In honour of the big day, I'm gonna do a flip off my wardrobe

In honour of the big day, I'm gonna do a flip off my wardrobe.

5 replies and I post the tinychat link

but maybe we dont wanna see a guy faggot flipping off his wardrobe?

But maybe we do.

OP here, i gotta run to the shop to get electricity so my wifi dont cut out. I'll be back in like 10 minutes

Have an OC to tide you over until then



Hi there

Now I'm curious
And in what country do you have to go to the store to pay your bills?

Some people do it around here (US, not OP). Generally they stop by somewhere that does money orders and have the people behind the counter do it. It's a way to get the bill paid immediately while you're out and it's also a way to pay it with cash if you've got an illegitimate job or don't trust banks or whatever else.

It's more of a "pay as you go" type of thing here.

P.s I'm back, will go open up a tinychat room

let's go

tinychat com/fcd3aj

Lmao wait I'm downloading

ok bbe, i'll probs wait until there's like 5 buddos in the room, everything's better with an audience

I'm in now, thnx


OP is a mad man

OPCraigo here, thanks for watching. My back really hurts but it's cool x

What is flipping wardrobe

Nono, I flipped OFF of it

Happy Birthday, 4 gag.
Who'd have thought that there would be barely enough going on here now to keep a shitty subreddit going?

