Ask some who just ruined one year of his sobriety anything. pics related

Ask some who just ruined one year of his sobriety anything. pics related.

Gf dumped me
Should I kms

why did you start doing drugs again op?


fuck it dude, life sucks.

just do some drugs. seems to help me LOL

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lul no ur an retard trust me

gf left me. she was the only thing in my life worth living clean for.

I know
I miss her dough

She was ur higher power, sucks bro now u know better

She looks like she passed out drunk at a sharpie factory Christmas party.

hey man im in the same boat =]
my life has been going down the shitter for about two years now. the gf breaking up with me fucked with my head in all kinds of ways. You'll get over it but it will hurt

That bitch looks disgusting.

Yeah but she was cute as fuck

I loved her scars and all

Thank you. These comments make me feel a tad better

such a beautiful beach you are visiting

Yo, go on Dr. Phil

Then you'll be famous and make the gf feel like shit

Are you going to keep doing drugs now? Or will this slip up just be a one time thing? The way I look at it, you have one year of sobriety under your belt. Getting high doesn't change that. You are still the person who is capable of not using drugs.

>one year

Good to see AA and NA programs are still fucking up you impressionable addicts with their massively ineffective programs. Seriously, have you even read up on how fucked up AA and NA are and what being indoctrinated by their shitty methods can do to a person?

Enjoy getting fucked up tonight. It's fun!

If you really want to get sober forever, ditch AA/NA. Try Rational Recovery next time.

But for the time being, get loaded! I don't recognize those pills. What are they?

1 year? try 50 years motherfucker then come talk to me

The beach was f'ng beautiful

Shit OP, I got about 3 grams of some good MDMA. You should bake some banana chocolate cookies and come over.

sucks OP but at least you're doing drugs again

What can it do to someone? I'm not op but I'm desperate and was just looking up meetings so I can find sober friends...
29/mentally fucked

Isn't one to the left generic clorazapam to help with anxiety and not to drink?

Was being sober even worth it? Here have some Vanessa tits for your trouble

Eh it's alright to meet people. I never took it too seriously.. cognitive behavioral therapy has helped me reach the root of my problems and actually solve some of them so far. Have 2 years under my belt and hope to keep it that way.

Vanessa who?

you won't, and when you do use again its going to be the harder than you have before. These people, and the programs they run, fill you with fear, anxiety and self loathing, making you incapable of stopping yourself when you do use again. You are being programmed to feel shame and guilt at such extreme levels that you wont be able to help yourself when it does happen.

On the off chance you are one of the LESS THAN 5% of people that will never use again, you will live in constant fear or relapse, since they have basically instilled in you that if you use again you have wasted all the time you were sober.

dilauted and clonazepam

Im almost 2 months sober and want back. Is being sober worth it er no? Life sucks.

Thats a deadly combo, plus benzos reduce the effect of opiates for me


Did you go to a cogb therapist or practice yourself?

Sobriety never worked for me
I'd get a year or more and always stayed miserable so I'd use again

op here. for me they both just make each other way better. benzos make the euphoria from opiates a lotr stronger for me

what pills you take?

Im 2 years sober from alcohol, i lost weight and no longer mentally and physically abuse my girlfriend, feels so good. Would never drink again if you paid me.

5 years sober on 11/11 with AA. Go fuck yourself

Better you than me, 7 years sober and fucking loving it. You'll sober up in a few hours and regret it. I'm sure she was worth it

dawg is that clonazapam? Man Idk if I'm addicted or not. Actually, I do. I am. I'm on some right now. But it's only like 1mg a day. But.. I always always take it even if I don't really need it. And idk. And i just vaped some weed. Were you addicted to klon? sheeeeit..