I live in north central Austin, and have a daughter who just started high school

I live in north central Austin, and have a daughter who just started high school.

I work in software and provide everything my family needs. My wife is a stay at home mother and spends her time volunteering at her church and various charities. We wear nice clothes, drive new-model luxury cars, take European vacations regularly and are a part of many social circles in our area. My daughter is blonde, has many friends, makes the honor roll in her IB program and plans on going to Texas as a Chi-O.

I've worked hard. My wife has sacrificed her working career to raise a nice Christian girl. Life in Austin has been good for us. There's just one problem.


Her school is covered in Mexican garbage. Guys with knives. Illegal aliens. Gang members. Drug users. The pregnant teenage chicas are bad enough, but there are a lot of esse types at her school that are very attracted to her- for obvious reasons. They would love nothing more than to turn the perfect daughter that my wife and I have raised into a catholic cow living in a barrio.

I don't want my sweet, intelligent, sorority girl with the whole world ahead of her to end up knocked up in a duplex with some shit-tier landscaper's baby.

How do I prevent the beaners from dragging her into a life of poverty and crime?

Other urls found in this thread:


Gr8 b8 m8.

Oh, you are one of those christians, Claim to follow the bible but you just hate and fear people, do you remember that the name, the creed and the colour doesn't matter?. I bet you pray for yourself like most people from the USA, fake christians and really fake nasty people. Stay in your country, its the best place for you, and its a shame you have bred. Poor kid.

The beaners are everywhere. If you figure it out then you need to spread the word. I think we need to evict them all, even the "legal" ones.

Thats apparently the cure all for everyone in the Barrio, too.

Or, a gun. That solves lots of problems.

Make her racist

Too late, while you're at work and your wife's at church she's getting her fish taco ate by one of my brother's. Also thanks for giving her money that she gives to me.

I'm a Christian, yes. Lest ye be judged, you secular fart.


Another stormfront bait thread

You all can stop replying now

lol you stupid mexicans
my daughter would never take up with your kind you greasy inbred fuck

what's that

Have her volunteer with the border patrol when she goes to texas.
Once she tells a mexican she's BP they're pretty much done.
>No guarantee she won't get raped though

Scandinavian alpha male reporting in.

If she comes with free shipping, I'll take good care of her.

great idea, thanks


But seriously, I'm Mexican and the way to get her not to acknowledge the esse is simple, let her be her. Yes I know that sounds horrible but she needs to define what she likes and doesn't. An esse makes us decent mexfags look like shit just like real African-American hate blm, it makes them look horrible

Christian / Catholic private school.

Spics and niggers can't afford it.

fake and just looking out for yourself, not very christian at all. You're about as christian as Isis dicks are Muslims.

spics after white daughter
do not want
wat do

You hope......

cool, thank you

I wouldn't worry about it, Mexicans are like Niggers, poor, stupid, and ignorant, but they don't have the stipulation of bbc, so just assume your daughter is smart enough to stay away

If you got so much money pay for private school. now stfu and gtfo u fucking tool

god I hope so
if she ever brings some spook home I'll go full strange fruit on him

horse sex

Yet here you are asking for advice on how to make sure tht doesnt happen.

doing my part you window washing shitbag


Your daughter shall be choking on big black cock instead of those tiny Mexican dicks.

She'll be the perfect breeding pig for my brothers. We will loot your house and turn your wife and daughter into black cock whores as we slowly erase the white gene from this world.

woo hoo

Thats pretty Christian then.

kek you can't she'll be pregnant by 21.

Source: am spic


Simple, vote for Trump


I really don't care what you're into. You're a fucking idiot.

I know one thing for sure - the more you make a fuss over it the more likely it is that she chokes herself on Pedro's cock

unfortunately thats what goes for christianity these days, greed, hate, distrust and evilness. Its a shame they all claim to live by gods word but have never heard it.

> we're pretty wealthy yet at the same time can't leave Mexico City

I hope those Aztecs rip out all your hearts and shit on them

what is the logic behind that? Why not stick to Mexicans?

Sounds Christian to me.

That being said, if I have children they will likely go to private schools. I grew up in a poor family and in public schools full of niggers and spics. No thank you.

Also, homeschooling is a defiant no. Homeschooled kids are always so fucking weird.

Easy.. cut back on your holidays and spend some money and send her to a better school.... thank you!

and you wonder why your country is fucked.

I bet you would love a horse cock in your asshole you fucking fruit
trying to have a serious discussion without your repugnant opinion

didn't read any of the thread but you can't stop her.

bear in mind she's a human with free will. if you actively work against her desires, she'll just gradually come to loathe you.

you ought to know this, if you're old enough to have a fucking kid in high school. you can't make someone do anything. they have to choose to do so of their own volition.

if you command her to not smoke cigarettes, she'll just do it behind your back.

since you live in the south, i doubt she'd want to hook up with any ethnic unless she's a slut. i live in baton rouge, and white girls here are just as racist as white guys. you date within your own race unless you came from a northern state, or you're a slut.

she's going to do dumb fucking shit. she's going to sleep around. she's going to party and get wasted and take some regrettable dicks.

that's high school life, man. you did the same thing and you turned out fine. why do you think your kid is too dumb to figure it out?

maybe we'll stop going to taco bueno
You think that would help

I know this is bait but private school

some christians are bad people. My daughter knows the Bible pretty well though.

