Ask a pedo thread!
I (and perhaps other fellow pedos) try to answer YOUR questions about pedophilia.
Ask away!
Ask a pedo thread!
Other urls found in this thread:
Have u ever fucked a kid?
If so how did it feel?
How do you feel?
Do you have any regrets?
Why haven't you kill yourself yet ? You pathetic waste of life
no I have never touched a kid
I'm assuming all the other questions only work if I had, no?
How do I go about seeing things like this on the web safely
Do you believe pedophilia means that you're slightly fucked in the mind? Same way most murderers have something wrong in their heads to make them want to kill.
You probably have regrets about having NOT fucked a kid...
If I was dead I couldn't enjoy children's laughter anymore m8
I guess you mean pizza?
Get yourself tor and use that anonymous Linux guide that floats around somewhere. there's more but you can research yourself I'm sure
are you a virgin?
have you considered those girls who are legal (or close to it) and have that loli look? a lot of girls nowadays go for that cutesy young style, like having the big circle lenses.
I think its not broken, just different...
I never had the opportunity to 'date' a little girl. I guess you could call that a regret
im not a virgin
and the girl in your picture is slightly terrifying
For me personally it's mostly about personality anyway
She would have to be very childish, you don't often see this in adults...
how old are you?
also yeah i couldn't find a decent enough picture lol so it's kinda creepy.
most of my friends act really childish, i mean i do too, but only to forget about all the responsibilities of being an adult ;-; Also, i doubt you could actually 'date' a little girl. it just wouldnt be possible (depending on her age that is)
>how old are you?
>most of my friends act really childish
childish or more like teenagers?
I have a friend that loves making immature jokes like a teen, that's just annoying
>Also, i doubt you could actually 'date' a little girl. it just wouldnt be possible (depending on her age that is)
that's why I used ' '
The concept of love is hard to grasp to most adults so I wouldn't expect her to necessarily love me like that
It's would be more like us spending a lot of time together playing little games, going to an amusement park and cinema and stuff. Of course I wouldn't say no to some lewd stuff, if she was up for it
Can you kill yourself?
How about a dare? You go walk up to the police officer and tell what you did
what did I do tho?
>yet another "ask a pedo" thread
>it's normal for me to want to fuck children.
>it's society's fault for making it illegal.
>it's society's fault for damaging children by telling them they're victims.
>it's society's fault for condemning children who want to sexually experiment with themselves and others.
>i'm just an innocent user stigmatized for what's biologically correct.
>muh pedo rights
He hasnt done shit op and either way I rather a pedo in his house masturbating rather than outside raping
Not OP here
i'm a pedo and i dont agree with any of this
oh, no i mean like actual childish lol. coloring, eating princess goldfish (the pink ones), watching cartoons.. i dunno haha. i like the whole concepts of being innocent and just nice to everybody. it's fun. plus, i don't think neither of us really grew up. we all still cling to our parents like we were 5. i think it's just the concept of feeling safe with someone older
VPN questions
Pedophilia has been the norm for the majority of human history.
Tor+Tails. Frost.
My wife is quite a bit less than five feet, and weighs 80 pounds. She is mistaken for underage all the time.
Hush little baby, don't say a word.
that's a whole 'nother mental disorder
What happened to CP on Cred Forums. a few years back this website was constantly getting bombed with it and now you almost never see it. Did Cred Forums just ban all the common proxy's or did the group leave/arrested or bettter mods or what?
I wish I knew some of your friends then
normies happened...
too many sjw
Cred Forums has attracted more of a, and god forbid i get called a hipster faggot for using this word, mainstream audience than in the past few years
you know the saying "Cred Forums used to be good"?
not entirely true, but it was sure as hell better than this
meh we're just weird and like playing pretend ;P
although this year at school, most people thought i was a freshman ;-; even the teachers. i'm a senior gosh dangit
Please promise us you won't go near children for THOSE reasons.
if it's a disorder I need to know which one it is. I'll start looking for girls with it
you're on the internet
look it up fag, i'm not your slave
wah i dunno. i don't think it's a disorder.. I just don't like growing up lol
i looked it up anyway faggot, you owe me
You and your friends have infantilism
What's your ideal age range?
3 months to 18 months
under 10
they put up the least physical resistance
except gymnasts. they're pretty strong
I go near children because they're fun and cute and soft and cuddly
which reasons do you mean?
6-10 is cutest usually
2 months to 11 or so
i prefer younger
Not OP
i don't wanna be an infant, i just like doing innocent things and being friendly ;-; I can go to the bathroom all on my own thank you very much
itt: degenerates and degenerate enablers
i wish you would all die
Alright gents. Is there a difference between that flavor of pedo and those who go after underage people who are not yet legal?
nepiophile and child rapist detected
it legitimately says childish behavior
o gosh darn my feelings
just preferences ig
I don't get your question...
