Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help

Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help.

>Come in for advice, fortune-telling, and friendly conversation.
>GETs (dubs, trips, etc.) can receive a tarot reading from me. Ask a question or leave it general, or anywhere in between.
>GETs can be donated to others, but you have to be specific about who gets it.
>Leave a name (nickname, real name, made up name) and you'll receive a fortune cookie even if you don't GET.
>Patience and love! These take time, so hang around after you GET and remind me if it seems like I missed you. Remember that you have to actually ask for a reading to get one. I'm not scanning the thread for dubs!
>Leave internet/avatar drama at the gate, please.

Other urls found in this thread:

well come to the DUB ZONE


Hey reimu



"Ping Pong: The Animation" is:
[_] Okay
[_] Good
[_] Great
[X] Fucking Fantastic

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Shrine.

Hey everyone.

>fuck i'm tired

Hey look at me! I'm Sweet Roll!

Howdy Howdy Howdy!

-Sweet Roll

Why tired?


Found you.

Now that I'm here: Tarot readings available. No dubs necessary, just post your hand. Don't worry if you've gotten a tarot reading before. You haven't "used up" your readings. We have questions and problems every second of our lives -- it would be asinine to think that we can only ask for answers once.

When you post your hand, ask a question or state your problem. Be as vague or as specific as you want. Your question / problem will not affect the reading, only my interpretation. I will begin by telling you the meanings of each card drawn and I will then attempt to interpret them in the context of your question. If you don't want to ask a question I will give a generic interpretation.

To make things more interesting (for me): 10 card readings for women, 3 card readings for men. Don't bother posting your gender. I should be able to tell from your hand.

Also, I'm posting Azunyan today.

I'm so glad you decided to make this a regular thing!

I really have no idea. I've been like this for a couple days now.

I want one of your readings but my phone camera refuses to actually work.

Hello shrine peoples. How are you all?

I hope you start feeling better soon :*

Only until I grow bored of it and move on to something else. I don't think I've ever held an interest for too long. I've never really known how to be happy so I sate my boredom with distraction instead. Which leads to a lot of multi-disciplinary study into everything ranging from math to psychology to the paranormal and back into reality with financial management and taxation law.

It's little wonder I'm a chuuni. I'm pretty fucked up.

Do you have access to a scanner? If you can't take a picture then you could attempt to draw the lines on your hand and the length of your fingers in MSPaint, but I couldn't guarantee an accurate read on your gender from such. A minor change in the width of a finger or the length of a line could throw off my understanding of your hormone levels.

Me too, but I am fighting it

I just have to be REAALLY careful when I get comfortable when I'm tired

-Sweet Roll

I hope you get well as well :*

I had a strange idea yesterday

An anime dating sim in which you date military vehicles, and no, not Kancolle style

-Sweet Roll

...go on

I appreciate it user.

It fucking sucks, when i get comfortable to watch TV or play a game or something, and i fucking pass out.

Like, actual military vehicles? Or an actual girl.

Like the kawaii tanks?


Is this good enough? As for my topic, I'd just like to know if I'll ever turn my financial situation around.



Fantastic picture for the bump


Hello everyone

You are dating real military vehicles in this, each hailing from whatever country they were made in

It would range from things like tanks, planes, helicopters, ships, and others

Of course, they will have differing personalities, some falling into certain -dere archtypes

I had this idea when I asked myself this question

"What would it be like being with someone who seriously identifies themselves as an Apache attack helicopter?"

-Sweet Roll

Mmh, I wonder where is people.
Oh, hey, you're early.

What beer does everyone here drink?

Molson man myself.

Why thank you.

I love the idea, go to some studio in Japan and pitch it, it will make thousands

Ive been thinking about suicide alot because of the position I'm currently in. Skyler.

The closest thing for me is Redd's Wicked Apple. I said Angry Orchard the other day but I was confusing the two.

I approve this. How would you push the project forward? Who would help with art and such?

