Ask a Hyperscat Fetishist anything

Ask a Hyperscat Fetishist anything.

The fuck is hyperscat

Hottest image you've got?

Hyperscat is scat but when it's a ridiculously big amount.

Do you mean what I think its the best or what would come closest to conventionally hot?

Post the best hyperscat image you have, I've got the fetish too and I wanna see what you've got.

It would have to be a tie between this...

...and this.



Annnnnnnnddddd im out

Why are you even on Cred Forums if this triggers you?

Ty very much

I bet that 90% of the people here would btfo

You're welcome. What's the hottest pic you have?

what does it feel to be a giant loser that was deprived for sex so long you built a scat fetish?

>Cred Forums has been taken over by normies

Furry fucking faggot. Kill yourself


I don't know how it feels because I didn't "build" this fetish out of sex deprivation nor am I a loser.


You say that... and yet here we are with you posting that loser fetish.

Oh, do you prefer humans. Don't worry, they make human Hyperscat content too.


Kill yourself OP you perverted piece of shit
Also saged

>it's too rude for my virgin eyes. TRIGGERED!

not really, but if you're finding pleasure in fecal matter, well good luck finding a woman that isn't ugly AF to try it. Mostly fat, ugly losers like scat.

>well good luck finding a woman that isn't ugly AF to try it.
>implying I like 3D scat.