If your team needs a healer and you choose Ana you are the worst type of person

if your team needs a healer and you choose Ana you are the worst type of person

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You kidding?
Her ult is one of the biggest game changers right now.

not nearly as much as mercy imo her and lucio are best healers

Do you watch high level Overwatch AT ALL? Mercy is practically worthless and Ana is head of the meta.

As long as your not a complete retard Ana is an amazing healer.

People forget that Ana is a support character. She's only as good as her team is.

>having one hearler in any comp settings

If you don't like it switch of tracer/reaper then, you cunt.

im a bastion main

lmao she's good but don't fucking play her when you haven't mastered her in quick play

Sorry, not sorry.
Just started playing and she is the only healer I can play.
Better her than no healer...

If u your team needs a healer, why dont you change to one?

You're a cunt is what you are.

>Playing a team based game where you don't even need a healer and a sniper is considered better.

TF2 died for this?


lucio and zen are best, actually

lucio's speed, as well as a AOE healing, with zenyatta's 30% damage buff as well as specific healing, make them the best supporters in the meta right now

not to mention both of their ults

looks like someone's a gold

how did you know?

doesnt matter let's post ranks

No rank (level 13)

Nice words man. You must be a really super cool gamer for knowing about this shit. Man I wish I was cool and into high level MLG cool sports like you. Man you must be so cool.

level 129 just got placed in comp 2400 gold

only completed my 10 rank games, gold, career high of 2258

Suck a dick.
meta is a real thing.
Don't know how much it affects Overwatch, but games like MOBAs can realy fluctuate with a single patch.

>mfw I play on Xbox one

So I guess my rank is irrelevant.

Ana, Genji and Zen player.

Platinum, won 8/10 placement matches and left it. Not making the same mistake I did in season one, went from 62 down to 39 all because I just played with randoms. It fucked me so hard

bronze...lost all 10 games trying to play mercy

bro,,, rip

Platinum 2611 rating. I r pro gamer. Gonna move to Korea any time now and live the dream.

still trying to climb

Yeaaaa man no doubt. I was only just saying you must be so cool for knowing this stuff. I wish I could be cool and stay upto date with this shit so I can be cool like you and use words like meta.

diamond 3438 on ps4

She the fastest single target healer.

what do you play mostly?

on the bright side, been getting a lot of credits for a gold weapon by working my way up

still got a ways to go till master

if you main healers it's best if you q with others i knew a wonderful healer who dropped from 2500 to under 2k because he would only solo q

grandmas r hot so thats why u should pley anna

if you pick zen you're just playing a lowkey dps hero, ana isnt bad if you're a good mccree

banned from season

She is a healer.

>being this butthurt you're out of the loop

Kek you're like an old person upset at younger people

placed in gold, going down in the 1400 place bc i fucking suck and there's no hope for me and im solo q, ugh,,,

a good ana on attack is invaluable
a bad ana in any situation is horrible

i predicted it when she was announced, people are just playing her so they can snipe while having the excuse of "leave me alone im playing support"

how could anyone go that high with only one cancer char
you got a team right ?

how and why?

I just solo healed a team as Ana. WTF are you guys on?

shitty internet and mental problems my dude

normally i play lucio because im trying to get his pixel acheivement, but i just screwed myself over


only a duo q, mei works well in both offensive and defensive, land the right click flicks and build ult quick

good decision

Naw dude I'm just so jealous that you guys wait patiently for some guy to post what the new best thing is so that everyone can jump on the bandwagon and claim to be the best while progressing through electronic ranks.

I wish I was so cool.

join my team for carry my name is wildturtle

let's see your rank then friendo :)


Forevermei? more like forevergay

what do you do if enemy team counter picks you
I mean like they go Phara with mercy and mccree

well sorry to hear that hope it clears out for the better soon user

at least people are playing healer.

I always get stuck playing healer or Rhinhart and play Mercy and the few times I ask somebody to play those characters for me cause I want a break they reply "you go healer then".

Fuck you guys I got nearly 30 hours as mercy as my most played character.

>playing overwatch at all
Kill yourselves that game fucking sucks


for phara i focus to right click flick her out of the sky and for mccree i bait the flashes harder to do it now on diamond+ but it's worth when you do

thanks user but sadly it wont help the fact ill have to wait til' november

ana can be pgub on koth if you can aim

it's so hard not having anyone to play with, especially on console and i don't even have anyone to carry my ass back up there ugh


>i'm not mad
>here's a post full of sarcasm because things i don't understand upset me and make me angry


Shit man you just keep on getting cooler. Where can I learn to post cool images like you? You gamers these days, always upto date with your cool meta and hip images.

y'all focusing in comp and shit im just waiting for the halloween event

>mfw when only 30 h

Naw man you got me all wrong, see this post to the other dude here:

just play granny and damage buff bastion with the streama

I would play more if teams would fucking work together or If I had a proper team to play with.

phara with mercy dude
you cant right click flick both out that fast before they kill you.
I think you made it this far because of meis survivability. I cant explain it otherwise

>STILL mad

>And then there's this faggot right here...