I'm gonna sound like a little bitch, but I don't drink.

What's got you thinking that way?

I thought it would be a good idea, mostly because Hatoful boyfriend, a pigeon dating simulator, was pretty successful

Wait, was it?

-Sweet Roll

Just finished walking Rocky. Never seen it before. Good movie.
Who wants to face my ass in the ring? Reimu?

And which position would that be, user? Care to go on more detail?
The kind that can get me drunk.
You should learn actual mechanic and tank engineering to progress on dates, put that into it or I won't play that.

You must have looked pretty silly walking down the street with a DVD case on a leash.

I don't know I dont play dating sims

But I would play that one

I want to build my own tank

First,i'm male just so you know. My Problem is kinda generic the thing is i chased 1 year after my ex and finally when i'm over her and found a new potential girlfriend which i have to admit i've already fallen for,she comes back and says she misses me. How are things going to turn out?

I'm stuck in the military. I never get to see my loved ones. I barely have time to wash my clothes. The last time i saw my family was 3 months ago. I hate this place. It's hell

If the future reading aspects of palmistry are to be believed then you needn't worry about money. Your fate line originates from the mount of venus and crosses your life line. That shows you'll inherit great wealth.

As I'm less inclined to believe the predictive aspects of palmistry and more inclined to believe what it says about your personality and health (both encoded in your DNA and therefore both reasonable that they would be seen on your palm). In which case you maintain a strong division between mental, emotional, and physical aspects in your life. You keep good health and have strong relationships, but your mental skills are... meh. You avoid your brain and choose to solve problems with either the heart or the body.

Regarding your issue, I have drawn:

>Past influence: Five of Coins, inverted
The five of coins depicts two beggars at a church. It points to a time of financial strife, poverty, and adversity. More than that: the doors to the church are closed. It represents isolation in your adversity - as others turn away and refuse to help. This is one of the few cards that is oddly more positive when inverted. Upright it represents: isolation, insecurity, worry, and poverty. Inverted it represents: spiritual poverty and slow recovery

>Present: Five of Swords
The five of swords shows a man in conflict with two others. The three of them can find no way to properly distribute the five swords, and so there is no happy deal to be struck. It reminds us that despite feeling like a winner, you may in fact end up the loser because you have hurt others in order to reach your current level. Upright: conflict, tension, loss, defeat, betrayal

>Future: Three of Wands, inverted
Wands and swords are opposite suits. While swords represents a forced change, wands represent an inspired one. The three of wands shows a man taking his first step on a great journey. He has planned his path and is finally setting out on his own. Will continue: out of characters.

>Skyler has extremely bad luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Money", "19".
take this with a grain of salt the gods have been very testy lately
only beer i've actually enjoyed is devastator

How long would it take for you to get out?

How come "stuck"? Can't you leave when you can't take it anymore?

Good evening Cred Forums!
I see the thread is well under way!

- Cirno

Yeah, yesterday I came just before the shrine closed so I tried to be earlier today.
How are you, Nep?

I'd play that

I have absolutely no idea what to do with this

There are a lot of things I would need to think about and do

And also, all it is right now is a neat concept, I wasn't planning on going all out extreme on this

But it is nice to know that others think its good too

-Sweet Roll

How are you Box?

My contract says 6 more years.
If i leave now my entire life will get all fucked up. No job will hire someone who gets separated from the military.

The three of wands maximizes the potential for our future. Upright it represents: preparation, foresight, enterprise, and expansion. Inverted, it represents: lack of foresight, obstacles, and an inability to start moving

Putting the three cards together it sounds like your financial issues are the result of a huge and unexpected hit -- possibly a medical bill or a sudden loss of job. The road to recovery has been slow and painful, but there are people who can help you out. You aren't alone. You are more spiritually defeated than financially, and it's your negative attitude delaying the recovery.

