributes to our slow growth economy

Reaganomics had its short term gains for the few, but has left us with no middle class and massive federal debt

sure kid


This. And to think, it's 2016 and people still believe in trickle-down economics...

You brought up the 1980s and Regan assuming that I don't know political history because you though I'm probably some dumb millennial that has no clue. Try again faggot.

Not him but god damn everyone voted for Iraq at this point. As far as businesses denying service, a business should be able to reserve the right to deny service to anyone.

It was at a lower volume for 15 minutes INSIDE the Hofstra hall with a few hundred people...who still heard EVERY WORD.

The 100 million people watching on TV heard every word. That was problem for Drumpf. We all heard every fucking insane word.

Posting your fap folder by mistake?

assuming I'm a fag but yes you are a child.
sorry if that bothers you. try growing up.

Sure, so let's elect a man who has the temperament of Kim Jung Il to the Presidency. That's going to work out well for us obviously.

>by mistake
no I assure you it's on purpose

Says the autistic hillary cuck...its meaningless to insult anyone when you are such a piece of shit user

Righto! Trickle-up poverty is the way to go!!

Trumpanzees now think it's a conspiracy that we heard everything at home.

That's the way this works for them.

another one trick pony.
see what the others are doing?
can you try timmy? to be like the others?

ugly nazi faggots
rekt images

faggot is butthurt about Clinton winning

The Commission of Presidential Debates came out and agreed with Trump that his microphone was not working properly.

Now what?

I hate to say it but Clinton is the most qualified person ever to run for president.


relevant how?


relevant to the post how?

WTF kind of a reply is that?

BTW... grosssss....


user has some issues he can't come to grips with

doesn't it make you excited tho?

imagine the smell of semen and rotting flesh

well what ever you are you're butthurt that's for sure.

>if you consider an entire career of scandals and questionable decisions as 'qualified'

Not 'ever' but currently, yes. That's actually kind of depressing, that the only 'opposition' she's been allowed to have is a dumb celebrity who bought his way into the race.

K. Sure user. You got me sooooo triggered....fucking christ you have nothing else better to say i see. Might as well go kill yourself

false dichotomy

There's a thing called civil rights bro which Trumps any argument against the pro discrimination stance have. Business is allowed to discriminate as long as it does not discriminate against a protected class...age, gender, disability, etc... Want to guess what the common thing is among protected classes? They are all biological. Being born gay is biological. Want to argue against denying equal access because of biology? protip: you can't, and you and the conservative faggots are rekt

the pain of anticipation

no I don't want to imagine what your mom's basement looks like

>coked up hobos

homeless and broke and affording coke.
Now you just talkn out cha- ass.

"IFIFIFIFIFIFIFFOKIEDOKE" - President of the United States Obongo 2016

Don't take colloquial talk and try to turn it into an inspirational quote and say it doesn't work because muh trump. You can literally not quote anybody when they talk casually as if it's supposed to be some mind bending quote. fucking faggot cuck

still this triggered
you need a safe room user?

Why are you being a dichtomy? I've been nothing but civil with you.

well the debate commission says different.
who has more weight,
some asshole on the internet
the debate commission?
take as much time as you want

the smell of decay

The TV was just telling me that they did actually give him a scratchy mic. It's nice that they throw us a bone periodically.

Oh yea cause the former presidents did such a good job of putting us in debt

>the debate commission
>Fox News

pick one

the imagination if children these days.
can't seem to read either.


the sound of autism reeking through the thread

Fox is a completely unbaised broadcaster, why wouldn't you trust them?


Its ok to ge mad or scared. In the end im purely voting for trump to see people like you cry. So its all good user.