>Is there a difference
only by law.
under 11 is punished more severely than raping a 14yo.
im 22 just like op and i love girls between 6 - 13 idk why but they are just so cute small and innocent
Kimmo alm is in prison
its really hard sometimes... like, you know youre a good person, but you have these feeling that will -never- go away...
but the moment you fuck up a kid's development, you're a monster.
Everyone wants to fuck a 10 year old.
How many sink pics u got?
>be 20 in Navy
>ship pulls into Hong Kong
>oboy pussy!
>ask rickshaw guy where pussy
>takes me to apartment bldg. in bad part of town
>guy negotiates with family
>pay family, tip guy
>girl’s cute, young looking, but until they’re 80, they all are
>bone girl in her bedroom
>she’s weirdly shy and awkward for a pro
>while getting dressed, notice her closet
>private school girl clothes
>asked no questions, got the hell out
>Never going to judge anyone else again
bananas are curved because monkeys use the as swings. fact.
Go 2 prison pls
Not OP, but here's a sneak peek
Don't you think it's weird how preteen pussy tastes so different?
this guy gets it
would you ever have sex with a girl who was 18 but looked like a little girl?
they probably thought you wouldn't want someone older than you
well considering little girls are my fetish
yes, are you literally autistic?
Fetlife website. Search out "littles". It is a known kink. You're welcome.
I wish I could relate
please describe the difference
>calling a randomfag op
get outta here
If she was childish enough yeah
Or maybe they aren't all as squeamish about it as we appear to be.
>pedophilia has been the norm for most of human history
No it hasn't that's a myth. Pregnancies in girls under 15 have much higher rates of death for mother and child, so natural selection would have ensured those inclined to sex with that age group would be bred out
Says the guy who has no idea about what he speaks.
>Hurr durr natural selection breeds out sexual attraction to girls who have started puberty
Said no anthropologist ever.
An autist once typed it, though.
OP is still here to answer questions if you have any
> cute soft cuddly
So are puppies, but I don't want to put my dick in them - this is why you stay away from them.
No it's research from the World Health Organisation, (WHO) comparing health outcomes of different aged women/ girls in developing countries. Girls under 15 in developing countries have significantly higher rates of pregnancy complications, stillbirths and maternal deaths than girls 18 - to 25.
Obviously you don't care much for facts though, or you'd know stuff like that already
FYI, you better be behind a VPN.
puppies can't even compare
no need but thanks
username: pizzacheese
password: pizzahut
Two stupid people
oh no you got his ip address you going to ddos him??
Fucking three stooges
When will you kiddie fiddlers learn?
whose infos are those supposed to be?
found them with Google?
How desperate are you fucks?
kill thread is kill...
>pedo bear
I'm assuming you just finished reading throught a bunch of old screencaps from 2006 or something?
fuck off newfag.
why do you feel the way you do? were you diddled as a kid?
I was not diddle but I remember flashing my little peeped to passing cars from my rooms window hoping someone would
I don't know why I like them
Nobody knows afaik
never fucked a kid but I've fucked some young teens. no regrets at all, it was the best sex I've ever had
cuz I'm ok with being like this
no, it's just different preferences. it's just the same way hetero/homosexuality works. being a pedo doesn't automatically makes the person a rapist
not a virgin
I'm 26
10-15 years old maybe
I think it tastes nice
I would
also sup :3
12 ja pool, pole üldsegi liiga noor.
maybe we can revive the thread!
I hope so. replied all questions I could
When someone thinks they sound smart, yet don't have sauce, or context for their bullshit.
Natural selection doesn't work the way you think it does.
The WHO doesn't, either.
>Condensed conclusions without context says I'm right hrmph!
You think you're not an idiot, but you clearly are.
Or it's just autism.
the more different perspectives we get the better
others should reply too
>Literally a rapist
Ethics takes intellect. I suppose God gave you the gift of mental specialness. You don't know morals, or need to dwell on them. Good on you.
whudda ya think of her? She's 18.
Trying this hard to dispute actual research and scientific proof. Lol
I'm sure your own sad little delusional pedo arguments trump everything though
I didn't ever rape anyone tho. I only like consensual sex anyway
she's cute
why is she dressed as gary from pokemon?
kinda cute
just because she's wearing a blue shirt? lol
why do you think being a pedophile is so special? nobody cares what you have to say, you're universally despised. even homosexuals would love to see you guys hang.
>Less than half a percent infant mortality rate
>Hurr durr natural selection
Again, you don't know what you're talking about. You still don't get context is important and saying words doesn't make them have meaning beyond your own autistic tunnel vision.
Natural selection works like this. When one behavior or mutation produces less offspring than another, that's selected against.
When one behavior produces higher numbers of offspring living to adulthood, that is selected for.
What's not to understand it's not rocket science
The necklace, too.
>even homosexuals would love to see you guys hang
that's exactly why I like making these threads
giving people actual information from the source, not the news
From the link:
>In low- and middle-income countries, babies born to mothers under 20 years of age face a 50% higher risk of being still born or dying in the first few weeks versus those born to mothers aged 20-29.
Context, again.
Less than half a percent, autist.
