18 years old

>18 years old
>says shes banged 20 guys
>wants to bang me
>im a virgin

what do?

Smash, but use a minimum of 10 condoms

not worth it
Even being the virgin you are, don't give into something so vile and disgusting. You deserve something better than that shit.

Bang her. Obv.
Now post more of the whore's pics, im tryinta fap.

^that's me
But agreed. Definitely use maybe 10-30 condoms.

jerk off 10 times b4 you fuck her.

Wrap it up and dump a load in her. Never call again. Block on all social media channels. Move on to better pussy.

Bang her, use protection obviously

Bang her, obv. Post nudes if any are aquired they look hella cute

and use 45 condoms. plus is she right or left... if left no condom get her preg. and live happy ever after

do you want herpes on your first try?
cause its gonna be in her mouth by now
find a non-skank to fuck and let that bitch enjoy her empty, lonely life

Well daah. Fuck the shit out of her and quit being a virgin pussy.

just ignore her
a lot of people haven't had sex yet at the same age as you, just because many people rushed to have sex doesn't you have to as well
if you're gonna have you first time have it with a girl that isn't a whore, or you'll always think "man i never knew I was that desperate" in years to come
and besides, if she's a whore and she doesn't like something about you, you're not gonna hear the end of it for a while

She said i can fuck her raw. i heard fucking with a condom is pointless

do it

using more than one condom actually increases the chance of them breaking. the friction between the rubber yada yada yada

Be the 21st?

she prolly been niggered so expect nigger stds. if you want nigger aids then go for it otherwise wrap it up

Bang her head on the wall and tell her you don't bang no sluts

you fuck her. especially if its big ass lefty. a slut is the best bang. give me more pics of these sloots and i will tell you more

When I was younger I would have said to pass. Once you get out of highschool and into college, you realize most girls are sluts. It's incredibly difficult to find a good one. I'd say just do it, get the experience and get out, definitely don't hang around with that one for long.

Dont loseyour virginity to her. She's disgusting slut with no worth or value. Get a better girl.

One out of four people have an incurable STD
I'm not going to say you'll catch something but you'll probably catch something.

>18 years old
>says shes banged 20 guys
>wants to bang me
>im a virgin

Blah, blah, blah...Oldfag here:

You gonna marry the first girl you fuck? is that the plan? If yes, then I recommend you back off on this one, she still has some fun to have.

Wanna lose that V? And to a girl who knows what they are doing? Yes and Yes. Get stuck in there. Accept her proposal.

(1) Never brag or tell anyone (not even most bestest friends).
(2) Don't get clingy with her, let her have her space. Be her "guy friend"
(3) Maybe you setting urself up for a regular thing.
(4) Remember, loose lips never get laid.

Listen to me.. Whatever you do, DON'T fall in love you mother fucker.
Obviously you bang her, good luck user and congratulations.

also, you might want to jerk off before you visit, not RIGHT before but whenever.

honestly she may seem like a slut but shes actually chill as fuck. we talk literally all day every day and she told me she hasnt had sex since january and is super strict with guys now but likes me because im not a thirsty fuck boy like everyone else. she dosent know im a virgin though.

i have mad feels for her like i actually want to be in a relationship with her.

and yes its the girl with the booty


Dont fall in love with a slut dumbass

she's average. hit it, if you pass up on pussy when you're young, you'll regret not getting that young pussy when your an ugly old man who no longer has the option to fuck teens without being socially shunned. lol. also her friend on the left is MUCH hotter, that's the one you should be aiming for. you're young, don't get the feels too hard for her, it's very unlikely you'll have a real relationship with her. keep it chill and don't turn into a clinger.

well what are you waiting for? put the dingaling in the doohikie and consummate !

You poor bastard. You're so fucked and you don't even know it. You're either going to have to cut your heart out or burn your dick off. God speed user and good luck.

dont trust a hoe never trust a hoe

your gonna get burned man. All sluts are chill as fuck, because they spend all their time hanging out with dudes. Don't believe the 'I'm not like that anymore line'. It's grade-a bullshit. If you can't do it without getting clingy, just back off. It will save you a lot of hurt.