Gay sure. Lgbtshtfbbqomgstfu isn't something you're born with. I got no problem with gay people. Got gay family and friends. It's people that cut their dicks off and claim that mayonnaise is a gender. They really piss in the face of everything the gays have accomplished over the last 30-40 years.


aww the brainwashed millennial speaks.
sorry you missed it. a strong economy that didn't go belly up when someone farted.
stable gas prices. no wars. why when you graduated you could get an above minimum wage job without going insanely into debt.
I could post more but I'm sure other want a chance.

the fear and pleasure of edging towards death

>im purely voting for trump

aww that's a cute post.

> my mid made me sound retarded

Literally Cred Forums-tier excuse. Im pretty sure Trump suffers from dementia

son, we already were on the watchlist before trump started wearing a wig. go frighten your faggy buddies at reddit or something with your shit

Bc they gave money to the hillary campaign

not a Clinton thread.
one of the intelligent one's.

Reminder that the GOP is for denying equal access to public accommodations. They are pro violating the civil rights of classes of people. Businesses have the right to discriminate as long as it's not against a protected class like age, gender, disability etc... Protected classes have something in common: biology. People are born gay and shouldn't be discriminated against in public accommodations because of their biology. GOP literally wants to take us back to separate but equal, and Trump's VP Mike Pence is the leader in this movement. A vote for Trump/Pence is a vote for separate but equal.

you don't know American history then.

Uh... the original post wasn't fox but the debate commission website

>the intelligent one's.

sigh another waste of taxpayer money.


Her record really is pretty good. This article sums it up. Sorry about the source but a bit of research backs this.


bro, stopped reading there. go back to your fucking bong.

Gay people are exactly the people Pence is targeting with his religious freedom law. Businesses in Indiana are now allowed to deny gay people equal access to public accommodation because it offends the owner's religious views. Religious views aren't biological in nature. It's an ideology. Homosexuality is biological. Pence took the state of Indiana back 60 years to separate but equal.

When Hilary wins, I'm gonna post so many funny reddit memes on here.

shieet get outta here wid dem racissss fax

inb4 so? durr fuck gay people durr

what kind of white guilt cuckoldry is this

If gay people stopped using their propaganda against kids then no one would have to discriminate against them.

doesn't say anything about his mic or whether the "issues" affected the broadcast.

Fuck Trump. He's a pussy who looked like a retard during that debate with Clinton.

current one's doing better than all of them combined.

>no wars
>implying Reagan wouldn't have jumped at the opportunity to invade somewhere if it presented yourself
>stable gas prices
>2016 and still thinking gas prices have to do with presidential policy...
>college tuition being easy to pay
>further displaying a complete lack of economic understanding

Yeah, bro, sounded like a great era, praise Reagan!

This is the last possible gasp trying to defend the Trump/Pence view that gays are separate but equal now in Indiana and soon to the entire USA if Trump is elected.


>Public accommodations

Sounds like a private business to me. If it were a public place such as a park or other govt owned establishment then yeah. Can't discriminate. But if I own a privately owned restaurant or country club or lemonade stand I can choose to sell to whoever I want to. Now like I said. Gays are cool in my book. You brought up LGBT. Their movement isn't for gays anymore. Gays are normal now. We also have had religious freedom far longer than we've had civil rights.

a doctor on Cred Forums!

use this link instead
Trumpfags will jump your shit you post huffpro


wait let me get my violin.

Trump has an iq from 140-156 depending on who you talk to.

uh god how long has this one been dead.

Not a doctor but Trump definitely never had anyone stand up to him in the office and tell him to shut the fuck up

huffpo. really kid


wild speculation straight ahead.

>Hillary shills are working extra hard tonight

Don't know why, Trump is doing their job for them these days.

if she wins child, if she wins.

>how about Obama buddy?


is there a problem with a single channel having a conservative lean? I mean every other station including the newspapers and radio are all liberal except fox.

No you can't deny services at a business to protected classes. It's Federal law and you would get in a fuckton of trouble if caught discriminating by denying services to them. Protected classes are to protect people who have biological features which are being used as an excuse to discriminate and deny equal access. Currently, sexual orientation is not a protection class, but mark my words it will be with the gains that the LGBTQ community has made recently. If you support the stance that a business should be able to discriminate in this manner you are supporting draconian separate but equal in 2016.


sure kid

And shouldn't it still be the right of a business owner to be able to discriminate as they so choose?

