Cred Forums I'm confused as hell. Why the fuck is she famous? She can't act or sing, and she's not good looking at all...

Cred Forums I'm confused as hell. Why the fuck is she famous? She can't act or sing, and she's not good looking at all. Why is she famous again?

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Because her media team leaked her nudes.

WHY would anyone want her nudes? She's ugly as fuck.

Because she doesn't want you to have them.

Stop trying so hard.

You're gay.

She looks like if the wicked witch and a fat 10 year old had a mongoloid child.

I would stuff my dick so far up inside that woman that not even Neil degrasse tyson could explain what happened


she is pretty decent actor & good person

she is pretty funny and just all around a awesome person

You realise you are the one complaining about his opinion, right?


Is she asian?

If not she looks like she drank something super sour.


Okay OP.

Why the fuck are these ugly pics getting double 9s?

Checked, But not OP.


>She can't act or sing, and she's not good looking at all. Why is she famous again?
she's not the only one.
hollywood is filled with actors that meet that same description.
>emma watson
>emma stone
>elizabeth olsen
>chloe moretz
>ellen page
>amy adams
>kate bosworth
>dakota fanning

they're just popular because they filled a niche at some point...
and those that liked it gave enough money to make the studios think "oh, hey.. we need to use her more"
and we ate up the additional content

>Why is she famous again?
because we're dumb as fuck

>implying Hollywood is about public opinion and not who's dick you suck

What the fuck is happening?

Emma Watson's at least pretty,even though she's a feminist moron. And Emma Stone can somewhat act, and is quite a decent singer. Though the rest are pretty shit.

I guess she's good at bj
Plus, she's a Jew, and that's enough for Hollywood.

>ellen page
>kate bosworth
>dakota fanning

>not good looking

die in a fire

lol you are gayer than christmas in jean shorts

"The Fappening" made her famous

Ellen page is ALMOST cute.

Kate Bosworth looks like a tranny that barely passes

Dakota Fanning looks ill/Drugged out all the time. Plus is a bit fatfaced.

Dakota Fanning is like a discount Linsay Lohan. Slightly less drugged out.

She looks gross.

Let's see if I can keep the theme of 99s

(not that user)

Dakota is cute, in a way. Weird way. I dunno. Kinda like... Judy Greer.


This be why

So she's like the kardashians? No talent, no skill, but nudies/sextape got leaked and now they are famous for no reason at all?

>no skill
lel, she shaved her pussy nicely. That requires some skill.

this is the only decent pic of her ive ever seen.

Because she fucked ray j

I once met a fat bitch who I swear couldn't see her toes who had a perfectly shaven pussy.

It can't be that hard.


Thanks for making me google who the fuck Ray J is. I still have no idea. other than I think Kim Kardashian's ex boyfriend or some shit.

Not helping.

Better than the others, but still looks barely above average. And I mean 5.5/10 barely, not 7/10

And in most pics she's a solid 4/10

Because her Dad is the Director of the hunger game movies.

He's brandy's brother

I've been a fan of hers from pretty early. I'll admit that besides winter's b she isnt an amazing actress. She does do likable wayyy better than anybody. She is ott and annoying? Still better.
To the point: I'm not convinced the nudes helped her. It is suspicious that there was no really unflattering ones though.

I don't think that's true at all.

WHO THE FUCK IS BRANDY? This is making more questions!

Maybe I do need to keep up with the Kardashians.

She's got to be one of the most cringeworthy celebrities, perk little tits tho


OP here, goodbye cruel thread, you were good while you lasted, but it's time to die.


She can obviously act. Anybody who says otherwise is blinded by their hatred. Beauty is subjective, but I think she's fine as fuck. The internet loved her until they seen her naked and she complained her photos were leaked (she had every right to btw), and when they found out she was a feminist. Really goes to show the maturity levels of the Internet.


Didn't know she was a feminist, but that's another reason to hate her.

Also, No. She can not act for shit. She's pretty cringy.

Agree with the list except for Amy Adams, she's talented at least.

She's also fairly good looking

Yes she can act. You aren't nominated for 4 Oscars under the age of 30 for no reason. Is she somewhat overhyped? Sure. But is she one of the better female actors and role models out there? Absolutely.

>elizabeth olsen


Not at all.

Adam Sandler has 33 academy awards, and was nominated for 84... oscar nominations are nothing. She's shit, overhyped, over acting, cringy and complete trash. She's like Kristen Stuart... BUT WITH LESS AWARDS. FUCKING STONEFACE HAS MORE AWARDS THAN HER.

Go home son you're drunk.

Sadly true that sandler has so many... And Same with Bella bitch

They have Academy award nominations? if so that's f'd up

Sandler WON 33...Stuart WON 44

Not nominations... WINNINGS.

Sandler has 84 nominations, and Stuart has 54 Nominations.


That's the joke. Lifeless and poorly animated.


And a bit rat like