It sounds like you have recently found yourself with an opportunity to correct your financial situation. Maybe a position has opened up for a new job, or you have the opportunity to metaphorically get away with murder if you're willing to throw away your morals in exchange for a profit. However if you pursue the quick path to riches it will only lead to despair in the long run.

Looking to the future it sounds like your failure to think long-term and plan ahead will cause continued issues for you. Every time you start to fix your financial situation something will strike that you could have prepared for if only you had a little more foresight. Drink one beer less and put that money into a rainy day jar.

I don't see anything horribly negative that would prevent you from being successful, but it does sound like you have a lot of work to do if you want to fix your finances CORRECTLY.

Doing this one next

>Have some music I found

Hello! Hows it going Cirno?
>call me Box

Good, you?

When will an anarchist revolution save us from our illuminati overlords???

>Rockafeller Skank
Pretty good, just drinking some rum.

Holy shit! I didn't even know they made contracts that long!

I'm doing ok, been thinking, considering options, it's fun to think about plans, what about you?
Why did you get into it in the first place? Anyway, are you sure it would be actually that dramatic?
Overthrow the Ilerminaty!


Yea. They do but only for my job i think. Electrical technician (nuclear) hard to get us so when they do they want to keep us

I can tell that you are tired all the time and take long naps in the middle of the day

I got into it because of alot of reasons. But my reasons have changed over the course

Hello tonight, everyone~

i finally lost all my friends. Right now i'm going out to celebrate, should i go to a whorehouse or masturbate on the street?

I would like to start by saying you didn't need to post your gender. The angle on your thumb is too sharp, your ring finger is longer than your index finger, your ulna has an enlarged head, your nail bed is recessed, there are wrinkles above the mount of venus, your second knuckle is enlarged,... all of the signs point to male. A healthy level of testosterone, too.

Looking at your head and love lines to determine your stance on this issue before we turn to the cards:

Your heart line curves sharply to end between the mounts of jupiter and saturn. This shows that you get too deeply invested in relationships. Everyone feels like "the one". Your head line is strong, but your sister line breaks multiple times and connects it to your love line. This tells me that while you're normally rational, your thoughts are clouded when in a relationship and your logical demeanor gets shut off. You CAN'T view this problem objectively. You simply don't know how.

As for your cards (and I'll give their meanings in the next post, along with interpretation):

>Past: Page of Coins
>Present: Eight of Cups
>Future: Three of Cups

All good signs.


Hello, person!

- Cirno

They are ears, yes.

Whorehouse of course!
You don't like the life in the army I guess, I do recognise they don't have it easy but it's something that hardens you, I don't know how can I advice in this one, sorry.
Hey senpai.

What is good, my dudes?

Cheap beer! I'm not a big beer person.

We gotta play more TM2 some time~

Is this one of those new images you found? Hello~

I don't get it, but I sure did make a great poll.

Do you have human ears too?

God damn that's good. What's the music genre called? It makes it easier for me to find certain music.

I'm free all weekend Kotori. Just shoot me a message.

How's it going?


It's fine. I'll be fine. Thanks for the conversation. I'm in the Navy btw.

Hey, whats up


Not too bad. Got off work early today and pretty much slept all day.

Oh, damn.
Aw, don't look at the poll...

I believe that certain song is nu-disco.

Hoping for some witty response like "Yes, in a jar in my freezer."

lmao i guess u are right

Hey guys, call me Roon.

How's it going?


Stranger danger!


Well, it was going good, before you...
Rooned my day.

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. It's definitely a long time, so you'll have to find some way to make the best of it I guess.

Maybe getting transferred to a different area? I mean, physical area, not field.

>Past: Page of Coins
The suit of coins represents material wealth and tangible assets. The page of every suit is the dreamer. The page of coins therefore represents the desire to manifest your dreams into the material world. It could be a new project, a hobby, a business venture, or a new educational experience. In any case, it shows enthusiasm and desire.