Most people are for the gays. Faggy little reviewers are everywhere talking shit about stuff; it's possible to boycott things and deny patronage rather than needing the government to come in with a gun saying 'Fuck your religion, give that gay guy a cake and it -better- be sincere about their love.'

any link to any site that doesnt praise Trump will be claimed to be a liberal cuck shill site

it was. really sorry you missed it.
how do you think the boomers got all their money?

>you're just little jimmy shitbag posting on the internet.

The irony. You don't see it.

>is there a problem with a single channel having a conservative lean? I mean every other station including the newspapers and radio are all liberal except fox.

Even fox is pushing hillary(or at least against trump). But hey all the major news outlets are owned by the same Jew so there is that.

incoherent babble please post again.

There's no speculation. It's designed to allow local businesses to deny services to people who are of a certain biological condition: homosexuality because of religious views of the owner.

Dream on.
Here's their actual prediction.

>Sounds like you just filter out and or ignore all of the dangerous bullshit he says on a nearly daily basis.

That's just the Trumpstaffel SOP.

then don't post anything
just make them trip over each other trying to "prove" Clinton is corrupt/a crook/dying etc

And there's the cunt that doesn't actually read

"My thread was defective. I have proof, believe me. It was bad. I know why it was defective, too. Think about it. The mods gave me a defective thread to sabotage me. I was sabotaged and it was, it was just bad, really bad. If I had a working thread, an OP brand thread, I would have had a huge thread, just the best thread. If my thread was working I would have magically stopped being such a huge faggot, provided a well thought out premise and context for the posters, and not have sounded like a massive cock-gargling homo."
- (the once and) Future FAGGOT Original Poster
September 30 2016

Or we're supporting allowing businesses to make their own choices and fail according to them. Not every business going down has to be at the hands of big government, even though I'm sure you libtards would prefer shooting people to rational thought. ;)

thank you for confirming that you're really a nobody posting on the internet.

So I'm right and you're hoping. Cool. Glad we agree. Next you'll say laws forbidding the wearing of masks goes against the constitutional rights of furries. Go fuck yourself.

Nope, it shouldn't be against a person's biology. They can discriminate against whatever else they want, but a person's biological makeup no. This is why we have civil rights because people were treating blacks as separate but equal which is something we do not do today.

>no tossups
fine with me
I'll start using that

Got a date on that? Not him but it's actually closer than the last time I saw it.


>Iran? North Korea?

These 2 would be on the list, yes. But I'm more worried abut the Chinese.

they are? I watch the news every day and I dont think thats really the case. They are being unbiased which is nice.

thank you for confirming you'd carry water for that fucking narcissistic orange blowhard

someone needed to tell Trump to shove it
a LONG time ago
that's why he thinks he can be an asshole at the debates

here this ones more accurate.
can't predict what hasn't happened.
well maybe if you're a child living in some fantasy land.

No. Instead we treat whites as separate but equal without any care or concern about changing that.

Excuse me dis you actually read what the law is on civil rights? You cannot discriminate against biological makeup of people (protected classes). You cannot deny services to men, women, age, disability. Want to make an argument for sexual orientation? Pretty sure that's biological too. There's some things capitalism just can't fix buddy. Biological makeup is one of them.

tears,tears everywhere.

Doesn't matter. The Dems won.
And Clinton could take Georgia too.

For fox that's going against trump.


this is why kid.

yeah you're pretty ragey that Clinton really is going to win.

being this butthurt about John Oliver schooling your stupid flat-earther ass over and over again

So religious views trump biological makeup? Is that what you are saying? Hmmmmm kid.

aww. the tears, the delicious tears. so many so refreshing.



