A friend of two years fucked me over and cut me out of their life. I'm butthurt over it...

A friend of two years fucked me over and cut me out of their life. I'm butthurt over it, and I happen to have so much dirt on them that I could probably troll them pretty hard.

My only question to Cred Forums is whether or not I SHOULD do these things?
Trips decides.

yes, how else will they learn

Nothing matters anyway, so why not? Just make sure you don't make a fool of yourself.

howd they fuck you over? bail on dinner and doing laundry?

Nah nigga

Rollin. Lets see tits!

Stop being a fag and move on with your life. I've had plenty of people cut me out of their life. It's shit at first, but you get over it after a while. Don't waist your time on stupid shit like trying to get back at them. Grow a pair and move on.

Dont spend your energy trying to get even. Spend it trying to get ahead.

greentext that shit

Nah. Holding a grudge is like drinking a poison and wanting the other person to die. It won't make you happy.

Borrowed money then did the disappearing act.
A lot of drama before that, and we have some common friends, now they're sharing some personal details that I wouldn't have thought either of us would want out.


If they had simply walked away then that would have been one thing, but then a common friend alerted me that they were talking to others about me, so I want vengeance.

exactly what I'm thinking.

>Meet person
>Be close friends for two years
>Have a falling out a couple of months ago, but things seem to be better.
>Friend borrows money.
>Friend uses previous dispute to warrant walking off with the money.
>Friend starts telling others rumors about me, like I'm going crazy, making it up, etc.
I'm ok if they keep the money, it's whatever at this point, I do better than them financially and it would be worth a troll for them to keep it. Don't fuck with my reputation though.


not mine btw

If u don't ur an asshole fag

I would just make sure people know the truth. I wouldnt fuck with this person, they obviously arent getting very far in life.

They made a huge rant on their livestream about how they beat up someone we know, I was just going to link that common person in to the time code where friend is going into detail how they 'made them black out 3 times,' which we all know is bullshit.
Doesn't really hurt them, just makes them eat their own words.
>When they'll have to admit they didn't really almost kill someone with their mad fighting skillz.

yes. do the maximum. ask yourself what frank castle would do. he trolled the mafia pretty hard after they messed with him.

Don't just fuck with him, try to reap some benefits if you can. You have dirt, let's try to use it for some gain and not just to fuck around. I don't know the dirt you have, but try to at least gain something in the end other than satisfaction, be the predator not the jester.

OP sounds like a high schooler.

That sounds too much like blackmail.

I could maybe have enough to start them as a meme and register some domains and get google ad bucks but that's about it.