Fluff stuff

fluff stuff

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Would you fuck off and die with these endless dickwipe animal cartoons?


no thnx






what the fuck is with 4chans 2mb limit
I cant post all the images I used to :/


Go to trap thread and tell them to quit the endless traps. And ylyl and tell them to quit meming. And dick r8. And loli. And all the other threads that are always on Cred Forums and always the same stuff. I like this one ^_^

Thanks you


That fucking chinaman is running this place into the ground.

No and too bad.

i concede



aishiteru yo



i say you i concede

Ill contact the head office and see if i can pull some strings.


concede that lucario is best?


pay up bitch

its all over for Cred Forums, better move to infinitychan

Concédeme un abrazo.

soló necesito alguien que aplastarme en sus brazos




Splorsh splarsh sploosh



what is it about lucario that is just so perfect


Want a brownie i made today?



Not him, but i do!!!

your perception of it


I like the ears, I suppose.



Lucario is worst pokedog
arcanine best

would you fondle those ears? what of these?


lucario isnt a dog u ding dong

I wish to nibble them tenderly.










more vibrato in the lips, less air. pbbt

I actually do not have a pbbbt picture, oddly enough



i'm forcing you to look at good furry pornography instead of this yaoishit milkcrown and onta

it is underappreciated

you all deserve to die



But I like twinks and girlyboys.


epor stop

i cant wait till i die so i can be with lucario forever


Unnf this is a hot image.


cringiest thing ever

there really needs to be a /fur/ board


fucking yes



I have no problem with that.


this thread sucks

100% sure when you die the universe goes blank, you rot in the ground, and worms eat your face.

Unless you get set on fire, then you just blow away in the wind.




that's fantastic, now shut up

death is the brief fade cut between two segments of film. a total absence of information. like waking from ether.

but they are so very soft

thanks, you too

if only someone took this very niche form of art seriously, i could be a critic

B-b-but imma go to heaven and drink wine with jesusss....

We all deserve to die!
Even you, Mr. Spiderman, even I!

ah, he drew that enormous sweaty butthole with such skill, 5 out of 5 roger egberts


we are the dreamers of dreams

Bend over first.

Minus the futa: am I the only one who always gets a hard-on when you get in bed. I hate it. It's very uncomfortable, can anyone relate?




though I do respect the big furrs too



its a shame

youll just have to settle with knowing your animal butts getting blasted are the best


That is exactly the appeal.

Mmmm i get a hard on when i get into bed because i start jerking it usually lmao..

I don't find erections uncomfortable in bed. Mine just stay on my stomach.

i'm a curator, and you are welcome to my menagerie


Someone help me, i've discover that's i've worms in my butthole. my question is, is this possible to get this with dog food ?

im lovin it



one day i'll disappoint you, and remain respectless until i die

That is perfect, they look like their bodies would mold together in blissful harmony.

you can do no wrong

Might be that I my favorite sleeping position is on my laying on my stomach and am easily stimulated. but even when I roll over it's still hard and it hurts at time when it comes out of my sheath. I've tried jacking it, but that just makes it worse. I've heard monks pepper could work.


Spidey gave up. I didnt know it was amateur hour.


the trolls arent what they used to be


>when it comes out of my sheath

jumping in tf2 and browsing porn sure is entertaining

Yeah gay


knot as gay as this thread


i literally only play rocket jumper market gardener

this shit will never be organized


I'm not a furry but I want a femboy twink to gently enter me while playing with my hair and i feel like all of them are into this

good night sweet friends



good night my fuzzy friend

i bet u cant even get a headshot with ur mg lol nurd


G/fur is not gay, good sir. You see the attraction is the fact that you can relate to what the image is feeling. it's the same as watching a cum-shot on tits, face, blowjob. Your attraction is to the guy coming which is considered to be straight porn. I myself am straight, but like this stuff too.


how are those gymnastics treating you




that sure is a lot of porn


gr8 b8 8/8 etc


go to bed ham







put me to bed, love~

Put you in the ground more like it





eternal rest is the best rest



if i gave you a gun and 50 dollars would you shoot me


moar burly man porn