>Present: Eight of Cups
The suit of cups represents emotions and relationships. The eight depicts a man walking away from all of his cups. He has turned his back on all that he has accumulated and disappears into the night. This is not a man fleeing from his troubles, as would be the case in the suit of swords. Nor is it a man who is setting out on a journey, as would be the case with the suit of wands. No -- this is a man who has experienced the joys and sorrows of life and is setting out into the unknown now to find something new. He was unfulfilled by the past, but it is still all he knows. This card represents: escapism, disappointment, abandonment, and withdrawal.

>Future: Three of Cups
The three of cups represents celebration and accomplishment. The card depicts three maidens with their cups raised in a toast. It's representative of the harmonious relationship of friendship and the joy that comes from opening up to others and help one another. This card represents: celebration, friendship, creativity, community

The first two make sense in your context. You are currently trying to abandon the life you once knew and it's difficult to turn away from all of those memories. Meanwhile you have all of this great enthusiasm and expectation for the new girl you've met, who has clearly proven herself worthy of your love.

The third card is either a beautiful solution or a wrench depending on how you wish to interpret it. It sounds like your relationship with BOTH girls will grow. Not necessarily in an adulterous way. Out of characters, will continue.

I'll make sure to. WoW just keeps me caught up a lot. I spend too much time jewing the auction house.

Tomorrow most likely.

Hello Roon. I'm doing okay, how about you?

?? But we talked about snakes the last thread


Eat you fuck

No 3DPD, pls

Are you sure that was you?

Hey there, how you doing?
Sup Mamizou.

Not bad. Tired, though. Sleep schedule's been shitty for a while now.

I'm not human!

Not much actually. I've been feeling a little bit sick these days, but now I'm better.
So, what kind of plans?

Sup moonbunny

Cool, Thanks!

Good, you? You can call me Box.

Sounds good!

>have some music in return

I can guarantee it

Only one base with our training. Schooling is two years

At least I didn't give everyone I love cancer, Mr. Manhatten

Ah? I have tons of images, silly. I wasn't gathering for bunnies!

Sup, Nep.

Since everyone is sharing music

Now for the interesting interpretation of the three of cups. INVERTED, the three of cups represents an affair, a third wheel, or the attempt to incorporate another leading to failure. So in some way your ex will be incorporated successfully into your relationship -- either as a confidant or as a friend. Your new girlfriend and she will find common ground and it sounds like things will work out positively with no one needing to get hurt... at least on the surface. Unfortunately the details of the relationship are blurry and your own morals and ethics will play into it. It could be that you choose to have sex with both of them, they're both happy, and so long as they're both unaware you have cause to celebrate. However at the visible level, all things will end well.

With that, I'm free to do another reading if someone wants to post their question / problem along with their hand.

No problem.

What do you mean 'hey'? I didn't say anything bad, I just didn't want you to get any...
Fuck off, Doug Roth, it's 'Dr. Manhattan.'

Hi there. Well, I've been feeling really lost lately, I feel so... empty and lonely. I still remember that some time ago I got the Fool and 9 of Swords in a reading, it's weird how accurate those two cards were.
So, may I get a reading? If not a tip on how to feel a bit more at peace with myself will suffice.
Thank you very much. By the way, my name is Juan


I want to know when i'll fuck my best friend

Post a picture of your hand and I shall perform your reading.

Oooh? What other kinds of images do you have? How many bunnies do you have?

Yay new music! Sounds pretty nice.

Ah. My sleep schedule is totally messed up usually, it's pretty good right now though.

Oh god thank you so much for all your time and effort! It may sound dumb but this just gave me a little strenght i need to settle it and experience something new.


God damn it... Reisen is too cute...

I can't be in this thread anymore


Please no, I taste like outer space and neutrinos, you don't want to eat me

Yeah, I'm just glad I work the evening shift, or it would be a huge problem. I gotta get it fixed before I get into training again. Waking up at 3pm is not a good time to wake when you have training to do.

