Just got ashes of al'ar

just got ashes of al'ar

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I hope you choke on them.

Sweet man
Wiki says only 30% of accounts have it

only 8 years too late

Legendaries are the new ashes of alar

Wow is dead.

i got em just before legion
unsubbed though

>Dwarfs all other mmo's in sub base

People have been saying its dead for 10 years, the train still hasn't left the station?

dead or not, games shit

got mine last year along with onyxia, invincible and loads others, its all there was left to do is farm mounts

it recently dipped below 5 million subscribers, the lowest since launch and a huge drop from the peak of ~14 million (I think)

after the numbers were published they subsequently announced that they won't be sharing the number of active subscribers with the public anymore

it's been dying for years now and it's on its last legs

>over a year ago
>Major expansion just release

I think you're probably legally retarded.


lol okay sorry kid I didn't realise you had such a boner for night elfs

Elves are fucking gay but you are a faggot with no mind of his own that repeats half heard paraphrases to try and win internet arguments.

If you could name mount prophet muhammed

>record low sub numbers
>almost 10 million fewer than peak
>refusal to publish sub numbers because of embarrassingly low records
>over 70% of players are Chinese/Korean
>almost all revenue from Warcraft film earned from Chinese audiences
>"wow isn't dead"
>yeah, not in China

I think you're probably legally retarded.

the metagame is dead, the core of it

the ones playing today like you are fucking 11-year old millenials

>legitimate publicized statistics released by Blizzard indicating astonishing record lows
>half heard paraphrases

which one of you is legally retarded again?

As someone who's played WoW since TBC pretty regularly, it does feel like something is wrong with the game now. I think the formula behind the game is just getting stale. It feels stale to play. Each expansion is just the same old core game with a new coat of paint. I was there for Legion mainly out of nostalgia, but I got so sick of it I had to force myself to log on. I ran the new raid and it just felt so boring.

I want a robot to fuck me

I repeat this was a year ago, at the dip of its most unsuccessful expansion with no content released for at least a year in sight.

I don't know the extent of your brain damage but it seems you're repeating yourself and completely skipping the part where your info is completely irrelevant now.

>the ones playing today like you are fucking 11-year old millenials

Funny, most people playing today are either teens that have picked it up for the first time or people like me who are in their mid 20's and have been playing it for 9-10+ years.

I don't even like blizzard, they're a shit company but you guys are just fucking idiots at the point of it.

>Funny, most people playing today are either teens that have picked it up for the first time or people like me who are in their mid 20's and have been playing it for 9-10+ years.
Make that mid 20's and mid 30's and you got my guildies.
I quit 2 years ago to spend more time on university. Sometimes I get the urge to play again but I think if I would start the game I would be bored before a week has passed.

>people like me who are in their mid 20's and have been playing it for 9-10+ years

it's sad how desperately you cling to this game... I realise you were a massive dorky faggot in high school and that WoW provided the perfect little hideaway for you to live out your fantasies of being an alpha male

the game might not be dead but it has definitely died down... your youth definitely is dead though and you should let it go dude

>info is completely irrelevant now

yeah you're right they're probably back up to 15 million subs again because they added a playable illidan


Gz. But it's not as cool as it used to be

dont forget free legendaries for everyone

19.7% You skank

Wow is dying.

It's pro scene is decreasing while all other major e-sports scenes are increasing.

It's casual scene is decreasing while all the other major games are increasing in population.

It's the most popular MMO, sure, but that has nothing to do with the fact that people are flocking to better, more challenging games.

Wow is is just a button-mashing grindfest for people who can't handle anything more than that.


I remember when I actually had to balance my talent tree... that was back in BC...


Warmane has 15k pop daily

yes but they're also no longer releasing the numbers publicly

a lack of transparency indicates that there is something to hide... if the numbers were good they'd have no problem publishing them because it's good for business

what's not good for business? acknowledging that you've lost 60% of your user base in just a couple of years, hence the sudden lack of transparency

Got it some months ago. As well as invincible, fiery warhorse, onyxia, and the burning ravenlord from firelands in a luck streak

LOTRO is where it's at.

seems comfy

downloading now, what class should i play? was leaning towards a man. i play lots of mmos but never played this one