What countries in the world are best for pedophiles I am curious...

what countries in the world are best for pedophiles I am curious. are there countries where you can just fuck children for a decently low rate?

>tldr how to fuck pic related and where

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Fuck the fish

None with any degree of safety.

curious as well

alright because you asked so nicely user...NO FAGGOT I WANT TO FUCK THE GIRL

...and fuck the fish!

It's legal in the country of ...MODS MODS MODS!!

Define safety? I mean say i went to like India in a dirt poor town and offered like 100$ to fuck their little girl. theoretically i could be charged but where would the police come from in such a dirt poor area?

come to think of it there could be places like that in the midwest.

nigga im not gonna fuck a kid im curious in general

How do you not know that it's Japan?

South Korea you pervert

Oakland, California

Low police profile, willing family/companies offering services from their children

yeah but there they are all black


But who wants to fuck a dirty Indian?

what countries in the world are best for ichthyophiles I am curious. are there countries where you can just fuck children for a decently low rate?

There a small villages in Spain where no one batters an eye. Its legal age over 13 over there too, so as long as it is not rape, its all good.

Japans Age of Consent is 13

true... but in theory the children should be clean?

But who wants to fuck a filthy chink?

There are Mexican girls brought in too if you're into little brown girls.

Canada. Lots of discreet lakes.

Yes but the prefectures can set their own and none of them art under 16

Now this sounds better. Do you have any first hand experiencia on this user? Or at least some stories or veritable knowledge?
I'm not interested in children, but teens sound attractive.

So do you pay for them there or what? Start a relationship?

I seriously hope you get murdered. I want you to try to have sex with a kid, then realize you are in way over your head, only to get your fucking dick cut off and shoved down your throat. You piece of human shit.

i hope u get ur dick cut off and shoved down ur throat

i think it really just depends. you could be in the US and find some lil girl in the park who "lost her mommy"
it's all a matter of luck ;)

mive hind

Literally this. Japan's highlight choice of porn is fucking prepubescent children.


Murica bro. Its guilt free sex cause she ain't kidnap or sold to sex traffickers. Everyone does it in murica even you if you know where to look! USA! USA! USA!

take another pill, you delusional fucks.

Kids are already fucking at the age of 13, they're sexual as fuck, so as long as there's no rape or some shit like that, it's ok.. it's a free world, stop telling the people what is right and wrong asshole, sex is consesual, sorry you don't get any.

Go fuck your piece of shit mother you fucking shit eater.
Homosexuality is a far worse abhorration and faggots like you can suck cock legally now. Even get married and adopt.
So why, if you enable those disgusting and sick perversions, you want the rest of us to behave like fucking retards and deny ourselves the pleasure of having sex with younger women?
All over some stupid and retarded that construct like "age of consent". No you filthy motherfucker, we will not be retards

CP in japan recently became illegal. So companys can't make any more new stuff so few still sell whatever they got left.

>Japans Age of Consent is 13

Age of concent is about kids. If two kids around 13 fool around, then neither will go to jail. It's usually a 2-3 year range.

Adults, 18+ go to jail in this scenario, and have assholes esxplored by horny negroes.

FYI: blackmail is now VERY REAL. All it takes are charges in a foreign country to have you investigated and chaged at home in the USA.

Go to jail abroad for a sex crime? expect to serve time at home once your sentence us up abroad.

So yes, enterprising types can earn a lot of money from pedo foreigners.

No money, just kill you.

Leave 'merica see how poor other places are. USD20 feeds a family for a few weeks. Eggs are a huge treat!

Possession became illegal last year. All the old stuff has to be destroyed too.

>walk into dirt poor indian town
>offer enough money to feed their family for 3 months to fuck their daughter
>they figure you must have mroe where that came from
>they just fucking kill you and take all your money

Why would the police come to such a dirt poor area?

Fuck! Now the same sjw's want to make lolicon illegal. Japan looks like will budge due too upcoming olympics.

Its Philippines user. How the fuck you not know that. Also surprised I'm the first one mentioning it. I'm not saying it's legal like written in the law but it's a common practice for families to prostitute their young children to white foreigners. Philippines is known for sex tourism in particularly paedophiles go there as it is the easiest place to securely fuck little children. Just Google Philippines paedophilia sex tourism or you can even YouTube it. There are plenty of documentaries on it I'm sure.



In argentina and Chile I stayed in places where there were underage whorehouses nearby. I travelled with a pretty rough dude and I wouldn't recommend going into those areas unless you're desperate. But it is really accessible. My friend paid the equivalent of about 15 euro in Chile for 6 girls that were 10 and he absolutely obliterated them. It wasn't my thing so I went out into the town and when I came back one of them gave me a suck and that was enough for me. Not my thing at all.

Who's doing this? Is there like some international agenda to enable anything faggot related while making what men like illegal?
What the fuck.


So far it hasn't touched lolicon manga or U-15 junior idol videos and photobooks. Yet.