Playing casual is all well and good, but if you want to compete, get good and learn the meta.

mei is meta.

you didn't bring up a mercy pocket healing she becomes first pick of course :)

yeah man, I wish I could but I just don't have the time to check youtube/twitch videos all day to find out what is cool so that I can play that just like everyone else in the game. I wish I could be like everyone else and play the exact same thing all day long just like everyone else does.

>this guy is actually attempting to look superior
>on Cred Forums no less

Anyone else just want to make love to roadhogs gut? my dick is literally diamonds whenever i see it

Top 500 on eu, 3900~ played in overwatch open quals, got to quarters. Maining genji, cree, reaper and offtanks. Not saying who i am though. I also stream on twitch

I'm stuck on this level for such a long time

Nigger knowing the meta doesn't mean you play the meta, it just means you understand it, and are therefore armed to counter it.

If you have $40 and bought overwatch you are the worst type of person.

you fucked i actually looked

>Insert low quality bait image

Yeah man totally get you. I wish I had the time to play comp so that I could play against the same thing over and over while progressing through electronic ranks and then saying how cool I am because I some guys Twitch told me how to play. It must be such a refreshing game to play knowing that each game is going to be different and that I won't be fighting against the same thing in the majority of games.

You guys are so cool to be playing :/

maybe another thread would suit you if you dont play video games? your only powering me up with your salt


Im not the dipshit you were talking to, you are just a whiny pussy, which is i i posted that cat. You get upset at everything

Webm related, its you

Naw man I do play games just not to the high levels you guys seem to be playing. What with all that Twitch and YouTube channel watching you must do to find out what the new cool hip mechanic is. I just don't have the time to invest sadly.

Cool man. I like how you have cool hip webms to call out someone who is whining by whining yourself at the same time.

>those career averages

You're garbage


least post actual rank

>by whining at the same time

I posted a cat picture

What game?

wow man you're sooo sarcastic man i wish i could be as good as you. oh man you're totally slaying with that wit, i guess if i try hard enough i could be like you some day.

fuck off

Kek under a min as hanzo

Fuck off, Randy.

how does it feel knowing you can't even live up to a username you created for an online video game

overwatch duh...

>I posted a cat picture
Good thing I said webm then. Stay cool.

if your team needs a healer [and you can't aim] and you choose Ana you are the worst type of person***

Played the beta and it felt like a graphically better tf2. I have no idea why anyone would pay for it.

If you only tracer what's up with that Hanzo time? You're a fucking fraud is what you are.

So you all have very nice opinions...
Here are the actual usage statistics for competitive play,
RIP any argument


>those names
I bet you assholes are fucking teammates

The webm isnt what triggered you, dont pretend it was

naw man I was responding to your post about you complaining about me whining by stating how you were whining as well.

It's cool man, what with all that twitch/youtube meta studying you have to do, I can see how it might be hard to comprehend other things at times. Try and relax man it won't help your comp playing. It's cool dude.

lol youre so dumb. look at the healing rates, zenyatta can not be a solo support. he heals 30 health/sec, ana does 90 and thats before the target has healing boosted from her biotic grenade...

he's a ranged dps with healing capabilities, a lot like soldier76 but a lot slower

roadhog, but i use tanks in general. can also play reaper, tracer, mei, and lucio

actually it's both my accts you can add me if you like :)

not sure if triggered or actually autistic

im a genji/junkrat/roadhog main

>Reinhardt gets used more for offense than defense
>Roadhog gets used more for defense than offense.
Small difference but I'm still surprised.

unfortunately no its one person. im the fgt who has to play with him. when is it a good time to consider Suicide?

def triggered

Naw man I aint those things I just want to talk with my friends about being cool in games. Why you being so aggressive? It's like you feel offended or something.

You are a sheep if you blindly say Ana is bad. She has the highest healing potential and one of the strongest ults in the game. You probably think she is bad because you are bronze.

You keep replying to him, it would seem you're the triggered here. Just ignore him, you're feeding the troll.


Level 47, comp rank is 2606

I can't play as much since I play on XBONE and don't own one, I just go over to my friend's and bum his

nickname: onlytracer
picks hanzo.

what a loser.


What are you even saying? That meta isn't a common term at this point? Did you just google it right now?
Well that's on you for being a retard then.


i actually played pc diamond yesterday on my friends acc. it's pretty much the same, just higher sensitivity. still got golds in diamond on pc and won 2/3 the games i played

naw man just talking about how cool people talk about meta. The same cool people who ask 3 questions in a post and then answer their own question right under it.

If you need a healer go zen or lucio or go both

hahaha another noob

so he's right. the answer is youre retarded

:( i was distracted

That one guy was right.
You sound like a bitter old man who's lost his touch and is angry about it.

hey man if you think answering a question on behalf of someone else makes you right, then sure thing bro.

naw dude you got me all wrong.

Well did you google the term just now for the firs time?
If so, then no question, you're a retard.
If not, my question still stands. Also I don't see how 'you're retarded' is an answer to the forst two questions. It was just a general assessment.

