Dubs and I will do a magic trick

Dubs and I will do a magic trick

Bump the bumper


You will not be sadden

dubs get

kill yourself

Cheeeeeck these


Perform thine magic, magic frog!

Are you ready?

Dubs get

check em

View the box view the box what will happen ??

I want to see the trick

Hold it tight

Is this the trick? That hand does not belong to a frog. We are being misled.

just a wall charger.


OP will not do the magic trick because I will do magic.

There's nothing in your hand!


>not dubs

>singles git


Boooo! Boooo!
That was the worst magic trick since David Blaine pissing for 2 hours.

But check those singledubs.

great trick faggot

top fucking kek

You faked it, You're a big fat lair.

Thos is a safe space. No fat shaming you cis