To blackmail you. In these shithole countries, police more like local mafia. Way out in the boones? They do what they want.


Jail abroad for sex crimes is automatically again prosecuted at home in the US. How much will you pay to avoid rotting in jail.

Do you think the nice lady at the consulate is going to feel sorry for a child molester?

wtf user, you are taking anonymity too far

holy shit, kys

Feminist pressure groups in Japan itself, but mostly international pressure from the UN.

Not really safe due to cartel wars and kidnapping. Plus federales constantly harrass you alot.

Holy shit ahahahahahahah you're the pathetic sjw moralfag thats killing Cred Forums. If you going to act butthurt and report to durr FBI atleast close your cringy tabs fucking moralfag.

Stay out of my Cred Forums

Cuba. It was not out of the ordinary to see white tourists with 14 year old "dates". They are so poor it's ridiculous. A 3 course meal at a restaurant is like $4.50. So 100 bucks is like a months pay to these people.

>not how to screenshot

Brazil perhaps?
Just have enough money to bribe the cops if you get caught.

Careful there Cred Forumsrother, you're gonna "trigger" the sad pathetic cretin with your "hateful" Pepe

>Not getting the joke
Seriously stale meme, that you just fell for.
YOU should kill yourself. Just a suggestion

hi newfriend

No you're wrong. 99% of 13 year old girls are not consentually fucking, anyone with even half a brain knows this. The 13 year old girls who are having sex are those whole live in cultures where they're sold as child brides. That's not "consent"

Holy fuck you faggots are retarded

Lol. Fucking idiot can't recognize good ol' bait.
You thought those tabs were for real?

when your so newfag you cant tell that its a fake screen shot. kill your self user threads dead.


Just become a muslim and marry up to 5 9-year olds.

What do you guys think of this indian pedophile?



Surprised as to how many newfags are seeing the fbi meme for the first time.

Homosexuality is consensual and causes no harm to the participants. Sex with children is not consensual and causes lasting harm to the child. That's why one is legal and not the other. Grow a brain and stop foaming at the mouth

Jesus I know right?!

it's the only country poor enough to let you buy a girl, and have that girl actually be white.
every other country is shitskin or asian

Smh yall never learn


Perhaps not 13. But I'm a photographer who works a lot with teen models, middle class people, not poor, and many of the 14yo's I talk to have already tried even anal.
actually, I've learned that they are safer having sex with older partners that with kids their own age, who don't know how to have sex properly, with precautions and also do low things like exposing them, sharing pictures and what not.

Probably any of those tiny ass countries from the old Soviet sphere would work too if not better.

Maybe you are a fucking pathetic idiot. Maybe you think "consent" magically appears when the "number of years" that some artificial law is reached.
In any case you are fucking stupid, sex with young people is as consensual as it is with older ones.
You are just an indoctrinated fucking retard unabem to use his own brain .

Not that I believe you, but have you fucked any?
Tell me a story.

die die die die/

Why are you talking sex with the girls you are taking photos of?

You're "that guy"


good luck

Go 2 prison pls



In Switzerland the age of consent is 14
>swiss chicks are pretty hot

Thanks! No I need to burn my hard drive.

Yeah, im that guy who treats people like people, regardless of their age.
Not affected by the LGBT and SJW moronic ideas.
You fucking castrated pieces of shit should be ashamed of yourselves .

any names of the towns?

is this legal?


jesus fucking christ bro



Youngest I have had sex with is 15 while I was 31.
Anal, 17 when I was 36.
Both of them models. Tall, pretty and slender.
The sex is great, only difference with older girls is that younger ones are less complicated and more fresh and energetic. Lots of laughs and fun.

Slavic countries. Meet them on vk and offer to pay for nudes. They probably won't let you fuck their pussy but they will give up the ass.

what was it?

I hate this meme.
>lrn2 archive

You're the person the world needs more of. Keep being canderous and understanding beyond the herd of sheep, I wish I had a friend like you.

Absolutely nothing.

>tfw no russian loli gf

if you can find one that wasn't raped by a refugee


>706383392 #
Just go to the capital, its relatively safe and there is a whole neighborhood known for this kind of shit, and everyone knows, that including local and federal police they allow it because they get paid too

lol. acne removal surgery. cunt. hide your face with a fedora.

Lol. Except I have science, common sense and the law on my side, whereas you just have your feeble little rage about "mun pedo rights waaah".

All that you sad pedos on b/ seem to have as a defence is to call everyone who points out facts to you "indoctrinated sheeple".

It's predictably tiresome, get new material

My dream is to be with a Korean loli

there was a guy on here about 8 months ago who said something about going to an old logging camp in brazil and he paid 300$ to fuck their 10 year old for a whole summer. He said it was fairley common down their. Faggot went into some loved the kid romantically shit but the point still stands do that or

Jesus fucking newfaggotry Christ!