NEED ze dubs

Here you go. Thank you

Good evening.

Let's test my luck tonight and see if it is meant to be.

Should i take up shaolin or boxing


Please wait! I want to talk to you!



I do boxing myself, thus I am inclined to push towards boxing

reisens cuter then you fo sure



Ah, I have only this one bunny! I was gathering for another thing completely...
Those sound like synonyms for 'delicious' to me.
You're better off not doing that.

Do boxing

Shaolin dude, get your zen on. Boxing aint gonna help your spirit.

Wha! T-thank you...

Anyone here a fan of El Ten Eleven?

fite me bruv 1v1 fuck yo and yo son i'm sober!

I liked yours as well!

>more music

Boxing is a profession, youre probably too old bro

Let's fukin go m8

it's true doe, it's dags btw, how have you been!

Good evening, waifu.

Ehh? I'll be forced to call you cute back if you keep that up.

kanga dude will win fo sure! you're done mate

Souka souka.


Wrestling is cooler.

Please stay

Aaah, I've been okay. Nice to see you, dagman~ How are you, hun?

Without condoning or condemning, I understand. You have to maintain the facade of having violent hatred for everything. Cuteness is too powerful and makes you shed the disguise.
Just kidding, have this super-hyper-ultra cute.
Fine, it's not like eating me will kill me, anyway.


You may wish to see a doctor. Your health and head lines are very faint, but more to the point your fingers show distinct clubbing and the lack of detail on the edges of your wrist hints at obesity.

That said, on to the reading:

>Past: Four of Swords
The four of swords depicts a knight in his tomb. Three swords meet to honor the fallen comrade and the fourth lays across his coffin. It symbolizes a time to recover or rest after a great challenge. You will return to battle in the future, but for now you must remain silent and inactive and allow yourself to regain strength. Meanings: contemplation, recuperation, passivity, relaxation, rest.

>Present: Eight of Coins, inverted
The eight of coins depicts a young laborer working hard to hammer out each coin into shape. He has already completed quite a few and has only a couple left to go. This card represents an apprenticeship: either actual or metaphoric. It's a time for learning new skills. You are experiencing a change in your life, work, and education which is giving you a drastically different viewpoint on life. At least.. that's the upright meaning. Inverted, it represents: perfectionism, lack of ambition, getting stuck in the past, refusing creativity

>Future: Five of Swords
The five of swords represents conflict. Three men attempt to divide five swords evenly between them only to find there is no proper way and one person will be left lacking a sword. It often warns us that in order to succeed, we must cause others to lose and in doing so we become the losers ourselves in the long-run. It's ambition in its most negative sense. Inverted, it shows a resentment of the past. You want this period of fighting to be over and you want to just forget about it. You have found yourself in a life situation that you don't approve of and you just want to start over.

It sounds like your lack of ambition and inability to try new things will drive you deeper and deeper into the life you hate.

Don't bring it back here.

Greco-Roman or Freestyle?
Or would you include things like Judo or BJJ in a looser definition of wrestling?


Don't make me do it! I'll do it, I swear!

Good evening!

Don't let the door hit you on the way out

Thick Ran-sama is even cooler though

Much cuter. It's not even a contest

That last song you posted fucking rocked

I just realized how cute Reisen is.

Grappling is necessary, but you still need a striking art.

I say shaolin, cause boxers freak the fuck out when they take a hard leg kick

There's a positive side to this reading, however. And to see it we must more closely examine the negative.

Your whole life is a downward spiral. You will grow to hate yourself and your situation more and more. Your self-loathing will lead to apathy and lack of ambition which will in turn cause you to hate yourself more. However there's only one engine to this endless march: YOU

You are not affected by an outside force. You are not under duress nor are you at the whim of the gods. You are setting your own path, but because you are blind to the world you keep walking the one path you know, creating a feedback loop. You need to expand your mind, learn more, and see the world for what it is. By trying new things you will free yourself from the cycle.
Free now if someone else would like a reading.