>"18 years old"
>"says shes banged 20 guys" (open about being a slut)
>"she may seem like a slut but.."
she's a slut, you're gonna fuck once n it's done. And even if she does want to stay with you, you're going to either end up hating her, or get cheated on.

I'd ask her if she's gotten tested for STD's if you're really considering it. Only fair to both of you. But honestly sex isn't as great as many think...so don't keep trying to get your dick wet.


THIS GUY KNOWS, listen to him.

Those damn brain chemicals, there's no controlling it. I wish him the best.

with a phone like that, i wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.

True words of a wise man.

im gonna need her social media OP uh for scientific purpose of course

Take it as far as it goes. even if these losers are right about her wanting to hump and dump you, take what you can get... if you end up in a relationship afterwards, good for you. if she abandons you, at least you wont regret not going for it later.

Never said she was a slut. That's in your head. What we are saying is that she's not for keeps. Enjoy but don't expect much.

There'll be guys in expensive cars 20 years older hitting on her.

>she told me she hasnt had sex since january and is super strict with guys now but likes me

You know OP, people spin all sorts of shit. And yes, 200% she knows you're a v. This might just be a mercy fuck.

What I'm saying is, accept it. Get laid, but don't expect much more.

Perma-virgins (also possible samefag)

Virgin and dealing with it


Actual Cred Forumsro

So she has experience, that's a good thing, she can teach you a trick or two

Just do it, but remember you'll probably be the worst fucking shell ever have

losing your virginity is one of life's most overhyped events.

>All sluts are chill as fuck, because they spend all their time hanging out with dudes.


"All my friends are guys" = you hear this, run like hell. It also means that other women do not trust her.

no its not, its awesome, and you can learn a lot from it...


just tell her dumb ass. she'll probably like it. its not embarrassing or nothing man its just the truth.

just tell her its your first time man, girls dig honesty.

If she laughs or makes fun of you then fuck that hoe, don't let it get to ya man, women can be fucked up in the head.

Dooo it dude damn shes fine

yeah its awesome cause its sex, but i'm saying its really not that big of a deal. it's just like the first time you get a good buzz or a good high. nice, but nothing especially special.

just put ur dick inside her, everything else will work itself out. Sex is a thing even the smallest insects do.

The only reason im worried is because every other time ive tried to have sex i either didnt get hard or came before sticking it in. Any tip to calm myself down? Cialis and viagra didnt even help me

Well considering human error let's say she's only banged 18.

Assuming she started at 16,
8 /year.
every other month
>> One guy for may-July
Hmm. Not awful but id wear one still just to be safe.

Tl;dr math says wear a fucking rubber you twat, she fucks regularly.

best tip would be to see your doctor for struggling to have a tip :/

Just use her as a practice girl, she isn't valuable, neither is male virginity so there's no point in "saving it for someone worth it".
Then you can say you're not a virgin, so your loser image is reduced slightly, and you can work toward better girls.

op in all seriousness its just sex. The best way to lose your virginity is with someone you're close with. If you're close to and comfortable with this person i say go for it. if not it;ll happen some other time

Look at that phone what is this 2010?

If you're over 25 years old go for it, if you're over 35, why havent you already fucked her, if youre under 25 tell her she's a slut

Definitely do it, condom or not. It's up to you if you want the risk while feeling (and possibly spraying in) her perfect little cunt or if you want to play it safe.

Don't fall for her, it will destroy you. She will never be loyal, no matte what she says. But she's a legit 10, absolute prime meat, so don't pass on it. Get as much as action as you can with her and remember that it won't last forever.

>wrap it up
>dump a load in her

18 year old girls are really stupid, don't fall for her. Hit it and quit it, I promise she's retarded. She'll go on a slut spree soon. Trust me, I know all about it. Been with plenty.

Bang her.

You don't need a fuckin condom for a 18 year old for what, they are fucking other 18 year olds and theyre clean, if you fuck a black prostitute yeah wrap that shit..I swear you're like the kid that carries condoms and lube on you.

fuck her right in the pussy!!

... umm what about getting them pregnant?