If less than half a percent infant mortality triggered your understanding of natural selection, your family would have gone extinct long ago after one woman had a single unsuccessful birth in any community.
>What is physical anthropology
A class you want to take if you want to avoid being totally stupid.
The link says there's an infant mortality rate of less than half a percent,
Now, let's think hard.
Society A fucks every single girl once they reach puberty. Less than half a percent die.
Society B fucks every woman once they reach 20. A quarter of a percent die.
Which society is thriving more after one generation? how about after 40 years? How about after 500?
>Hurr durr natural selection
You don't understand statistics at all, do you?
Or natural selection.
Pretty tough to keep arguing with someone this legitimately dumb
I mapped it out above, you knuckle dragger.
>Hurr durrrrr natural selection
being a pedo is both a blessing and a curse
Try reading the whole research. Try combining the facts of higher infant mortality to the facts of higher maternal death. Try also adding in the higher risk of low-birth weight babies that cause long-term health problems to those babies as adults.
Have a logical think about natural selection works, and stop being so biased just because you like jerking it to little kids
Unfortunately, your logic is flawed because you did not take into account the higher rate of maternal deaths, or the higher risk of long-term health problems in the low-weight babies who survived.
Good effort though
Your link didn't say that, did it? You're trying to add context, now, that doesn't exist.
I wouldn't argue that one is certainly less safe, but you moth breathed natural selection.
The fact is, a community that fucks girls immediately upon onset of puberty will be far more thriving, population wise, in 500 years than a community that waits until women are 20-29.
Hopefully you're not in Europe, because then there's no excuse to be so fucking dumb.
I am a mod and I am tracking you as we speak OP
Get some help. You are mentally ill. You have a form of paraphilia.
as mentally ill as homosexuals are
This makes me want to watch this on YouTube.
Less mentally ill. First puberty can procreate.
Faggots never can.
>If I was dead I couldn't enjoy children's laughter anymore m8
Is most of the porn harmless/happy or rape?
Please tell me mine.
I don't believe this shit.
Do you find this 15 year old girl sexually attractive?
Yes the link clearly says that younger age girls in developing countries were found to have higher maternal death rates, higher infant mortality and more low birth-weight babies, than the older age group.
You can google similar research quite easily, if you cared at all about facts, and not just clinging to pedo-friendly myths about 13 year olds being somehow naturally the prime age for breeding
Yes. I'd fuck her
Carly fuck off
most hardcore stuff is likely rape sadly
softcover stuff is OK
not at all
Seriously, you need to stop this. Regardless of whether you fuck kids or not, the word paedophile means you are attracted to kids. Whatever your opinion on slippery slope arguments, it would be wise for you to seek help just in case the desire takes over.
The statistics are there and they are less than a half a percent.
Now, it doesn't just jump out and say this. You have to convert to percentage points.
Again, you're just stupid. Natural selection doesn't work the way you. Think it does. You don't respond to the retard map I drew out for you because you're embarrassed.
You ought to be.
If they can't consent legally, it's rape.
So, it's all rape, ya pederast.
thanks but I'm good
you're kidding
that narrow-mindedness tho
because the law is always right
That's knowing what rape is. It's thoughtful-mindedness.
About legal definitions, the law is always right.
This isn't hard.
This guy gets it
Don't you think assuming everybody is hated means he is kind of special?
rape is unconsented sex. just because she's younger doesn't make it automatically rape
I responded pretty much straight away to your map, because it was wrong.
I pointed out that only taking into consideration higher infant deaths rates, and not including higher maternal deaths and higher long-term health problems from low birth weight, made your argument completely redundant
Month One: Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two: Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three: You know what Mommy, I'm a girl!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.
Month Four: Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month Five: You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?
Month Six: I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me!! No...
Month Seven: Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus' arms. He is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me Mommy? We would have been so happy together.
Overmind, I am only 8 feet long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your drones. Every time I hear them, I wave my claws and legs. The sound of the hatchery's heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Day 2
Overmind, today I learned how to slash my claws. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a Zerg. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Day 3
You know what Overmind, I'm a Zergling!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.
Day 4
Overmind, my scales are starting to grow. they are short and fine, but I will have a lot of them. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my blades, and stretch my claws and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.
Day 5
You intercepted a transmission from Tarsonis today. Overmind, they lied to you. They said that I'm not a Zergling. I am a Zergling, Overmind, your Zergling. I think and feel. Overmind, what's extermination?
Day 6
I can hear that marine again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The marine called it a gauss rifle. Overmind what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Overmind!! HELP me!! No . . .
Day 7
Overmind, I am okay. I still managed to hatch and my brothers and sisters rushed their base. Ke ke ke ke!
If she legally cannot consent, then it's rape. Legal consent is legally decided differently in each country, and often at smaller levels than that as well.
This still isn't hard.
It is all rape.
I'm anti pedo, but your just dumb.
And you respond multiple times.
And your dumb.
And you respond multiple times.
So long, peeps.
