I'm going to Mcdonalds for the first time Cred Forums, what should I get?

I'm going to Mcdonalds for the first time Cred Forums, what should I get?

Mcdouble anbd fries

a mcchicken. fuck it on cam and post it

this is a really funny idea for a thread :)

everyone is gonna be like "Get the burger king!!!!!"

#9 with Mac sauce instead of mayo

A whopper.

>what should I get?

ALL the chicken nuggets with extra frozen fries and 2 gallons of coke.

A purpose for living.

A bottle of Rolaids.

Get a mcgangbang, a hot n spicy or regular chicken sandwich in between a mcdouble

This actually sounds pretty good, if I ask for it will they know what I'm talking about?

they wont make it for you

Heart disease

Beaten up.

My regular order is 2 McChickens and fries+drink

Big mac/Angus are good too

Aids. Get aids.

Arch Deluxe. It's a grownup burger

my nigga

Big Mac and McNuggets.

You have to get them separately and just make it yourself