>It was at a lower volume for 15 minutes INSIDE the Hofstra hall with a few hundred people...who still heard EVERY WORD.

But you're forgetting - when Trump doesn't do well, it's everyone's fault but Trump's. Trump is wonderful, so by definition he can't be at fault

/checkmate, libtard

more delicious tears

you're dating yourself faggot

>Says the autistic hillary cuck...its meaningless to insult anyone when you are such a piece of shit user

The irony. You don't see it.

what is the name of this fantasy world?

not crying
laughing faggot

at you
who carries faggots like Orange Cheeto D's water for him
up hill
past the girls

Bill Clinton took Georgia. Twice.

Barack Obama won the Presidential race in 2012.
You don't seem to be much connected to reality yourself.

They don't see it. They are literally voting for the separate but equal ticket 2016. They literally are OK with businessses discriminating against people based on their biological makeup and it's Mike Pence who is leading that movement.

florida and nevada are actually blue states so hillary is even further in the lead. LOL

>No you can't deny services at a business to protected classes.

And "gay" is the only protected class you can decide to join once you're an adult.

Hillary won't take Nevada--too many dipshits

but yes on Florida

you are a shill. GTFO

He looked like a leader. She looked like a lying politician. She ain't done SHIT for 30 years. Fuck putting that bitch in office.

She does dodge sniper fire, remember that you shill?

Shhh it pisses them off. They would appreciate it if you were more aligned with their alternate reality.

sure kid. doesn't matter I still win either way.
remember this.
, both sides of the aisle want troops on Syria.
unless you honestly haven't been paying attention these last eight years it will happen.
have you registered yet?

>create your own map

Because reality won't be giving you the one you want.

>And "gay" is the only protected class you can decide to join once you're an adult.


Actually, we've been laughing for months now.

/unless tears of joy count

>a leader
>a cringeworthy embarrassing rude little shit interrupting at every opportunity

pick one

Actually gay is not currently a protected class, but guess what? It will be. Welcome to 2016 where nearly all prestigious scientists recognize homosexuality is biological.

...explain to us, as it is, the current foreign policy, will you, o great seer of all things? Tell us how well our own govenment uderstands its foreign policy, and how exactly is it benefiting the people of the us? Tell us how its so great to have millions of refugees all at once because of US foreign policy to enrrich the olirgarchy? Why dont you explain it to all the fathers of refugee rape victins in europe.

This foreign policy is the result of nasty fascist cronycapitalism.

You see, at least trump admits that its fucked up. The rest say things are juuuust dandy.

Trump knows more from the getgo. More than all the collective knowledge of the puppets that have already been working the foreign policy.departments

wow your really butthurt about this. here I'll make it easier on you. just start putting words in my mouth.

Hillary shills are out in force today! Clearly not a quote. Having the volume on your mike drop off for 15 minutes would obviously throw you off slightly. That said I still think Trump looked better than Hillary in the debate as she was a purely negative candidate, did nothing but denigrate her opponent and brush off major issues as 'mistakes' or outright misrepresented herself like with the TPP 'gold standard' quote - what changed about the TPP to lose Hillary's support?


He looked like a third grader interrupting her all the time.
Nu uh
That's not true
Like Christ can you not just sit patiently and wait fir a rebuttal? I don't even like Hillary but at least she could behave like an adult with etiquette. That said I still won't vote for her.

She was the "Gold Standard" liar.

you're not making sense asshole.

that would be a very stupid bet user.

Is it not the case?

Now use that to colorize a population density map.

>John Oliver
Never heard of him. Troll harder faggot

Whatever you want sweetheart. You're obviously upset that I'm not the liberal cuck you expected me to be. I apologize for giving you no way to defend your own parties position and pointing out how it's taking us back to separate but equal.

He looked anything but a leader, with all the bullshit he slings where's the difference between him and the average politician anyway?

try posting so people understand you.
its hard to hear you with all the crying.