My monthly check-up-on-Cred Forums-to-see-if-it-stopped-sucking visit is coming to an end, and as before, I shouldn't have bothered. It's even called "Random" now, for sanitary purposes.
If you're here now and you think Random is funny, you might be right. Perhaps it is funny, but it is but walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, compared to the old Cred Forums.
What you are seeing today is just an endless looping rehash of the fun we had. If you think it's funny now, try to imagine the fun we had when it was fresh, and people had the time to shop, improve and alter a birthing meme. It was a time of creativity, good quality trolling and the occasional SCIENCE discussion. Good times.
Feeling like Milton's Satan reminiscing about the splendor of heaven where he once dwelt, comparing everything to that glory now lost and unable to see his surroundings for what they are, but only what they are in comparison, I bid you adieu. See you next month, and keep on trying.
Obviously, I will stick around for the remainder of this thread. If you remember the old ways as well but are stuck in here because the internets are basically pretty empty, bland, and boring outside of Cred Forums, feel free to drop in and describe your pet theory about where and when Cred Forums went wrong.
Clearly WHO has no SJW agenda
b/, I have deleted all of my porn. I have deleted a collection of pictures and videos that I built over the course of months. Holy grails that I scoured the web for, and at one time considered priceless; videos that I never even watched, but rather downloaded as part of a mass porn gathering streak. I deleted files that /r/ delivered, and countless nudes found right here on Cred Forums. I deleted pictures that camwhores uploaded, doing things that I told them to do.
Folders that I took the time to organize were indiscriminately sent to the recycle bin. Untold days worth of searching, downloading and organizing were undone in a matter of minutes, and on the spur of the moment.
It's not something that I contemplated, it was not premeditated or debated in my head. I didn't do it out of fear of discovery, or out of some spark of morality. I'm not actually sure of exactly why I did it. But I must say, after it was all done, I had a brief moment of satisfaction. I'm not going to stop looking at porn; certainly I am not going to stop gratifying myself. But there was something curiously pleasing in destroying my porn collection. I think it's because with all the chaos and uncertainty in my life, this is one thing I had control over. I took control of it, I destroyed my porn collection and I have no regrets.
I know most of you likely will not read this because most don't have any interest in these things (you really should), but these are important issues that I feel need to be more out there.
We all by now know about the gruesome Virginia Tech shootings that took place, and I can't even stress enough how horrible it was. So far, Bush has no plans of doing anything about the current gun laws. The student that committed this heinous act against those innocent people was very mentally disturbed. He was in a hospital just two days prior to the shootings. He walked into a gun store, purchased two guns and over 50 rounds of bullets, and no one asked any questions. Does this make sense? Apparently, you can buy gun sas long as you haven't committed a felony. But mental illnesses are okay? There needs to be more serious background checks on people. If something more was done after Columbine, because we all know nothing was, this may have never happened. 32 people just died, and other 20 some others are injured. 32 families are torn and burying their children, relatives, friends. Imagine for a second how that must feel. What is it going to take? By the way, there were TWO GODDAMN HOURS between each killing spree. The police had plenty of time to shoot the killer down or make an arrest. The ones running the country are saying they're deeply saddened by this tragic event. Well, that's what was said the last time this happened, and what did they do? Absolutely nothing.
>your just dumb
Autism. You can't help you'reself, can you.
yea, but you do realize that what you say has limits tho, right? if not all countries have the same age of consent, what is considered rape in a country won't be rape in another
what you're talking about is statutory rape, it's actually not the same as rape
Are there any vampires on Cred Forums?
I mean real, true vampires. I am.
I had my awakening when I was 17. After a night of hanging out with some friends, I was visited by a vampire. He called himself Triumverus Caer. He came in through my bedroom window and spoke to me about his ability and his council.
He placed his hands upon my chest and I soon felt very cold. I dropped to my knees and looked up to him. He grabbed me by my neck and sunk his beautiful fangs into it. Oh, the feeling of such power coursing through my veins was almost orgasmic, I passed out from the pleasure.
When I awoke, there was a small scroll on the floor in front of my body. I sat up slowly, my whole body was dead cold. When i reached out for it and read it. I understood it completely. This is strange because it was written in Latin. It told me about my newfound powers.
What are my powers you ask? I have the ability to withdraw the energy from your body. A psychic vampire. This kind of vampire is special because I can still go out in the sun and have a normal functioning life. I feed off energy instead of blood.
So, here I am now, I've had my powers for little over 3 years. They're great. I'm in very high respect of the elders and I've become a sire to a few of my own underlings.
Pic related, It is me.