I may have neglected to mention that I am a rather powerful aphrodisiac.

Ah, I missed you two! Hello~
I-i'm not asking you not to! CUTE.

I just wanna know if my boxing is gonna go anywhere.

Cannot unsee the cute!

heh, i'm okie, seems like it's gonna be a good day so i'm positive :)

>i'm just gonna dump music
>i'm not really an open person

Thank you.

You should exercise.

Is it still too late for a fortune?

My nickname is Swiss.

Ran is a fucking whore.

All depends on you bro

You'd be surpised how often and grueling we boxers train our legs.
My calves are bigger than my arms, man. We can take kicks. Most may not know how to properly defend them, sure, but we can take them.

Why is your nickname Swiss?

Where is all this niceness coming from!?
*suddenly lewd*

I'm back

Sorry about that

Going through the process of making a game right now is an impossibility for me, I will just hold onto the idea and wait until I can be able to attempt it. But that doesn't mean I WILL if I CAN.

Besides, for any original ideas I have, I mostly think of bits and pieces.

-Sweet Roll

You'll take it on the i.t. band and not be able to walk.

To the original asking user, ahaolin was/is known for cross training. Tge answer is train both dude.

How's life treating you?

So you wanted this the whole time!? This isn't fair at all! Fine, cute!

Haha, thanks for your concern, I have been regularly going to the doctor, I lost 10 kilos last month... so yeah, I was on the verge of obesity.

You're right, the only thing I've been doing lately is weep over the past and beg for it to return when I know it's dead and it won't return.
I do need to change, that future does sound bleak indeed... I want better for my life and as you so wisely said, I need to open my eyes, welcome the future and stop mourning the ones gone.
Thank you very much for your reading, this has been quite eye opening.
I wish you nothing but good in your future!

Hey Sonya.

>don't mind me

Hold on, let me just kill that Incubastard.

>just realizing

Hey sonya~


Good! What's in your day today? Work?
How are ya?

Fair point.

But yeah, original user should train both. I try to train as many martial arts as I can. Not necessarily to master them all, but more to appreciate them because they are all just that, art.
I focus on my boxing, but I'm also a yellow belt in BJJ, Shotokan Karate, and Kickboxing. I've also trained some Aikido, Muay Thai, and Krav.

Become a genius of hard work

Hey Neps. How's it going?

Manhattan, you're a genius. I mean...

You got an answer for everything

Hey you. How about them cones, huh?

i always wondered, what kinda hat is that anyways?

Not with all that estrogen it's not. You may need to lay off the soy and eat more eggs.

Well, I'll be damned. The cards may have disagreed with my medical diagnosis.

>Past: Judgment, inverted
There are three cards in tarot which I often get confused. They are judgment, justice, and strength. To be sure I don't mess this up, I'll copy and paste the meaning from Biddy Tarot:

The Judgement card calls for a period of reflection and self-evaluation. Through meditation or quiet reflection, you may come to a point of deep understanding about the common themes throughout your life and what you can do or change to avoid these situations in the future.

Reversed, the Judgement card suggests that you may be indulging yourself in doubt and self-judgement. Your deliberation is causing you to miss the new opportunities that await.

Meanings (reversed): self-doubt, refusal, self-examination

Also, as a major arcana, this refers to an overarching theme in your life and has an influence extending well beyond this reading. This is a bad habit of yours.

>Present: Seven of Wands
The seven of wands depicts a man fighting to defend his hill. It represents specifically the struggle to maintain satisfaction and fulfillment after it has been attained. You must struggle to stay on top once you're gotten there. Upright, it suggests you will be successful in holding your ground.

Meanings: challenge, competition, perseverance

>Future: Nine of Cups
The cups are a suit of EMOTIONS, not material gains. Specifically it's positive emotions: love, happiness, peace,... The nine (of any suit) represents being completely flooded with something to the point of bursting. In the case of the nine of cups, this means completion and fulfillment. Your past experiences have all come together and you've finally won.

