I've done several threads before but I'll try it again

I've done several threads before but I'll try it again.

I'm a Regular Member with the RCMP. Ask me anything.

bump folks

Have you arrested people who you think you shouldn't have?

How many blood spattered walls have you seen?

How many pages was your RMAQ?

why do you fucks pull people over on off/on ramps?

I mean i'm not sure in what context you mean but sure, i've arrested people and havent felt super happy about it. But at the end of the day I dont really get to choose which laws I enforce. Plus sometimes I sympathize to a certain extent with some people, but that doesnt necessarily mean you get a break.

That was a LONG time ago...like 50 or more. I don't even know what they do now in the process really besides make it a laughing stock.

I mean that's a pretty general question...probably cause you committed a traffic offence?

you realize you are on a site with child porn right? cop breaking the law, what a surprise.

How much ketamine do you need to fist a mare?

I left for a long time when I was thinking about joining up. I lurk sometimes now but I usually only come on here to make these threads.


so what secrets do the RCMP hold? Or what shit have you seen that the force wouldn't want to be made public?

This is now a zoo thread

Are you familiar with the john nuttall and Amanda korody case? Any policy changes resulting if so?

Whats the consensus within the RCMP about Canada's firearm laws?


I've been following it pretty well as I'm posted in BC. It's a shame. I haven't heard of anything coming down the pipe as I believe that we're waiting until Crown's appeal of the decisions.

Where in bc are you stationed?

what have you heard about that case of the recently murdered woman from japan...specifically how did she die?

If someone wanted to hijack a truck load of oxy, what would be the best way to do it and not get caught?

Lower Mainland, thats as specific as i'll get.

That's a VPD file. And with homicides the files become sealed as soon as it's taken over by major crimes. So even if i wanted to look at it it I wouldn't be able to.

According to your IP you are on Vancouver Island?

Did you ever go to the pickton farm?

Nice bluff lol. Not a chance.

You're an idiot if you think I'm helping you. Also, Oxy? you're a rookie if i've heard one before.

Have you ever pulled over a slut and gotten a bj instead of giving a ticket?

Will you apologize to Robert DziekaƄski when you get to Hell for what your wild animal brothers did to that poor old bohunk?

No I wasn't a cop yet when that was all going on. It's kind of creepy cause I actually thought about buying in the townhomes that are all built there now...

No but I have met with girls that i've met on duty before tho....

Assuming it isn't around children or in the middle of the street during rush hour, what do you do when you catch people fucking in public?

How corrupt is bill fordy? Do you miss the long gun registry at all?

Ok I got ya fam. What would be better, hijacking a shipment of opiates being transported via BCFerries or at Airport?

Worst from among quebecois, niggers and indians?

Usually fuck with them pretty good lol. If it's night typically just tell them to get outta there. If you're screwing in a car during the day time I'd be telling them to start rethinking why they don't have a place to screw inside anyways....

How's your night?

I'm a Reg Force member of the Canadian Armed Forces, infantry, Royal Canadian Regiment to be specific. Originally from BC, after my contract is up RCMP might be the route I end up going,

Do you work with any former military? Would it looked on as positive work experience?

Thanks buds

"Start rethinking"?
Is it usually homeless people fucking in cars or dides banging their sides on theor lunch break?

I ask because I bang my side on our lunch break in my car at least twice a week.

Cool. What battalion?

The 107th Faggots

How many squirts of syrup does your gun hold?

2nd battalion

He's actually a pretty good guy. Only met him once though. Why would you say corrupt?

Lots of Members are former military. I think it comes down to the pension and federal service aspect. Positive? Better than CAF i suppose lol .

Are you relieved you can quit going after stoners next spring and concentrate on the real dealers and pushers?

Would fist that sloppy hole and tonguepunch that doughnut ass

What's the funniest thing you've ever seen while on shift?

Cool, my uncle was stationed in gagetown, he was deployed as a peacekeeper in Cyprus

Gagetowns a pretty good base. Is he still in?


Still rocking the moustache though

OP here, going to bed. Gnight folks.

Maybe he isn't corrupt, but he seems kind of incompetent. I think he got caught sexting with a female officer.