Not him but I think you're replying to me. I'm not the only one that can see your feminine penis from here. Nobody is bashing gays. LGBT hasn't been for gays for a few years now. And sexual orientation isn't so much biological makeup as it is preference. It's not in your DNA. By your logic we shouldn't discriminate against pedofiles or animal fuckers or corpse fuckers or elderly rapists. But we do. Now about freedom of religion. Yes. It trumps your preference. It's a constitutionally protected right.







try staying in the current election cycle.
can you do that for me son. stay with us.

I think trump will lose the election in a landslide and I'm worried about how his supporters will react.
I don't want to die just because I'm beautiful and I voted for hillary.

She's so awesome she probably won't win the popular vote. Why isn't she 50 points ahead?

>cuz she's a cunt.

Shut up you filthy goog

Good. I want my president to call out bullshit when he sees it.


>I still win either way.
except you're not really pushing Clinton
you're more like a Trumpfag
so no
you're a loser like the rest of the Deplorables

your sadness is overwhelming.

bwhahaha. you are dumb too.

Maybe we are.
If Trump doesn't win, Hillary's henchmen are going to hunt us down one by one. Vote Trump or die if you might be on the list.

What's a good free vpn service with no download caps and good speeds?

Lol you are denying science. Good for you. You belong in the Republican party. Please stay there. Us on the other side in reality accept science and you have no idea how we mock the fuck out of you guys for your backwards views.


>Trump is going to win
>according to some buttmad right-winger who thinks he's legit


Trump or die, nigger/spic/jew

She works for the Chinese, faggot

Oh and look at this, here's Trump defending that ms universe bitch from the press.

CNN are the ones that called her "the size of the universe" in their article from 1997.


she looks really under duress right?

protected class. I can see this causing problems.
is nigger on the list too?
one more question if I may?
are you this obnoxious in real life.

aw your retarded.
he's retarded guys.

No, a 12 year kid can be a victim of a homophobic hate crime.

Funny how you bigots all think you have the answers.

I'm pretty sure this was on a Hallmark card.

Please cite an American scientific source that says there's a gay gene and its biological. Please.

Completely new person here to your little mini debate but let's this this through.
What caused preference/liking something?
Dopamine and neural activity.
What regulates those?
What creates proteins?
RNA being translated.
What creates RNA transcripts?
DNA being transcribed.

It isn't 100% the DNA because environmental interactions can cause genes to be turned on or off or cause other interactions that aren't normal between protein products, but there is undisputedly a biological component to sexuality.

No one's crying but you faggot

coz Hillary's winning

Why can't left wing people admit they're on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum and could possibly have a mental disorder?

she looked like a reanimated corpse.
is there a point to this?

Clinton's going to take a lot more states than what's on that map. Face it fake old guy.

You shills aren't going to convince anyone. I know there are like 3 of you and you're being paid, but you can't even use meme magic so what's the fucking point.

Also have a hate symbol.

why are you just a faggot?

>Trump or die, nigger/spic/jew

Looking forward to your death, faggot.

implying such implications.


>anyone who blows out my fucking ass=getting paid


Nevermind, I gotchu.




Most of the country isn't voting for Trump dipshit

actually, I get paid to shill by both sides, most of us do. Why the fuck would a shill bother with principles and shit like that?

sure kid.try pulling your head out of your ass once and a while.
you might realize the world isn't so black and white.

How the fuck is ctr still arguing with dicks in their mouths?
>Hillary Clinton loves
>Super pack donations.
>Other politicians.
>Playing the race/sexist card.
>Huge multinational bailed out corporations.
>The war in Iraq.

It wasn't about what she looked like, the post I replied said Trump looked like a leader. Idc how she looked like they both suck

Most of the country isn't on your Reuters.com web poll either. Not him btw

he could hear fine and the people at home heard him clearly. it only affected the studio audience, intermittently

>supports a clueless unstable retard like Trump
>calls other posters mentally disordered


thinking everyone is a bigot.

