Hey Cred Forums, how do you deal with girl problems?

Hey Cred Forums, how do you deal with girl problems?

i cry and do alcohol

I've tried the second one. Helped a little.


Cheers fellas.

makes me forget about the problem for about 20 mins

I miss being like...five years old. Now I do nothing but just over think everything and lose my mind over small details. Man, I can only imagine what life's gonna do to me as an adult.

Go to /x/, get a reading. Personally I do that, plus smoke and drink a lot. I also text girls, might want to try that.

How old are you Cred Forumsro?

16 and a half. Had a huge conversation last night with this gal that I asked out about a year ago. It was...intense.

What's /x/?

I know it's kind of useless to tell you cause it won't make you feel better but in 5 years time all of this will seem like a joke to you. Focus on improving yourself as much as you can and eventually some nice girl will come by. If not at least you can feel good with yourself. Also find a good brand of beer and use it during hard times.

It's at the bottom of the nearest cliff that you can jump off of

Well, the problem here is that she is the only person I've ever "liked," and the conversation last night had some odd implications to it. Mostly, we talked about how she's scared of letting someone get close to her in that way, and we agreed to sit down and talk about it at some point.

you're young. got plenty of people to meet, plenty of girls to enjoy.

Yeah, but if the door's still open I don't want to walk away, know what I mean? The problem is that she has self esteem problems, but she's genuinely a sweet person. If I can, I definitely know I want to give it a shot.

I mean it's ok but it shouldn't be your main/only focus. start looking around and maybe that will also work with her cause she'll see you busy with your life and girls find that attractive.

Stop being a pussy. I know it sucks dude, I've just been through some shit myself recently. You're gonna feel the hurt for a while, and you have to embrace it. In time it will heal. Delete her number also.

Well I did that for awhile. Right around the time I stopped focusing on it is when the conversation started.

The thing is, it's very possible that there is currently an opportunity. The last thing she said to me in the text was "...That means more to me than you'll ever know."

There's gonna be a lot of those types of girls, kid. Stay tuned for the next one and don't kill yourself over any of them.

I'm not killing myself over it, I'm just trying to figure out what's going through her head.

Hahaha dude she's leading you on in the long run. She wants to get your hopes up. Trust me, you want her to be chasing after you, not the other way around. Ignore her for a while and see if she crawls back.

> figure out what's going through her head

that's a good one, pal. even if you did, it's not like it's gonna make sense. you have to be 100% real with her, and not play her game.

I'm trying as much as possible to be as honest as I can.

I know that women like that exist, but I'm hoping she isn't one of them.

Me too...prolly why i became an alchy :/