What? You've never gone bass noodling with YOU'RE pecker?

middle east, if you join ISIS

Science just stupid fucking retard?
Please show me a scientific study that somehow demonstrates that the right age for having sex is 18 years old. With any basis on biology or psychology.
You indoctrinated fucking retards are all the same, citing stuff you've heard other people say without having any real idea of he shit you talk about.

Law is a different matter. Law has nothing to do with what is right, but rather with what is in fashion at any given time.


My little Islamic fundamentalist can't be this cute!

What a fucking faggot. Just kill yourself. You've become feral

open this pic with paint
invert color

Except you don't have science on your side, every single country, including the united states had pedophilia be pretty common up until last 50 or so years, with cp magazines circulating legally in even the 70's-80's

If you think about it, pedophilia is going through the exact same treatment homosexuality did, started with it being absolutely shunned from community, then they tried to fix it with castration, pills and psychological retraining. From there they slowly got more and more rights before getting public sympathy

You can't fix or cure pedophilia because like homosexuality or heterosexuality, it is not a choice and can't be unwritten

>retards falling for same old weak as fuck joke

who is the most retarded, the original retard or you lot? maybe you fell for someone elses bait?

fuckin' new fags

Vatican City. You can fuck them at the age of twelve.

How about a gmask instead of a shitty paint job

inb4 someone falls for this b8

yeah, pedos didnt choose to be born lke they are.

lol liberal "thinking"


There are 3 peso threads now.
This, lol I and little girls sitting in your lap.
I recommend you check out the latter one.
It has stories and pictures.


All those newfriend replies, kek.

Same fag made them all probably

Ah.. Good call. Probably.

lmao im in all these threads :o

Always the same arguments with you pedos. Keep repeating this nonsense to yourselves, no-one else believes it


Pics of the girls?


The UK and sweden are pretty good, especially if you smell like hummus and hate everything

Don't know whether to laugh or cry


>about 8 months ago
user that's ancient copypasta

whats illegal about this

underrated keks


we candy chan now

Only those with an actual grasp on reality you fuckwit.
Now go back to doing and thinking what you are told and sit in a fucking cock while you're at it.

Same here. Anons aren't fast enough with updates so I need all 3 to keep it up.

Do I have to be the one to say that he obviously is trolling you guys and didn't report OP to the FBI, or at least is trolling w the tabs

>public sympathy

pick one


Say it again? I didn't get it.

You're so upset it's genuinely hilarious.

Can you say indoctrinated one more time lol.

Pro tip: people who disagree with you aren't indoctrinated, they just disagree with you because you're a pedophile with low IQ who can't even formulate a half-decent argument to support his perversion

All muslim countries, especially Saudi Arabia, where one of the main muftis claims men are allowed to marry girls as young as fucking infants lol

> become a priest
> fuck little boys round the world
> get protection from pope

that's nice, but where are the ones of them performing with men

nigga im just a curious party lol, even if a swat team broke my door down tomorrow all ive done is ask questions. wtf are they going to do? ive expressed no intent no nothing.


Well as I understand it, laws are there to protect EVERYONE. So while some people might be ready to have sex at 14, there will be lots of people who aren't.
So (Here in the UK it's 16) the age of consent is there to protect the ones that aren't.

Pakistan has no age of consent, so that's your best bet.

You new around here?

As soon as you do it, you're going to want to kill yourself.

Because believe it or not the energy that the child send off will be confusion, ignorance and suffering. Caused by you.

Get rid of your harmful desires and don't feed them. I hope you can find it in your own heart to not do this to another human.

Not if that's what gets you off.

Not who you replied to, but do you have it?

>getting off is more important than being a decent human being


>he's too stupid to know that morality is relative

Welcome to Cred Forums newfriend!

not a pedo at all, but teens are really fucking at 13.
there are mothers and fathers at the age of 16, and they are not the 1%

Catholic churches

it's his life he do what he wanna do


That fish looks arousing

hey, i'm near oakland. how 2 find loli?

Only a very tiny percent of girls who are not part of the child bride cultures are having sex at 13.

I'm a newfag myself and have already seen it a dozen times. Some people are just ritarded

Lol this fucking pedo. Your story is literally unbelievable, which shows just how delusional you must be.


> Russians
> White
Pick one.

Think of how the homosexuals were treated over the past decades and how they are treated now. It lines up exactly with what happened to pedophiles and what is happening to pedophiles, they don't have a tonne of support and sympathy now, but I guarantee you that they will over the coming decades, they already have support measures in place

i agree completely we should outlaw homosexuality and kill all the queers and pedophiles




Fucking cringe man

In Cheese Pizzaland

Dude I've read this argument on here so many times it's boring. Either you're all the samefag, or you all have the same pedo hive mind

stop with the pedo threads already, I am trying not to rape somebody here

Please don't rape me!

well than you gotta show me what's under that panties, I will just look, I promise