PS: Perfect response: "So tell me OP, how does it feel to have schizophrenia"
hello Cred Forums i probably wont be here for a while but we will get to that part later.
so here i am with my friend, i called him up and asked if he wanted to come over after work to hang out and we got back at about 6;30. We make some popcorn and start playing some halo coop. We are talking about sex in video games and the conversation drifted to the internet when he says "have you ever seen fur art? i kind of like it and i post at an internet forum for it too sometimes, you should check it out"
i just stared at him for a few seconds then i got up and went up stairs. I opened the door to my room and just moped around a bit, i started to rummage through some party wigs in my closet and i found a dark colored afro one, i held it in my hands looking at it before putting it on, then i went over to the bathroom and just sat on the floor staring at the mirror for what seemed like hours. I could hear from downstairs that he had started to play the game again, after a few more minuets i got up, went up into the attic and grabbed a baseball bat, i walked downstairs careful not to knock over the potted plants, i could see him sitting on the couch there, focused completely on the game, my free hand started to twitch a little bit, he was to talking to me again; "hey can you get me a soda from the fridge buddy?" it seemed to break a trance that i was in, like i just woke up from a dream, my right hand griped the bat so hard my fingers turned white.
I walked up behind him and swung the bat at him, cracking him right below the back of his head, it sent him tumbling off the couch, i could see he was bleeding on the floor and it made me angry, i felt like i was going into a haze again, his eyes were spinning and they were beginning to turn white, i raised the bat up high and brought it down on his chest, there was a slight crunch and he huffed loudly as air escaped, he groaned slightly and i screamed as loud as i could at him; "FURFAG GOES IN EVERY OVEN!"
That isn't what I'm talking about. You're American, clearly, because you're using an American view of "statutory rape." Because you're American, I'll just let you think burger land is how the rest of the world works.
But, how every country works is that thy define the legal age for consent. If they cannot consent, that is rape.
Get it?
It's amazing what people argue about.
Learn how to spell simple words properly, its like arguing with a special needs class in here
So what is the aggregate mortality rate, and fertility rate of both?
If let longer fertility period for one society, it may overcome mortality differences.
Dear Cred Forums,
My roommate is gay. We were good friends, so when he told me, I had no problem with it, until about a week ago, when he asked if I've ever masturbated to him.
Now he's in my bed caressing my pillow. He does this every day. I've told him to leave, but he refuses, telling me it makes him feel "sexy" when he's in my bed. He's also walked around the room with no pants or underwear on. He thinks I'm attracted to him when I've tried to make it very clear that he's not my type.
Since he's in the room pretty much 24/7, I'm pretty sure he's been jerking off in my bed and trying on my clothes while I'm at work or class. He's mentally fragile, and very clingy, so if I tell him that he's a faggot and that I hate him, I'm afraid he would kill himself, which would be sad because we've been good friends for years. What should I do?
I like to think your playing along now, but you had to look up infant mortality earlier in the thread.
You may just be this thick.
I'm not american you fag. I'm french
My cousin and I had gone to San Antonio, and we had heard rumors of some haunted railroad tracks. The story was, a school bus full of children had stalled on these tracks with a train coming. The train was going too fast for there to be time to get the children off. So they all died. When we finally found the tracks, we stopped the car, parking it right on the railroad tracks. We were both a little nervous, and scared, and waited for something to happen. Just when we were about to leave, the car started rolling. We were both too freaked out to do any more than grab each other and gasp, eyes wide, mouths open. After what seemed like an eternity, (but was actually less than five minutes tops) the car stopped rolling. We looked around, and we were off the railroad tracks.
Now, that may not seem spooky, but what we saw next scared us enough to jump back in the car and make the six hour trip home THAT NIGHT. Both of us got out of the car and walked around to the back. After the first six hour drive, our car had accumulated quite a bit of dust on it. That's not scary, no. But what was scary was the little sets of handprints all over the back of the car. All the size of children's hands.
One afternoon, a couple was traveling on by car when at a far distance they saw a woman in the middle of the road, waving frantically.
The wife told her husband to keep on driving because it might be too dangerous, but the husband decided to pass by slowly so he wouldn't stay with the doubt on his mind of what might have happened and the chances of anyone being hurt. As they got closer, they noticed a woman with cuts and bruises on her face as well as on her arms. They then decide to stop and see if they could be of any help.
The cut and bruised woman was begging for help telling them that she had been in a car accident and that her husband and son, a new born baby, were still inside the car which was in a deep ditch. She told them that the husband was already dead but that her baby seemed to still be alive.
The husband that was traveling decided to get down and try to rescue the baby and he asked the hurt woman to stay with his wife inside the their car. When he got down he noticed two people in the front seats of the car but he didn't pay any attention to it and took out the baby quickly and got up to take the baby to it's mother. When he got up, he didn't see the mother anywhere so he asked his wife where she had gone. She told him that the woman followed him back to the crashed car.
When the husband went back to look for her, he noticed that clearly the couple in the front seats were dead, one of whom was unmistakably the woman who had flagged them down.
Muslims outpopulating western lands. QED
Coffins used to be built with holes in them, attached to six feet of copper tubing and a bell. The tubing would allow air for victims buried under the mistaken impression they were dead. In a certain small town Harold, the local gravedigger, upon hearing a bell one night, went to go see if it was children pretending to be spirits. Sometimes it was also the wind. This time, it wasn't either. A voice from below begged and pleaded to be unburied.
