Tacticool thread

tacticool thread
bonus for tacticool females


self bump



op still here

pretty sure that's from a movie



For the win!

Every of this women wears make-up. None of them legit warriors. Just posing

> Support our troops
You can spot idiots with that, no wonder she hasn't arms anymore

op still here posting



It's always funny seeing female soldiers shown wearing makeup and loose hair under their helmets as if they'd care about looking pretty in a real combat situation.



>implying women aren't fucking retarded

but they are

>tan on blue
Why is this combo so nice?

surprised that swedish cuck is even letting her kid touch a gun

>don't forget your eye-liner to operate
fuckin' poser

> Class traitors can never be cool


Black lives matter libcuck detected.

>just let those terrorists police our country
Great fucking idea, moron.

that is norwegian special forces.

>british police
come in Venezuela you retarded cuck

Class traitors be mad

Still brutality if people get hurt

I want her to jerk me off with those stumps.


finish cuck,

>you're 8 times more likely to be killed by the police than a Terrorist

except I'm not because police kill criminals and terrorists kill everyone

(protip: don't be a nigger)


People being proud of living in police states but moaning about 1984 and big govt.

> Damn contradictions of capitalism got y'all double thinking hard

Most people arrested by police are on minor shit

Only like 0.5% of police work is anti-terror

> Someone's been watching too much NCIS
> Capitalist propaganda got you sucking batons all day

>big government and police state

you do know capitalism has to do with a small government and unregulated market right ....... the opposite of a police state

what are they teaching you in liberal arts

yeah a speeding ticket probably won't warrant me getting killed by a cop unless I'm a savage monkey yelling

so once again, I'm more likely to be killed by terrorists because a cop would never shoot at me

Which is why the alt-right love the police and militarizing them, yes capitalism is contradictory deal with it.

Also there are lots of capitalist exonomic systems that involve big government:

> Keynesian Economies
> Fascism/Corporatism

> Regulations can help big companies maintain monopolies as much as they can limit them

> Neo-liberalism privatises and outsources but it's still paying for services unlike laissez-faire.

Well yeah the police love fellow racists like you although poor white people are still more likely to get fucked up too.

> Also bare videos of people complying quietly and getting fucked so crawl back into your nazi cesspool m9

Only acceptable Tacticool

> YPG kills fash, misogynists and all you fuckers


Found the liberal cuck.
Oo and he thinks he's a Che Guevara type.
Go be a Trotsky marxist parasite somewhere else. No one wants you around them because you don't want anyone having nice things or a nice life.


I was gonna call you on all your logical fallacies here but there's no point. You're a tin hat retard that things the government is against you and that police have anything to do with capitalism. There are virtually no monopolies in USA, and things like Walmart weren't government assisted corporations but built on probably you and your parents

The reason cops kill people is because they know those niggers you love so much carry guns and aren't afraid of shooting them at anybody and they don't take risks - as they shouldn't. Why would a cop die to a monkey?

Sure there are shitty cops that have killed for no reason, agreed, but 95%+ of cop killings are fair

Those pictures you have posted there are gay as fuck and you're evidently either from no educational background or a liberal arts background (which is valued the exact same in the real world)

also lel
>everyone that disagrees with me is Hitler

not a Nazi, just not a retard manipulated by liberal bullshit and white guilt

kys faggot you're ruining America

>hasn't arms

Spotted the idiot