Meanings: wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness, satisfaction

Interpretation to come (out of characters)

Do me do me do me

Will I ever find love?
>inb4 you'll die alone

Howdy guys, sorry I'm late... again, irl stuff is a doozy

nup, it's saturday here! and aussie rules grand final is on, so probably watch that with a few friends, might go out later tonight for my sisters birthday, not completely sure yet!

Before you do that, I would like to give him a good, hard punch to face, he deserves that and more

-Sweet Roll

Handle my light work.

S-stop that.

>i hope someone is liking this music

>you're a genius
It was a carefully crafted lie. Just the placebo effect, my man. This means Reisen can not deny that she had the lewd inside her all along.
I can never have enough Kyubey-bullying content

Life plans, jobs, what to do, what to buy, such things.
Pretty gud, been sleeping early and having a few dreams, fucked up dreams at that though.
See above!
You too!


That I do.

I second this.

It sounds like boxing will be a huge challenge in your life. You will contemplate quitting many times. You will feel like a failure over and over again. You will have to struggle to stick with it. However through boxing you will develop a self-confidence and self-esteem that you could not have earned otherwise, and ultimately will become a fulfilled human being. You may never win a national tournament, but the satisfaction of knowing you stuck it out will help you in all aspects of life. Get out there and box!

On to this one next. Also, were you aware you posses the writer's fork on your head line? You have the unique ability to hold two contrasting ideas in your head at once. You can simultaneously believe that someone is right and wrong, agree and disagree, or believe that global warming is both a hoax and legitimate. You accept all facts as they are and don't let your past experience filter them. This makes you a great mediator, but a terrible debater.


It's cathartic.

I would provide you with more images if I had any.

It's obviously because you haven't been sleeping in my arms, waifu. Got an example? I've been having pretty bad dreams lately too and I've gotten next to no sleep the past two nights.

Why not?

Just got back from a job interview, am now studying. You?

>i'm thinking of stopping this dump to play something

Can I get a fortune for panch?

Been a while, hi thread

Sounds nice~
Fucked up?

This one has a nice sense of impending beatdown, I like it.
The boorus have a pool for it.

My question is: "will things pan out well with her?"

Call me Ted; it's my old college nickname.

mainly for the reason of: no one cares



>mfw fucked up your quads

>panch has bad luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Red", "18".
bad luck, sorry friend

hi seija

>Ted has extremely good luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Black", "53".
cookie says yes

Sup, nerd.

I think we actually got pretty fair RNG that time...I've seen much worse. In games with bouncy ground, super low gravity, etc. You don't know hell until you spend 18 attempts on the mound hole on oasis.


Been playing CrossCode, streamed it some, dev came to my stream, so naturally I said stfu you're not the dev. Turns out he was in fact the dev.

Thanks, man. I've actually really been having a lot of doubts that it'll go anywhere, lately. You could probably tell that because I had to ask. But this helps a lot.

damnit im tireeed

ye, hopefully the weather doesn't stay as shit

Looking for some lewd individual to give me jerk off instructions, on basically any platform or site.
I'm down with almost anything, super fucking horny atm. Make me cum

What are tarot cards? Please be a GETL

My bad luck is showing through tonight. Perhaps it was not meant to be.

W-where do you think you're touching!?

I'm sure they do but I am lazy.

In fact I am currently in maximum lazy mode.

I hate you.

You got it

Fucked up as in, in one of the dreams I curb stomped someone for cash, I feel weird about it.
Well, hanging around here, nothing much else.
Hello Seija.
First step, grab your dong, and then honk it.


smooth but that is the usual reaction so i cant blame ya for thinking that at first

Hell yeah

already rock hard, throbbing with urge to come

>Queen of Swords
An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit.