"Are you Sarah O'Bannon?" Harold asked.
"Yes!" The muffled voice asserted.
"You were born on September 17, 1827?"
"The gravestone here says you died on February 20, 1857."
"No, I'm alive, it was a mistake! Dig me up, set me free!"
"Sorry about this, ma'am," Harold said, stepping on the bell to silence it and plugging up the copper tube with dirt. "But this is August. Whatever you are down there, you sure as hell ain't alive no more, and you ain't comin' up."
If younger girls die more often giving birth, when if they'd given birth at an older age they could have gone on to have had 10 kids, it's not that hard to figure out
The link didn't provide those statistics, otherwise it would have been added in.
Regardless, the point is the guy didn't understand natural selection, and didn't understand why he was wrong.
You're welcome to pull up something more substantive than 400 words, but you really don't need to.
When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolize other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people.
There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in a school hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened, another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button and punched the button to the highest floor. Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in.
The doctor said, "That was the woman I just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didn’t you see the red wristband she was wearing?"
The woman smiled, raised her arm, and said, "Something like this?"
Did he fuck the baby?
When I was a child my family moved to a big old two-floor house, with big empty rooms and creaking floorboards. Both my parents worked so I was often alone when I came home from school. One early evening when I came home the house was still dark. I called out, "Mum?" and heard her sing song voice say "Yeeeeees?" from upstairs. I called her again as I climbed the stairs to see which room she was in, and again got the same "Yeeeeees?" reply. We were decorating at the time, and I didn't know my way around the maze of rooms but she was in one of the far ones, right down the hall. I felt uneasy, but I figured that was only natural so I rushed forward to see my mum, knowing that her presence would calm my fears, as a mother's presence always does. Just as I reached for the handle of the door to let myself in to the room I heard the front door downstairs open and my mother call "Sweetie, are you home?" in a cheery voice. I jumped back, startled and ran down the stairs to her, but as I glanced back from the top of the stairs, the door to the room slowly opened a crack. For a brief moment, I saw something strange in there, and I don't know what it was, but it was staring at me.
Because Western cultures use the pill and other birth control methods. Nothing to do with age of women having sex.Any culture that doesn't use birth control will have high birth rates
>Natural selection
The link clearly provided that information.
And you have provided exactly zero links or scientific research to support any of your pedo arguments, because none exist
Go back to critiquing grammar and calling it spelling, autistic Frenchie.
Natural selection only works over a much greater amount of time than our modern culture has been around.
And the argument was about whether natural selection worked for or against pedophilia in the past.
>Natural selection
>WHO review on modern day reproduction
>Natural Selection
"you'reself" is bad spelling. Just so you know in the future.
And I'm still waiting for even one intelligent or proven argument from you pedophiles on here, but I guess you're all out already
An apostrophe isn't a letter.
Google it if you don't believe me, French fry.
Man he aged like he was allergic to bees.
Natural selection means the behavior or mutation that leads to higher reproductive success is selected for.
The WHO research showed that girls who became pregnant under a certain age had higher maternal death rates, higher infant death rates, and less healthy babies (with long-term health problems into adulthood)
Put those 2 things together
FBI arrested some people, now Cred Forums is moderated much stricter
The word youreself is not spelled that way. Just stop, its pitiful
>Natural Selection
You still don't understand it.
One stupid thing, and your autism flare up can't flare down.
You removed the apostrophe.
You googled it!
Glad you ingest criticism, French fry.
Boys or girls?
Which ages?
Why do you do this?
dunno why. would you ask a straight or a fag why he's attracted to girls/guys? he prob wouldn't be able to answer anyway, people are what they are and I don't think anyone could do anything about that
girls 6-10 are my Favourite
boys can be cute too tho
why am I doing what exactly?
>Get yourself tor
People will fall for this. Good riddance I suppose.
> reads a simple and accurate description of how natural selection works, and why his pet theory is therefore wrong
> you must not understand natural selection waah
I get you pedos, believe me I do.
I am myself have been a lolicon for quite some time
I do think it's a sexual preference and not a disease
It can be looked at just like a fetish if you don't act upon it. Sitting home by a computer and jerking off to some 2-3d girls, maybe even getting some real model girls in swimsuits or lingerie but that's the extent of it. Ok, maybe fuck a 13 yo but only if it's her idea and she wasn't brainwashed or enticed to it in any way. But what else do you want? I'm sure people will never except paedophilia as homosexuality for a simple reason. If you're gay you grow up and do whatever you want with your own body. If you're a peso and you met a nice 14yo girl to date there's no way that's happening because what kind of parent would willingly accept this choice of hers?! Your best bet is to fap in the shadows.
Is there anything you want to be changed? A public's view on paedophilia? Law on age of consent. Legalize underage sex or softcore child porn? If you had to go protest something or rally by the congress, what would you write on your boards? Very curious.
Are you also attracted to adults?
I think you are both missing the point.
My stats teacher actually brought up a good point recently.
