Your League mains?

Your League mains?
pics appreciated :)

I don't play very much but when I do it's match after match, refuse to touch ranked unless I can stack.

dont feel like logging in but i main teemo, garen, yi


Go away Tyler


Accounts banned but I used to main rammus
Pic related


u alpha as fuck tyler

oh yeah i main not playing a game for retards, faggots and tantrum-throwing children

Oh that must mean you've played this game before retard

too lazy to log in but i main morg braum and leona

stupid game but i keep coming back

brad and braum


hahaha if thats not a repost nice work

It's from my private imgur album :^)


Literaly played this game since beta release. Mains were Yasuo Tresh and Azir.
Deinstalled it yesterday. So disappointed. Since s5 this game is a complete joke. Tanks broken as fuck. Retarded untested new items. Every new champ or rework is copmlete op.
Then i said ok just fuck the normal games which are basically play 40 min .. win your lane 10 /0 and still loose bc all other 4 faggots in your team are feeding. Started playing aram. Was actually fucking enjoying it. AND THEN THEY DESTORY MY PRECIOUS ARAM.
Oh what ? Tanks are broken? Lets give everyone a double the range leesin q. Galio having probs to ult ? Go fuck yourself hell be right in the middle of you by sbowballing a fuckinf creep. Well anyway after 6 years riot finally destroyed this game. Was still fun. Playing wow now. Way way less tilt.

S3 was the last good season. S4 is when I started inting down mid, s5 is when my 14th account was banned and I stopped caring/quit

I remember the times I was hyped for the harrowing/snowdown events but now all of thats gone :/

Amen my friend. That happens when you have to much success. Riot had it but they fucked it up.

Same. 2012 I think the last snowdown was? With the actual snow map, I know they had the "hurr durr snowdown showdown!" on the green one after, but it wasn't the same.

Top 3 Mastery champs are Yas, Shaco and Rengar... Havn't played them in months tho xD.

Diamond 5 with 76 lp the other day.

>not using bard to get freelo


>100k mastery
>plat v

> 2016
> Having only 100k on bard for "freelo" when im plat one with more on him and i 3rd main him


>taking a screencap with phone instead of using print screen

fucks wrong with you

Got any tips for taliyah? I had a game where I had her mid and it seemed so fucking easy.

Lol i was browsing with my phone and didnt feel like getting on the site on my computer just to post a pic

I don't wanna demote 8(

Annie. Just annie.

What's the point? Dia V is just Plat 0, no difference anyway.



is this you inge?

Yeah but I want the border :p



u spoiled my fucking joke u ape

?? How was that a joke?

Go dunk your head

Max E then Q, W's a one point wonder Rylai's is her best friend. I don't generally use her ult to roam I find its better used to cut off a fleeing opponent leaving them with the option to either flash or die. Though if you do use it to roam try and drop yourself on the opposite side of their initial position, just in case they flash over it to try to escape.

Barring that I find Rylai's/Luden's/Void/Swift boots/Hourglass/Abyssal or Deathcap to generally be her best items


Old pick, Gold 2 with 12 lp atm. Also close to 310K points on Lee Sin


plat V, naut mastery 6

cba posting a screencap, the drive with the game is all fucked up