>Ten of Wands
Picture a guy trying to carry ten staves. That's a lot of sticks, so it's hard, but they have some value to him, so he carries them anyway. The lesson here is one of shouldering burdens and perseverance.

>>Two of Pentacles
This relationship will be a balancing act of some kind, taking good timing and mental dexterity to keep it intact.

T-tch. I just would've given them away, anyway. If anything, all you did was rob some poor user of his fortune. Baaakaaaa~
You'll have a good day. I'm sure of it!
All over! Fufufu!
Ahaha... Sounds like a hitman dream~


If there is another thread, I'm not gonna be there. I'm not feeling up to it.


Then jerk off until you're done :^)

An interesting reading. Two major arcana - that's extremely significant.

>Past: Two of Wands, inverted
The two of wands represents planning. It depicts a man staring at a map as he charts out his journey. Where the three of wands shows a man taking his first step, this is a man still one step zero: getting his plans in order so he knows which way to head. Inverted, it represents a fear of the unknown, and a lack of planning. This fear has guided your life thus far.

>Present: The Hermit, inverted
The hermit represents exactly what you would think it represents. Isolation, solitude, and an escape from society. While the hermit is in a phase of introspection, however, it is not all negative. He is not banished from society, but draws away of his own free will to explore himself and soul search. At least... that's upright. Reversed, you have lost your way. The hermit is normally depicted carrying a lantern which guides him on his solitary mountain path. I like to imagine that inverted his lantern has gone out, and he's let in the darkness with nowhere to go. While the hermit normally takes the opportunity to learn about himself, you cannot learn about yourself because you are too clouded and confused. This is the most negative form of isolation and loneliness: when you have no direction. You can't go back to where you came from because you don't even know if you remember what you came from.

>Future: The High Priestess
The High Priestess sits between the pillars of darkness and light. She is the knowledgeable guardian of the Tree of Life, and keeps the truth half-concealed as she maintains balance. She represents wisdom, serenity, and understanding. She is often described as the guardian of the unconscious. She is the link to your unconscious mind. Upright, she represents intuition, higher powers, mystery, and subconscious.

I will continue with the explanation of the high priestess in the next post so I don't run out of characters

We going again? I need to cash in this reading. It has been some time since I last had one.

I have a specific thing in mind but I don't really want to share it so I suppose I would opt for a general reading.


Mine were more along the lines of something I dislike happening to me.

Are you some kind of pervert!?

Almost every time I see the fucking asshole piece of shit, I just want to see him suffer.

Oh, also spoilers

He fucked everything up, after what I thought would be an actually good end for everyone, but NOOOOPE, he just had to be so goddamn fucking interested in witches and entropy that he just had to see what would fucking happen to Homu and ended up making her a demon who just made everything worse. I hope in the next movie he is treated in the worst way possible, that fucking piece of shit.

Literally the only character I love to hate

-Sweet Roll

The purest pervert ever, of course~ If you don't even know that, you clearly haven't heard of me enough yet, ehehe...


Hmph, you just seem like a baka to me. I only pop in here every once in a while so I am not too familiar with almost anyone.

Now look at the words which the high priestess represents: intuition, higher powers, mystery, and subconscious. These are all words both historically and socially associated with women. Women are considered to have better intuition, they are statistically more likely to believe in a higher power, they are shrouded in mystery from men and even from themselves, and they are often slaves to the whims of their own subconscious mind. In this way the High Priestess, who is the guardian between light and dark, is also the anima: the representation of the female side of ourselves.

Now how does this relate to finding true love? The high priestess tells us that by getting in touch with our feminine side and letting higher powers guide us, we will find the path from dark to light. You must give up control of your life and become more open. Allow the world to act through you and you will find yourself guided to whatever your heart desires.

Thank you for the reading! I'll heed it's insights well!


Is that why I don't get mad anymore?

Mediator guy~

Are you telling me in a roundabout way to be gay?