With statistics you can not really trust anything anyone says even with numbers unless you really understand the math behind it.
Was there a proper sample size to conduct sufficient statistics? Usually not.
You can never trust experiments that are not controlled and biased to produced information that some one is paying to need.
It's pretty fucked up but I believe it's a common practice. It really opened my mind.
Your sauce doesn't mean shit if it's biased. Conducting your own research and making sure you observe it is really the only way to know anything.
Why would you trust anyone's numbers? Open your mind. People are consistently lying to each other.
Why would anyone need to google to correct your pre-school level spelling mistake?
if they look really young I might. but I'm usually not attracted to them
Children can't consent. They don't have the mental capacity to do so. Diddling a kid is never okay.
We shouldn't even have cutesy words for what it is- rape.
Sick, faggot ass, pedophile cock suckers. The worst scum to ever walk the earth.
Do you like innocent kids or the ones who act like horny?
yea I think in certain countries, age of consent should be lowered. it's like 12-13 in some countries and it's never been harmful to anyone, those countries are not filled with rapists or anything, so I don't see the point of having age of consent set to 16 or above, that's just retarded
the publics view is the most important
everything else will follow
once their view changes, parents wouldn't be so scared anymore
I kinda like the innocent looks on them but I also like when they act horny. so a mixture of both I guess
Parents wouldn't be scared anymore of older guys fucking their kids?
What would you do if...?
1.One says «Come fuck me»
2.Other doesn't do nothing
See you have no idea what makes a pedo tick
that's why the public view has to change
I'm trying to understand. But I don't see parents ever being ok with this. In fact it seems society is moving in the opposite direction
I would fuck the first one. dunno about the other one tho, depends on what kind of relationship I have with her
Decapitate them both and stick my dick in their throat while shooting 3 pointers with their heads.
That's one sexy sink
When I was 16 I had sex with a 13yo. We lived in the same apartment building and often played in the same playground. We we're close friends as close as boy and girl can get being friends. Accidentally touched her chest one time, she got all offended, started fighting, she said she has to touch my dick for us to be even. After that first day it started escalating ever since. Week later we jercking each other under the blanket. She always removes my hand and runs to the bathroom when she's about to some. A week after that I see her hairless pussy up close and lick her tiny clit. Week after that she sucks me and I come on her neck. She finally lets me put my finger inside her. Next day I put "just the tip" in and come inside her. We started fucking regularly from then on. At least once a week. Most of the time she just wanted me to lick her but I get her excited enough and she let me enter.
Now tell me where was there rape? I'm 16 she's 13. We both we're horny and wanted it. None of us fucked before or new what we we're doing. It was a consensual sex with a 13 yo. Now what if I do the same now when I'm 26. What's the difference?
I guess no one cares about logic :/
Any ways.
Pedo man,
Do you ever plan to have kids or do you have kids?
If you do or did,
Does or would it effect your mindset?
Name something that could if that wouldn't or hasn't.
the most important part is to get people out of their 'all pedos are rapists' mentality
most pedos wouldn't fuck a kid even if it was allowed due to the damage the kid may or may not take from that
So what exactly do you want public to view you as? What should they change in the way they look at pedos?
depends on kid's age tho
>on Cred Forums
all we do is shitpost and troll
this me personally I would be happy if I could talk to a little girl I don't know on a playground
without people immediately calling cops on me
The WHO isn't biased I don't think. Where's your evidence that the World Health Organisation has any bias?
Pedophiles on the other hand have a very clear bias.
The information in that link makes perfect sense to anyone without a pedophile bias. Younger, less developed, immature females would obviously have more complications in breeding than more physically developed females
Which makes people dull and kind of annoying.
Do you guys realize you influenced a whole nation to be useless? Yet feel proud to think they are perfectly normal.
I'm kind of upset that no one rather focus on education and universal solutions.
Why would I have evidence for that. Be reasonable.
I'm only letting you know statistics can be easily skewed to produce specific outcomes.
Control the variables, statitions know exactly how to control their variables. Hell I could do it.
It's just math man. Something people don't like for some reason.
Ok, here's a tricky question. Where do you get your daily jerk material? What do you fap to? 2d, 3d? Actual 12 year olds in swimsuits or pajamas? Porn videos of that? Do you look for stuff on the surface somewhere or you have to go "deep"?
By any chance... link?
Just look up the sample sizes for any statistic.
Look if it was a controlled experiment.
If the sample size is too low and the experiment was not conducted properly then you have a biased statistic. What you have is a created statistic for specific information distributing.
Any one can tell you anything and it could be right. Just ask yourself if it's sound.
Also, just do the research if you are really this concerned about pedos, which you probably aren't.
you prefer boys, or girls?
Obviously. But in that case, there'd be no proof of anything and opinion and anecdata would be all that mattered.
I figure when there are multiple different organisations citing the same outcome from their research, maybe there's some truth to it
(Not Op)
May possibly have gone on deepweb before but FBI have largely wiped out content that you don't have to sign up or pay for. If you care about children at all though don't look at anything actually pornographic though, you're encouraging an industry that harms children. And also making yourself reliant/ getting addicted to something that can get you arrested.