How am I a shill when I said Hillary sucks and I want voting for her either?


then why you keep posting kid.
you're not very good at this are you?

Have you seen the deposition tapes that just came out? Trump is fucking weird as hell. That's a fucking deposition, and he talks like he stumping there too.

Are you incapable of understanding what 'can' means?

Can means capable of doing so. It wasn't said 'gays only appear at adulthood' but instead 'gays can appear at adulthood'. The difference is in the words, and they refute the entire premise of what you're trying to say.

It doesn't matter if a 12 year old kid can be gay, or think they are, and then be a victim of a hate crime against it. Does this change that gays -can- appear in adulthood as opposed to being a genuine matter of genetics?

It's particularly hard to have a fully functioning vagina from a penis, no matter how feminine. Bleaching skin doesn't take the google out of you. But gays are different.

honestly, he's better than you....kid

he looked like a little boy with the sniffles, angry that someone took his ball.

he wasted precious seconds attacking rosie o donnel and a former miss universe. lied about his climate change conspiracy, among many other things. ignored questions, rambled about his son and "cyber." it was a catastrophe, by all accounts


yes it is faggot
Reuters gives Clinton +6

sure kid, everyone voting for her (wink, wink)
thinks everyone who disagrees with him is his parents.
so is hilly like your special mommy or something?

oh wow the areas with one person in every 100 sq miles voted for red team!

NYC's population is more than 8x the population of Montana

oh you definitely are
normal people aren't worried about "the homosexual agenda" paranoid homophobic faggot



Save me Spooderman

sire you did.

I'm good at getting you to reply so I can remind you
that Hillary's winning
and you are assblown


There isn't a particular gene that we have found that determines sexual preference. There is, however, more scientific data that supports the hypothesis that it is not simply a choice. In fact, so much so that you would be hard pressed to find a reputable scientist that would say that it is a choice.

Also keep in mind that we are not the only creatures that demonstrate homosexuality.

You can read up on empirical studies here

And is this not the case with kiddie fuckers? Should they be protected as a class? What about corpse fuckers? You can't even get at 'it harms someone' since corpse fuckers fuck corpses. There is no harm in fucking an inanimate object, right? Or should your fleshlights be outlawed too?


There is no "can."

And if you commit a hate crime against a 12 year old gay boy, that means that child is protected and you will do prison time.

Stop replying retard.

Wow. You bit! Reuters was proven a month or two ago to be adjusting their polls and polling with a bias. Have fun with that. Also might wanna look into how many people actually took part in that poll. I'm sure it was several millions of the American populace.

we have a list and who gets paid how much.
its public knowledge kid. no one believes you kid.


corpses can't say no
and human remains are protected by law
the fact that you think this is any way analagous to two dudes dating tells me you're delusional

then why reply?

corpses, children and animals are special cases. Can't consent. So no, the people who want to fuck them are not protected the way consenting gay adults are.

when will you fags learn tolerance doesn't mean acceptance. we tolerate all the bullshit but we sure as fuck dont have to like it.

This one?

who has this list? Can you check if my cunt Ex Sara is shilling for anyone

>durr hurr Reuters iz cheating durr

keep crying faggot
Reuters is the most respected polling outlet in the current race

and the only poll showing a Trump lead is the same Los Angeles Times that endorsed Clinton

you posted this in the other thread kid.

>there is no can
>And "gay" is the only protected class you can decide to join once you're an adult.

The original post to start this chain. There is a can.

You don't tolerate anything. You're scared of black people too.

Lol I like you man. You're like the sweet looking dog that is actually a dick and barks and growls at visitors inside your home. I'd like to put a leash on you and keep you as a pet. Would be fun.

right, but we are also free to call you paranoid faggots

and here we are, an hour later, and it's still accurate


maybe it's time to stop posting that map like it means anything

>And "gay" is the only protected class you can decide to join once you're an adult.

which is horseshit
stop posting