If you have no other support and 1 or 2 tanks you pretty much need ana.

Hey man, simply stating you're retarded is a general assessment, you're right man, but when you deliberately miss out the rest of which you wrote to link the questions to your general assessment, then it becomes you answering your own question. But hey, we are getting off topic here friend and I feel like you don't really know what to do next, as there is no video on YouTube or Twitch, or post on the official forums that tells you how to play this game.

Stay cool friend.

I always just choose Zenyatta if my team has no healer.

He is capable of healing, but is also fun as fuck to play.

I have a specific hero for each map.

Nepal - Torby
Hanamura - (Off. Mei) (Def. Torby)
Route 66 - (Off. Mei or roadhog) (Def. Junkrat)
Hollywood - (Off. Roadhog or reaper) (Def. Torby)
Lijang Tower - Zarya
Kings row (Off. Mei/Pharah) (Def. Torby/Junkrat)

If you want a lot of easy elims choose the picks above.

>Protip: if you want free elims, make sure to deal even the slightest damage to an enemy and let your team finish them. You'll get a free elim for doing 1hp of damage to them.

I dont even play overwatch and I know meta is real. Play any MOBA ever without being a scrub and youll find out.

Why are you posting in this thread like a fucking little faggot.

Yea and how are you going to save for your ult with a dead team?

You still need to have Lucio or a different healer when you have Ana on your team (although she is also a healer you silly goose)

Its not the characters fault if you cant shoot worth a fuck. The fact that shes ranged already puts her above mercy.

If you look at what heroes the pros have been picking in the most recent tournaments you will say that you are wrong and Ana is picked way more than Zen. On KoTH maps it's much more even but on payload and 2 cap it's not even close.

There are main healers and main tanks. You must have at least 1 of both. Roadhog is not a main tank. Anna is not a main healer. How there are people that don't get this still I do not understand.

Sorry dude but plat is not considered good. I'm a 3054 diamond and that's not even very good.

Pro ALWAYS have a Mercy or a Lucio.. Sometimes/a lot of the time, they have both.

ITT: mostly nobs pretending they know anything about the game

2700-2800 rn
Lv 175 ps4

This is not from competitive play, it is based on recent tournaments (which makes it MUCH better)

plat is 34% the player base not even very good my ass


I hope i never have to play with you.

Zylbrad, upload more videos you lazy nigger

why didn't you post a pic tho?


Not trying to be rude but it's true.

I usually choose my character first of the team since I actually know what I want/what works best on each map. If then every fuckwit chooses shit characters like Mccree and Genji then whine and moan about how we need healers, then damn right im playing ana just to fuck them over. I can't even play her, and this is coming from someone who's very good at Lucio.

Did not post because i didn't think it was an impressive rank, but here you go.

Diamond with only 11 hrs as one character? Someones getting CARRIED. lol those are impressive stats but as a fellow mei user i know a chump when i see one and this is all riding on the coat tails of a better team

Diamond 3149 currently, season high 3257
Zarya/D.VA/Winston and Cree main

Here's my s2 playtime, i am not actually a mccree/genji player by any means.

that's season 2 stats, i got high plat from my entry let's see yours

when console fags say they can play pc games well

Mei is actually very good in the current meta (but mostly situationally)

I don't know if you know this. But she has the most single target healing in the entire game. More than mercy. Combined with the fact that she can make a Reinhardt an absolute killing machine and her sniper actually does some decent damage, I would probably say she's needed on almost every team comp in ranked.

She is also the best counter to other ana players, since the dart is great for sleeping nano boosted chars, AND her grenade absolutely cucks zenyatta's transcendence

same, at the end of the day it's a fucking game and im not getting paid by sponsors to do well so i just do what ever's fun

Not the same user, but people pick Zenyatta over Mercy because of what he can offer to the team. Mercy is great and all with healing, but other than her Resurrect and healing, that's all she does. Zenyatta can heal, damage, weaken enemies, and save the team with Transcendence all at the same time. Ana is good also.

top 5% ana healing in the world suck my cock op

nice stats bro

I played TF2 for four years and I can guarantee you that there wasn't a medic in 70% of games.

Same man Bastion is the best character

IF your team needs a healer, you really don't want your only pick to have a "win more" ultimate. Even Symmetra's teleport is more helpful if you really lack a support with the capacity to save your whole team from an ult combo (Lucio or Zenyatta) or get your team back to the objective in speedy fashion (Mercy or Symmetra).

Her ulti is a huge game changer but that's not the question here. We are talking heals and ana is not effective enough by her self

I hope you chock on a ice dildo you nigger nazi

This is true she is not an effective solo healer. To be fair though, there should always be two support.

sounds like someone is upset that they get frozen a lot

that is your fault for playing pubs, if you wanted a more competitive environment you would have looked for it

I'm not complaining. I'm just stating a fact and contradicting your point. I didn't play competitive because I don't like competitive. Pubstomping was good enough for me :^)

When someone says ana is a bad healer i automatically know he is a shit player. Golds and platinums need to sit down

>sup 2000 elo detected