Try to make do with normal porn but if you really can't get off to it then go with swimsuits or other pics you find attractive but aren't illegal.
Not all heroes wear capes. /thread
Because 13 and 16 are similar enough in age and maturity, it's exploration.
A 26 year old is of a higher maturity level with more developed decision making skills, etc... It's manipulation.
You don't just happen upon meeting a 13 year old and become good friends and things start to get heated when you're 26 the same way you did when you were 16. Now you have a motive. What do you have in common with a 13 year old?
I'm fapping to loli mostly
other than that just borderline softcover cp on youtube or candydoll videos
tor isn't really safe for that kind of thing anymore...
For fucks sake, stop making the exact same thread you fucking attention whore.
Do I HAVE to tip off the feds?
not him but I fap to loli, that does the trick
girls are just cuter
softcore, phone, it's softcore
Which is really scary.
When you pay one person to give one statistic to explain one thing.
Why would people start NOW in telling the truth?
You really can't trust anything unless you yourself know for a fact from your own 2 god damn eyes from working hard on what ever you want to know
That something is true.
Don't ever trust everything.
Especially if everyone conveniently agrees and just happens to be considered a credible source.
Cause, you know, they said so.
Yeah. I would never go for porn for that exact reason you mentioned. Children are exploited and you're suppoting that shit. Also getting caught is scary. Personally I fap to lolies. 2d.
What I was curious about is what you guys fap. You or OP or the other guy.
how did you become such a degenerate faggot OP? were you abused as a child?
Statistic kill thread
Why does not work for me?
Ayyy and logic.
People shouldn't limit their selves to always listen to big brother.
Any one can say anything
Any one can do anything
So why do we stop everything? Why are we so conformable with being lazy?
Statistics show most pedofags were abused as children too
weren't they shut down?
most child rapists you mean
there are never real pedos in those statistics
Potato potato
You all are disgusting subhumans.
Fine, it might seem that way. Nothing in common and can't become friends. But things can happen in other ways. (usually when you are stuck somewhere for a long time together)
You think they are pure flowers but think about how you were at that age. Girls are the same. They are curious about their bodies, they look up porn, they learn masturbation.
So on an off chance you stuck with one babysitting or something and she tells you: "can you show me your thing? You know... I've never seen one and all the other girls in my class have. Is it true that there's hair everywhere down there? How big does it get? You can see mine if you show me yours. But no touching, just a quick look, ok?"
What do?
>real pedos
>implying child rapists aren't real pedos.
>implying not every kind of sexual relations with children is rape
>Do you guys realize you influenced a whole nation to be useless?
we're lazy and useless for free.
congress is lazy and useless and get paid to do basically nothing.
really... which group is more harmful...
I don't know why he used the term "real pedos as obviously they are pedos. However those statistics are only for child molesters. Something the vast majority of people with a pedophilic attraction never do. People who were molested as a child are just more likely to do fucked up shit in general, because it does just that, fucks them up.
pedos love children
child rapists hurt children
see the difference?
most cases of child rape are committed by desperate fucks that need to get laid, looking for the easiest target. children are easy targets. they don't necessarily have to be attracted to kids
At 13, I knew there was hair down there. Retarded. Most 13 year olds have hit puberty.
I also lost my virginity at that age too. The guy was 16. If he were 26, I would probably have felt flattered, and special, etc.. At my age now, I would be disturbed about the experience looking back.
>People who were molested as a child are just more likely to do fucked up shit in general, because it does just that, fucks them up.
Truth. That's why I doubt society will ever have more acceptance towards pedophiles
both are degenerate faggots with attraction to children. They are both pedos. stop it with the mental gymnastics faggot.
At 15, I was preyed upon by a 24 year year old and ended up having extremely awkward, uncomfortable, humiliating sex with him because, I don't know, I felt obligated to. It grosses me out today to think about it.
Other girls could have the same experience and think it was awesome that they hooked up with an older guy.
That's why kids that age aren't able to give consent. They aren't able to fully consider the ramifications.
All of us
We are a fucking planet
We better act like it.
But you know
Materialism and history
People feel so entitled to be the best at anything. Cause that's what matters. Being better.
Sad really
As much as I sort of wish it was more acceptable (for obvious reasons) I think that is a good thing honestly. If it became acceptable the same way other fetishes and sexual disorders have then we will have completely failed to protect children.
Agree, same with zoos and bestiality.
Zoos want a mutually desired sex where bestiality is exploitation of animals.
Well it's not a zoo thread but the concept is similar. Thought I'd bring the comparison up.
Anyways, back to pedos..
How far do you ever consider going without harming a girl mentally or physically? I mean let your wildest dreams roam. Say no parents and she's living with you. Name things you'd be doing with her. Bathe together, change her, rub lotion on her chest, can you think of more?
Fishing for fap material