Kek private schools are filled with niggers and spics now

Because mexican chicks are fucking trash. Most of my friends do not want to date mexican chicks because of their "im a latina so i have attitude" bullshit. White girls are sane. That's why you see alot of spics (including myself) adopt hipster fashion.

This guy gets it

but it doesn't mean she's a good person, it means she can read

Did anybody else laugh out loud at the nice swee sorority girl part? Surely this is sarcasm.

I live in Austin and went to school at UT. I can tell you: sorority birches fuck around so hard the Mexicans should be the least of your pure Christian worries. But that doesn't matter of course, because this post it b8.

Sage in all fields.

yeah there's always one spook driving a Lexus somewhere. Married so me beta white trash dude and stole his money

shouldnt have raised her christian

Top kek

>hurt durr I'm good because I follow my ancient candy-ass rulebook written by middle eastern tribal Jews

Most people outside the US are more afraid of americans crossbreeding with the rest of the human race than worrying about some prissy little tart raised on a fake god by typical american christian race freaks.

That beaner shes inevitably going to bone to spite you will probably teach her more about the value of hard work and appreciating what she has than your secular white trash religious upbringing would ever try to instill in her.

Say hi to Juan for me, tex.

it's important. You have to protect white girls now. All the fucking mongrels watch jew tv and think it's ok to fuck them

I work hard.


Protect them from what exactly? Non-whites?

That is sick. And also exactly what is wrong with your country.


the funny thing is, if blacks all race mix, it's them who will disappear, not whites

blacks are only 12% of the population

yes, stick to your own kind. Not my fault you were born to shitskins with. I respect for Mexican heritage- which is glorious, but the beaners just want to wage race war in whites by stealing our women. Won't let that happen to me!

Be prepared to be a grandfather for you half-white children. The time of race mixing is now.

The problem is, most white girls want white guys, as white people are the most attractive, and there's also studies to show that people are more attracted to others who they share similarities with.

the whole 'all gurls want the bbc' is just a Cred Forums obsession

yeah I figured that much out. Lot of cucks/ 12yo shitposters on here.


Considering your a mutt breed yank, that's pretty damned funny.

I think a lot of it is actually shills from places like blacked.com trying to market their product

vote trump.

huh I bet
the betas on here probably eat that shit up
I only watch white chicks myself.
Straight european for me.

My girlfriend is white. My cousin is married to a white boy. The meme lives on. You are starting to see more blacks and mexicans in rich white neighborhoods. So as people grow up and go to school with more and more races the attraction grows. As for the "statistics" you will see that though they are true they are also in decline.

fucking Jews are killing us with the race mixing media. Fucking sub humans everywhere you turn. Yet it's proven whites are still #1 most desirable.

We didn't have these race mixing problems back in the day.

Mongrels got organized with the Jews to take out the white race.

Why don't you show us your daughter?
Besides, I need proof, and given my Mexican contacts in certain areas I'm pretty sure I can play behind the scenes.

Race is a meme anyway man. Sorry chelsea picked juan over you.


oh sure. you think I'm fucking stupid?try spamming your mom instead. eat shit doxxer

I love metropolitan ice cream

You sure Amigo?

If she's pretty enough I can do magic.

So this means no one likes niggers?

you sound like you have the shittest, most boring, life possible. hope the mexicans fucking stab you, cunt




The most preffered whites are from spain italy and portugal.

what do you know you basement dwelling fart sniffer. My life is fucking awesome.

You're new here?
It's Cred Forums old man.
If you don't want people on sage, least you could do is Timestamp, best results a pic. Good ol' proof

fuck mexicans but fuck white people more. faggots always come up with the most radical autistic idea possible and are the reason america's economy is so shit.

Well, white people are the reason there is an economy there anyway. Enjoy your handouts, nigger

Move to a white neighborhood

heres the non-bait true version

>on Cred Forums
Nice b8

>Annecdotal evidence
>no timestamped picture
I do not believe nthat you're actually African American you're just a silly cuck trying to shill your fantasy into reality kindly fuck off forever

First off, I'm a parent in North Austin. I've raised a 20yr old who attends SMU. As a parent, what we need to raise is "critical thinkers". Teach your kid about real problems they might encounter and how to use their brain to avoid situations and/or solve them when the time comes. This type of thinking would include birth control (biology is stronger than morality) and skipping the sorority (paying for friends, constantly looking to the herd for approval). Some type of self defense class would help, concealed carry when she is 21 & could handle that type of responsibility (you can carry on campus now). You have more to worry about than Mexicans. Remember, "critical thinking". It's the most important thing we can instill in our kids. It's our duty as parents to raise responsible adults.

If you weren't such a poorfag you could out her in private school.

ITT: people who can't read 'Lowest Response Rates'

Pretty sure the Bible mentions being able to kill and enslave a lot of people ... so I mean, technically ...

Not really. The black population hasn't made any significant change as far as percentage goes over the last several decades. Spics have sky rocketed. If anything white and Hispanic inbreeds will just keep killing the same ol' niggers.

>sweet, intelligent, sorority girl
Sororities and frats model some of the worst in human behavior.