I saved around 13000 euros in my personal account and i feel generous. Therefor i will buy any game, max 25 euros...

I saved around 13000 euros in my personal account and i feel generous. Therefor i will buy any game, max 25 euros, for anyone that gets last 5 numbers to fit these conditions:
1. Numbers should not repeat
2. 2 even numbers and 3 not even or vice versa. Cant be a 4-1 or 5-0 diff
3. Sum of the numbers can't be higher than 22 or lower than 16.


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Forgot to mention. Post steam id

How about you just kill yourself

Let the smart ones reply if you're too dumb to understand the rules, cheap ass uneducated nigger

Who would reply to this shitty thread trying to win a 25euro steam gift card going by the most retarded post number game in existence
Kill yourself

fucking donate to Cred Forums instead of buying games for us faggots

It is not that hard you idiot. Just cause you do not understand it doesnt mean it is stupid. Also, thread nr is close, sum is 24. I wont give 25 euros for dubs, you should at least know how to count if you want the prize

Why haven't you killed yourself yet

I just hit 22, not so hard as i was saying

Why don't you have 25 euros in your bank acc? Cause you're a poor nigger, pissed off cause maths is hard and he want games for dubs

Im saying its stupid because 25 euros is fucking nothing. Make it at least worth it

Again, i'm a winner

doin the roll

Doom is now 24 on kinguin. And make what worth? The fact that 4 chan is incrementing each post with an id doesn't mean you're doing something special. Same goes for dubs and trips

Why? To keep it nice and stable for the newfags? No thx

Nobody cares kill yourself

Learn what a comma is and how to use it


i have shit tier games rn. if i win, bioshock remastered plz

Kill yourself and i might think about it

You are actually a winner but no steam id so kys
